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/lit/ - Literature

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416391 No.416391 [Reply] [Original]

Need a good book about general economic stuff. Leaning towards General Economic Theory by Weber

Anyone have a better choice or should I go with this?

>> No.416396

Communist Manifesto

>> No.416404

Already read. Plus its like 30 pages if you don't include the dozen or so introductions

>> No.416421

Common nighttime /lit/! I don't feel like reposting this for daytime /lit/

>> No.416434

Weber, Marx, Durkheim etc. are fairly lulz but they're outdated by now. Get the "Wealth of Ideas". It's a British university level textbook on the history of economics.

Weber was a student of von Treitschke and a member of the antisemitic and jingoist Alldeutscher Verband. We suffer severe Weber fanboyism in certain circles of my country so I got used to bludgeon them with personal attacks.

>> No.416444


Damn that looks good. But 60$ is out of my pricerange.

>> No.417977

overnight bump!

>> No.417998

read freakonomics. it has chapters on niggergangs, abortions and fascist paramilitary organisations. everything else is chock-full of non-b-tards

>> No.418004

Well, the textbook recommendation is pretty good, because to get a good entry on economics its better to get a comparative overview than just focus on a certain authors theories.
Weber is pretty good, but not really as an economist (even though he was one) but more as a sociologist.
If you really want to get into economics by the key works, Adam Smiths "...wealth of nations" is a start, but you gotta take his ethics in consideration for it to understand his axiomatic assumptions on human nature.
I am sorry that I can not really recommend a good book that gives a broad overview on economic theories...

>> No.418037

>Chapter 2: Information control as applied to the Ku Klux Klan and real-estate agents
>Chapter 3: The economics of drug dealing, including the surprisingly low earnings and abject working conditions of crack cocaine dealers


Thanks but I'm looking for something like A History of Philosophy but for economics

>> No.418048

Don't listen to these fucken retarded socialists OP, if you want to learn real economics check out Hayek, Mises, Rothbard, Friedman, Caplan etc.

But for general/introductory economics I usually suggest to noobs Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Give it a chance OP, you will not be disappointed. I promise.

>> No.418050


Yes that textbook looks really nice but its 50$ without shipping/taxes in Canada which is out of my pricerange

Bleh, I'll probably spend a couple more days looking for something and then end up buying that book :p.

Thanks for help /lit/

>> No.418056

The wordly philosophers, jesus we had that thread yesterday and this was mentioned like three times,
>Thanks but I'm looking for something like A History of Philosophy but for economics.
THE WORDLY PHILOSOPHERS, READ IT, It's exactly what you are asking for.

>> No.418058


>> No.418060

For an introductory book, start with this. Use with a college econ textbook for great effect.

No, just no.

>> No.418064


I'm probably going to pick up the Road to Serfdom by Hayek but I'm looking for a generalized book over one that focuses on one area and will probably be biased

>> No.418066
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forgot pic. Also, >>418056 and >>418058

>> No.418070


Success! Thanks /lit/

>> No.418076

Road to Serfdom is great, I read that as one of my introductory economic books as well. But I really recommend you see the Hazlitt one also. It covers general economic concepts that build a very strong foundation for beginners. I did wonders for me and I used to be really intimidated of economics. Now I consider myself intermediate/advanced and can talk about most economic issues/policies with ease.

>> No.418079

Yeah op, you should read this, I read it in my 1st year on eco and I still use it to this day.

>> No.418084


Alright, I'll add that one to the ever growing list of books I plan to read

>> No.418088

Ok, thanks for help /lit/.
Going to spend like 100$ on books now, can't afford any more so no more suggestions please :p

>> No.418119
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Replace these pages with life lessons and you will have a book that's worth its weight in gold!

>> No.418126
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>> No.418130
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>> No.418132

you must be a great economist and businessman

>> No.418141
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Bringing you to school was a mistake

>> No.418143

i manage a regional paper company as a matter of fact.

>> No.418155

man, subtlety win! made me laugh hard

>> No.418156
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Robert Stone: A Hall of Mirrors, Dog Soldiers, A Flag for Sunrise
Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Sometimes a Great Notion
James Ellroy: The Black Dahlia, The Big Nowhere, L.A. Confidential, White Jazz
Nelson Algren: The Man with the Golden Arm, A Walk on the Wild Side, Who Lost An American

>> No.418163

you just proved to yourself and the world that you are illiterate

>> No.418166
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Well, I've always been something of a Bob Hope. Or so they tell me :D

>> No.418225

since >>418056 the thread has rolled down the endless stairs to the bum. yay for palin, down with Barack-a-Hussein MOBama bin Laden.

>> No.418227
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>this thread

>> No.418229
