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File: 31 KB, 241x360, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4137050 No.4137050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? I'm on page 130~ and it's been fairly decent so far. Yossarian and Major Major are my favorite.

>> No.4137066

dope story, definitely on my list for a reread.
Find Catch-22s all over now

>> No.4137068

>it's been fairly decent so far
what an opinion

>> No.4137079

well I didn't feel i could have a solid opinion on it until i'm nearly finished. there are a lot of characters thrown your way early on, but besides that i'm enjoying the book.

>> No.4137099

The circular logic conversations just annoy me. Over and over. It's the same damn joke. Like a bad Abbott and Costello skit.

I get that it's a reinforcement of the titular paradox but a joke is only going to make you laugh once.

>> No.4137140
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That's what I didn't like. I enjoyed it a bit but got bored pretty quickly and felt like it was five times longer than it needed to be.

>> No.4137201

it's pretty good. Just don't read the sequel

>> No.4137350

are you me? I'm on page 134 as of 5 minutes ago.

It's good for reading on the rail and it keeps a smile on my face for half a page at times so that's nice.

>> No.4137532
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I read the first 3rd over a few months and wasn't really into it but was forcing myself to go on with it. I took a trip to Las Vegas a few months after my 21st birthday and I read a bunch of it on the plane and in the hotel before I went out. It picked up a lot especially when every fucking character started dying. I got hooked on it. I drank and gambled all weekend but I finished the rest of the book within two days of getting back.

>> No.4137694

This pretty much sums up how I felt about it.

Brilliant and tragi-comic, but outstayed its welcome .

>> No.4137701

It is pretty long, but then again, Full Metal Jacket also could have been much shorter, it just wouldn't be as good. After you laugh at the obvious absurdities, the book takes its time to actually let a few themes emerge, which make it a legitimate anti-war novel, where it would otherwise be a distraction and nothing else.

>> No.4137722

I enjoyed it a lot. One of the funniest books I've ever read, but for some reason I had a hard time finishing it. There are so many characters that I'd often have trouble remember who was who. Also the endless repetition of the catch-22 principle seemed like overkill.

lol'd hard at Major Major Major Major, and couldn't help but identify with nearly every character in the book who wasn't portrayed as an asshole, or part of the uh.. problem, as it were.

>> No.4137726

Oh, and fucking Milo. Fucking lol.

>> No.4137730

Hey, is the movie any good? Kind of want to watch it after reading the book.

>> No.4137746

I don't know. Imagine if Full Metal Jacket ended with Pike's meltdown at the end of training. That would still be a powerful film.

The second half of Full Metal Jacket doesn't shine brightly in my memory.

>> No.4137751

one of my fav stories, I read the book rather fast so the characters were all very clear and distinguished for me. Reading it slow will only blurr them because you get so many in the beginning

But its the funniest book ive read in a while and just one of those stories that even when not much is going on its still very entertaining.

I especially loved the guy who would bore himself to death, so that time seems to drag on, thus living longer, cant remember who it was

>> No.4137752

It's okay.

>> No.4137754

I especially loved the guy who would bore himself to death, so that time seems to drag on, thus living longer, cant remember who it was

i never really realized that that was catch-22y, too. you want to extend life because you enjoy living it, so to extend it he bores himself, but that reduces the pleasure that leads you to want to extend your time here in the first place.

>> No.4137758

I know right, that the genius of the book

>> No.4137793

>I especially loved the guy who would bore himself to death, so that time seems to drag on, thus living longer, cant remember who it was

I'm pretty sure it was Orr. IIRC he also had a habit of stuffing crabapples in his cheeks.