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/lit/ - Literature

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4147218 No.4147218 [Reply] [Original]

Why do post-modern writers want us to reject theism, objective morals and decency and replace them with atheism, nihilism, degeneracy and existential angst?

Could this be a deliberate attempt to undermine Western values by a certain minority of writers and philosophers?

>> No.4147227

They don't.


Also if you're an Odinist and you think "Western values" are worth defending I think you're really confused.

>> No.4147229

Fuck off Varg and take your retarded theories somewhere else.

>> No.4147235
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>Also if you're an Odinist and you think "Western values" are worth defending I think you're really confused.

How do you figure?

>> No.4147236

Because morals are not objective.

>> No.4147237

>implying serious writers can have any effect at all on our world
big lel. people can't be affected by things no one reads

>> No.4147238
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Yes, it is. Congratulations, you're the first person who has ever come upon this idea and you're brilliant epiphany has caused the bad people who for the past century have plotted against you and everyone you think is good and right to recoil in terror knowing that their evil plan has been found out. Their tentacles are withdrawing from the land as they are pulled into the twisting nether from which they came and God's light is beginning to flood the world with its warm magnificence. Throughout the nations of the earth the people are gathering in celebration to commemorate the valiant actions of the brave young hero who had the courage to make a masterful insight on the Internet and save us all from the tyranny of the bad, bad people. I thank you, noble warrior, and offer you the kingdoms of the world so that they may forever be ruled by your just and wise hand. Your beautiful queen is awaiting, young one! Come, assume your rightful place at the throne!

>> No.4147241

I recommend the 'Havamal'. It's a good read and insight


>> No.4147246

Western values.

>> No.4147250 [DELETED] 

wow r u bein ironic LOL

spoiler/spoiler clever 1 m8 spoiler/spoiler


>> No.4147255

But serious writers have always had an effect on the world.

>> No.4147256
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right back at you, friendo

>> No.4147258
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>> No.4147259

Western values are Christian values. The concept of 'the West' as it is was unknown to the Norse, anyway. I doubt the Norse whose traditions were violently displaced felt any racial or national sympathy with Christian colonizers simply because they were from the same continent.

>> No.4147262

Are you being ironic?

>> No.4147264

Ever since the 1990s or so, there's been sort of a backlash against this kind of thought. IJ, for instance, is heavily opposed to irony for its own sake and the "hip cynicism" that had come to define the literature scene. This post would've been spot-on in the 70's and 80's, but we're starting to move away from that.

>> No.4147276

Stop living in the past. You're not a fucking viking.

>objective morals

>> No.4147279

You clearly don't read. Why are you here?

>> No.4147286

Because of the lack of better or reasonable alternatives.

>> No.4147292

>This post would've been spot-on in the 70's and 80'

No. It wouldn't have. Please stop using postmodernism as a scapegoat label for everything you think is wrong with society and crack open the fucking books. Most of the authors you could describe as postmodern were analyzing and discussing conditions that already existed (moral relativism, atheism, nihilism), not championing them.

Like, some of you think Derrida actually invented Tumblr or something.

>> No.4147298


Christian values have their place here.

But lets not pretend that Christianity had a monopoly on ethics at any point in its history.

The Europeans prior to being converted understood ethics and politics, had art and architecture, and were very sophisticated and wise people. They actually bathed regularly, a practice most christians neglected.

Don't believe the idea of the savage barbarian. It's bad history

>> No.4147302

I didn't mean spot-on, I mean relatively relevant. My bad.

>> No.4147314

>Ever since the 1990s or so, there's been sort of a backlash against this kind of thought. IJ, for instance, is heavily opposed to irony for its own sake and the "hip cynicism" that had come to define the literature scene.

You haven't actually studied any of this stuff beyond Wikipedia articles

>> No.4147327
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OP has a point it seems. No?

>> No.4147331

No, I didn't do my thesis on it. What are your opinions and qualifications?

>> No.4147361

atheism leads to nihilism and degeneracy? this is what Nietzsche and many writers have argued

>> No.4147409
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objective morals don't mean they are floating in space waiting to be discovered

they are still subjective values but you hold them and treat them as concrete things, as if they were objective.

>> No.4147419

can't call it objective, then. needs a new term like "rigid subjectivity" or something.

>> No.4147426


It's because they act like teenagers. They don't realise it.

You try to unravel and deconstruct your parents/society until you understand how it works and why it's important to sustain it and how it's up to you.

These retards still think someone else will do it for them.

>they've never grown up

>> No.4147438

What an abortion of a post.

>> No.4147451

>they've never grown up

Believing yourself to be mature is quintessential to immaturity, listen to children and teenagers make absurd arguments about how grown up they are it's like listening to conservatives talk, for gods sake.

>> No.4147456

This makes sense


please be edgy somewhere else

>> No.4147458

Honesty and truthfulness. It's the most dangerous virtue, since you'll end up with nothing if you follow it to the end. All those other values you mention can't exist today unless you have a deliberate will to untruth. Which is immoral according to the very value systems you prefer.

The old values are pretty nice but they are dead because they have become incompatible with themselves because of what we know.

>> No.4147465


>truth leads to nihilism

No it doesn't, you just need to be more nuanced with the truth.

>> No.4147469

All it takes is one person to read your work if he has a large enough impact on the world.

>> No.4147474

nihilism isn't some big scary thing. It just means nothing is objectively true because you don't objectively know everything, therefore you make up your meaning to life.

>> No.4147476

Karl Marx and Upton Sinclair are two I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.4147487

>please be edgy somewhere else

His post was fucking garbage. Another shitpost by a self-important fatass who doesn't actually read. If your critique of an entire method of inquiry rests on the premise of "they act like teenagers, they just don't realize how it works" you deserve to have your post called out for the Youtube-tier abortion that it is.

>> No.4147501


What part of be edgy somewhere else did you not understand?

>> No.4147506


Every Pomo fag I've talked to has been some kind of spiritualist or multicultural religious enthusiast. Atheism seems to be confined to analytic circles.

>> No.4147514

Just clearing things up before I leave so that nobody actually thinks that post wasn't a complete anti-intellectual abortion.

>> No.4147524

Agreed. Christianity took most of its ethics from Aristotle, Plato and the Stoics. If you think about it the Bible isn't that rich of a source for ethical discourse. Even if the OT laws were meant to be broadly applied to goyim Christians, most of them are arbitrary (cutting dicks, wearing yarmulkes, etc.).

>> No.4147533

Is mathematics 'subjective' then? Let's not mess around with terms. Just because you wish to treat divine command morality as the only form of objective morality doesn't make it so.

>> No.4147537

>what is aesirian code

>> No.4147540

>If you think about it the Bible isn't that rich of a source for ethical discourse

Very true. In fact it is quite unethical until jesus came and tried to reform the jews, and even then his discourse was really limited.

It was the church fathers, st augustine, and the rest who tried to flesh out ethics, ironically by looking back to Plato and Aristotle for help...

>> No.4147543

Fandroid, you are so fucking retarded. Please read some philosophy first-hand and stop spouting absolute misinformation such as this post you dumb fucking nuisance

>> No.4147553

No, but the desire for truth, if approached honestly and sternly, leads to a large degree of scepticism. Which makes the adaptation of values a mostly arbitrary endeavour and leads to a lack of strong convictions.

>> No.4147555

Nihilism doesn't allow for making up your own meaning. Nihilism states that doing so is impossible.

>> No.4147569

Mathematical propositions are proved by logical arguments which remain consistent and independent of interpretative ambiguity. They are either right or wrong. Objective.

>> No.4147578

>Person sincerely defends pomo in an anti-pomo thread
>Gets rebuked for being "edgy" i.e. sincere

tfw the anti-pomo people are the most pomo people itt

>> No.4147580

IMO nihilism follows directly from Christianity. Once we enter the post Christian era we come to realize that our values aren't emanations from heaven, but something deeply human. The nihilist is one who has been struck dumb by the former realization: that there is no divine realm where are values are floating around existing separately from our understanding. The cure for nihilism is obvious: throw out all of the medieval superfluous notions and continue onward with a scientific and curious mind.

There is a firm basis for morality in the human experience itself; no divine realm is required.

>> No.4147590


>Mathematical propositions are proved by logical arguments

How are maths proven? Oh let me check this paper and use my reasoning to figure out if its true...oh good thing humans are infallible!

Oh wait, where is the proof that logic ever reaches anything resembling truth?

>> No.4147588


read a book.


>> No.4147593

>The cure for nihilism is obvious: throw out all of the medieval superfluous notions and continue onward with a scientific and curious mind.

So our ancestors were right when they embraced their humanity and felt as part of the natural world? While the Christians thought wrong when they saw themselves as strangers in a strangeland, as some sort of cartoon characters placed into a world by a Sky God

this makes sense actually. The christian ist he one who goes through existential crises when he realizes his human goals, ethics and values are just that -- human desires and values -- and not magical injunctions created by a divine mind.

>> No.4147594


Agreed. They also depend on a rational interpreter (a human). Objectivity should not be determined in an exclusively medieval metaphysical sense when it comes to morals. Morality is a part of the 'subjective' human experience as much as logic is.

Meta-ethics is probably the beginning of this realization.

>> No.4147600

I wouldn't make too many generalizations. Christianity transferred and cultivated a lot of the thought at would produce the enlightenment and the modern era. We were born of Christendom, but Christendom was also born of pre-Christian Europe.

>> No.4147605

>read a book
>links to a fucking wikipedia article

Wikipedia is retarded, and nihilism encompasses more than its existential facet

>> No.4147610

What a terrifyingly oppressive way to understand art. As if art comes from a place of lechery and manipulation, that is trying to turn you away from the true path. I mean, Plato would have agreed with you, but literary criticism has come pretty far in the last ~2400 years. Art is outside both the writer and the reader. The way you read a book informs the text just as much as the writer does. Looking at a writer like Balzac or Tolstoy or Brecht is a great example of three people with very deliberate moral/political intentions, that made something else entirely. Tolstoy renounced all of his books because they were basically just too good. Nobody gives a fuck about pedantic writings anymore, and that's because it sucks. All the best works to come out of societies that try to manipulate art for moral/political reasons (i.e. early America/USSR) end up being banned or disavowed. Art is discursive, by its very nature.

>> No.4147613

Nihilism is not a real thing. "Subjective" and "objective" are terrible terms. Read Descartes, then Kant, then Nietzsche. It's all there.

>> No.4147617

>but Christendom was also born of pre-Christian Europe.

pretty sure it was born of pre-christian jewish hebrew traditions and desert myths.

not really european at all.

>> No.4147620


why the random copy/pasta?

>> No.4147625


>> No.4147639
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If one does allow for meaning it's called existentialism. You can't claim nihilism as a label for something opposed to it, no matter how much you like how cool it sounds. If any meaning might be possible you're a filthy pied-noir, a skew-eyed midget or a hunchbacked Dane.

>> No.4147640


Hellenized Judaism produced Christianity. Plato was a major influence on Jewish mysticism. Once again, we cannot make broad generalizations and I would wager to say that Christianity is in whole more Hellenic than specifically Jewish. My opinion here is not something entirely unique and is shared by factions of classicists and even Catholics. (Hellenism vs. Hebraism in catholic thought).

>> No.4147645


Truth is contained within the system and its foundational axioms. One plus one is always two.

>> No.4147654

Not with my system and its foundational axioms, baby. And they're just as arbitrary as the conventional ones.

>> No.4147673

>Hellenized Judaism produced Christianity.

This is a huge overstatement and exaggeration.
And regardless, it doesn't negate the fact that Christianity has a jewish foundation.

Paul went around converting 'hellenized jews' to his branch of christianity, which was just another jewish cult really.

>Plato was a major influence on Jewish mysticism.

Irrelevant. The truth may influence crazy cults now and then.

>> No.4147675

If you want to communicate in English en you follow the rules of its grammar. If you want to communicate in logic then you follow its 'grammar'. You may have some individualistic subjective notion in your head, but it's useless to me as I cannot share it with you.

I challenge you to make the statement '1+1=2' in an equally coherent manner.

>> No.4147692


simply stating it isn't a proof.


and what does this gibberish even mean? axioms are arbitrary and taken on pure faith. nothing else.

>> No.4147690

I was talking about truthfulness, not about successful communication. The two have nothing in common and you shouldn't mistake comprehensibility for having any value outside of itself. 1+1=2 isn't true because you and your neighbour agree on it.

>> No.4147711

So coherence isn't truth? It's false?

We do things to communicate. Truth only has any meaning inasmuch as it is understood between us. 1+1=2 is true because it is an effective communication of a concept.

>> No.4147721


No one uses his word correctly.

>> No.4147727


lies have to be communicated effectively in order to be believed.

coherence and truth are two different things

>> No.4147746


Lies are lies inasmuch as they are not effectively examined. Logic examines and communicates thereby producing coherence and truth.

>> No.4147760

You can make a coherent lie you dunce.

>> No.4147768

>So coherence isn't truth? It's false?
It's neither. Just like warm is neither black nor white.

>We do things to communicate.
Nice completely arbitrary assumption. Fuck power, humanity is driven by the Will to Communicate!

>Truth only has any meaning inasmuch as it is understood between us.
For you maybe. Truth has meaning for me inasmuch as it is understood by me. You don't enter the equation.

>1+1=2 is true because it is an effective communication of a concept.
According to that logic every statement can be said to be true as long as you assume that it means the same to the other party which makes the whole assumption arbitrary.

>> No.4147769

You're being poetic. Define your terms and please refrain from personal insults.

>> No.4147775


>Lies are lies inasmuch as they are not effectively examined.

in order for a proposition to be judged "false" it must be coherent and apprehended, otherwise it remains incoherent and indeterminate.

>Logic examines and communicates thereby producing coherence and truth.

logic only implies a cognitive necessity between ideas, a tautology, a truth by definition, it doesn't do anything else, and we have no way to tell if it leads to truth.

>> No.4147786

Ok mr custodian of board culture. By coherence I mean the ability to fit into a system of predefined axioms, by lie I mean being deceitful while knowing the actual facts or truth. My point is you can build a lie that is coherent with the axioms of the system at hand.


>> No.4147796

This guy >>4147769 is one of the biggest idiots I've seen on /lit/

>> No.4147804

He sounds like some one who has read a few pages of Wittgenstein and is so eager to apply it he doesn't quite have any idea what he's talking about.

>> No.4147810

>He sounds like some one who has read a few pages of Spark Notes and not understood any of it


>> No.4147813

Why are you posting? To communicate with me. That is axiomatic. I couldn't hope to determine any other motive you have unless you communicate it to me explicitly or tacitly.

>Truth is what I understand

And how do you understand anything? You possess language and logic cultivated by almost anyone other than you. If I took you and raised you in isolation since birth you would be as dumb as animal. The truth is something inexpressible unless it can be expressed and a thing cannot be and not-be at once. With the ability to express truth through coherent means comes the contingency of truth upon those means if it is to be expressed or communicated.

>> No.4147825

>Why are you posting? To communicate with me.
>That is axiomatic.
Given how much you emphasize communication, I find it ironic how you are unable to understand someone outside of your little world.

>> No.4147828
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>Why are you posting? To communicate with me. That is axiomatic

You say this as if it actually means something.

>> No.4147830


Coherent to you. To be coherent to another it must cease to be a lie.


Contribute or don't, but insults are unnessecary.


Cry some more or stop projecting. One is entertaining for me while the other is beneficial for you. Choices, choices... What to do?

>> No.4147843

>Coherent to you. To be coherent to another it must cease to be a lie.

Not if the lie is under the same axioms, like if we're both Christians and I lie about having Jesus whispering divine revelation gently into my ear. When in reality I just want to seem interesting.

>> No.4147858

Just because the reasons for a lie are coherent does not mean the lie is. The lie is by definition an act of sabotage and deception, so I don't know why we are still discussing lies.

>> No.4147859

>"Subjective" and "objective" are terrible terms.

I'm starting to agree.

>> No.4147862


There are different types of lies. Examination of a lie about reality, nature, real events takes empirical consideration, something extra-logical.

you can't deduce a proposition is a lie by simply looking at its grammatical or logical structure.

please stop speaking you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.4147877

>Why are you posting? To communicate with me. That is axiomatic. I couldn't hope to determine any other motive you have unless you communicate it to me explicitly or tacitly.
How would my posting to communicate validate your strange notion that truth is that which can be communicated? Yes, people type things on the internet to communicate. No, this doesn't mean that "people do things to communicate" in general. The two have nothing to do with each other. For someone who values logic you are curiously deprived of it.

>And how do you understand anything?
I don't.

>You possess language and logic cultivated by almost anyone other than you.

>If I took you and raised you in isolation since birth you would be as dumb as animal.
I would be dead.

>The truth is something inexpressible unless it can be expressed
And an anus is something unfuckable unless it can be fucked.

>and a thing cannot be and not-be at once.
Being and non-being are a false dichotomy.

>With the ability to express truth through coherent means comes the contingency of truth upon those means if it is to be expressed or communicated.
Except that ability doesn't come at all, so nothing comes with it.

>> No.4147879

>tfw writing a Socratic dialogue lifted directly from /lit/ philosophy threads.

I'm gonna be rich.

>> No.4147884

Would buy.

>> No.4147889
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Would you like a cup of herbal tea?

>> No.4147892


>the ability doesn't come

Why is there a word 'truth' then if it represents nothing?

>> No.4147897

I never said the concept doesn't represent anything. Just because I can say 'unicorn' doesn't mean I can ride one.

>> No.4147902

checkmate atheists

>> No.4147908

Why is there a word 'nothing' then if it represents nothing?

>> No.4147910

>"My dear Anon, you must agree then, that this characterized greentext summary of your opinion I have provided does not accord to reason."
>"By Zeus, my admirable Anon, as regards this indictment, it is most important instead to present this characterized greentext summary of YOUR opinion, accompanied with suitable reaction image."

>> No.4147913
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what a weird thread

>> No.4147918
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Actually this kind of chaotic banter probably approaches the way the Ancients went at it more than any contemporary academic debate.

>> No.4147919

Then what do you mean by 'truth'? Either something inexpressible derived from empirical experience or something expressible which articulates that which was formerly inexpressible. The former definition is completely useless and if we look at the second defnition then what are we expressing? What are we doing to that which was inexpressible? We are making coherent statements or something else?

>> No.4147930

When you construct how something ought to be done and build an institution around that ought, you ruin it.

>> No.4147939

I do remember something about how because a lie involves saying something happened that didnt/ backwards, if you lay out all the facts the lie won't fit. But most of us don't have all the facts when we're lied to, so the in congruence isn't noticeable.

>> No.4147943
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>Either something inexpressible derived from empirical experience or something expressible which articulates that which was formerly inexpressible. The former definition is completely useless
For me it's very useful to have a concept for something incommunicable. I don't merely use language as a means of communication.

>> No.4147966
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wow edgy locust, who does he think he is?

>> No.4147977

It is the overlocust looking with disgust upon the last locusts.

>> No.4147983


>> No.4147992
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>> No.4147993

>Too crowded.
>Wouldn't join.

>> No.4148192


>> No.4148240


>Just because the reasons for a lie are coherent does not mean the lie is

Pls stahp

>> No.4148301


No u

>> No.4149165

>math/ logic is subjective
Listen retards, maths is merely an extension of language with all its assumptions. "All bachelors are single" isn't a subjective opinion. It's an objective tautology, unless you are wilfully retarded and trying to fail at language comprehension. Logic is already fucking built into your language. If you disagree with it you've chosen to fail at communication.

Stop retreating into ignorance and get over your solipsistic ass. You will have to make sense of this world and contribute to it one day, unless you're a loser.

>> No.4149804
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Something can be subjectively logical you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.4149832

>a large degree of scepticism. Which makes the adaptation of values a mostly arbitrary endeavour
That's where ya blew it.
>All those other values you mention can't exist today unless you have a deliberate will to untruth.
But you already blew it here anyway.

>> No.4149833

Yes, your shitpost was an abortion.

>> No.4150019


How did he blow it? That's a perfectly reasonable and cogent point. Offer a refutation or quit being a shit smearing dilettante.

>> No.4150042 [DELETED] 

>Listen retards, maths is merely an extension of language with all its assumptions
Yes, so elaborate grunting between agents that works out reasonable if the task at hand is simple enough.

>"All bachelors are single" isn't a subjective opinion. It's an objective tautology, unless you are wilfully retarded and trying to fail at language comprehension.
Those linguistic conventions aren't 'objective'.

>Logic is already fucking built into your language. If you disagree with it you've chosen to fail at communication.
Logic is a language and other languages are compatible with it to a degree.

>Stop retreating into ignorance and get over your solipsistic ass. You will have to make sense of this world and contribute to it one day, unless you're a loser.

>muh pragmatic worldview
>300k starting
>being productive

Your kind is the worst. You lose your patience once things get complex so you throw a tantrum because the mean people question things in a a way that prohibits you from 'getting things done'. You'd build a house on sand because driving the foundation pools into rock is just too much trouble.

>> No.4150045

>Listen retards, maths is merely an extension of language with all its assumptions
Yes, so elaborate grunting between agents that works out reasonable if the task at hand is simple enough.

>"All bachelors are single" isn't a subjective opinion. It's an objective tautology, unless you are wilfully retarded and trying to fail at language comprehension.
Those linguistic conventions aren't 'objective'.

>Logic is already fucking built into your language. If you disagree with it you've chosen to fail at communication.
Logic is a language and other languages are compatible with it to a degree.

>Stop retreating into ignorance and get over your solipsistic ass. You will have to make sense of this world and contribute to it one day, unless you're a loser.

>muh pragmatic worldview
>300k starting
>being productive

Your kind is the worst. You lose your patience once things get complex so you throw a tantrum because the mean people question things in a way that prohibits you from 'getting things done'. You'd build a house on sand because driving the foundation poles into rock is just too much trouble.

>> No.4150059

I think it's because we live in an age where technology and science is rampant, to the point that it's excessive, and we associate, given history to look at, religion as cruelty and ignorance. It is, and isn't, but writing it off as gibberish is the quickest way to assure people how intelligent and enlightened you are about how the world works.
It's the Longchamp bag of intellectuals. It doesn't make you high class, but a lot of middle class people think so.

>> No.4150064
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>debate about objectivity

>> No.4150076


correction, after ww2 they realized that western liberal capitalism had changed since marxes time and was delivering material promises better than alternatives heretofore, and belatedly came to the conclusion that the more fundamental crisis was, how to say, 'spiritual', not material (adorno, horkheimer, and marcuse specifically, though their latest works reflecting this turn were very pessimistic regarding the prospects of countervailing the adaptive and synthetic capacity of capitalist cultural hegemony, likely because they ruled certain concepts or ideals out a priori due to their convictions).

>> No.4150319

just turn to aristotle

>> No.4150425

can we discuss how liberals and multiculturalism are the real problems polluting literature, and literary studies?

Harold Bloom was 100% right about this.

>> No.4150428

I think the form of multiculturalism that gets on your nerves is a side effect of the commodification of culture, where you can buy a dream catcher on the side of the road along with a little slip of paper that explains "what it means" (completely out of cultural context, half-assedly) for example, or where a poem about how hard farmers work can be used to sell pickup trucks to non-farmers to make them feel special, and other such bullshit.

>> No.4151030

Because you're a faggot.

>> No.4151884

Oh look, another babby.

>a large degree of skepticism makes the adaptation of of values an arbitrary endeavour
Non sequitur fallacy.

>All those other values you mention can't exist today unless you have a deliberate will to untruth.
The same non sequitur fallacy.

Get smart.

>> No.4151887

>I think the form of multiculturalism that gets on your nerves is a side effect of the commodification of culture, where you can buy a dream catcher on the side of the road
No, he probably means the form of multiculturalism that supports the influx of mass waves of third world trash, while also saying their their culture is perfectly equal and valid to the host culture, and thus deserves equal consideration and representation.

>> No.4152008

Consistent scepticism leads to a degree of uncertainly where no belief can be said to be more likely than another belief. So there is no reason to act on one belief over the other. Making all decisions arbitrary. It's not that hard to grasp.

>> No.4152079

I think you have it backwards, objective god-given morals are manipulative in nature as they are forms of social engineering (whether by god or humans), anything that questions them is amoral by (their) definition, but that's not exclusive of materialistic philosophies but any other that tries to establish a new set of values. It's all painfully obvious to anyone that isn't a religious fundamentalist or a frustrated dictator like Plato.

>> No.4153988

If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang
"Looking God in the Eye"

>> No.4154035 [DELETED] 

that's also known as not being a pussy/susceptible to the questioning of retards

>think killing people is bad
>hey! morals aren't universal! what if adolf hitler you killed adolf hitler? check your anti-murder bigotry
>alright, killing isn't bad

>> No.4154039

that's also known as not being a pussy/susceptible to the questioning of retards
>think killing people is bad
>hey! morals aren't universal! what if you killed adolf hitler? check your anti-murder bigotry
>alright, killing isn't bad

>> No.4155445

Just wanted to chime in here: I'm a mathematician and I would say 1+1=2 because everyone agrees so.

>> No.4155459

It isn't a conscious movement, but betamaxs that would shame and deny their true nature for the sake of social justice points. I see it happen every day.

>> No.4156039

>thinking nihilism, degeneracy, existential angst and, most of all, sweet narcissism aren't the entire point of Western culture
atheism is merely filling the same old gaping hole with something other than god, which I suppose could be viewed as a refinement of Western culture viz my "quotation" above

>> No.4157881

>Could this be a deliberate attempt to undermine Western values by a certain minority of writers and philosophers?
Stupid barbarians can't into Boddhisatva.

>> No.4157883

everyone should know by know that Western culture is the very cause of this, its Christian endpoint is this nihilism we're currently in, we have fulfilled our destiny-- this is a necessary outcome from the premises set by Christ

>> No.4157912
File: 1.49 MB, 1598x1600, 1373400265393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is deliberate, it's just another stage of the cultural war waged by jews against goyim since the dawn of their civilization.

>"Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history."


That's the core of post-modernism.

>> No.4157926
File: 27 KB, 324x278, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheism = postmodern

>> No.4157937

i dont think you get postmodernism

>> No.4157940

/pol/ pls go

>> No.4157973


>> No.4157978

typical degenerate thinking his "arts" protect him from censure

you can't really reject post-modernism without rejecting the Enlightenment with it

>> No.4158032

I'm ok with that. The Enlightment is a Judeo-Masonic attack on western civilization anyway.

>> No.4158049

>rejecting Enlightenment
>debating here
4chan is essentially Enlightenment at it's most pure and unspoiled form. If you're against it, might as well fuck off

>> No.4158055


They don't. They want you to define those things for yourself while realizing it's all pretty relative. There's no such thing as objective morality. Period.

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.4158061


> think you have it backwards, objective god-given morals are manipulative in nature as they are forms of social engineering

This. God seemingly has a lot to say about specific legal policies and tax exemption status. I'd be very depressed if I found out that God was a bureaucrat.

>> No.4160206

>only /pol/ uses the the word degeneracy
It's a word that has specific meaning,and it has relevance to OP's topic.