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/lit/ - Literature

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4160090 No.4160090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a comfort reading/guilty pleb pleasures thread?

I'm going to be on sick leave for a month, heavily medicated, with the focus and attention span of a fruit fly. And I desperately need something to distract myself from the misery.

What book would you bring your friend who is stuck lying in a hospital?

>> No.4160092

Whenever I feel like a binge, or I'm not up to mentally stimulating books I fucking love Alternate History or Historical Fiction books.

>> No.4160094

The Hobbit, Neuromancer, Watership Down, The Black Company, Dune, maybe Don Quixote

>> No.4160096

>I fucking love Alternate History or Historical Fiction books.

Good idea, I'll add I, Claudius and Claudius the God

>> No.4160107
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I love stuff like this. Even those crappy Roman and Mongol ones by Conn Iggulden

>> No.4160108

That's a great list, problem is I've already read all of them except for The Black Company. I'm actually in the middle of the first novel but I find it one step too deep in tacky zone and am only keeping at it because I can't think of anything else.

Got any more ideas in the same vein?

>> No.4160117
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>tfw I can't find all those short stories published in those old magazines
>tfw I'll never read them because of Hueland
>tfw no one will ever digitalize them and release them for free
>tfw the authors will shiver on their tombs knowing that they'll no longuer inspire a generation of people
>tfw ded space agencies everywhere
I really like sci fi.... But hard sci fi not thsoe crappy modern shit where Cold fusion bombs are actually a freeze bomb or space operas.

>> No.4160160

My guilty pleasure is space operas. Culture, Reynolds, etc.

>> No.4160174

Stephen King-Misery

>> No.4160350

Shut the fucking fuck up about this pleb shit. Read whatever the fuck you please and ignore the retards on this shitty board.


>> No.4160384

Thank you.

>> No.4160554

It wasn't a value judgment, that was just the easiest and best way I could think of to communicate what kind of recommendations I was looking for.

>> No.4160564

don quixote is pleb? maybe you only read the shitty translation of an abridged version

>> No.4160566

This seems the best place to ask if anyone had read any of those Simon Scarrow books set in roman times? They always seem like they could be fun.

>> No.4160570
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>> No.4160578

God Delusion

dont tell my snobby philo friends

>> No.4160585

i read pensees and parts of the essence of christianity last time i was in the hospital for a while.