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/lit/ - Literature

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4152516 No.4152516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this guy?

This ""renisannce man"" is praised as an intellectual because instead of bathing and swimming in gold and with models, respectively, he decided to go to school like the rest of fucking us. Now he teaches writing, and how to turn literature into a screenplay. He hadn't even proved he could do it before he got the job, but eventually he released an adaptation of As I Lay Dying to the collective shrug of critics.

also, dat shit-eating grin

>> No.4152527
File: 192 KB, 1226x1280, wat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad because he's handsome and rich. You probably haven't even read As I Lay Dying.

But then again I'm being biased. I am James Franco. so w/e

>> No.4152526

you don't just use "respectively" to make things sound better you shit head, you use it to order a list with another list

why are you so mad at the guy anyway? it's not like he is trying to claim he is some literary god, just making adaptations to literature. No one claims he is a renaissance man or an intellectual, and if they did I wouldn't care at all. Better than your fat ass shitposting on 4chan and reading a book once a month so you can feel better than the "uneducated populace"

>> No.4152538

Not only is he rich and handsome, but apparently he has enough clout to get >>4152526 and >>4152527 to suck on one of his balls each

>> No.4152539

>his published work was awful
>degree in Creative Writing
>PhD Candidate at Yale

I think the man has lived a not-quite-there life and is coasting out his fame; but seriously a degree in Creative Writing, why not Literature.

I cant imagine creative writing degree plan offering anything that a literature/ literary era degree couldnt multiply tenfold.

>> No.4152540

go to bed with 2 models, Franco

>> No.4152544

He won the lottery of American life, nothing else to be said.

>> No.4152558

>implying we're who we are because of luck
>implying we could just as easily have been born as someone else
>implying that there's some ethereal pre-birth pool of perfectly identical souls that are randomly selected to inhabit every baby's body

have fun with your indeterminist fallacy, hope it helps you level yourself with your superiors and makes you feel better about not being who you really want to be

>> No.4152576

I like him because he has similar interests as I do. He also doesn't smoke weed like everyone thinks he does, and he loves reading good books. So he's cool imo.

>> No.4152580

I'm sure you're on your way to Franco's path.

>> No.4152591

>doesn't smoke weed
Citation most definitely needed

>> No.4152594

not all of us want to be vapid celebrities. i'm comfortable in indulging and fulfilling my own self-characterization- for all my flaws, I wouldn't give up this identity for the world man, i couldn't care less if some other guy gets laid all the time and has his pretty face up on the silver screen for people to admire.

>> No.4152599
File: 32 KB, 543x302, maxfaggotoverride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, do you really think the world needs another lit PhD?
Not only will he do a postmodern marxist re-reading on social castes of implied transgendered avatars in Dickens' works, but he'll make it into an 'arthouse' film starring this guy

>> No.4152607



>> No.4152609

>implying there arent obvious preconditions which would shape a person prior even to their birth
>implying you couldn't have been born someone else had you lived or been around favorable environments
>implying the soul is what defines a human being - and not money, parents, and community

have fun with your strange outlook of spirituality in the 21st century, hope it helps you level yourself with other hippies and makes you feel better about not being part of the opulent minority and the beautiful people.

>> No.4152650

Franco's 35th birthday poem to himself

It was birthday thirty-one

I was in Suffolk, Virginia, directing

A short film called Herbert White.

We stayed at the Hilton Gardens,

The only hotel in town,

The rest are motels, rented monthly.

There are no restaurants, but plenty of strip malls,

Prefabricated houses and little swamps;

People sit in their cars in gas-station lots

And eat and smoke.

This is eating out in Suffolk.

The actor that fucks a goat in my film

Was home-schooled because his parents didn't

Want him to be subjected to drugs, guns and violence.

"And blacks," I think.

Indian River, the school is called.

Tyrone is his name, a handsome, dumb-faced kid.

There were baby goats; they ran around their pen on stiff, stumpy legs.

There was more but I couldn't stand more of that vapid shit

>> No.4152655

>citation needed

>> No.4152662

Franco has all the remnants of an average /lit/ who takes creative writing and a art degree, yet he's rich and famous so it doesn't negate anything

>> No.4152676


Got it from one of the links >>4152607

>> No.4152684

What do you mean by remnants? And negate for that matter

>> No.4152698

I happend to met him in some sleazy bar on Sunset blv. We were drunk, we tounged. we agreed I was the bigger genius

>> No.4152704

Yfw that makes a better poem than Franco's here

>> No.4152728

He's the male version of Sasha Grey.

Except the only thing he has to be ashamed about is Oz the Great and Powerful.

And he's famous.

>> No.4152742

>He's the male version of Sasha Grey.
That would be James Deen, the trust fundie jewish porn star kid. I don't idolize Franco, but comparing him to Sasha Grey is a little harsh. He at least has a real college education and seems to make an effort to educate himself without tooting his own horn too much.

>> No.4152761

He doesn't need to blow his own horn, the media all fawn over his honkey ass enough for him to just sit back.

>> No.4152777

That seems spot on