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4162820 No.4162820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into Western esotericism/occultism/the western mystery tradition. Including the kabbalah, gnosticism, hermeticism, neoplatonism, egyptian and hellenic myth, judeo christian myth, alchemy, magic, evocation, demonology, angelology, etc.
i don't really know where to start or what the key books on these subjects are, but I want to get weird. Primary sources are preferred I guess, but I would be interested in good studies/histories on the subject as well

>> No.4162840

you should start with the hindu texts because they're the most aryan

>> No.4162843

Also, does anyone have that viking books recommendation chart image? The one that says 'viking books fuck yeah!'

>> No.4162923

Crowley and the keys of solomon

>> No.4162926

I've been reading a couple Francis Yates books recently. They're interesting books from an external historical perspective. Maybe that's not what you're looking for but I think they're good.

>> No.4163211

Sounds cool. Any of her works you particularly recommend?

>> No.4163238

For what purpose?

>> No.4163254

Curiosity, I guess. I'm into the sublime and the secrets of the universe and stuff. I'm not necessarily looking to actually perform magic rites or start jerking off with pig's blood or anything

>> No.4163322

Mysticism is just a way to control people using language and art. Why don't you go read some metaphysics?

>> No.4163343


Remy's "Demonolatry" and Kramer's "Hammer of Witches" may give some useful tidbits of knowledge and branching points for further research.

>> No.4163489

why don't you go read a dick?

>> No.4163866

Just a list of books that come to my mind:

Frances Yates, "The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan World"
Antoine Faivre, "Western Esotericism: a concise history"
Mircea Eliade, "Images and Symbols"
Kieren Barry, "The Greek Qabalah"
Gershom Scholem, "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism" and "On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism".

Also, Eliphas Levi, Papus, Mathers, Crowley, Jung, Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie, etc.

I've recommended the ones I've read, so do forgive the lack of Blavatsky and overall theosophists.

>> No.4164548

thank you, my friend

>> No.4164552

Try Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing by Stephan A. Hoeller and The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels for a good introduction to Gnosticism.

Also, this book might interest you:

>> No.4164557

You might want to check out the Nag Hammadi Scriptures as well, do that after you've read Elaine Pagels though.

And while your at it, listen to some Current 93.

>> No.4164866

>And while your at it, listen to some Current 93.
or coil

>> No.4165130

So, like, why is there a pyramid with an eye on the dollar bill?

>> No.4165147

What's this stuff all about? My only exposure to these things is the kind of shit you would see on the History channel or something and it's mostly about edgy people trying to cast spells on other people.

Can I unlock the secrets of the universe while also being a functioning individual who likes to watch sports and drink beers?

>> No.4165254

I don't know man. That's what I'm trying to find out

>> No.4166017

And Elaine Pagels's 'The Gnostic Gospels'

As well as: http://www.amazon.com/Kabbalah-Gershom-Scholem/dp/0880292059/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1381194638&sr=8-1&keywords=gershom+sholem+kabbalah

>> No.4166054


rene guenon and julius evola are all you'll need.