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414652 No.414652 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of becoming a writer?


Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.414671


>> No.414679
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>> No.414682

>Thinking of becoming a writer who makes a living solely on royalties from book sales?


>Nothing more needs to be said.


>> No.414681
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Thinking 2+2=4?


Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.414691

Thinking of starting a shitty, worthless thread?


Nothing more needs to be said,

>> No.414692

I mean nothing more needs to be said by literature.

>> No.414697

By that I mean everything that can be said about anything and everything has already been said better than you can hope to say it, and by better people than you.

>> No.414698


I will refute that statement.

>> No.414701

nah, fuck you

>> No.414705


Channeling Ogden Nash, are we?

>> No.414716

Hadn't heard of him until now.

>> No.414720

Good luck...

>> No.414718

This is a pretty terrible meme that I've seen pop up a lot by unimaginative faggots.

We live in one of the most interesting times in fucking history. No one has been able to do the kind of shit we're doing. There's so much to be said that no one knows where to begin.

Get out of your postmodern funk and get funky.

>> No.414726
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You're gonna' need it!

>> No.414732


Also: King Solomon was saying this shit in fucking BC times.

I'm pretty sure he was proved wrong. A lot.

>> No.414738


>> No.414739

King Solomon knew about Ogden Nash? He must have had a direct line with God.

>> No.414745

I don't know that I'm all that unimaginative. I have written a lot of things, but have started to hate everything I have ever written.

I re-read some of my own stuff recently and hated it with absolutely no forgiveness of any of the flaws I saw. I took a freezing cold shower and beat myself with a stick, I hate myself and my fucking pathetic little head so goddamn much.

So give up, guys. I'm shit, we're all shit.

>> No.414759

Remember Stephen King and J.K. Rowling.

If you are going to be an author, be the biggest whore possible. Don't write for yourself. Remember: the public has to buy it.

Writing a bestseller is a tactical exercise.

>> No.414770

I write for myself, then hate what I have written and then hate myself.

Writing kills you dead.

>> No.414775

Write for others, and hate them instead.

>> No.414779

There's no point in writing for yourself. It'll always be better in your head, so it's just wasted effort.

>> No.414781
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You may be on to something here.

>> No.415419

Speak for yourself, dickhead.

>> No.415439

"Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for. "

>> No.415463

whatever keeps you from just staying in bed and dying...

>> No.415701

Be the Brian Eno of the lit world: pop avant-garde.

>> No.415707
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well said.

>> No.415731


While I'm at it, I'm might just start writing with on flowers instead of paper.


>> No.415732

Write for writings sake

>> No.415734

I saw a very inspirational speech by Salman Rushdie on the matter of whether one ought to write. His response was that writers, especially creative writers and authors, are in a unique position to offer perspective to the public at large and generate discourse. The reason is that they have no political platform.

Also, our world is changing drastically. There's plenty of stuff that needs to be said.

>> No.415759

>Implying proved isn't an acceptable version of the past tense of to prove.

>> No.415773

You want to become a writer? Do it. A writer is someone who writes.

Want to make a career solely out of writing? Odds are more likely that /b/ will become a bastion of intelligent discussion.

Fucking write, if you have a story you need to get out. Put your words down, whether on paper or pixels. Don't be ashamed of it, unless you actually want someone else to read it.

>> No.415777

Writing as masturbation

>> No.415781


Isn't it, though? When you get right down to it?

>> No.415788

soooo.... I get from this that once I am comfortable to masturbate in public I can become a successful writer. True?

>> No.415793


You're prepared to have you work read by others, sure.

>> No.415805


Not really. I've been fapping in the Holy Water at the nearby church for years, and I still won't let anyone get near my manuscripts.

>> No.416288

hey dipshits: i spent the better part of my formative adult years wasting my time writing science fiction and self-indulgent, most-podernist lit. i mean thousands of pages. over a decade. i knew it was essentially a masturbatory exercise - but guess what? writing skills are transferable, they apply in practically any professional environment. and, apparently, most companies suffer from a severe shortage of capable writers. so, yeah, i bill $67/hr thanks to all that time i "wasted" writing, bitches.

>> No.416303

Considering historicity, I would disagree with this.

>> No.416321
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Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.416369

That sounds more like a personal problem.

Stop being a bitch, emo-pseudo-intellectual-troll.