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4154739 No.4154739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My roommate just said this:

>There are 2 ways to be a great philosopher:
>1. Be really good at bullshitting
>2. Do a ton of drugs

How valid is this? Personally, 1 sounds more applicable to being a philosophy student, not so much an actual philosopher.

>> No.4154755

What a fucking retard. Philosophers have almost always been about coming up with new tools to interpret the world and to seperate truth from fiction, be it epistemological truths, ethical truths, etc.

What your friend told you sounds like a really hasty and really shitty generalisation of a noble activity, even if you take into consideration the occasional crank like Derrida and Zizek. Sure, those post-modern farts are a bunch of idiots, but there's nothing in philosophy that makes it impossible to cope with pranksters like these

>> No.4154760

while a couple of modern major philosophers (le Derrida faec) clearly were bullshitters the vast majority were extremely systematic. None of the greats did many drugs.

>> No.4154781

This is just someone who have a really poor understanding of philosophy from an academic ("actual") perspective.

>> No.4154785

Yeah of course that seems pretty accurate

Kill yourself, OP

>> No.4154789

How is Derrida a bullshitter?

>> No.4154804
File: 34 KB, 163x176, shiggydiggymahler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derrida is one of the greatest philosophers of all time though

>> No.4154807

you must be new to philosophy

>> No.4154809

oh great, more plebs who don't understand Derrida

>> No.4154831

>muh drugs

let me guess, he likes psychedelics

>> No.4154846


Samefag. Saging for low quality thread.

>> No.4154849

>all these people defending Derrida, the hack fraud who constructed a pompous effeminate celebrity image and career out of repackaging other people's passe ideas

He was the right orange at the right time

>> No.4154859

>he disagrees with me
>must be samefag

>> No.4154861

>doesn't actually try to refute his ideas
pseudo-intellectual detected

>> No.4154860

Point 1 is probably said in manner of him being unable to comprehend higher-end philosophy and thus placate it to being "bullshitting".

Point 2 is just standard teenager talk. "How high do you even have to be!"

>> No.4154865

it's you

>> No.4154890

Sounds like a retard.

Why is it that stoners can't come up with any interesting philosophical thought aside from rephrasings of half-understood nihilistic pantheism?

>> No.4154902

neither are true lol. i dont know of any philosophers who do drugs and most have at least something important to say, even if they aren't great enough writers to be able to say it clearly.

>> No.4154905

because they are on mind altering substances that make you stupid

i was enticed to weed because people said the whole "it opens your mind" thing. really it just makes you dumber for a while.

>> No.4154920

I don't think you understand what the word placate means. I don't say this to be rude, but because I like the word placate and think your use of it properly would aid you in the future!

>> No.4154925

That seems like a silly generalization. Some people smoke weed and become lazy (or even worse, pseudo-intellectuals!) while others smoke weed and have a new found perspective.

Also, if your interest in taking drugs is driven by a motivation to "open your mind," LSD would be a more apt choice. Just saying.

>> No.4154930

Nietzsche smoked weed. He obviously didn't make his world revolve around it, though.

I can take or leave drugs, and the glorification of drugs and drug culture is just plain retarded.

>> No.4154937

wait what

>> No.4154951

>not caring about deconstruction, the metaphysics of presence, differance, etc.
>has never read Writing Before the Letter; Structure, Sign, and Play; Plato's Pharmacy; or Limited, Inc.
I'm not a huge fan of his work, to be honest, but an unoriginal bullshitter he was not.

>> No.4154961

youve obviously not had any remarkable experience with drugs, retardé

>> No.4154969


Nietzsche smoked weed, it's exactly what it sounds like. He also did a shitload of opium and chloral hydrates, but these were commonly abused in his time so that's less remarkable.

>> No.4154972


Nietzsche didn't smoke weed, he wrote an aphorism about hashish. Granted there's no particular reason to suspect he didn't try hashish since he was a huge druggie, but it's not as if he blazed it erryday yolo.

>> No.4154997

William James experimented with a ton of mind-altering substances for experimental purposes. There's a hilarious essay he wrote where he said that he took nitrous oxide and came to the epiphany that Hegel was right about everything. He concluded from this that Hegel must have had access to copious amounts of the stuff in his prime.

>> No.4155000


No, I have, it's just that I don't feel the need to glorify drugs or my experiences with them. My experiences were remarkable to me, and me only. The exceptional mind will make exceptional use of drugs, and the average mind will make average use. Same with books, same with anything. None of the real psychonauts feel the need to wear their drug use on their sleeves.

>> No.4155049

Nice trips. Drugs are perfect to make a man be what he wishes.Considering how steroids, caffeine, different forms of herbs and even cigarettes can make you feel (subtle but assuredly unique) at different times I think they are a wonderful blend of imagination, tears and magic.

>> No.4155644
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Wow, you're roommate sounds like the type of angsty freshman in high school that couldn't even understand Hume or Aquinas and therefore resorts to hyperbole and ad hominems

>hurr durr philosophee iz bullshit
>STEM is god teeeeer
>lib-ral artz fagggots

I mean, not like I've ever met anyone like that before....

>> No.4155648

Obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.4155649

lel justify your fry cook job.

>> No.4155652

Not him, but I just wanted to call you pleb trash.


>> No.4155655

I say this as a guy who's worked for about a decade and a half at jobs too numerous to count: the most intelligent and astute minds I ever worked with were when I worked at Burger King, over 14 years ago.

I have a pretty cush job right now that pays a heap of money for doing relatively little, and all my co-workers, without exception, are basically idiots. The don't learn, they don't read. They sure as shit don't think. Conversation ranges from something cute someone's cat did to whatever bullshit was on TV last night. They're seriously vacant.

Whereas, when I worked at Burger King, there were more than a few there who read philosophy, could discuss and recite poetry, and even some who were totally advanced in the fields of science and math.

I miss working with a group like that terribly, but I'm not about to go back to earning minimum wage just to get it back.

I'm just saying.

>> No.4155687
File: 41 KB, 302x373, diogenes (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let those around you fill your mind with smoke.

>> No.4155717

huh, what is that essay called? I have had the _exact_ same experience.... It has been troubling me for years.

>> No.4155751


>American philosopher
>actually praising Hegel

I may have to investigate this fellow for myself.

>> No.4155755


>> No.4155762

Actually the best place to study Hegel now is University of Chicago, no joke.

>> No.4155770


Das cray cray.

>> No.4155774

Ooh, a let's diss pseudointellectuals thread! One of my favorites. Here's the great psychoanalyst Lacan, teaching us about "Psychoanalytic Topology".


"This diagram [the Möbius strip] can be considered the basis of a sort of essential inscription at the origin, in the knot which constitutes the subject. This goes much further than you may think at first, because you can search for the sort of surface able to receive such inscriptions. You can perhaps see that the sphere, that old symbol for totality, is unsuitable. A torus, a Klein bottle, a cross-cut surface, are able to receive such a cut. And this diversity is very important as it explains many things about the structure of mental disease. If one can symbolize the subject by this fundamental cut, in the same way one can show that a cut on a torus corresponds to the neurotic subject, and on a cross-cut surface to another sort of mental disease. (Lacan 1970, pp. 192-193)"

>> No.4155781

The great "crystal clear" Lacan insists that it isn't an analogy, or something. From a Q/A after his talk"

Harry Woolf: May I ask if this fundamental arithmetic and this topology are not in themselves a myth or merely at best an analogy for an explanation of the life of the mind?

Jacques Lacan: Analogy to what? “S” designates some thing which can be written exactly as this S. And I have said that the “S” which designates the subject is instrument, matter, to symbolize a loss. A loss that you experience as a sub ject (and myself also). In other words, this gap between one thing which has marked meanings and this other thing which is my actual discourse that I try to put in the place where you are, you as not another subject but as people that are able to understand me. Where is the analogon? Either this loss exists or it doesn’t exist. If it exists it is only possible to designate the loss by a system of symbols. In any case, the loss does not exist before this symbolization indicates its place. It is not an analogy. It is really in some part o f the realities, this sort of torus. This torus really exists and it is exactly the structure of the neurotic. It is not an analogon; it is not even an abstraction, because an abstraction is some sort of diminution of reality, and I think it is reality itself. (Lacan 1970, pp. 195-196)

>> No.4155800

>going to a university so that you can become a standardized thinker: +$20000k
>thinking of philosophy as a hobby (philo-sophy mmm, I think I can see the idea) and studying by yourself:$0
>making a smug student of philosophy realize that he is only a sophist: priceless

I started reading the classical philosophers when I was 14, by the time I was 17 I had studied Heidegger´s "Nietzsche". The only recommendation I can give to someone who loves knowledge is that he should never study a philosophy degree.
"For this is the truth: I have departed from the house of
the scholars, and the door have I also slammed behind me.
Too long did my soul sit hungry at their table: not like
them have I got the knack of investigating, as the knack
of nut-cracking"
"There is nothing more useless than a professional philosopher! All real philosophers should become bricklayers, or some other kind of manual laborer, working with ones hands is good for the mind"

>> No.4155818


I don't get the point of this post. What do you want, a gold star for obeying Nietzsche?

>> No.4155835

>a noble activity

this is ideology at its purest

>> No.4155840


>you don't like what I like, you must not understand it

Derrida is all about underdetermined grammar... it's really so transparent, you write in a way that is intentionally without fixed meaning in order to show that there is no such thing as fixed meaning... *slowclap*

I can post my Derrida copypasta on the dictionary example if you want, but basically différance is a shitty Ptolemization of (what is possibly a misreading of) the Saussurean conception of the sign.

>> No.4155843


you should look up the Ohio Hegelians, if you are interested .

>> No.4155846


I bet you're posting this without having read the ancient Greeks in the original Greek. Faggot.

>> No.4155847
