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4143525 No.4143525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The book should have ended when he destroyed the bugger's planet, but noo, he HAD to treat it like it was no big deal and avoided giving details and descriptions on how everyone was..y'know, happy that they wont face a future EXTERMINATION

And whats worse,he continues it with some 2deep4u philosophical bullshit

what did you think about the ending?

>> No.4143533

Sorry, I don't read children's books.

>> No.4143537

>implying this is a children's book


>> No.4143549

it says nigger in it so it cant be for children

>> No.4143553

The twist at the end was awesome, but everything after that was just fanservice. Agreed OP, it should have ended right there.

That being said, I liked having the fanservice because every now and then I don't feel like being 2hardcorereader10u

>> No.4143554

So i heard the movie is based on the 2 books

Is is worth reading it, /lit/?

>> No.4143555
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The last chapter is probably the best section in the book. I underestimated Card's Mormon mind

>> No.4143560

except there's plenty of more books to derive all this information from. the point was it was NOT a happy victory. He exterminated an entire species who were suffering from a cultural misunderstanding. They didn't know humans were sentient, humans didn't know the aliens weren't ill intentioned.

in the end ender despises himself, and humanity remember's him as the xenocide.

>> No.4143566

I didn't make it as far as the ending because the book was pretty shit.

>> No.4143569

>ill intentioned.

From 2 fucking planetary wars, i think they were pretty ill intentioned

so anyways, should i proceed in reading the sequel?

>> No.4143571

b...but they never came back :(

>> No.4143574

Im pretty surprised on how much praise this book gets when in reality its written poorly character wise.

Instead of describing Ender as he evolves his personality, they just throw you his struggles, then a few texts further he has a new personality, exposed in form of dialogue of course

>> No.4143576

nice spoiler tags asshole.
it was only one of the books that i wanted to read next...

>> No.4143577

but the aliens didn't know humans were sentient. to them it was the same as stepping on ants, or cutting down a tree. they had no way to communicate with each other.

>> No.4143579

Read it. The best part hasn't been spoiled yet. Also, learn how to avoid spoilers by rapidly shifting your eye's focal point when you see anything semi-related (like OP's picture) to any piece of literature or film you intend on enjoying.

>> No.4143580

You should have expected spoilers, why are you even here if you didnt want it spoiled, faggot?

>> No.4143585

Well there was no warning that there would be spoilers and the first major spoiler is like right at the beginning of OP's fucking post, retard.

>> No.4143588

Ok can someone explain this to me?

You clearly saw people ATTACKING you, DESTROYING your ships, INTERACTING with you

how the fuck can you treat that as "cutting down a tree"?

The ending is too bastardised to call it philosophical.

He didnt even describe the transitional phase of what led Ender think he needs to go out and explore new worlds and so on.

>> No.4143589

Because non-sentient beings are likely to be able to build fucking space ships.

>> No.4143593

Well then guess what

Ender destroys the bugger's planet but he doesnt know he does.

His instructor says its a game(Hence Ender's game), and all the decisions he makes were in the limits of a game, but in reality it was real with real soldiers

Next time dont willingly participate in a thread about a book you're about to read, idiot

>> No.4143595

go fuck yourself.

this is against 4chan's rules.
enjoy your ban, faggot.

>> No.4143601


>> No.4143598

sure sure

Oh and his brother eventually is leader of the world with the help of his sister at age 14 because he was discussing politics on forums and got power and attention

>> No.4143604

do you really think i am so stupid to read any of that?
you 'd have to be a retard to fall for this shit.

>> No.4143607

Go read it for yourself then

>> No.4143609

are you new to science fiction? i mean that's ok, i'll try to help.

the aliens are a hivemind. there is one queen, who is the only one who possesses any kind of sentience. all the other "individuals" are like her arms or her tools out in the galaxy. later on it goes on to describe her intelligence as being metaphysical in some ways as she is able to control and see through the eyes of the drones across any amount of distance instantaneously.

without giving away any spoilers she basically "says" she tried to show a sign of "peace" all too late - violence/war/peace are all concepts that she did not possess before she was able to make contact with ender's mind and understand how humans work.

>> No.4143610

I thought Valentine was going to be the Final Boss for a while. I guess I've watched too much anime.

>> No.4143612

that was my plan you flying faggot

>> No.4143622

then why are you still here? i don't understand the nature of your autism. you come into a thread discussing the concepts of a book you haven't read yet, and you complain that people are discussing the concepts of a book you haven't read yet.

>> No.4143628

Why did you tell me as if i didnt understand?

i understand completely, but it doesnt make sense.

>She didnt understand concepts like peace of war

Yet the concept of staying alive and surviving/colonising was well known aswell as building SHIPS.

This alone has alot of implications about how their consciousness, and any kind of consciousness works. I mean

>Having the concepts of maneuvering a whole army

>> No.4143630

i am not complaining about you discussing the book, dumbass.
i was complaining about OP not using any spoiler tags because, newfag, they do serve a purpose and wilfully spoiling shit for others will get you banned.

>> No.4143632

lol so mad, instead of seperating yourself - you are choosing to be mad. no one to blame but yourself

>> No.4143637

what is that suppossed to be? the answer of a 12 year old?

fuck off back to /b/ and stop infesting /lit/ with your stupid shit.
obviously i am mad.
so what?

>> No.4143640


>Still in the thread
>this butt frustrated
>Using newfag as an insult

>> No.4143642

>still not on /b/

>> No.4143652

i guess you can't understand why a different species would have evolved differently over a totally different timescale in a totally different place. it's cool, but that's the science fiction concept of the book that you're not suspending your disbelief to understand.

>concept of staying alive
not AS important to a hivemind species. each drone doesn't possess the concept of life/death
>suriving colonizing
completely natural to a colonizing hivemind species. they do what they do because they evolved to do it.
>maneuvering a whole army
they're not a whole army. the whole army is the same single consciousness. they're worker ants following a chemical concoction in their brain that compels them to build more hives and to spread.

it's like you're failing to understand how a bee could make a beehive, and defend that beehive - without the capability of understand violence. lemme ask, do bees understand violence or war?

>> No.4143657

so what? i don't care if you're mad or not, you're the one whos shitting up an otherwise wonderful conversation about science fiction. choose to be mad or choose to be happy - i'm ignoring you from now on.

>> No.4143670

i highly recommend the next couple of books. if you like science fiction anthropology there are some incredible concepts later on.

>> No.4143676

I was reffering to the queen in particular, not the drones

If the queen can handle such concepts, then not knowing the concept of war and peace is ridiculous, because like i said, knowing atleast one of the before mentioned concepts has alot of implications

>> No.4143685

>i don't care if you're mad or not

then why were you asking in the first place?
are you like seriously retarded or something?

>> No.4143725

she can handle them, but she never had before. it wasn't until she telepathically connects with ender that she is even capable of understanding. she couldn't understand before because they didn't have a word for it, because they didn't have any words or language at all. they were the equivalent of branches growing on a tree. compelled to spread outwards and seek energy. that's about it.

in fact in the next book, it compares her consciousness to a godlike manifestation with no concept of right or wrong. She is able to communicate with another specie's "godlike" intelligence, as well as with a superconnected quantum computer that has godlike qualities as well. every species has it's own concept of right or wrong, in the xeno's case - they had no concept of it to speak of.
asked? looks like he didn't ask anything. it's obvious umad. join the discussion or go away bro you're wasting your time.

>> No.4143748

The ending is literally the only remotely interesting part of the book. It's where Ender (and the reader) finally receives some conclusive evidence that the narrative he's been fed by his elders this entire time is not necessarily truthful or valid.

It breaks down the logic of "we need to destroy these people because, as far as we can tell, they maybe represent a possible future threat to the existence of our society".

The entire rest of the book is just garbage about how leaders need to be set apart from commoners and display astounding authority in order to be feared, admired, and respected.

>> No.4143759

i think a major concept of the book to take away is the fact that humanity discovers it's first other sentient species and we kill them all because of a cultural inability to communicate. kind of like a "what if we were actually the evil invading aliens?" trope you see in some other scifi.

>> No.4143768

i know its the only remotely interesting part of the book, and frankly it got screwed up too. It was like an anti-climax. I was puped up during the whole book about the WAR and the BUGGERS, only to get a premature ejaculation when he blew off their planet. It was treated like one of his matches in school, didnt build up tensions or anything, and it was THE final battle mind you. And then he continues with some philosophical stuff, as if that was the point of the whole booke

>> No.4143850

Honestly, it's clear Card was too far gone for you.

As for me, as a child I understood Ender's need to witness and help continue inherent life and goodness. The ending was what gave the book pizazz to me after I was disappointed that it was all "just a dream" or RATHER "just a game" in the end--what was to happen had already happened.

If he hadn't included a reconciliation with the nameless others, the book would have been an unfinished and rather pointless read.

>> No.4143851


The original novella is better. Ender's Game feels forced as fuck to read because he only expanded on it in order to set a proper precedent for Speaker for the Dead. If Card had added the childhood chapters (which are pretty good) and rewritten some of the clunky prose but kept the page count low, it would've been a better story.

>> No.4143885
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Did you just outright not read it? There is a fucking chapter dedicated to explaining this. Holy fuck get off the board

>> No.4144053

Last few chapters were shoe-horned in as an introduction to the rest of the series, no other way to put it. Complete waste of time

>> No.4144656

why are you mad?

>> No.4144985

I can't wait to see the naked fighting scene in the movie

>> No.4145023

that probably wont happen for obvious reasons

>> No.4145040

Why not?

>> No.4145041

because they are naked kids?

>> No.4145043

What? You think people are gonna get upset about a little boy wang? I don't see the big deal.

>> No.4146642

The whole book was pretty engaging . The character development was except for Ender's was pretty mediocre. The concept was pretty cool. It wasn't a bad read. Not a favorite but pretty good.

>> No.4146648


>> No.4146689


>cutting down a tree

except that in the book it would've been a tree that defends itself with a chainsaw that it made

the aliens WERE uncaring psychos - if something has developed technology that's very nearly identical to yours and it's a threat to your existance it's obviously advanced and most certainly sentient

if humans don't get to go to the planet where a species of yeast has steam technology and burn it all then the space ants don't get to take their space ships to destroy our fucking space fucking ships and say "but we didn't know they weren't like some mindless critters"

>> No.4146700

if you're reading ender's game after your 13th birthday you have the brain of a child

>> No.4146708

the build up is thinly concealed in the preface to the final battle: they make a point about quick decisions collapsing battles. The battle could have gone on for the whole day but as in many historical battles, a key decision causes a fast outcome

>> No.4146709

>If he hadn't included a reconciliation with the nameless others, the book would have been an unfinished and rather pointless read.
no, it would have been unapologetic. that's either good or bad depending on taste

>> No.4146711

>You think people are gonna get upset about a little boy wang?
yes, people do in fact get pissed about it. I don't see any trouble with it either, but it's not about individuals, there are rules there to satisfy stuck up assholes