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/lit/ - Literature

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414816 No.414816 [Reply] [Original]

Good day, folks. Before you balk at this topic and sage it to hell, do allow me to explain myself.

I want to make a topic addressing the anon-tee-ay-elle-kay issue. Now before you accuse me of being a bot, know that I hate that fat pedophile fuck. I'm getting pretty sick of the spamming. At first, we all just "dealt with it". That's getting old.

I'm not going to make a lengthy rant; I just want to start a topic on what I consider to be a pretty damn good board. General discussion, if you will. And possible solutions.

So, that said, feel free to discuss your thoughts on the issue and the new depth it's reached. I have faith in you, good /lit/izens.

>> No.414829

What's there to say?
Kimmo's a douche. Case closed.

>> No.414823


>> No.414834
File: 14 KB, 324x400, 1266652871050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no answer other than acceptance. There is always going to be some turd spamming 4chan. every single goddamned post in 4chan is spam.


>> No.414853

>> No.414854

/b/ is trying to low orbit ion cannon them
/sci/ is trying to figure out a heuristic solution

wat /lit/ do?

>> No.414865

Kimmo Alm is an unstable, untrustworthy manchild. I mean, he was asked to stop spamming, at which point he made an offer that AT and 4chan advertise each other because he's a dipshit and he thinks that 4chan would get more hits from that. Apparently, if we advertise each other, spammers will decrease. Then when he was refused, he decides that the proper course of action would be to personally spam moot with dozens of identical emails.

The only real option is disabling his home server(s) somehow, as they would be the source of the spam if he were responsible, and seeing if it stops. Because, there still is a chance that he's just a stupid fucking manchild and not responsible for the spam.

>> No.415184

Chronicle their heroic exploits, maybe? Short of that fuck knows what OP was expecting.

>> No.415194

4chan has no hope.

>> No.415197

You want a solution to a problem?

My English degree never prepared me for this.

>> No.415205

Impossible, English degrees are the summation of all of mankind's knowledge.

>> No.415228

Send him hundred of copies of Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.415240

I have no idea why moot is so opoused to captchas.

>> No.415247

people on 4chan can barely read. you think they will do any better when the words are all wiggly?

>> No.415245


Because captchas are fucking annoying.

>> No.415260
File: 18 KB, 560x236, rapidshare_captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really want to deal with this every time you want to make a post on 4chan?

>> No.415263


They're not worth it. I see spam, I just scroll right on past. If it were all over every thread maybe, but here and there it's not noticeable enough to warrant captchas.


>> No.415267



>> No.415301

>This shit has got to fucking stop

I know we don't like being anyone's personal army, but would we be willing to become Moot's personal army?

>> No.415319

I wouldn't worry much.

/b/'s on it, and if /b/ can do anything, they can solve some stupid Internet problem.

They're crazy so we don't have to be.

>> No.415329

We should compose various letters/emails and send them to Kimmo and the interweb police (if such an organization exists).

>> No.415333

If the interweb police existed, don't you think /b/ would be first to go?

>> No.415342
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You have something against cats?

>> No.415553

Eventually, he'll fuck up somewhere and get his pedo ass in jail, or he'll run out of donations and the place will shut down.


>> No.416279

Let's just do this up Darkman style.

He wakes up in the dead of night to some fucks in V masks and they ask him, "Where are we from?"

Then they ask, "Guess how many fingers we're gonna take?" That's when the cigar cutters come down.

>> No.416283


>> No.416388

>b/'s on it, and if /b/ can do anything, they can solve some stupid Internet problem.
and get is shut down