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4153533 No.4153533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I'm probably stretching the definition of literature here but can we talk about Halloween costumes?

I have a Halloween party coming up and I'm thinking of dressing as DFW. I've been growing out my hair, I'll get a bandanna, a tennis racket, some glasses, maybe carry IJ around (ok, that in particular sounds horrific but it could be a beer coaster, I guess)

The party is full of college students at a liberal arts college so they'll almost certainly all know DFW, but it might be weird, what do you guys think?

Also has anyone dressed as a writer here?

>> No.4153541

why would you mock the dead?

>> No.4153544

sounds horrible, also, arent halloween costumes supposed to be scary?

>> No.4153547

It sounds like a terrible idea OP. I think you should go as Hitchens. Shave your head, carry around a bottle of black label and smoke your lungs out.

>> No.4153553

Awww, maybe it's a little lame. But the people who get it will appreciate it, might make a new friend.

What if I do a ghost DFW, same costume as before but I'll have a rope around my neck. (Ugh, tasteless, sorry)

I wanna go as a writer, a real writer not some one like hitches! who would you guys go as.

>> No.4153551


nigger do you think all those collegefags would still participate Halloween if that was the point?

>> No.4153552

hang a belt noose around your neck too

halloween costumes are supposed to be scary

>> No.4153555

Grow a moustache and do Nietzsche

>> No.4153557

>What if I do a ghost DFW, same costume as before but I'll have a rope around my neck. (Ugh, tasteless, sorry)
>I wanna go as a writer, a real writer not some one like hitches! who would you guys go as.

please just stop already

>> No.4153560

>might make a new friend

I can assure you, no one will want to be your friend.

>> No.4153563
File: 124 KB, 600x501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to go as a literal autist

look at this picture, LOOK AT IT, is that how you want to look,

>neck beard
>fucking cargo shorts
>tacky t-shirt
>black socks with sneakers
>sitting on a porch showing off his book (fucker)
>limo wrist
>don't get me started on that fucking pirate hat thing

>> No.4153569

Does anyone know who the pornstar was? The one that anon was having Oedipal fantasises about.

I feel like fapping to her (double whammy of perversion, pornstar and one who looks lie an anon's mother) but I forgot her name and the thread 404'd

>> No.4153574

>A real writer, not someone like Hitche[n]s!
Wow, he is ten times the writer you could ever hope to be. Just stop, jesus christ just stop now.

>> No.4153579

I regret making this thread, now I feel foolish.

I guess I'll just go as a ghost ;_;

>> No.4153577
File: 40 KB, 360x235, the dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are naturally attracted to men with beards
>dresses the way he likes ignoring the social constraints; a really ubermench
>does whatever he likes, even sitting in public reading a society that keeps on moving and never reads
>don't get me started on dem lips

>> No.4153588

When I meet people like OP I wish I never went to college and became something like a bricklayer instead

>> No.4153591

do the rope thing

i think he hanged himself with a belt or electrical wire rather than a rope, though

>> No.4153594

if I ever saw someone dressed up as DFW at a Halloween party we'd be instant m8s

I'm trying to convince my friend to dress up as Ignatius J. Reilly, but he doesn't read and the name means nothing to him. I can't do it because I don't have the bulk, but I think it'd be a great costume and acting in character would be fun

>> No.4153595

Its /lit/, just go as DFW and have the great social life that no one here has.

>> No.4153716

No, this is a terrible idea. Do not go as DFW, if you're going to go as a contemporary intellectual, go as someone far better.

>> No.4153918

You need to consider when this photo was taken and what was considered acceptable to wear at that time.

>> No.4154036

Unless you are in the ivy league, going to a party dressed up as a postmodern writer will destroy all hopes of you getting laid or making new friends (the whole purpose of going to a party)

>> No.4154050

I once went as hairy potter, I died my hair black and had glasses, and a scar, and a hogwarts clock. It was pretty good.

>> No.4154057

go dressed as thomas pynchon

>> No.4154059

Now, see, that's actually nice. Good for you, Anon. Take notes, OP.

>> No.4154062


>> No.4154063

If I saw somebody doing this I'd probably spike their drink, take them home, skin them, cover them in latex and antiseptic, tan their skin, and wear it as a cape.

I'd then keep them in my basement, and see how long a man can live without skin.

>> No.4154064
File: 13 KB, 275x183, 1377634106687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the edges in this thread.