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414126 No.414126 [Reply] [Original]

>English 62 - European Literature II

>Assigned reading was Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>Professor directs discussion to propriety and the view of marriage and single people in society, in their “older years”

>Class consists of 6 men, and 4 times as many women.

>90% of the women vehemently describe how they view someone who isn’t married by a certain age as ‘strange’, how everyone does, and how that is just the way society is and is the proper way.

>Oprah is brought up, I count 5 women who voice disgust for her deciding to stay single. “She of all people should get married!” “What is she going to do with all that money once she’s gone, pass it on to her dogs?” “Humans need to reproduce!”

>I am laughing inside, wistfully.

>Topic changes to reasons for marriage and love.

>Money, status, reproduction, in order of importance, are reasons for marriage as the women voice it. Love is mentioned as an afterthought at the end. “Yea, love is nice...”

>Discussion turns to debate.

>I am crying and slowly dieing inside. Professor is going @_@ at the women, 2 guys are trying to argue against 20 female voices – citing love, 1 male is asleep (later wakes up and asks me what all the hullabaloo is about), 2 guys are trying their best to keep out of the debate, and how the opinion difference is cleanly split between the genders dawns on me.

>I voice my observations of the class, giving a small speech covering the microcosm of our class, gold-digging, the conditioning of our daughters, and go back to Tolstoy as an example. Somehow manage to hold class quiet for the duration of my small tirade.

>Looks that would kill, if they could.

>Class explodes

>Class ends, one guy announces his decision to stay single indefinitely.

>I am dogged all the way to the subway.

My my, lives of quiet desperation indeed.

>> No.414134

Nice story, but I think you made it up.

>> No.414139

In next week's installment, OP single-handedly find a cure for cancer!

>> No.414140


I might have embellished some details, but ... true story.

>> No.414145
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>> No.414157

Female here, these women are right.

I'm impressed.

>> No.414158

OP i'm in your situation every day.

>> No.414163
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I would like to hear more stories like this please.

>> No.414166
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>> No.414167

>I am dogged all the way to the subway by beautiful women
>just another day in the life
>of the world's most handsome man
>"fill our vaginas with semen," they cry
>"no, I cannot," I plead
>"hold us and we will keep you warm," they cry
>"no, I cannot," I plead
>they do not know

>> No.414172

>Money, status, reproduction, in order of importance, are reasons for marriage as the women voice it. Love is mentioned as an afterthought at the end. “Yea, love is nice...”

This is pretty cynical but not totally off-base. Marriage is a practical social device. Romantic love is nice and all, but the higher purpose is survival, raising children, etc.

Dude here, don't necessarily agree with that, but whatever, it is life. Romantic love is not an eternal conception, and it's not the case that it's the pure drive for most marriages. People find a partner to hump, support one another, and raise kids with.

>> No.414173

Rolls of fat sag out of my shirt for all to see. I clear my throat.
"It is my opinion..." my grating voice begins, "that as time elapses, human society is gradually losing touch with itself."

>> No.414179



People marrying for 'love' is the reason the divorce rate is at 50%.

Romantic love is insubstantial, and doesn't last.

>> No.414182

I feel your pain, OP.

>> No.414184


What's your opinion of someone in their 50s and who is not married, regardless of gender? if marriage is a financial arrangement, why reproduce, as children are financial liabilities?

>> No.414189


"Romantic love is insubstantial, and doesn't last."

Pretty much. There's a lot to be said for "loving" someone not just because they're a perfect gem that gives you the warm fuzzies, but because you each have a role for one another, and that relationship is worth keeping.

Find a mate who likes you for who you are, sure, but also someone who's basically trustworthy and shares your cultural, moral, and financial ambitions. Chicks marrying for money are not exactly on the highest moral plane, but neither are dudes who are out to fuck beautiful women.

>> No.414193



>> No.414194


I see absolutely no point in getting married if you never plan to have children. The idea appalls me.

The reason you marry someone who has money is so you can raise the children properly.

>> No.414195


Because people are usually hard-wired to want to reproduce.

I don't care if people are unmarried at whatever age or if they don't have kids. It's their life.

I think the irony here is that the OP is just as judgmental about these women marrying for security as they are about people who don't want to get married by any particular date.

>> No.414198

God, all of 4chan is as backwards as you get when it comes to relationships.

>> No.414199

"I see absolutely no point in getting married if you never plan to have children. The idea appalls me."

Who gives a fuck? It's not your business.

"The reason you marry someone who has money is so you can raise the children properly."

Enh, plenty of women sponge the money for their own needs as well. Plenty of SINKs to go around.

>> No.414204

Love isn't real. Marrying for something that doesn't exist doesn't make any sense, OP.

>> No.414209

>Money, status, reproduction, in order of importance, are reasons for marriage as the women voice it. Love is mentioned as an afterthought at the end. “Yea, love is nice...”

This is absolutely true from my experiances and discussions with women. And the saddest thing is not that it is true, it is that there are lots of men out their marrying gold diggers and users beacuse they are in love with them.

>> No.414212

>I see absolutely no point in getting married if you never plan to have children.
You are forgetting the duty of every man to serve as willing host to a female parasite, and tie himself as early as possible and permanently to a sex partner who decreases in attractiveness and enthusiasm for sex much faster than he himself does.

>> No.414222


Seems a fair price to pay, as a woman's job is to act as a willing host to ungrateful parasitic children, who will drain her of her life force, and leave after two decades without so much as a thank you.

>> No.414225

>Looks that would kill, if they could.

Oh they did my friend

For you are dead

And this is heaven

>> No.414227

That was a very sad attempt at cleverness.

>> No.414229

the first 2.5 years of a marriage are still saturated with serotonin, and other fun chemical soups.
likewise, romance is a relatively recent historical fiction.
true love is possible, but it's more like having someone you trust to watch your back. it's a nice thiing to have when you're old; but 9 out of 10 marriages today are still about the resources.

given US divorce laws, it's simply too risky without a prenup, which will scare off most decent girls anyway...
The ironic part is that while a lot of women "fall in love" easily, they can also turn it off instantly.
Men take a lot longer for both, and that often leads to getting raped for alimony.

>> No.414231


Health science major.


Ironically, I could claim the same thing and say that people marrying for financial reasons are responsible for the current divorce rates. In the past, you married for love, but that love was expected to grow AFTER you tie the knot and do the dirty, not before. Women didn't work, and dowries stopped being fashionable when? There was no financial arrangement in marriage in the past, maybe a social one and in only some circles.

>> No.414233


I'm not trying to be clever.

>> No.414234


Makes sense as well, since it is a paralegal's job to staple forms and arrange files for lawyers who sometimes say thank you but also don't sometimes.

>> No.414236

For a second I thought I'd read it backwards, but, alas, no. People marrying for money is why the divorce rate is so high. Why? Because you still get to take half the cash but don't have to deal with the other person anymore. Mission accomplished.

I don't understand how marrying for love could contribute to the high divorce rate. Sure, allot of the time its naive and falls apart, but what better chance could I have of being happy? I can't imagine anything stupider than legally agreeing to spend the rest of my life with someone I didn't like. Are material reasons really your suggestion? Sounds like a one way ticket to misery.

>> No.414237

> There was no financial arrangement in marriage in the past,

That is one of the most weirdly ignorant things I have ever read. Are you POSITIVE about that, buckaroo?

>> No.414238

"the contract between two adults of the opposite sex about the mutual use of each other's sexual organs"


>> No.414239

because what young people call love is usually infatuation that rapidly wears off.

>> No.414246

Is financial security really a reason to marry in todays society?, in a 1st world country, women are supposed to have a job and in many of these countries the have rights wich allow them to raise children while holding their job. What is the real reason behind this supposed reason?.

>> No.414248

"I don't understand how marrying for love could contribute to the high divorce rate. Sure, allot of the time its naive and falls apart, but what better chance could I have of being happy? I can't imagine anything stupider than legally agreeing to spend the rest of my life with someone I didn't like. Are material reasons really your suggestion? Sounds like a one way ticket to misery."

I'm not the person you're replying to, and I don't agree with that person. But...

Marrying only for "love" is problematic because there's a lot more to marriage than just you thinking your partner is pretty and funny and so on. You have to be reliable to one another and you have to see eye-to-eye on very practical life stuff. If you aren't clear-headed enough or passionate enough to be a trustworthy partner to someone else, dealing with very mundane financial stuff and all the rest, then you're going to fuck up that marriage. It can't just be one or the other.

>> No.414249


Just because you aren't in romantic love with someone doesn't mean you don't like them, trust them, and enjoy their company.

>> No.414251

So OP is saying women are unthinking vessels of reproduction attempting to secure the best future for their offspring using what little rational thought they are capable of?

I thought we already knew this?

>> No.414254

I think the opposite is true. People break up over money because they don't have shared beliefs about how to manage money; they may still love each other.

>> No.414255



>> No.414257


Cognitive dissonance over gender roles. Women are expected to have jobs nowadays, but men are still supposed to be the provider and women still take the larger role in raising the children.

On some level, whether culturally or biologically or on whatever other level, there is still the message that a woman is a princess who marries a prince.

>> No.414258

Sometimes I am very glad I live in a large metropolitan Canadian city rather than anywhere in the United States. The women here are sensible folk.

>> No.414261


Sorry to break it to you, but they're actually caribou.

>> No.414263


The women here are fucking morons.

They're, like, the exact opposite of OP's women, which is even worse.

>> No.414268


OP here, this is New York City. College is a 10 minute walk over a bridge away from Manhattan.

>> No.414269

Sorry to break it to YOU but they're actually bears.

>> No.414272

Marriage is a political policy, like democracy.

The idea is to divide the women up equally among the men, by number if not by quality.

It's not a good deal for women. Women, given the choice, will nearly always be the second or third or seventh wife to a great man rather than the only wife to a mediocre man.

What it does do is keep all of the third-rate men from being violently desperate. If they're given women, who they have to support, then they'll work submissively and productively for the good of all involved.

The long term effect this has on the genetics of the population is horrifying, but it is a great promoter of stability and prosperity.

>> No.414276

Yeah but I bet most of your classmates hail from the 90-minute drive radius around New York. I'm thinking Jersey, upstate New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

>> No.414277

>Money, status, reproduction

Stability, both financially and even emotionally, are sound reason for marriage. I'll agree with them on that, even though they said it in the most shallow way possible (but majority of people are shallow these days, regardless of gender). Status is just circumstantial and based on biased viewpoints, so I'm not really sure how it applies practically. Reproduction is a very good reason to get married. Raising a child can be just as enlightening an experience as having your nose stuck in books the rest of your life.

Marriage for stability and reproduction is too shallow and mechanical but marriage for love is blindly foolish. As with everything, it's the middle ground that makes most sense. It's right there, between the warring factions but no one ever seems to notice it.

>> No.414280

maybe he's talking about the 20th century? I don't think they cared about dowries as much as they did in the previous centuries.

>> No.414282

> Women, given the choice, will nearly always be the
> second or third or seventh wife to a great man
> rather than the only wife to a mediocre man.

Let me guess. You are a 16-year-old who just read The Red Queen?

>> No.414288


Female here.

If it meant I would be provided for for the rest of my life, I would gladly be the second, third, or seventh wife of someone.

>> No.414290


By "past" I meant the recent past, within 5 generations.

>> No.414291

I'm in my thirties and I've never heard of "The Red Queen".

>> No.414294


Fair enough. Dude here, I'd gladly cheat on my girlfriend if there was zero chance of any repercussions for anyone.

>> No.414296
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>> No.414298


As I assume most people would, male or female.

>> No.414301


Fair enough again. So, what's going on now?

>> No.414308


I think the discussion died.

>> No.414315

I should clarify that I mean monogamous marriage. I am aware that marriage is much older and closer to universal than monogamy.

>> No.414316

I can't believe we're having this thread *here,* of all places. Tolstoy my hairy ass, you all just want to complain about BITCHES AND WHORES.

>> No.414319

You guys just ruined the prospect of marriage for me. Thanks.

>> No.414324

Let's set aside what was specifically said in class, and focus on the bigger issue of why university has become the high school after high school.

>> No.414325

Tolstoy ain't shit but hos and tricks.

>> No.414338

Don't thank us, thank feminism.

>> No.414348


Don't know what you mean; the class sounds like something that would raise your intellectual bar a notch or two. Tolstoy in the context of modern society?

What would you rather have as a university setting? Ingestion of the material without critical discussion amongst pears, that is, download the book to our brains? Or maybe your definition of a University is fit only by the Great Book colleges?

>> No.414350

I have a question:

Is there a girl out there who would marry someone for what kind of man they are?
What if he was struggling financially?
What if all he had going for him was that he's a good person and he tries to do the best he can?

I guess what I'm really wondering is:
Have all of you taken your swing at the dead horse of romanticism, or is there a girl out there who chose to put down her stick?

>> No.414355


I'm sure there are girls out there who would marry that man. Likely idiotic, flighty, romantic girls.

To marry someone who is struggling financially, unless you have enough money to make up for it, is dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

>> No.414363

yes. but someone struggling financially is probably not that person; they probably are the immature manchild type.

>> No.414364


> What if all he had going for him was that
> he's a good person and he tries to do the best he can?

What if there was a pasty, fat girl who had nothing in common in you, but goldurnit, she's a nice person who does the best she can?

I'm a dude here with no real dog in this fight, but I don't see what's to get upset about with regard to women finding a guy with a decent job attractive. High-powered bankers are not the only guys who get laid, folks.

I also know relationships where the man has a seemingly blah, low-paying job, but with a beautiful wife/gf and they seem happy, for mostly the reasons you lay out as well.

>> No.414366


Yeah, seriously. It's one thing to have a job where you're not paid gazillions, but if you're an adult and you can't figure out how to support yourself, then, well.

>> No.414386
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interesting OPs experience is, females I know often indulged in sentiments of romantic love are.
Materialistic and calculating a feat of males is often.

meditate I must know, for a disturbance in the force I feel

>> No.414402

You raise an interesting notion, though unintentionally I think.

Attractiveness for girls is to financial stability for men?

At first this through up a sexist red flag for me, but after a second or two I realized this is a viable observation...sadly.

>> No.414408


I think this is exactly what it is.

So, compare wanting girls to date poor guys to wanting guys to date hideous land whales.

>> No.414422


Just want to add that "for financial reasons" meant that these women weren't willing to take a step back and marry a man who earns less then then, even if he is financially stable. Add to the fact that my school is known for putting out pharmacists and nurses, that means that most men they meet, provided they don't flunk (pharmacy has a high attrition rate), statistically speaking, earn less then they would in the future.

>> No.414427

I have to say that I think this is an unfair standard.
Times are hard, especially in my town. I know several small business owners who have been successful and productive members of society for years, but who are now going under and losing everything. If this is taken as a judgment of their character, I'm gonna have to say fat chicks aren't worth my time because they don't hit the treadmill enough.

>> No.414431

>the class sounds like something that would raise your intellectual bar a notch or two. Tolstoy in the context of modern society?
Just because the topic sounds impressive to a certain sort of pseudointellectual doesn't mean the level of discussion has risen to a respectable level.

This is what a university education has largely degenerated to: four years of bullshitting your way through stuff that sounds vaguely impressive to get a piece of paper that guarantees you preference for secure employment as a glorified clerk.

>> No.414436

>four years of bullshitting your way through stuff that sounds vaguely impressive to get a piece of paper that guarantees you preference for secure employment as a glorified clerk
Hey, life is what you make it. If you're not going to make an attempt to learn something important (or even just learn something) from the courses you take there's nothing anyone else can do for you.

>> No.414442
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the future belongs to the hive-mind. Let the fuckers go to hell, you are honorable in intent.

>> No.414457

Well said. I always imagined my classmates would start taking things seriously by college. Instead its like 14th grade. No one cares, no one is there to learn, people treat it like its just a burden.
This works in some of my classes, but there is only so much you can do when the teachers are just as apathetic as the students.

>> No.414481

First of all, studying stuff like literature doesn't teach you anything important but how to have something to talk about with somebody else who studied the same literature. The whole reason this stuff got into universities was to teach the children of the rich and powerful how to fit in socially with the rich and powerful. We're talking about nothing but consuming the correct entertainment products here, and agreeing with standard interpretations (or at least dissenting with them in an entertaining way), lessons in extreme social conformity for a social network that no longer exists.

It's like studying golf to succeed at business, except that social expectations have moved on, and the curriculum hasn't. Rather than being a major aid to social success, this kind of education, taken seriously, now mainly cultivates an air of smug superiority in the guy who pours your coffee.

Secondly, I wasn't lamenting that the level of education available is poor, but that it has become such common practice to go through this ridiculous, pointless farce, often at ruinous expense.

>> No.414484

Well you should stop taking shitty low-level courses then. Where do you go to school? What discipline are you in?

>> No.414493

>this kind of education, taken seriously, now mainly cultivates an air of smug superiority in the guy who pours your coffee
I'm going to use this whole post as a bitchslap the next time my barista gets uppity with me about Fair Trade coffee.

>> No.414500

You might think that these women are shallow but it is their ideal of a conservative, nearly mechanical life that holds civilisation together. Gold-digging and the conditioning of our daughters to keep the cycle is how females become baby factories. In a hundred years, western civilisation will be eclipsed by a mass of middle-easten voters. You will mock their outlook in life for being medieval, yet they shall reproduce, work, expand, and take countries.

That is the cost of having our liberal bachelor lifestyle. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, because every drop of water in the river can plead innocent when a man is drowned.

>> No.414507

There are two big problems with our society's attitude toward education:
a) that a university degree, ANY university degree, is treated as a requirement for many jobs where it has no relevance (thus packing the schools with people who don't give a shit about learning, just with getting a big socioeconomic success ticket), and
b) that certification of education and education are done by the same people. (and thus, there is a great industry in expensive Four Year Degree Programs, which provide no more testable ability than could be trained in a tough three-month evening course, if that)

>> No.414510


>baww colleges should just be big vocational schools

>> No.414547


The job of universities is first and foremost to raise the intellectual level of society. Everything else is an afterthought and baggage.

You're thinking of vocational school; you don't need to think to know how to weld a bike frame together, but you still need training.

>> No.414554


by bowing to their newspeak, you have already lost the battle

>> No.414570

That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that vocational schools should be completely separate from colleges, and most people should be going to the vocational schools.

And furthermore, that colleges shouldn't confer any degrees or honors of any kind that don't come with a salary.

A college is properly a place of research and discussion, a meeting of equals, of colleagues. It is a place to learn, and to teach, but mostly it is a place to generate new ideas, not to mold people to an orthodoxy and certify that this has been done.

>> No.414615

If you think you need training to read and appreciate good books, then I feel very sorry for you.

>> No.414622


What you think I'm saying is the exact opposite of what I said.

>> No.414629

a) This really bothers me. It's pretty much a nationwide admition that its all a sham.
"fuck it, a diploma is a diploma right? Physical science major? Sure, this 8th grade math class won't know the difference."
b) Precisely why ~60% of college students graduate and move back in with their parents. They graduate and suddenly realize that, despite spending four years to earn it, they don't actually know what to do with their diploma. I see myself in the exact same situation in another year. Supposedly I'm being taught to be a pre-med student, but if I didn't spend hours outside of class teaching myself I would be completely clueless, like the other 90% of my class.

Example: The teacher asks our class ( of about 120 kids) what happens when a cell beings to reproduce without cause. Damn if I wasn't the only one who knows what cancer is.

To make it worse, these kids will be in your hospital in another 3-4 years. There is no standard except attendance. I could shit on the final and ace the class.

>> No.414637

>What you think I'm saying is the exact opposite of what I meant to say.

Communication problems can happen at both ends.

>> No.414651

Is OP in an Asian country? Britslags don't give a fuck about marriage, but they do love having babies.

>> No.414655

I was unaware there is a term for coffee wenches.

>> No.414663

>To make it worse, these kids will be in your hospital in another 3-4 years.
Don't worry about that. When people say "pre-med" I usually have to struggle to keep a straight face.

Med school isn't easy to get into, or to pass. There are a lot of pre-meds per doctor.

Most pre-meds just end up with a Bachelor's of Whatever degree, which is to the current generation what the high school diploma was to the last.

>> No.414678

You know, I always thought of the silly foreign and pseudoforeign coffee-shop lingo as the equivalent of the silly paper hat they make you wear if you work at a fast food chain. I try to avoid it to spare the dignity of the server.

>> No.414686

The paper hat is for keeping their hair our your food.

>> No.414688

European health care is looking better by the minute

>> No.414689

God I hope so. I hear it isn't easy, but that's also what I was told about college. They have to draw the line somewhere, right? Money can't buy grad-school, right?


>> No.414706

Does med school count as grad school?

Med school is highly selective, with a very competitive entrance process, but grad school entry is mostly about really, really wanting in.

Higher degrees generally aren't very lucrative. Teaching positions don't pay well and industry has noticed that past learning the basics, real world experience is usually more valuable than academic studies.

>> No.414714


Schools just teach you morals

>> No.414729

Oh /lit/
I love you so much

>> No.414733

School taught me that I love alcohol and hate my peers. Everything else I learned myself.

>> No.414748

>implying you learned anything at all other than how to browse 4chan

>> No.414750

Once you learn that, you stop learning anything else.

>> No.414762

Getting married out of youthful passion sorta sets you up for failure once your youth goes away.

>> No.414763

What? Even I know that that would be cancer, and all I know about biology comes from a single high school biology class, what I've gleamed from science fiction, and the internet. How the fuck does a pre-med student not know what cancer is and still pass a fucking pre-med class? Actually, how do they even fucking qualify for the class?

>> No.414771

how did school teach you that? you must have had an awesome teacher...

>> No.414772

This is why I attend a maritime academy. So I can get bachelor's degree AND a coast guard license and navigate until I die, with a high chance of getting employment within three months and an above average salary.

>> No.414776

Sounds like a good option, setting aside the buggery.

>> No.414787
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yeah, I know.


>> No.414791

Being a mate pays pretty well, and you basically just make sure nothing bad happens for half a day at a time and then just chill the rest. It's all specialized knowledge too, so it's in pretty good demand. Hopefully I can get my Second's license within the first couple years and really start rolling it in.

>> No.414814
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I sense a lot of fear and anger in this thread....

... don't forget, young jedis, those are the paths that lead to the dark side...

>> No.414821
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yousa needsa shutta the fucka up

>> No.414825
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old man

>> No.414833

Why be angry at women for being women?

Marriage has always been a sex-for-security deal. Women want to be taken care of, and marriage is the big, "I'll take care of you forever."

You can rail against reality all you like, it won't do you a lick of good. If you learn about it, and accept it, you can reap all sorts of benefits.

Learning something useful and just being a whiny bitch about it is bloody stupid.

>> No.414837


>> No.414838
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all hope is lost

>> No.414843

nah, just saw an opportunity

>> No.414844

Study something practical, like accounting. Like me! :D

>> No.414849

My fiance is going to have about £12,000 in student debt after graduating from Oxford University. On the other hand, he is a total hunky dreamboat and possibly the most intelligent person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing (and in the intellectual sense too). Even more exciting is the student debt I'll rack up after going to Columbia University!

We are eloping because everyone we know would say that we are too young to marry. Ha, you only wish your lives could be this great, /lit/.

>> No.414857

or you could wish you were brilliant enough for a scholarship... or study in country with free university education (and yes, I have access to highly acclaimed professors and research institutes as well as 3 top notch university libraries, a national reference library and 3 highly acclaimed research libraries)

>> No.414860
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*neckbeard detected*

>> No.414862

You know whats great? As a man you don't need to marry for any of these aforementioned reasons. So don't let a ho's problem get you down.

>> No.414870
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fujioshi detected

>> No.414875

oh yeah, did I forgot to mention that I receive my education in the buildings were the first atom was split, and hegel, einstein, helmholtz, Planck, Simmel, Marx, Schopenhauer, Humboldt, Mommsen, Hahn, Koch, Bismarck, Dilthey, Grimm^2, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, von Ranke, Stirner and Virchow worked in

>> No.414879

I dont even know who half of these guys are, and I honestly dont care...

>> No.414887

The kids in my history class were ranting and raving about how Machiavelli was right about everything...

>> No.414898

thats because you were the only one who had not read his discorsi

>> No.414906

thought you were clever, huh?

>> No.414914


>> No.414922

true. 2Humboldt as well, btw

>> No.414930

Not that I disagree, but what do I do if I want to find a partner that genuinely cares about me as much as I care about them? If I wanted to trade sex for security I'd get into the sex trade, either as a customer or as a service-provider; at least then it'd be straight-across, with a minimum of social baggage.

>> No.414960

well, you can only keep on looking. There is not really a guarantee of finding such a person (couples may love each other, but seldomly they do equally).
IMO this thread offers only rather extreme views on this and Obi Wan seems to be right (even that anon was probably not aware of that), fear and anger are the big motivators in here
sex trade only fucks you up, btw...

>> No.414974

You don't because humans long for relationships that fake being in love. Even if the man has to distribute money to woman, even if the woman has to distribute blowjobs to the man, a fake relationships fools the human mind into thinking "You are VIP in the tribe! Keep it up!".

>> No.415003

Yeah, that was the conclusion I came to as well.

>> No.415043

funny thing about machiavelli is that if you've read him your obviously doing it wrong to say you have

>> No.415050

Wow! It's like I'm really on /r9k/!

>> No.415097

I'm confused, the things people are saying, having a partner you can trust and rely on and are happy to be with and agree on deep personal things about and what not, I always thought that WAS love. I mean if that's not love then what the hell do you call that?

>> No.415102


>> No.415128

Well when it's on a one to one basis to the point where you could consider spending the rest of your life with that one person, I consider it love. Maybe I'm just weird, but that's my idea of love.

>> No.415136

Dude, you must have awkward moments with your guys friends.

>> No.415178
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>> No.415190
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>> No.415248

not true, most women marry for money because financial security means emotional security

>> No.415302
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That can't be right. That's one semester's worth of debt towards my nursing degree...

>> No.415307

Women already have financial security if they work.


>> No.415320

i love u

>> No.415339

You know what's awesome?

Being gay.

>> No.415352


No, but misogyny is fucking great.

>> No.416113


>> No.416215

When did business learn that you don't need a degree to use a file cabinet? Last I checked most every job out there required a 4 year.

>> No.416921


Tuition fees in the UK are capped at just over £3000 per year, even at the highest institutions. I imagine the other £4000 is maintenance grants.