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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 498x376, Universal truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4153844 No.4153844 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a thread of quotes to make you think

>> No.4153850

"Please think" ~Me

>> No.4153851


This quote is true of some of us but definitely not systematically true. A lot of people want to see others feel as bad as they feel because it ease their pain or give them some sadistic pleasure.

>> No.4153863

Sadists are by nature unaffected by their situation and they get pleasure from beating their viewed adversaries, but they enjoy the chaos and sadly do not classify as lonely, sad nor damaged.

>> No.4153865

"finish that book" ~/lit/

>> No.4153871
File: 103 KB, 612x612, 1002607_695742120439488_1211977849_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this goes out to all the haters amongst you

>> No.4153874

"Experience is the ultimate spoils of the survivor" - Dunno

>> No.4153879

Read talk

>> No.4153880

Even as a non-hater, I think this picture is extremely dumb.

>> No.4153883

Why do you assume that the universe is ultimately just.
Like if you agree

>> No.4153884

it's a fact, it even says so in the picture

>> No.4153886

incognito mode isn't private

>> No.4153891

Who the hell makes these things? I'm sure a circle in hell is reserved for these people, where the punishment involves the branding these messages onto their body.

>> No.4153896


Well I guess no more vladmodels for me

>> No.4153897
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>> No.4153899
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i'm facebook friends with some hilarious random middle aged ladies at work and their facebook has like 10 of these a day, usually accompanied with 'Very True!!!'
it's brilliant

>> No.4153901
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>> No.4153903

Remember: you're the best in the world and anyone who doesn't agree is a shithead.
Like if your not a shithead

>> No.4153904

why does it have to be "sadists"? The yearning for fairness in the world is a common human desire. That's why things like cynicism, bitterness, etc. are so common. People feel mistreated by the world, and feel hatred towards those who have it lucky.

>> No.4153916
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>> No.4153937
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>> No.4153938

The karma thing makes sense, though I don't think many who agree with it knows what it means. Karma is a personal thing, it means "action". It's not a way for the universe to turn around and slap people who deserve it in the face. It simply means that there are responsibilities for our actions and to better your karma you need to assume them. In this sense, it really is useless to go on revenge, to make others "pay". First because it is not your responsibility to make them realize they are responsible for it, second because even if it was, there is nothing to assume it will work. So in the end of the day, it's just you losing your energy. Regardless on whether there is or isn't an universal retribution, the act of revenge is about doing, with your own hands, this job that the universe apparently didn't do. And so, it is a waste of your energy.

>> No.4153963

Explain 4chan then.

>> No.4153975


Fuck the police.

~ Aristotle

>> No.4153980

A bunch of people who want to be together to gain more knowledge about the world or 4chan's twisted equivalent and becoming more wise

>> No.4153995

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
Lick on these nuts and suck the dick
Gets the fuck out after you're done
And I hop in my ride to make a quick run-
William Shakespeare, As You Like It.

>> No.4154074

OP's quote is bullshit. Otherwise torture victims would invariably be saintly, wonderful people, and abusing your children would be a one-way ticket to eventual Utopia.

>> No.4154084

Are you this fucking dense you seriously can't see the context of the quote?

>> No.4154091
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>> No.4154097
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>> No.4154105

slav plz

>> No.4154112

"There are as many links between humans and apes as there are rocks in the universe"
- Richard Darwin

>> No.4154115

"If God exists, how do atheists exist too?"
- Nel Degrassi Tyson

>> No.4154122


>> No.4154133


Oh yeah, it's talking about white kids going to school, my bad.

>> No.4154146

Stupid snowflake quote

>> No.4154159

"Maybe I shouldn't have done this" thought Abraham Lincoln as he sat in deep thought at Ford's Theater house waiting for the play to begin "There's so much tension".

>> No.4154199
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Can't even grammar.

>> No.4154247

My Favourite Quota Is "Alea Iacta Est" Because Ceasar Said It. He Was The Man.

>> No.4156048

The karma one is contingent on the idea that karma is some stick the universe uses to beat people for not being nice. Besides, the want for your enemies to experience karmic retribution, itself has karmic consequences.

>> No.4156084
File: 104 KB, 720x540, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of your kind lonely people are stupid and/or repressed and for them it's a defense mechanism.

>> No.4156117

What do you want to bet the transgender "brother" here is MTF and the guy in this pic is being all LOOK HOW ACCEPTING I AM BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IN JEEBUS while not really accepting his own sibling?

>> No.4156122

Yeah, I know. As said, I don't think those who agree with the quote even realize it. And I don't think the quote implies that you want others to experience this karmic retribution, but again, the housewife voice in which we inevitably read these quotes make us think that...

>> No.4156264

that is one ugly fat motherfucker

>> No.4156268

lel, his best friend probably likes people for having assholes.

>> No.4156343

can someone explain this quote to me, please?

>> No.4156346

"Hope is good for breakfast, but bad for supper."
-Some asshole

>> No.4156371

I think it becomes clearer if you read the preceding line which I think was 'Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.'

Basically, from what I understand, those who spend too much time battling an enemy becomes one or as one of the enemy. People gain a sort of propensity for being that which they fight against. This is by now a very banal, cliche idea, and can be seen just about anywhere (anime, films, dystopian books, etc.)

>> No.4156387

Eg. People who claim to be tolerant (leftists) are actually more intolerant than the people they oppose.

>> No.4156650

I love the quote in the picture because i find it to be really true...

well, theres exceptions of course. but i know a lot of judgemental, mean, people who cant understand others peoples situations because they have never been there before and they just judge endlessly. im so sick of it

and i dont want to sound like a narcisstic or anything, but i honestly find it hard to make friends because of my "niceness." all the people i know literally just talk shit, do drugs, steal, whatever... i dont do any of that and i stand up for the people that are being made fun of. so its honestly really hard for me to make friends.

>> No.4156678


You sound young. You don't need friends who aren't consistent with who you are and who you want to be. Be patient, but active in your search and you'll find the people you seek. Deep friendships are all one needs.

>> No.4156693

Different dude but all I've ever wanted out of life is deep, true friends and a few memorable experiences. All else could fuck off. I don't have that and I never will.

>> No.4156705


>> No.4156710

most of these dont apply to our post modernistic views. fuck this thread sucks

>> No.4156719

>I don't have that and I never will.

with that attitude, you're right.

>> No.4156731

"Everything that you might be proud of will end up in the trash" -FightClub

I don't know if I wrote it exactly as it is in the book but meh.
Got me thinking
>inb4 angsty teenager. It's not that

>> No.4156785

“My ambition is handicapped by laziness”

>> No.4156954


this is incredibly ironic, in that you were probably really proud of this quote a few years ago and now that you've "matured" the quote itself winds up in the trash.


>> No.4156959

I like to think even when not reading quotes.

>> No.4156989

It is good to learn what to avoid by studying the misfortunes of others.

>> No.4156997

Not that anon, but the impermanence of things is important to come to terms with.

>> No.4157016


>> No.4157061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4157079

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those you perceive as bad, and those you perceive as good"


>> No.4157105

"As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naive and simple-hearted than we suppose. And we ourselves are, too."

>> No.4157114

>share this
>agree with the fact
>The Fact

Good quote, I'm having quite the chuckle.

>> No.4157132

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who masturbate, and those who lie about masturbating"

- Anon

>> No.4157141
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>not watching TBBT instead
>2014 - 0.25

>> No.4157142

Dosty? Brothers K, right?

>> No.4157666


>> No.4157672



>> No.4157702

you will internalize what you devote your attention to

>> No.4157714

"hooters hooters yum yum yum, hooters hooters on a girl that's dumb."

- al bundy

>> No.4157934

"They don't think it be like this, but it do"

>> No.4157990
File: 37 KB, 500x336, 3px8pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather like this quote

>> No.4158002

How is that even possible? People fight each others because they have different views. I'm curious.

>> No.4158005

>tfw you spent two years browsing /pol/ and you now unironically hate Jews and black people

Yeah, I didn't see this one coming.

>> No.4158010

You're being overly dramatic. Some things will end up in the trash, and it's important to be able to let them go. But there are also those which you can take with you.

>> No.4158014


>> No.4158016
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>> No.4158017

The essence being what?

>> No.4158019


>> No.4158034

Lel, isn't that guy in favor of capital punishment?

>> No.4158052
File: 61 KB, 616x418, schopendepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it is an obvious fact, which
cannot be called in question, that the principal element in a man's
well-being,--indeed, in the whole tenor of his existence,--is what he
is made of, his inner constitution. For this is the immediate source
of that inward satisfaction or dissatisfaction resulting from the
sum total of his sensations, desires and thoughts; whilst his
surroundings, on the other hand, exert only a mediate or indirect
influence upon him. This is why the same external events or
circumstances affect no two people alike; even with perfectly similar
surroundings every one lives in a world of his own. For a man has
immediate apprehension only of his own ideas, feelings and volitions;
the outer world can influence him only in so far as it brings these to
life. The world in which a man lives shapes itself chiefly by the way
in which he looks at it, and so it proves different to different
men; to one it is barren, dull, and superficial; to another rich,
interesting, and full of meaning. On hearing of the interesting events
which have happened in the course of a man's experience, many people
will wish that similar things had happened in their lives too,
completely forgetting that they should be envious rather of the mental
aptitude which lent those events the significance they possess when he
describes them; to a man of genius they were interesting adventures;
but to the dull perceptions of an ordinary individual they would have
been stale, everyday occurrences. This is in the highest degree the
case with many of Goethe's and Byron's poems, which are obviously
founded upon actual facts; where it is open to a foolish reader to
envy the poet because so many delightful things happened to him,
instead of envying that mighty power of phantasy which was capable
of turning a fairly common experience into something so great and

>> No.4158066


Brotip: His brother was against abortion as well.

>> No.4158078

I know, Christopher Hitchens is a fucking boss. Why is he kill? I would have rather Dawkins, not that I mean to wish death upon anyone.

>> No.4158083

I just bought a giant collection of Hitchens essays at a bookstore for 7$ yesterday. Im pretty excited.

>> No.4158084

Are you referring to "Arguably"? I read "Letters to a Young Contrarian" and loved it. I'm currently reading "god is not Great" as well as the "Screwtape letters" by Lewis to try to get an even input of opinions.

>> No.4158090

"While there is a lower class I am in it; while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."

>> No.4158143

Are you doing things because you want to,or because you want to avoid thinking about change -The Last Psychiatrist

>> No.4158154

Truth is always glad to leave you. With next to no encouragement it will set you free. And we manage very nicely without it.

>> No.4158477

I think I've seen that picture in the dictionary under "lol"