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/lit/ - Literature

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4137453 No.4137453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of story do you think is going through his mind while he's typing there?

>> No.4137458

I am guessing one with cats

>> No.4137464

Gay romance with lots of obscure music reference s

>> No.4137468

"His friends considered him unpretentious and fascinating. He was the kind of person of whom acquaintances always asked for advice--even on topics he knew absolutely nothing about. Unbelievably handsome, he stood six foot even and hand long, adroit limbs. Curly, brown hair led to fetching sideburns, which were a little on the thick side. His body was compact and muscular--lithe enough to be noticed through a suit. Women never ceased to notice, at least. Thick black frames around his eyes gave his comely face an even more handsome appearance. He knew how to ski, bowl, scuba dive--to say nothing of his archery skills.

"Rarely stooping low enough to wear socks, he..."

That's where he's at when the photo was taken.

>> No.4137485

"oh boy geez I'm sure excited about the fact I'm going directly home after this to re-type this entire thing on my MacBook Air and tell my friends on /lit/ all about it, and especially about the high emotion I'm feeling now now that a girl has decided to eat the remaining half of her 12-inch Subway BLT near me; I wonder if she ate the first half or had shared it with a friend? Maybe she bought it yesterday. All these questions! I hope she talks to me. She's with some poser photographer wanna-be who has absolutely no sense of style and therefore no gravitas, you wouldn't ever be able of taking her or her hideous brown bag seriously. Hmm...I should have worn socks today..."

>> No.4137923
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>He knew how to ski, bowl, scuba dive--to say nothing of his archery skills.

>> No.4137939

"Please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't rain, please d-"

An on and on he went, 'til it finally started to rain, and he was forced to seek refuge at the nearest Starbucks. There, he quenched his thirst and hunger with an order of a Hazelnut Frappuccino® and a couple of Blueberry Scones, carelessly spilling crumbs on his shorts between careful gazes at the Brazilian hunk that was working the counter.

He never finished that chapter, or any novel or story- be it short or long. But all in all it was a nice day in his sea of the mundane.

>> No.4137949

This threads brings to mind a set of questions:

In acts such as this, where does pretension begin and nonchalance end? Do they necessarily converge? Can you be one without the other? Is it not the person who applies pretension that is in fact pretentious?

>> No.4137950

Something along the lines of this:

"Behold, ye who's eyes befall on this paper! It is I, John Bastian Johnson. I have come from afar to say onto you whatever your stream of self has dropped before your feet to handle with or without care, if, in the case of any obscure shame that you may have plunged to the depths of your very soul, you haven't turned around into yourself and conjured up ways to expunge these images and sounds and sights from your very mind and presence. Now, if I may hold possession of some of the time that you might need for an occasion which doesn't remind you of your mortal coil and fleeting memories, I will now tell you a story, like a kingfisher who has caught his White Whale and sets it free in the pond of his stately backyard. I wish to lend your mind and tell you a story about a boy and a girl, a story that was endlessly repeated, but, thanks to the contemporary post-modern post-Proust post-Foucault spin applied to it, a story that in my hands will shove you off your feet, pull you through the world and might even give you a panorama view of your own inner world. It might even calm this inner world to the point where you don't need to read another book anymore, like a dying man who listens to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue on his death bed, as he told his wailing relatives to leave him with himself, his memories and his fate."

>> No.4137952


Oh and the girl next to him reads this and says out loud: "Lel, fag"

>> No.4137960

"Would you go out with me? :)"
The girl sat near him stood up filled with agony, consequently giving his sock-less foot the firmest of steps as she moved farther from him.

>> No.4137977

he has very pretty legs

>> No.4137982

They are quite feminine. Do you think he shaves? :3

>> No.4137990

a badly written post marxist critique of facebook/tweeters

>> No.4138019

Jokes on you guys, he's a staff writer for Salon.com and occasionally makes contributions to Slate

>> No.4138028

"Discarded latte cup on the dorm stoop this morning. Birkenstock tread on crushed cardboard. This campus is afraid of me. I have seen its true face."

>> No.4138036

That was going to be my next guess. Those sites fucking suck.

>> No.4138066

"A self-described luddite, John enjoys classic literature, Macramé, and spending time with his three dogs in their Venice Beach apartment."

>> No.4138284

Salon is fucking awful, Slate's only a little beter.

>> No.4138303



>> No.4138312

so >>4137990 was right?

>> No.4138391

>tfw he's actually a decent writer

>> No.4138438

what´s the reason for the hipsters to go to starbucks? it´s mainstream and the caffee is shit, so why the fuck are they so attracted to it??

>> No.4138440

I read that too on reddit last night.
I have ever actually seen the meme before, though.
I'm guessing he is writing about being a sailor, meh.

>> No.4138444

Also, I saw a guy in San Francisco in 2010 who was doing the same thing, but with poetry rather than short stories and I thought it was rather charming.

>> No.4138464

because it is mainstream and perhaps ironic

>> No.4138538

Nothing. He's a fucking hipster.

>> No.4138579

The next day we ate whale.

>> No.4138606

Because Starbucks is fucking everywhere and even though you'd love to go somewhere else for your cup of joe, there are at least two Starbucks stations in a nearer and more convenient location to you. Hipster or not, you can't win.

>> No.4138615

Real hipsters went extinct long ago. The "hipsters" of today are second-wave hipsters. Much like second wave feminism, they have corrupted the hipster movement and have forgotten its true ideals.

>> No.4138622
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>the hipster movement
>true ideals.

>> No.4138620

I mainly say this because the hipster movement was about individuality and by the time the term was coined, it had already lost what it was striving for because late adapters now dressed in a similar fashion to each other.

Example: anyone wearing those big glasses, long boarding, wearing a scarf in the summer are not hipsters. If they did that 10 years ago they would be, but the people who do it now are what I like to call the "herd".

The herd are the people who don't really have an identity of their own, or really thoughts or ideas of their own for that matter. So they latch on to whatever becomes popular with their demographic.

>> No.4138655



Hipsters used to refer to youths in the 40s and 50s who would mingle with blacks and do subversive shit like wear jeans and listen to jazz and get blazed. They were also quite actively liberally minded. They were basically (proto)beatniks.

These nihilistic airheads that we call hipsters today don't even begin to compare.

>> No.4138659
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>hipsters were cool before they went mainstream

>> No.4138668
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>Real hipsters

>> No.4138674

Way to be a bunch of judgmental reactionaries /lit/. He was broke and was soliciting his story writing services to anyone who would pay. Half of this board is afraid to read in public.

>> No.4138682

>its true ideals.

dilettantism? contrarianism? pretentiousness?

>> No.4138681

>do subversive shit like wear jeans and listen to jazz and get blazed.
>true ideals.

Slacktivists before there was an internet for them to blog all day on. Useless.

>> No.4138685

what better way to attack backward social norms than to perform whatever behavior is frowned upon.

>old people don't want me to get blazed so i'm gonna get blazed
i hate potheads, by the way, i was just using that as an example.

>> No.4138690

There's no such things as hipsters. Hipster is a murky category we've invented to mock everything about contemporary youth culture that we don't like. It operates in the same way, linguistically, that "cool" and "uncool" do. It's mostly unjustified value judgement. For example, if somebody wears a v-neck shirt, brown slacks with nice shoes and sunglasses, and they're fairly muscular and handsome, they're usually just stylish.

>> No.4138694

>wearing a v-neck as anything but an undershirt

>> No.4138719

and then attack those who dont want to be like us

>> No.4138725

v-necks are for guidos not hipsters

>> No.4138749

The dirtiest, kinkiest porn this side of Sade and Bataille

>> No.4138760

Being overly casual and nonchalant while simultaneously acting with a barely subtle superiority complex and exuding an air of self importance is where casual becomes pretentious.

>> No.4138769


I would go to McDonald's before I went to Starbucks for coffee. That shit is dreadful.

>> No.4139304

im worried ppl see my starbucks and skinnies and hate me

>> No.4139335



To be honest, you guys should probably read this.

>> No.4139354

>What kind of story do you think is going through his mind while he's typing there?
I am such a gigantic faggot. Holy fuck am I ever a fag! I just want to suck some dick so badly right now...

>> No.4139399

His stupid excuse honestly just made it even worse. Hipster hate coming from neckbeards is obviously stupid, but that guy is still a stupid douche. He thinks of his feel-good exercise as a "cause"? That's everything that's wrong with the New Yorker hipster archetype, Jesus Christ.

>> No.4139406

I don't understand why there is so much hate towards hipsters. THey are harmless, and nice if you get to know them, and just generally fair, kind people

>> No.4139430

That hatred is a mixture of the anti-intellectualism attitudes in our culture that has been with us since at least the early 80s, and the general prejudice towards anything non-conformist.
That said, hipsters are of course as flawed as any sub culture out there. Some critical observations directed towards them are well argued and genuine, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any merits to "hipsterdom" as well, which are usually ignored in favor of broad and negative generalizations and usage of the term as a put-me-down strawman on the Internet.

>> No.4139442


Yeah I'm not exactly too convinced it's anything more than an outsider versus insider issue.

What constitutes as a 'hipster' differentiates between place to place based on what's normal and what isn't. It usually, if not always, derives from aesthetic judgement.

>> No.4139450


>> No.4139460

Only good thing in the whole thread

>> No.4139469


Looks like James Deen.

>> No.4139524
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>> No.4139538

>original concept please dont steal

>> No.4139616

If you don't love the feel of typing on an old mechanical typewriter you're a busta

>> No.4140255

I hope he dies right there on his bench.

I used to be a nice person.

>> No.4140282
File: 96 KB, 500x333, 1355519717853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Once up on a time there was a man name JIM HAWKSON and he was a wizard of the fifty thriee order of the sun. JIM HAWKSON was a powerful wizard, the most power wiazrd and he specual ieszed in fire majgick thats why he was the WARRIROR WISERD of leg end and one day there was a dragon he has to fight but he is a fire mage wizar so he had has to fight with a new way of thinking so he can fight the wizard DRAGON because the DRAGON was ALSO a SORCERER DRAGON and he used the wizard dragon magic to his atvantag

THE WHOLE story begins in a quendt little village of the name of GARTHAMECO where the WIZARD JIM HAWKSON LIVED IN HIS hobbit house like in lord of the rings-"

And that's where this photo was taken.