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4143728 No.4143728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we explain our personal perfect societies.

Mine, a ecocentric agrarian society based around limits that create 0 population growth and pagan ceremonies that involve the use of psilocybin mushrooms to create a firm sense of community and reverence for Nature. Would also probably be ethnocentric and have a eugenics program in place.

>> No.4143732
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>> No.4143758

in mine, OP was never born

>> No.4143773

a society in which after every day everyone loses his memories

>> No.4143784

The same society we live in now, but everyone gets to hit another person of their choosing 4 times a day.

>> No.4143787

Government is only in place to provide law and order, taxes are near non-existent, money is backed by something, not necessarily gold.

>> No.4143788

Once a year everyone on the planet drops acid at the same exact time

>> No.4143808
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A society of the highest aesthetics no hunger and hideous poverty. People are just born to have pleasant lives. Everyone is equal and by everyone I mean everything alive. We can manipulate biology to an extend where food production is easy and can be done without producing pain and suffering, the same for all resources. War and organized religion of any shade is recognized as ridiculous. Laws are guidelines and ethos by convention and police helps people instead of disciplining them. People are well informed and well read and have the possibility of effective rebellion in a civilized manner. Every Wednesday is mandatory strawberry cheesecake. Intelligence is revered, people aren't insecure anymore.

>> No.4143836

Everyone is armed. Everyone is mad. Everyone is ready.

>> No.4143855
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I agree with most of your points, OP. I'd exclude some things and include others, however:

My ideal society is a society based on the fundamental principle of self-regulation.

The larger the community and the more spread it is, the more fractured and internecine it is. On the other end of the spectrum, too small a population in too small a geographic region leads to incest and cultishness. For these reasons, each country will be approximately the size of Norway and have about double its population.

A mild form of eugenics is encouraged, and religion is entirely absent. Countries are largely insular, but not unwelcoming to others. This creates a world that steers away from monoculture, and will foster an environment in which more innovation occurs.

Finally, communities are largely subsistence-based, with different cities within a country supporting each other with whichever resources they have in surplus.

There. I solved all our problems.

>> No.4143860

one w/o humans

>> No.4143874

you guys should work together
those guys^^^ except with popcorn for those of us who find weapons heavy

>> No.4143881

>ideal society

is this /sci/?

>> No.4143888

I liked Island too OP. Logan's Run hasn't aged too badly either. I also always enjoyed the architecture of We, though the societal structure itself is rather by the numbers.

>> No.4143986

One were all the chicks dig me.

>> No.4143995

Meritocratic National Socialism with a culture of austerity and vitalism, a respect and love for individualism as a companion to duty and loyalty, and rigorous free speech and critical discourse regarding state institutions, though understood in the Socratean sense that the laws are still sovereign even if you personally disagree with them.