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4148584 No.4148584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK /lit/, what is your Myers-Brigg personality type? I'm an INFP

>> No.4148594


>> No.4148599

INFJ reporting

>> No.4148605

get a load of these guys


>> No.4148602

myers briggs= unreliable

>> No.4148608

Fuck you, you inconsiderate sack of shit.

>> No.4148609


>inb4 95% of people on lit are Introverted

>> No.4148620

ENTP master race reporting in.

>> No.4148625

I made a shitty online test about that once and got ENFJ. A pretty lame result but I'm happy as long as I'm not part of the INTJ/P borg

>> No.4148633


>> No.4148636


>> No.4148644

INFJ master race

>> No.4148648

I always get INTP or INTJ

I'm pretty much Fox Mulder

>> No.4148649

check these sites out, pretty interesting:




>> No.4148666



>> No.4148677

I want to believe

>> No.4148683


>> No.4148684

third master race reporting

>> No.4148687

mighty ENTJ reporting

>> No.4148692

All these tests always give me either INTJ or INTP. What's the difference?

>> No.4148700

One ends with a P, the other a J.

>> No.4148718


How you were feeling that day

>> No.4148734

P means you are a procrastinating SOB, while J means you are amazing and kick ass

>> No.4148755

Can all of your beliefs be subdivided into clear and concise statements? Then probably P. If not, then J.

Also this, at least for INTPs.

>> No.4148757

I don't know if any of this stuff is true or accurate

>> No.4148760

idealistic bastard reporting in

>> No.4148762


no. both have advantages and disadvantages.

>more open to new experiences and ideas
>broad interests
>probably better with people

>no direction
>can't stick to one thing and work on it constantly over time
>lack of judgement/discrimination/discernment

>strong sense of right/wrong, good/bad
>long term commitment, dedication
>ability to perfect chosen activity

>possibly prejudicial, bigoted, discriminatory
>not open to new ideas or experiences
>doesn't value/ can't comprehend difference
>can't get along with people with different standpoints

these are a bit caricatured but can happen if you don't balance the two. if you are on the border between the two you are probably already balanced.

>> No.4148767

please don't fall into the trap of believing these qualities belong in two distinct, separate categories called "p" and "j", because they don't. Not according to anything scientific anyways

>> No.4148770


obviously, but if you preference either of those cognitive functions over the other strongly then it is likely you will exhibit some of those traits.

the point of it is to realise how we can become so one sided and hopefully change it.

>> No.4148774

but... not even the "cognitive functions" are a real thing

>> No.4148776


well the theory is this: each of the pairings (I/E, S/N, T/F, P/J) are cognitive functions which are mutually exclusive at the time of use.

if you are perceiving something you are taking in information about the world, if you are judging you are making a decision about how to organize or value that information. you can't judge if you are perceiving, and can't perceive if you are judging. you can switch between the two rapidly, but can't do both at the same time.

>> No.4148780


that makes sense...

I am still wary though

>> No.4148786


i take it with a grain of salt, but its helped me look at myself and improve myself.

>> No.4148785

what you are displaying right now is high J and T

>> No.4148789

borderline (IE)N(TF)(PJ), probably INTP the most though

>> No.4148791

i hate these threads

entp elite race here

>> No.4149014
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>> No.4149026

>anything other than INTJ
>are you a fucking pleb?

I always wanted to write this on lit.

>> No.4149032
File: 13 KB, 300x187, Vladimir-Putin-INTJ-300x187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up INTJ
>get this

Why do people rave about INTJ so much whenever Myers-Briggs comes up?

>> No.4149052


type with the biggest egos, tendency towards totalising world views


>> No.4149060

>"personality type" pseudoscience

In any case, I'm probably some cross between intp and istp


They want to be proud of their autism.

>> No.4149063


what do i win?

>> No.4149066

A whole day with a room full of ENFJs.

>> No.4149068

I looked up ENFJs out of curiosity
They sound annoying as fuck.

>> No.4149089

INTJ master race. I refuse to talk to anyone who isn't either an INTJ or INTP.

>> No.4149112


>> No.4149117

I am a INTP, what do I do to change.

>> No.4149122


that's a solid type bro. but you can:
1. work on people skills/ develop empathy/ don't be a robot
2. don't be satisfied with your personal world of ideas, try realise them as well
3. develop your existing skills by studying hard in whatever field you've chosen. if you haven't chosen one, think about something where you can solve problems systematically and contribute to something

>> No.4149126

INTP Master race reporting

>> No.4149135
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that's a solid type bro. but you can:
1. work on people skills/ develop empathy/ don't be a robot
>It's so hard, I always feel like I am out of rhythm when talking to people in social settings. Do I take a class, read more books, just throw myself in?
2. don't be satisfied with your personal world of ideas, try to realize them as well
>My ideas are more day dreams, than anything concrete; I'll definitely try to structure the ramblings in my brain.
3. develop your existing skills by studying hard in whatever field you've chosen. if you haven't chosen one, think about something where you can solve problems systematically and contribute to something.
>Procrastination seems to be my main enemy, and for others of my "type" as well. I better go to bed, all this personality quizzes make me super critical of myself.

>> No.4149139


>> No.4149168

>cntrl + f
I wish there was more of us.

>> No.4149179

INFP reporting.

>> No.4149182

My fist up your ass

>> No.4149183

I get a different result every time, it's unreliable crap that means nothing

>> No.4149184


Been an INTP for most of life, until a couple of years ago when my extroverted side seems to have taken over.

>> No.4149185

>personality type
How shallow can you get?

>> No.4149196

What I don't get is. If you are Exxx shouldn't you get off the PC and go out and lead a rich social life that us Ixxx's can't?

>> No.4149217


XNFPs are my favourite people.

>> No.4149219

also, XXTJs are the cancer that kill online discourse.

>> No.4149229

>Remember that guy you use to play Dugneons and Dragons with who always played the Chaotic Good character, who’d go around doing haphazardly destructive things and end up making your fantasy world better in the end? That guy was probably an INFP. If there is one thing INFP’s love to do, it’s saving the world, even if it means destroying it in the process. Fortunately, they are really, really bad at attaining actual power, and tend to only write down a bunch of their ideas without actually affecting the world in their lifetime, which end up being adapted centuries later by people more capable of actually doing something, like an INFJ. INFP’s are sort of the children of the MBTI. They are basically always young and naive about the world, no matter how much knowledge they accumulate about it in their lifetime. In fact, well developed INFP’s may seem to be entirely disconnected from reality, not in the sense an INTP or INTJ is, that is, they spend most of their time in their head (which they do), but rather that the INFP takes little or no stock in reality


>> No.4149237

read kant, you cunt. concepts (the stuff of "judging") organize and colour every perception you have, without them thought is impossible.

>can't do both at the same time
can't not do both at the same time

>> No.4149243

Meyers-Briggs: Horoscopes for people who think they're too good for horoscopes.

>> No.4149347


>> No.4149350
