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/lit/ - Literature

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4147285 No.4147285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I can't find a single job

I majored in literature and holy fuck am I having regrets now. My life is looking grim, and I can't find a single job that is tailored to my skills. I'm in debt and I need to start paying them back, it looks like I actually will have to become a waiter, bartender or some freakin hamburger flipper. I can no longer afford books either, so it actually seems that my degree ended up backstabbing me because you need fucking money to buy books. I'm getting more and more depressed every day. Should I accept utter defeat and move back home with my parents? Anyone else who's had the same experience, how did you guys solve it?

>> No.4147310

>I majored in literature

You goofed. Did you really think that was a good idea?

At least you can passive aggressively make fun of successful STEM majors on 4chan for being less well-read than you!

>> No.4147313

>I can't find a single job that is tailored to my skills.

So you're in the same position as most graduates.

>> No.4147317
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A must.

>> No.4147325

>Not going to graduate school

Do you even humanities?

>> No.4147329

Embrace destiny and get your teaching qualifications already.

>> No.4147330
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Should have majored in philosophy.

Also fuck jobs. Become a NEET/eternal vagrant.

It's not all your fault because if you majored in literature in Europe you would not be in debt and you would actually find a job.

>> No.4147335


This is the exact process a couple of my friends are going through. There's something kind of heartbreaking about it.

>> No.4147339


Get more creative with the job hunt.
If you have solid writing skills you can get a job copywriting. In the meantime,


Wait t'ill next tuesday and find something promising to pay the bills. It'll be 20,000 words a week and close to 50 hours, but it will get you by until you find real work. Bear in mind that you will likely have to move to a backwater Texas boomtown, but it'll be mid five-figures with opportunity for advancement.

The other option is to go back to school for a PhD, but don't be a dumbass faggot and go somewhere that isn't fully-funded

>> No.4147341

Emmigrate to Europe and teach English as a foreign language

> have job
> have money for books
> have be in europe

they are crying out for English teachers, work permit is the only complicated part, but it is complicated, not difficult

>> No.4147342

Are you the same guy who advocated going to central Europe where you could live the true bohemian (in both senses), literary lifestyle?

>> No.4147348


> teaching snotgobblers

>> No.4147375

Why the fuck did you even think that was a good idea, OP?

This is likely your best bet, if you have the resources. Your major may even be an asset.

>> No.4147390

>thinking a foreign person that majored in us lit ever would get a job in europe


>> No.4147399


I work in English teaching and I have a coworker who is from the US and majored in psychology, and another coworker from Ireland who majored in English Literature

>> No.4147404

That girl is so hot. I would pay actual money to have sex with her.

>> No.4147407

Get a job in fucking marketing you dibshit

>> No.4147422

I didn't even think of the fact it costs 1000 dollars to get to europe and another 1000 to do a real (170 hours NOT ONLINE tefl) course, if you want to skip the course you could try to get a job in a school that teaches callan method, since they offer their own training

anyway honestly if you can just get though the paperwork which is a nightmare you'll have no problems getting a job, the average wage is about 16 dollars an hour in Spain, 5 dollars an hour in the Czech Republic and 20 dollars an hour in Germany, so obviously the easiest place to get a job without experience is the Czech Republic or somewhere in a similar situation.

You get free healthcare with that, as long as you are working legally, and any medication or anything like that you need will be free or dirt cheap, so you'll be able to start making a dent in your debt hopefully.

>> No.4147423

She's like a 6/10

>> No.4147427

>It's not all your fault because if you majored in literature in Europe you would not be in debt and you would actually find a job.
>you would not be in debt
>you would actually find a job
Have you ever looked at the youth unemployment rate in Europe? Even with a worthy degree it's far from easy to find something else than an unpaid trainership.

>> No.4147429

she doesn't even exist, her entire chin is a smidge on photoshop

>> No.4147431

Go abroad and teach english in a private high school in some interesting part of the world

get into the IB shit as well

>> No.4147468

You must be one of those 2/10 would not bang guys huh?
>she doesn't even exist
>implying that would stop me

>> No.4147482

Europe in certain places like Scandinavia or the UK is still paradise financially compared to the U.S.

>> No.4147493


To be honest, I think there's something in this. I do get the feeling many companies actively aren't interested in taking on certain liberal subjects because they think/know they'll come with liberal ideals that will go against the type of environment they want. People are told their skills are useless but I don't believe this. It seems more to be about a personality clash rather than 'skills'.

If I'm right, it makes for depressing thought.

>> No.4147499

Why, as a society, can't we realize that not everyone in the current setup we have needs to have a paying job?

Having so many people working, it doesn't do that much more to help sustain the society. At best it just helps to sustain capitalism.

>> No.4147502

>You must be one of those 2/10 would not bang guys huh?
>lol you're just like the guy in the meme

No. Some people just have standards.

>> No.4147508

>UK is paradise

it's a fucking shithole m8

>> No.4147517

>thinking the arts degree=hamburger flipper thing was just a joke
Sorry, OP.

>I can't find a single job that is tailored to my skills
No shit, literature-related skills aren't really required for... any job at all, to be honest. Best you can do is claim incredibly vague things like being self-motivated, able to write well, team-work, all of that bullshit.

Also, use your university's career centre and apply for EVERYTHING.

>> No.4147523

Question: how can you not get the hint that this is how things are going to be for you while you're still in school? I'm a STEM major and we're bombarded with job related conferences, recruitments, etc. all the time.

Did nobody talk to you at college?

>> No.4147528


Apply to private schools. It's what I did, now I have a job and get 6,000 bucks a month for it.

>> No.4147534

> Having debt in Europe
You must be one of those British fellows across the channel

> Not finding a job with a worthy degree
Let me correct that;
> Not finding a job which is about your studied subject and not some kind of mediocre mid-level manager function of a completely-unrelated-to-your-study company
That's really the biggest problem for college graduates

>> No.4147544

Yeah, but what were you expecting?
Afaik, the job niche for lit-graduates contains either independent writing, something in publishing or working in a bookstore/library.

And you don't even need a degree for the latter.

>> No.4147552

>they are crying out for English teachers
No. You can't even teach here (Germany) without a (German) degree in teaching.
You might get a job teaching bored 20-somethings basic business-English in some private school.

You could try your luck in Eastern Europe, but then again: Eastern Europe.
>you better learn how to squat, bitchtit

>> No.4147563
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http://qz.com/85017/college-in-sweden-is-free-but-students-still-have-a-ton-of-debt-how-can-that-be/ starting to get tired of all your shit here.

>> No.4147576


Why would you major in literature if you did not want to become a writer or something? You're supposed to major in useful shit not something you like.

>> No.4147577

I'm just going to have to kill myself.

>> No.4147582 [DELETED] 

Pic related: you

>> No.4147583


Private Latin American schools also pay loads to English teachers. Hell, they sometimes hire any fag whose mother tongue is English to teach it, regardless of majors.
Also, you'll be the king of the country and fuck tons of girls

>> No.4147586

I caa vouch for this. I lived in an area which I thought was shit, and then I moved to another part of the UK, and it turned out my area was just average. This country is a piece of shit, stay the fuck away!

>> No.4147591
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I know your type

Pic related: you

>> No.4147596

That's not true, I know 4 people teaching English in Germany and they haven't got any degree in teaching.

Don't just make shit up when you haven't got a fucking clue.

They work in private academies, not state schools.

>> No.4147599

That's what I said
>You might get a job teaching bored 20-somethings basic business-English in some private school.

>> No.4147602

any of the ones i've seen pay sweet fuck all, but you get to be in latin america which is awesome

>> No.4147607

If you don't mind the 3rd world conditions of some of these shitholes it's cool.

>> No.4147608

well what's wrong with that? beats being a waitress

a bit of a waste if you had a good brain and studied microbiology but if you studied lit it is the best you can hope for

>> No.4147611


you have to consider that the cost of living is much lower, though.
I work in an international school in Chile and American teachers get sweet bucks, at least for the cost of Chile

>> No.4147621

> beats being a waitress
Well I don't know about that. Depends on your preferences.
Usually everyone who gets into secondary education already has a decent understanding of English, so teaching these people will rather be endless repetitions of the differences between "their" and there", or the correct pronunciation of "th", than a semi-intellectual discussion of Shakespeare's sonnets.

>> No.4147627
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>> No.4147629


My dream job, correcting people and their shitty English all day every day.

>> No.4147635

You can't possible be surprised, OP. What the fuck did you think you'd do with your degree? Just read books and have people pay you for it? The only literature-specific job I can think of is teaching English or Lit courses.

As another anon suggested, use the career center at your college. Look for jobs, and apply to all of them.

Also, just work. Just fucking work. You need money to survive, so just work. Flip burgers, move boxes around a warehouse somewhere, serve coffee. Whatever, just get a job and make money.

Also, consider enlisting in whatever branch of the military you feel like. Creative writing major master race, reporting in.... As far as the Army's concerned, people w/ college degrees start off a rank higher (slight pay raise). Also, them benefits.

Flipping burgers might be better for you, if you actually aren't interested in a military career and are unwilling to embrace a sucky, sucky life just for the pay and benefits.

>> No.4147637


I said this over at /int/ recently in one of the British threads. I think they were prepared to crucify me.

>> No.4147648


This is wise, joining the military makes you unless your country is at war or something, in which case I'd rather flip burgers. It will give you a healthy fit body and loads of cash to spend when you have free time, since you're not spending any while you're on duty.

>> No.4147659

>Study physics
>Everyone thinks I'll get a job easily in a related field
>End up working in an academic copyright library

I don't understand, /lit/. It's better than working in a shop or cleaning dishes, though.

>> No.4147660

I'm a physics major and I know that feeling. I don't feel cut out for grad school or research life so all I'm left with is a useless B Sc.

>> No.4147663

Yeah, they tell you there are jobs available, and there are. What they don't tell you is that you need high level autism to enjoy them.

>> No.4147665

I'm currently in my 3rd semester in physics. Can you do anything in research without a Phd?

>> No.4147667


I used to be a Physics major and before that I was an English major. I dodged both of those bullets and now I'm a Comp Sci major. 60-80k starting will feel pretty good.

>> No.4147668



Yes, because ptsd and suicide are nice benefits of having to go to war and shoot and kill people.

>> No.4147670



Top lel

>> No.4147674


I am not gonna pretend to know much about this, but I am fairly sure research requires you to have a PhD. The way I see it, anything less than a PhD is just training for the PhD.

>> No.4147676

You need an engineering degree. They get all the jobs.

>> No.4147680


There's the problem right there.

>> No.4147682


That's why I said if your country is at war, it's better not to join, since you will be sent out to fight it and can get killed. But it does give you a lot of benefits where I live.

>> No.4147714



I lived with a guy who studied Comp Science. He was a nice, normal guy. He essentially told me that he was pretty sure everybody in his class had autism.

I'm fairly sure this might be a reason why so many comp sci. grads might be unemployed. Given the UK working culture, I can't see how they'd fit in with a lot of companies who need an IT-expert.

Even I worked a brief stint in IT and I have a philosophy degree. Why would they have given the job to me instead of a comp. sci grad? I can only imagine the kinds of more qualified people who applied.

>> No.4147724

It's bad enough that CompSci has become a "programming and general tech support" degree.

CompSci should be the mathematics of the computing world, not java 101.

>> No.4147728

>did you photoshop your eyes?

>> No.4147729

It is. In upper levels, particularly in Masters and PhD level. And you can choose your stream (software/engineering vs math) in any good university.

>> No.4147745


I don't have compsci in my country, but from what I understand it is basically math and java and maybe some web design/programming? Is there really nothing else to it?

>> No.4147749


you´re taking about shit you don´t know again. Most people outside of the internet can´t string a basic sentence together. Only natives don´t understand the difference between there and their. Learners don´t understand the difference between "this" and "that" and "have done" and "did" and "i could have gone" and "I was able to go"

>> No.4147751


It's more like Office Politics 101.

>> No.4147762

God I hate that. But it's true with most jobs, even if it's just being a waiter or burger overlord. Put any group of people in the same place together and they'll all start to stink up the place with rumors, alliances, and snickering conspiracies

>> No.4147783


Why can't people just work? I hate that reality, I just want to work and get paid, not act like a child.

>> No.4147789

Office managers are essentially baby-sitters for adults.

>> No.4147793

Working is for plebby slaves of the bourgeois. Literary life master race.

>> No.4147798


The weirdest thing is how all of the heads demand complete control but if they lose it, they get really mad and blame everybody else. They are egotistical but incredibly insecure at the same time.

So not /lit/ but I wonder if there are any books which describe office-environments well.

>> No.4147817

This, but go to Korea. They pay by far the best (bar some of the oil sheikhdoms, but the competition for those jobs is murderous).

>> No.4147849

Oh no, actual labor. Maybe if you went ahead and got whatever minimum wage job or any manual labor job, instead of just waiting for a job tailored to you..life wouldn't seem so bad.

Instead of moving back home, get a roommate, or two, or three.

>> No.4147855

>can't afford
never understood this in theese times of libraries and flea markets

>> No.4147853


I lived with a Comp Sci major who had autism and all his friends - about six smelly guys who would end up in our kitchen and study either in silence of repeating memes - had it too.

It's a shame the job market these days is only for people who don't mind being drones or have too many learning difficulties to realise that's what they are. It's easy to berate OP but the bigger problem is living in a society that only prioritises a narrow range of skills.

>> No.4147866

Form an insurrectionist cell and start a campaign of bombings and kidnappings. Have a few counter-revolutionary swine (like >>4147849) nailed to desks by their ears. Get betrayed. Go on the run. Get cornered in a building in a university which is stealing the money and dreams of thousands of more young people. The building catches fire, and you are gunned down on national television. Be watched by millions on youtube. Get worn on t-shirts by edgy 20-somethings everywhere.

>> No.4147874
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>I'm in debt and I need to start paying them back
>having debts from college

Thanks God I don't live in such an awful place.

>> No.4147878

>tfw today was the closest I've come to calling up an escort

Alas. I'm afraid of my decadence.

>> No.4147888


I met a traveling homeless guy the other day who's been all over the US.

If you have a job you're tied down in one place. Sounds pretty bad to me.

>> No.4147912

This is a solid plan. I second it.

>> No.4147914

>you need fucking money to buy books
>what is the internet?

>> No.4147916

or be smart enough to, you know, find or make a job that lets you travel across the US

>> No.4147948

being homeless is a full time job, my boy

>> No.4147954

Suicide rates are lower for soldiers than for the general public. Also the majority of military jobs are non combat roles (so no ptsd).

>> No.4147957


Do they even exist anymore? My boss spends half the day on Skype.

>> No.4147974

This involves learning another language or some shit. Just swallow your pride and be a waiter while you write your magnum opus OP.

>> No.4147996

>tfw university in my country is free
im going to spend the next ten years of my life learning about everything i can

>> No.4147997

>be a waiter while you write your magnum opus OP.
this doesn't happen ever though. all writers nowadays are just writing teachers. before that... I don't know.

>> No.4148008

Liberal media

>> No.4148021

>I actually will have to become a waiter, bartender or some freakin hamburger flipper
You've gotta start somewhere
Currently studying English Literature and Philosophy, but I took a lifeguarding course when I was 17, and since so few people take the course plenty of swimming pools are desperate for them. The pay isn't bad, and the hours are fantastic, so you're financially stable while you look for a more prestigious job.

>> No.4148030
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> not just coasting hard NEET style until the recession is over and all the baby boomers are retired so you can come in and scoop up ALL THE JOBS

don't be afraid, my child

>> No.4148037

I'm a 22 year old neet and now I wish I had spend my time getting a worthless degree because at least I spent my time doing something. if I were to go to school now I'd graduate at 27.

>> No.4148052

So what do you propose to have at 27 instead of that degree?

>> No.4148082

Teach at a private prep school, you dont need a teaching degree

>> No.4148114
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>Studied English literature
>Got a great job at the BBC as soon as I graduated

Pretty bloody great degree, if you ask me.

>> No.4148151

Have you considered teaching ESL? The pay is decent, the benefits are great, and they'll give you a job even if you have a degree in underwater basket weaving. You'll get to travel and you'll have spending money.

>> No.4148160

what is the job doing
how much does it pay?

>> No.4148244

OP, I currently have a full-time job as a technical writer for a county-wide non-profit. I go the job through networking.

I was hired by the organization as a bus-aide (also decent pay), and got in touch with middle-management in the main offices. I flaunted my credentials to them, and they had me doing an internship once a week. After a couple of months, they offered me the full-time position.

It's all about nepotism. You've just gotta find a way to make some connections.

If all else fails, work a shitty job for a bit and save up $$$ to go to trade school. (I'm serious. Blue collar jobs are in demand everywhere, at least in America).

>> No.4148283

>economics b.a.
>work in a museum gift shop
>hang out and get drunk with people from the box office across the way, the dudes who install the artwork, and this bald dude from the folk museum across the street
>supervisor is a regular blue collar dad type who likes to talk about sports
>sit with rich old lady volunteers out front on slow days, sometimes receive small gifts from them

life could be better, i suppose. i don't really want to live at home with my parents anymore. but goddamn my social life has never been better and most days at work are really chill. there's work out there that isn't just waiter and bartender type of shit. i mean, the pay isn't great but at least i'm having fun.

>> No.4148324

>Majoring in literature
In all seriousness, why would you think that's a good idea? What could have possibly gone through your head to make you think that majoring in fucking LITERATURE would be an intelligent thing to do? Even Women's Studies has more fucking merit in this day and age, spreading the propaganda and all that. You're fucked OP. Maybe you could go into journalism or something. I hear gaming journalists don't even need a journalism degree, all they need is a lack of integrity. Try that.

>> No.4148357

I'm majoring in Linguistics and Religion.

>> No.4148377

Accept defeat, become waiter, channel despair and destitution to write 21st century's most important work on capitalism's tendency to crush dreams and stifle individual expression.

>> No.4148380

too standard

>> No.4148388

I'm just going to travel the world, work on the seas saving the whales and endangered fish, meeting hippy women.

>> No.4148393

Not if you make a fuck load of money from your book.

>> No.4148394

So do people go to school to learn or what?

>> No.4148398


You guys can be NEETs in the UK. Stop complaining.

>> No.4148399

I do...

>> No.4148404



>> No.4148425

Whenever I find a word I don't know I look it up on the dictionary app on my phone, then copy and paste the definition into evernote, which is a pretty useful note taking app. When I get home I go on the computer and make flashcards out of the definitions for use in ankidroid, which is a flashcard program. I try to learn three new words everyday, assuming I have enough new flashcards to do so.

I now know what words like recondite, perspicuous, and abdicate mean. Oddly I don't find myself actually using these words all that much, but at least I know them when I see them.

>> No.4148426

I want to study/make films,

Will I be as fucked as OP?

>> No.4148432

Why aren't we allowed to do what we want to do?
Why is reality so cruel?

>> No.4148436

Wow you sound like a fucking bitch. So wait tables and get books from the library. This shit isn't that difficult. If you go to college to pursue artistic interests be prepared to make sacrifices.

What a bunch of yellow bellied faggots. How the fuck have you people even made it this far?

>> No.4148453

I blame capitalism.

>> No.4148459

To a large extent this is correct, I think. Talent and skills are only generally rewarded or valuable if they can produce things in demand. It's a shitty way to organize society.

>> No.4148458

>not getting a degree in a STEM subjective that has practical working opportunities and perfecting your literature, music or other creative endeavours as a hobby on the side until you (hopefully) become good enough and generate enough money to sustain a living on those

>> No.4148473

But you're spending most of your existence on something you don't necessarily value personally. If you're a STEM major just so you have secure job prospects first and foremost, you're forcing yourself to find fulfilment in the few waking moments outside of your job.

>> No.4148474

I want to feel for you, OP, I really do, because I majored in English in college and have had a lot of issues finding a job I want post college. Except that I knew it was going to be like this and made the decision to study lit anyways. Part of it is your choice of major, part of it is the post-recession economy, and part of it is just the nature of a college education. A college education is not a license to get a job in what you studied. STEM majors will tell you different, and that's partially true for those disciplines, but in reality, the recession changed the game for everyone. You need experience to get a job that is based on your major. You need connections to get a job based on your major. You've gotta work hard, kiss ass and set yourself apart. Welcome to the new world: you can either wallow in self-pity, and blame the institution, blame society, or blame everyone else for not preparing you for the real world, or you can roll up your sleeves, grit your teeth, and get to work trying to achieve the life you want.

>> No.4148476

>creative endeavours as a hobby
filthy casual

>> No.4148484

Only valued insofar as they provide return on capital, rather.

>> No.4148563


I live in a third world country and life was always like this around here. I can't believe how entitled you rich people are.

>> No.4148570

>You need connections to get a job based on your major. You've gotta work hard, kiss ass and set yourself apart. Welcome to the new world: you can either wallow in self-pity, and blame the institution, blame society, or blame everyone else for not preparing you for the real world, or you can roll up your sleeves, grit your teeth, and get to work trying to achieve the life you want.

Last I checked it was always like that and I live in a first world country

>> No.4148588

Do you have any work experience or skills? I graduated with a history/anthropology double major and have found work as a reporter, national park ranger, and Philmont guide. If you have prior experience in any field it'll be much easier to get a job, especially if you were friendly with your boss.

>> No.4148596

Put your skills towards revolution

>> No.4148626

I have a job and every day on my way to work I pass a bum who does nothing but lay by the river reading. Words can't describe my jealousy.

>> No.4148647

So, for anyone here who is considering being an English teacher in another place, I made a post here >>4148624 with some info

>> No.4148651
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shit i think i got too late

>> No.4148654
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>Attending a university
>Racking up 5 and 6 figures in student loan debt to then join the unemployment lines
>Contributing to the next financial meltdown


You kids truly are the scum of the civilized world.

>> No.4148690


Tell me of a way to become an English teacher without going to university.

>> No.4148707


How about not becoming an English teacher instead, you fucking clown?

>> No.4148709

why do you want to become an english teacher?
kids are awful
they don't care about your shit and don't want to learn

>> No.4148710


But I want to.

>> No.4148715


And I want to fuck Emma Watson, but I gave up on that dream a long time ago.

Some things in life are just not reasonable or intelligent to pursue.

>> No.4148717


So we just shouldn't have teachers at all in society?

>> No.4148728


Look man, I'm just telling you it's a bad bargain, especially if you're a guy.

Public schools are run by women for girls. Do you really want to be a part of that atmosphere? Assuming you can even get hired, it's not going to be a fun career. You'll either be teaching brats the ABCs or babysitting apathetic teenagers, all the while earning barely enough money to keep you above the poverty line. And that's IF you get hired.

If you don't get a job, you're looking at 30K in student debts minimum, interest accruing every month, and having to take a bullshit job just to keep the lights on.

Somebody has to do it, but that doesn't mean it has to be you. You get one turn in life, that's it. Don't waste time on unpromising prospects. Let stupider people (namely women) take care of those responsibilities.

>> No.4148732


>Public schools are run by women for girls.

This is really vague. What do you mean?

>> No.4148733

women scare me too anon. you can look into their eyes but you will never be able to tell what they're thinking... or plotting

>> No.4148737

That public schools are run by women. That women, who politicize themselves, regard the boys and the girls in different ways, which differences are informed by the differences described in their politics.

>> No.4148738

Don't join the Army then.

Coast Guard and Air Force are your best bets, if you can't get into those then try the Navy.

>> No.4148743


Teaching is a female dominated profession; as such, the most popular teaching methods favour feminine approaches to educating, and the basic model for a student in public schooling is a little girl. Boys are tolerated while girls are catered to. The basic classroom setup reinforces this dichotomy.

Watch this if you're interested:


>> No.4148742

i had 80 grand in inheritance money and blew it on travel, a car and drugs

now i'm $200 in debt

kill me

>> No.4148745


>implying this isn't what a god lawyer does

do you even read case judgements? its all about interpretation and meaning. the modern stance (in australia anyway) is that meaning is subjective and depends on the construction of the laws being looked at. historical discussions are nearly always a part of judgements.

>> No.4148754

>200 in debt
That's fucking nothing son.

>> No.4148758

No, I advocate going to Sweden/Finland for free universities and setting so dull that you have nothing better to do than be diligent.

>> No.4148773

If I had to go deep into debt to go to college, I sure as shit would not have gotten a humanities degree. Why do people do this to themselves?

>> No.4148800

To learn something they like?

>> No.4148851
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>> No.4148861

Disability discharge is pretty much a fine deal.

Just have to stay disabled for 60 months

>> No.4148862

I know that feelings all too well my friend.
Go to grad school, not for the teachings, but for connections. Start teaching small courses, investigate, write, work in cultural affairs. Manage. ???. Profit.

>> No.4148874

Swede here, I can't believe the shit I hear when some of my fellow countrymen actually tries to tell other people that university is free.

>> No.4148892

Why do you waste money on education? I hardly went to school and run a profitable construction company.

>> No.4148894

How expensive is a humanities degree at a decent university in Sweden compared to other countries?

>> No.4148895

>a profitable construction company.
That's not what many people here consider fulfilling and enjoyable.

>> No.4148903

Do what you feel is fulfilling and enjoyable and see how many job offers you get.

>> No.4148905


ok i feel better now

>> No.4148918

If the reality is indeed that black and white, one or the other, I'd rather have a low paying job that allows me to do what I enjoy. The idea of being stuck in something that would only make me miserable and regretful is scary for me.

>> No.4148925


lol hold up let me find mine

>> No.4148933


here it is. wait for repayment. goml.

>> No.4148940

Post office has a few wise cracks at it

>> No.4148949

You've got a few options;

Teaching (More education debt or travel debt)
Journalism (Doesn't need more debt but you will likely need to be an intern first for nopay, or write freelance online for littlepay)
Copywriting (no more training needed but will likely be an intern first)
Unrelated (flipping burgers being a postman military whatever)
Unemployed (autismbux)

If you're on /lit/ your life likely revolves around books and your dream is to be a published author, so any of these will do. You do not have to love your job. You go to work and turn your brain off and make enough money to live and buy books and thats it.

All of the options above are hard, because there are way more people out there than jobs in all of them, and every other field. The market is fucked and you've got to lie cheat and steal just to keep your head above water. Fudge the resume, get some mates to stand in as your references pretending to be middle management for some related corporation you worked at.

So now you've got some money to live even if its not much and its doing something you hate you can do what you want with your evenings and weekends. Read and Write, fucker. Love it, go out and do us proud.

>> No.4148952

>can no longer afford books
Library, son. What the fuck did they teach you?

>> No.4148955

>That's not what many people here consider fulfilling and enjoyable.
Listen here, broseph: you can't get a job in playing video games and jacking off, so just suck it up and get a job that isn't enjoyable, ok?

Fucking kids these days.

>> No.4149016

Spoken like a true loser.

>> No.4149024

3-5 years of study 40 000 skr every year.

>> No.4149035

>and get a job that isn't enjoyable
Assuming you're lucky enough to have to opportunity, why would you do that?

>> No.4149043

That was insightful.

>> No.4149051

He could kill himself instead, bro.

>> No.4149061

Why do you assume I am miserable in my job? I worked my ass off to get that job. My kids grow up in a home I could only dream of when I was their age. Regretful? Not one second.

>> No.4149081

>Why do you assume I am miserable in my job?
I never did. I said I wouldn't want to be in a job that made me miserable, that's all, even if it payed well.

>> No.4149098
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>tfw on Disability Support Pension for aspergers and never have to work a day in my life

I seriously feel bad for you plebes who actually study/work

>> No.4149109


I feel bad for you, even more so because that attitude shows how deep you've sunk.

>> No.4149111

I'm in Scotland. It might be a bit shite, but we do have a good educational system. I'm working on a MSc in a university founded in 1451, and have just completed a BSc in the Times' uni of 2012.

Tuition fees don't exist in Scotland, and we get paid about 300gpb/sem (for travel etc) to attend amongst the best ancient unis in the world.

>> No.4149137

MFW when I got an interview, but cannot accept a job, as it's full time for 6 months and I have to pass this year on college or else I'll get thrown out cuz I already failed a couple of times. :/

>> No.4149146

>mfw people still don't go for tax law

>> No.4149154

Uh, he's making shit up. We get paid for attending univeristy, partly as a grant and partly as a loan.

There IS a tuition fee for non-EU foreigners, however.

>> No.4149166

fucking THIS


>> No.4149248

I majored in Eng LIt. I live in Bangkok Thailand. Don't take a shitty job teaching ESL. No money, no future, and boring. Teach International Baccalaureate (IB) Literature. You might have to pay for some of the training courses at first but once you get a job, you can travel all over the world teaching really smart high school over achievers. I make 4K US a month and pay 25% taxes. I teach at what is called a "second tier"s school meaning there are schools that pay more (a few) and schools that pay less. Google search associates.

>> No.4149269

Is it really that bad over in the US?

>> No.4149288


>majored in literature

Can't you.. you know, write? It seems like a major in literature would give you some degree of writing ability, given that you spent years of your life studying the critique and method of literature.

>> No.4149323

In Brazil is about the same, the difference is that if you get in a public university (they are better than the private ones, in most cases) you don't need to pay shit but if you don't get a STEM or Law degree you are pretty much fucked.
Unless you do what I'm going to do, study like a motherfucker and apply to a govermnent job. But it is hard as fuck since everyone is going after it, they mostly pays well and you can't get fired.

>> No.4149332


Copy-writing is an option but you need marketing forte. In fact, many of the jobs I check out directly express 'marketing or journalism' as a degree course.

With a bit of thought, a literature major could write copy but it's a different territory. Personally, I'm usually pretty apprehensive about applying for these positions.

>> No.4149359

I solved the problem by keeping reading books a hobby and nothing job related.
Accounting, that is an easy job

>> No.4149398

analysis and synthesis are separate skills

they're definitely linked and one side gives insight into the other, but to get good at writing you need to write.

>> No.4149420


I know, but I would expect a lit major to have some experience with both areas. I mean, surely you do some sort of writing as a lit major? Critiques, emulations, comparisons? Anything that might have developed some ability to write, combined with a learned background regarding the structure and history of narrative? Definitely some nonfiction, if not some creative writing of your own.

I just don't know how you could be a lit major - one who has graduated, at that - and walk away without thinking "I'm going to write a book." What else do you expect to do, really? It just seems natural that, having spent the past few years centering your studies on writing, that you would want to do some writing yourself.

>> No.4149596

You seem to have forgotten something

That's what we're here for.

>> No.4151036
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How do you write a good review for a book? I always hate seeing a one word review, but I'm also not sure how to exactly do it without giving too many spoilers. Tips?

>> No.4151076

I'm a CPA. Shit is soul-sucking when the business is in season. So. Many. Hours.

>> No.4151110

It's the 21st century. You have the Internet, a smartphone, and a Square Reader to take other people's money from them. This 'job' you seek isn't some singular commodity held by others, waiting to be given to you.

You know which job is completely tailored to your extra special skills? The one you tailor-make for yourself.

Everything is there for you. Be brave and do whatever it is that you need to achieve your goals. While you wait for the pieces to fall into place, don't be too proud to do whatever it takes to get the money you need. Everyone has to eat and it's nice to sleep in a warm bed. Lift boxes and sweat over a stove. Your soul can handle it, I promise. It can only make you stronger.

>> No.4151482


>> No.4151615

I'm not American nor British, but why do you guys usually stop with a BA?

Over here, it's almost compulsory to be postgrad.
I'm doing a business school and postgrad History.

>> No.4151638

Postgrad here is mainly for going into research within the subject, a history masters job candidate isn't more employable than a history undergrad most of the time, it typically comes down to work experience anyway