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414531 No.414531 [Reply] [Original]

"A Clean well lighted place" by Hemingway.
Freshman fag here who is depressed and can't write. I can't think and I'm confused on this shit, if someone can help me it would be appreciated it.
aim is anon2122.

>> No.414542

What do you need help with?

>> No.414553

I..I just do NOT know what the fuck I am doing wrong. I have a bad english teacher who gives conflicting criticism. my paper is shitty.
i am in a bad mood so I can't write anything. I'm just not sure what's wrong with my thesis.
just general criticism/help.

>> No.414557

also my thesis.
I have like 3 hours to do this..actually 2.
I have a draft but its bad.

>> No.414564

if you could please aim me, I could show you my thesis and you could tell me what is wrong with it.

>> No.414577

by the way, I am in college.
:( please help me anon..
I'm so depressed I can't think of anything..

>> No.414586

Well, how can we help you?

>> No.414590

Just talk to me on aim. anon2122

I constructed my thesis but I need to know what's wrong with it so I could fix it.

>> No.414594

Just post your thesis here. Collectively, we're able to be more helpful than any one of us via aim.

>> No.414597

Will I have to show you my thesis first? Can you put a shoe on your head so I can be sure it's not a thesis cam?

>> No.414603

wow, why dont you just go to some doctor, get some prescription-shit, a number of a therapist and...
well, fuck that, take all the shit you got thats of any value, go to a pawn-shop, get a gun and a bullet, end this shit right there

>> No.414604

I can't post my writing here because I submit it to a plagerism detection thing.
the plagiarism thing will catch it and the teacher will think I am copying shit from he.

>> No.414621


TurnItIn? I don't think TurnItIn checks 4chan.

But whatever, here's what you do. Go into Word(or whatev) type out your thesis, PrntScrn, paste it into paint, cut out the bit with the thesis, and post it as an image. There's no way any detection system would know.

>> No.414644

pretty sure turnitin checks 4chan.

>> No.414656


Haha, seriously? There doesn't seem to be much sense in checking a site that completely purges itself every 24 hours or so. That'd be hilarious if someone actually plagiarized something off 4chan, though.

>> No.414670


there's some good content here, every now and then.

>> No.414675

thats an awefull lot of work for that poor depressed dude who in turn will only be ridiculed by us

>> No.414683

you are only wasting time here... seriously, this is not gonna help you

>> No.414685


'Tis the price of 4chan help.

I'm not IMing the guy, I don't know about you.

>> No.414710

I dont even have AIM... I feel actually sorry for that guy, because he seems desperate and not very bright. I saw guys like that dropping out left and right when I was in university.

>> No.414734

I am bright. I have msn if you want to help.

I just feel bad today.

>> No.414741

What's your thesis?

That is the story involving the cafe, with the old deaf man i sitting outside and the two waiters inside talking between themselves, correct?

>> No.414749

I hate this short-stort.

I feel the OP's pain

>> No.414752


>> No.414773

it turns out the story is about depression

also sparknotes

also google

also fuck you

>> No.414777

Turnitin sucks dick. I had a teacher who was testing it out - copied a whole article from CNN and submitted it and got a low plagiarism score.

My friend submitted his own paper twice, to two different classes, and the second one gave him like an 80% plagiarized score report (It thought he plagiarized his own paper, but in that case it should have been 100%).

>> No.414782


Not true. I had a professor who was showing us how to use Turn It In, and she accidentally submitted the same thing she submitted to her earlier class, and it came back ~90%. There are some words and phrases that will never come back as plagiarized.

>> No.414785

Well, the CNN story was true. He did it with a projector in front of the class.

>> No.414797

Oh yeah, "A Clean well lighted place" was about nihilism iirc