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4135932 No.4135932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a favorite children's book /lit? Pic related it's mine.
>inb4 the animated film was terrible

>> No.4135940
File: 30 KB, 300x538, George's_Marvellous_Medicine_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

Also The Hobbit

>> No.4135977

I deeply love Winnie the Pooh.

I have no idea, why, I just do.

>> No.4136001
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>> No.4136008

I loved the film. One of those I often put on just because its whole little world and ideas and everything really cheer me up.

>> No.4136011

No. Wasn't allowed to have books.

>> No.4136033

too many commas but well played nonetheless.

>> No.4136037

The TRUE Story of the Three Little Pigs and The Stinky Cheeseman. Shit is hilarious...brilliant too. Subversion/satire that kids and parents can enjoy on different levels.

>> No.4136058
File: 122 KB, 578x290, scary_stories_to_tell_in_the_dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved these. Also Ray Bradbury, especially loved Something Wicked This Way Comes.

>> No.4136266

I love Where the Wild Things Are and Weslandia.
Also, OP, good taste

>> No.4136646

I actually still have my copies of Scary Stories! I occasionally try to read them to my nephews, but they're wimps.

>> No.4136710
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Only two books have ever inspired me to tears, and this is one of them.

>> No.4136725

Still have my copies of these. The illustrations are amazing, but the stories are simply awful. That guy had no fucking idea how to write.

>> No.4136736
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Good choice.

>> No.4136743
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Split between "The phantom Toll Both" and (pic related)

>> No.4136751

>the stories are simply awful.

even so, the one about the scarecrow, the one about the sausage, and the one about the window in the nursing home fucked me up as a child.

>> No.4136761
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>> No.4136762
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>> No.4136774
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You guys probably never read this one...
(I legit ate flowers as a kid and this book really got me through a lot of hard times)

also a shoutout to "Make Way For Ducklings"

>> No.4136781

This book made me laugh so hard when I was in 4th grade, goddamn

>> No.4136786
File: 219 KB, 755x1024, SCARYSTORYTHEREDSPOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha fucking Harold!? I actually reread that story a few days ago, but it wasn't as terrifying as it had been as a kid. The one about the boil on the girl's face that erupted into spiders always made me uneasy.

>> No.4136797

>The one about the boil on the girl's face that erupted into spiders always made me uneasy.
that one never bothered me... probably because I used to play in the woods a lot and always got tons of bug bites and I knew it really wasn't something that actually happens.

>> No.4136831

Its funny because in my school it actually smelled like stinky cheese

>> No.4136845
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No david.

Had me rolling on the floor to this day

>> No.4136843
File: 12 KB, 200x228, mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW this was also my favorite and today I'm a damn commie bastard.

Alternatively, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie for all you randroids. Just look at that entitled vermin looking for handouts.

>> No.4136999

I'm not even gonna pretend I'm not pumped for the sequel.

Seriously, I'm seeing that shit in theaters. If it's ok for grown men to enjoy MLP, I think it's ok for a few adults to dig a random kid's film.

>> No.4137022

Holy fuck. I didn't know there's a sequel! Hooray!

Despicable Me - that's the sequel (whatever it's called) I'm planning on seeing too. When it comes out on DVD anyway. I like to put them on in the background when I go to sleep. Really relaxing.

Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.4137044
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Get on my level

>> No.4137054
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>> No.4137101

The Duchess Bakes a Cake by Virginia Kahl or The 13 Clocks by James Thurbur depending on the age of the kid.

>> No.4137116

Introducing children to barbarous sport hunting at a young age.

>> No.4137127
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They were more my younger brother's childhood than mind, but he got me interested in these when I was about 15 and I'm not going to lie - it's still one of my absolute favorite series. There are a shitload of references, a dark-but-not-edgy plot, and the characters and art are pretty damn good.

>> No.4137142

Oh god yes.That was great.

>> No.4137144
File: 94 KB, 210x286, 210px-And_to_Think_That_I_Saw_It_on_Mulberry_Street.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my favorite Doctor Seuss, although admittedly I didn't know Seuss wrote it until I looked it up just now.

Also, there was this one about a firefly and his owl friend but I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.4137174
File: 12 KB, 191x264, sam firefly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one about a firefly and his owl friend but I can't remember what it was called.

Sam and the Firefly. I thought it was called "Gus" (the firefly's name) until I googled it. it was at my grandparents' house. had forgotten about it until you described it. i was fascinated by the illustrations. Gus would spell out what he wanted to say by writing with his light.

>> No.4137237
File: 47 KB, 514x400, The-Tailypo-9780395300848[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best. The librarian used to read this every year around Halloween in elementary school.

>> No.4137256
File: 181 KB, 343x475, Areyoumymother.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PD Eastman, man, he's awesome

>> No.4137261
File: 61 KB, 308x475, i-d56f249f7f3d79c64c35b55df7627fa6-Sideways Stories from Wayside School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4137267


Oh god the tears. They're coming back...

>> No.4137293
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>> No.4137299


but other than that I can't judge

>> No.4137297

omg I totally remember that one

wasn't there a story about a chocolate boy in there?

>> No.4137302

That's it!

You just made my night anon.

>> No.4137323

hey, no problemo. I really am the best.

>> No.4137327
File: 49 KB, 300x391, imogene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step it up

>> No.4137357

Unrelated, but Imogene is one of those names I really like but probably wouldn't ever use to name my kid. That is, unless I could see the future and her personality matches the name.

>> No.4137412

>not naming your kid when she turns ten

>> No.4137418

In all honesty, I've always hated the convention of naming your child before they even have a semblance of a personality or their future looks. It just creates ugly mismatches later in life.

>> No.4137433

I always thought names sort of imbued a little personality into a human. Like have you ever met someone that just looks like their name?

>> No.4137435

you're right
my post was a joke but that would be interesting, as an adult might be better

>> No.4137436
File: 48 KB, 223x298, Amelia_Bedelia_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those names I really like but probably wouldn't ever use to name my kid
then use it for the name of the protagonist of that novel you keep meaning to write.

>not giving you child the most kickass name imaginable in the hopes that it will rub off on their personality
are you even trying?

>> No.4137440

and how many people have you met who are nothing like their name suggests?

>> No.4137447

In a way, I understand what you mean, but as >>4137440 posted, there are plenty of people I've met that are nothing like their names.

>my post was a joke but that would be interesting, as an adult might be better
Now I wouldn't say "adult" but, something between like 5 and 9 would be fine. Give the kid some sort of placeholder name til then.

>then use it for the name of the protagonist of that novel you keep meaning to write.
For "Imogen" she'd have to be some sort of mysterious but optimistic Manic Pixie Dream Girl I love it

>not giving you child the most kickass name imaginable in the hopes that it will rub off on their personality
But what if the kid grows up and gets nothing from the name. Then I get a shitty, underserving kid with the name Woflsbane or Ahab.

>> No.4137454

>But what if the kid grows up and gets nothing from the name.
then at least you'll be content in knowing you raised one hell of a local TV news anchor.

>> No.4137455

Cloudy is one of the few children's movies I could stomach compared to the trite garbage of Pixar and Miyazaki/Ghibli.

>> No.4137462

>then at least you'll be content in knowing you raised one hell of a local TV news anchor.

"This is Wolfsbane AdamsNo, not my actual last name here, reporting on a 12 car pile up. More at 11"

>> No.4137496

>Wolfsbane Adams

wasn't that Morticia's nephew?

>> No.4137548
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>> No.4137556

I sincerely hope not, because now it feels like that was somewhere in my subconscious from long ago and just rose up without me noticing.

>> No.4137563
File: 35 KB, 346x400, whatamess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't actually read it a shitload but looking back this was probably my favorite

>> No.4137578

>Now I wouldn't say "adult" but, something between like 5 and 9 would be fine. Give the kid some sort of placeholder name til then.
nah, at least teenager
also, I would say call them by their last name for a while

>> No.4137579


>> No.4137585

relax, it was a joke. or, it was supposed to be anyway.

>> No.4137595


currently reading, 10/10

>> No.4137613

> I would say call them by their last name for a while
That could work. And I still don't know about teenager. That late could kind of mess up government files, but then I guess any late-naming would

>kid turns 16
>goes to get their license
>what's your name, son?
>_____ Lastname

>> No.4137629

so the system would be changed?
how hard is that?

>> No.4137632

How else would official documentation, school transcripts, doctors' files, etc. work? Especially in matters of siblings (even worse if twins/triplets)

>> No.4137640

[lastname] order of birth

>> No.4137648

Parents? What about unrelated people with the same name?

>> No.4137678
File: 33 KB, 490x262, melindamaewhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough Silverstein in this thread.

>> No.4137688

The Stranger
The Ice Queen
Squirrel Nutkin and
of course,
Frog and Toad.

>> No.4137689

Still breaks my heart today.

>> No.4137695
File: 10 KB, 265x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the very hungry caterpillar is very... AWESOME!!

>> No.4137702


hungry caterpillar has the most beautiful artwork

i'm deeply unhappy with my life

>> No.4138212

but what if your kid gets used to being called "Smith Second of Four"? That's as equally terrible a name as Bryson/Gregory/Hazel.

>> No.4138217
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>> No.4138234
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It's more of a nostalgia thing, I think.

>> No.4138601

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.4140284

This is truly my Best Book Ever.

>> No.4140285

but hims so cute tho!

>> No.4140819
File: 45 KB, 250x204, Drummer Hoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple, to the point, and didn't compromise its simple narrative to hamfist some bullshit life lesson that GOOD CHRISTIAN SOCIETY wants to forcibly instill into a goddamn 5 year old who just wants to look at the pictures and make up their own fucking story.


There, you've just entertained someone rather than boring him to tears with the goddam Little Engine That Could.