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/lit/ - Literature

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4134133 No.4134133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a writing motivation thread going.
Anything that makes you want to write, or even just get off your ass and do something creative. I know a lot of great authors and poets have some fantastic quotes on it.
This comic usually gives me the extra push I need to get workinb on something, and reminds me of the attitudes of a lot of 'I'm gonna start writing it soon!' writers I know.

So, writing motivation!
> writivation

>> No.4134141

Let's get a writing motivation thread going.

>No one comments.

>> No.4134143

Maybe no one is motivated to write motivations.

>> No.4134149

u can do it

u really can

>> No.4134170

songs like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wi9H4qFwsQ

i think some of my stories may reflect it a lot...

( googlygoink.wordpress.com )

>> No.4134183

The most horrific experience must be to have someone reason that you do not exist despite every fiber of your being telling you, you do. Imagine no soul, an absence of being, a vacuum of desire. Imagine hands, eyes, hair, flesh, muscles, bones and organs, all functioning with that nonlinear, perfectly fluid quality which is the way of all living things; to believe and think and understand, and think you understand, only to find that you don't really understand (and never mind how or why), that your desire is hollow; to be a real entity, and all the while disappearing both qualitatively and quantitatively from the medium in which you exist—existed; to be, for all intent and purpose, a ghost, reduced to zero, nothing. And all the while eating and drinking and excreting, touching and feeling and thinking, and worst of all remembering, helplessly marking time with all the things you thought you knew of hope and desire, which were really just a faint dying glimmer of something that wasn't even there.

>> No.4134197

Uni starts next week, and I only have 3 classes this term (about to graduate), so I plan on going to the library at least 3x per week to write. I desperately need to work on my style, so I'll just scribble some meaningless shit so I can get an idea of what I want before I write a few hundred pages.

>> No.4134722
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>> No.4134744

Big Brother?

>> No.4134749

writing is pretty gay

>> No.4134821

I don't know, but that image is pretty goddamn motivating. The top panel made me realizing I've been neglecting friends and family for far too long.

>> No.4134857

what's it like having friends?

>> No.4134883

I don't understand how people need to have a motivation to write. Isn't that just forcing it? I have a compulsion to write, it's almost a physical need for it. I literally cannot fall asleep at night unless I have written at least a few pages of even just bullshit.

>> No.4134896

The only way anyone ever gets good at anything is practice

>> No.4134938

force of habit, man. But I definitely understand what you're talking about there. It's never as good as when it bursts out of you.

>> No.4134941

The best thing to motivate is still everything here


>> No.4134954

Working on a novel. Don't know how much I want to spill as far as the actual plot is concerned, but I'm getting there. I have an actual outline down, I know what's going to happen I just need to write it down.

It's a suspense novel with a touch of fantasy but very grounded in reality. I know what themes I want to use and I'm actually really confident in its quality as a story, I'm just scared that my prose is either going to be too much or too little. Writing a novel is so fucking scary.

>> No.4134957

I don't think I made it that clear, but I haven't JUST been planning it. I've written about 20% of the rough draft. Solid 60 pages.

>> No.4135146

I feel so motivated now.

>> No.4135149
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>> No.4135154

I don't get it either. If I don't write I end up depressed.

>> No.4135173

You lazy

now what?

>> No.4135180

you're ready

>> No.4135199


>> No.4135343
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Taxing at times but wonderful. You should try it.

Also, pic.

>> No.4135353

currently busting out chapter 2

u can do it 2 bros

Alone we may be, solitary in each of our respective rooms, through together attempting to compose anything we are united. It's 4:37 am and I've just finished a essay on Sport of the Gods, and another analytical paper on Frankenstein. FUk

>> No.4135385

>That image

Ironically this has proved motivational if only because I now desire to eradicate the common usage of such crudely patronising address terms by creating a world liberated from pretentious cunts.

>> No.4135424

I've never written anything substantial before but I have a story to tell and I feel like if I just put the words together and make them sound beautiful, everything else will fall into place.

But I don't know where to begin.

>> No.4135455


Begin there, 1000 words before lunch please.

>> No.4135735
File: 1.96 MB, 580x433, trashing it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get novel outline done
>looks great, the conflict is resolved and the protag's arc looks like it concludes nicely
>project word count
>40k or so
>realize that's way too short to be enjoyable
>forced to go back and consider adding scenes that'll screw up the natural flow of the story
>if I add in scenes from the antagonist's point of view it'll ruin scenes driven by the protagonist's constant paranoia about him
>same thing with one of the only major supporting characters since his constant absence is supposed to further contribute to the feeling of isolation and paranoia
>the only remaining character with any substantial involvement is a delivery boy but he's a child (and has to be for the plot to work) and I’m not too keen on writing from a child’s point of view
>by the nature of the story any new characters would be out there and floating until possibly the climax which is stupid
>only option is to go full plot surgeon or force in more scenes involving the protagonist
>motivation literally slammed into a brick wall

At least I only planned it out.

>> No.4135741

dude, fuck word count. the length of the book has no hold whatsoever on its quality- follow your idea.

>> No.4135754

It doesn't matter how short it is. It only matters that it's a good story and told well. You could print just a single page of thirty or so words. As long as it's enjoyable then people won't care about the length unless they have some form as social autism.

>> No.4136478

Gee, I liked it and took it as both a way to realize how silly the fantasy of "I'll write when I have the perfect setting" is and also a sly reference to Rinaldi from Farewell to Arms.

>> No.4136480

Just call it a novella then.
The Great Gatsby is a novella and is considered one of the best pieces of literature in the 20th century.

>> No.4136495

Are novellas even considered for publication anymore? I don't think they are.

>> No.4136515

That's the trick... they ARE making a resurgence int he e-book field, and there are still markets for them.

I would consider checking out some publishers that specialize in them, or possibly considering the e-book route.