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/lit/ - Literature

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4150691 No.4150691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've seen experimental movies, and I can't really imagine how experimental literature could have the same effect. I know that I'm probably wrong, so give me your best examples.

>> No.4150765

what effect?

>> No.4150768

i’m tired
i’m tired
i’m going to eat a lettuce
it’s stupid to make sense
i don’t want to make sense anymore
just let me type something stupid and let it be good
i’m tired
i’m stupid
i don’t care
sentences are too long
go away
i’m depressed
come back
i’m having a contest for feeling tired
why am i having a contest
i want to win
or i’ll kill everyone
murder isn’t bad
i feel stupid
i want to emanate murder
people will die
and i’ll feel good
i’m not trying to be cute
it’s too hard to smile
i’m tired
i want some lettuce
go away
i’m depressed
we should do something
pleasure is stupid
let me kill you
whatever i’m about to think will be stupid
and make me tired
a cow without wings flying in the sky
is stupid and makes me unhappy
happiness is stupid
there isn’t enough shit on my face
come back and shit on my face again
i’m tired
of figurative language
i don’t understand
figures of speech
a piece of shit lettuce
i just typed something stupid
i want me to go away
i can’t stop being stupid
grammar is stupid
i’m going to kill grammar and symbolism
thinking is stupid
i’ll kill thinking
if i had a gun
i could do things
laws are stupid
i hate you
what’s in front of my face
come back
i’m depressed
murder isn’t bad
i’m tired
words are stupid
i’m depressed
i am fucked
don’t tell me i’m not fucked
look at this poem
i am embarrassed
at how fucked i am
i’ll kill you
i’ll kill you
screaming head
screaming cowhead unattached to body
i’m tired
piece of shit
pulitzer prize

>> No.4150771
File: 37 KB, 225x423, 225px-TomJonesTitle[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by experimental?

Many canonical works were at once considered experimental. Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones" really pushed the boundaries of the craft, as did Catullus's shifting between meters.

OP, how about you give some examples of film you consider experimental, and we can go from there?

>> No.4150784


>> No.4150787

Harmony Korine is the experimental director that I am the most familiar with. Most of his movies have almost no structure.

There's also Gaspar Noe. Google Enter the Void.

>> No.4150817

I'm not familiar with either director, so thanks for the movie recommendations!

From what I can tell after quick Wikipedia skims, both of those directors love to play around with plot structure and such. Off the top of my head, I can think of two works you'll probably enjoy: Jesus's Son by Denis Johnson and The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille (which was brought up on /lit/ in the past).

Both are comprised of interconnected short stories (the latter more-so than the former). Jesus's Son in particular is known for haphazardly riding the line between memoir and fiction.

>> No.4150827

Thanks, I'll definitely give these a look!

>> No.4150873

Experimental film works because it's a visual medium, so you're receiving a lot of information even in the most chaotic of formats. Whereas in literature you're dependent on words which always require some level of structure, or else it just sounds like gibberish.

>> No.4150876

Don't actually watch Enter the Void. If you want the real Gaspar Noe, watch Irreversible.

>> No.4150898

1982 Justine

>> No.4150961

What's wrong with Enter the Void?

>> No.4150983

Fundamental difference of art forms. Literature is always a string of symbols, it can't have that same effect, unless you're into Joyce or some such shit

>> No.4151002

Korines movies have plenty of structure you dope

>> No.4151003

Basically anything from Mark Z. Danielewski

>> No.4151010

Kathy Acker

>> No.4151015

Ya dingus!

>> No.4151018

It sucks

>> No.4151022

Oh wow great explanation good job you win

>> No.4151028

Thank you

>> No.4151038
File: 30 KB, 307x475, 78450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your case, you'd be a fool not to read Samuel Beckett's trilogy

>> No.4151063


>> No.4151066

Sorry, I was watching a movie. I will check it out.

>> No.4151092

What movie?

>> No.4151101

Irreversible. I mentioned Enter the Void, and someone else said that Irreversible was better, so I checked it out. It was pretty good, but I liked Enter the Void more.

>> No.4151104

i like astronuats, thanks OP

stream of conciousness

>> No.4151112

okay well neither of those are considered "experimental film"

some of burroughs' writing parallels true experimental film in that its almost entirely language based

>> No.4151115

A lot of Harmony Korine's stuff is incredibly experimental. Watch Julien Donkey-Boy.

>> No.4151124
File: 15 KB, 400x277, deren-land1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya Deren is one I would consider a true experimental filmmaker

>> No.4151139

I'll put her on my list.