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/lit/ - Literature

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4131912 No.4131912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books that will provide me inner peace. Awful things are happening in my life right now and my therapist is not really helping. No self help books, I'm looking for philosophers, I already started with Seneca and the Stoics in general.

Any more books I should know about?

>> No.4131924


>> No.4131934

I don't believe mindfulness is the answer, it's dumbed down ascesticism with a placebo effect in my opinion

>> No.4131975
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>> No.4131982

This will more likely evoke inner chaos, possible suicide even

>> No.4131984

stay pleb

>> No.4132005

Read Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Perhaps it will make you appreciate your existence.

>> No.4132017 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.4132024

The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.4132088


>> No.4132109

Mr Men Series

>> No.4132115

Big Sur by Jack Kerouac

Lowest point of his life, I thought was about as good as "On the Road", just a different perspective I guess

>> No.4132139
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>no self help books
>I'm looking for philosophers

>> No.4132213

with self help i mean that mindfulness bullshit, sam harris and that pop philosophy shit

>> No.4133094

I found Meditations by Aurelius soothing.

>> No.4133097

>inner peace
we buddhism now

>> No.4133113

little book on the human shadow

robert bly

>> No.4133121

>robert bly

>> No.4133131

what dont you like about him?

>> No.4133187

well, i think ideas about "archetypal fill-in-the-blank" are bs and he only does it as a lazy roundabout because he doesn't have anything to say. it's just new age nothingness. succinctly.

>> No.4133202

Not OP but I saw someone posting earlier in another thread that Meditations was supposed to be good so I just bought it.

>> No.4133208

Hey, OP, I just finished Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet and I think it might be something you'd be interested in.

>> No.4133236
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Siddhartha my friend

>> No.4133265

I don't think philosophy will give you inner peace.
The more you understand philosophically, the more you see the world in all its madness and in all its chaos, and so you might end up being even more troubled. I don't think there's much comfort in this, whenever I read into philosophy I always end up being miserable. It's tough and it never gets better, it's a constant uphill struggle. If you want inner peace then just shut off your mind, go sit under a tree or something and just keep your mind quiet.

>> No.4133270


Hi /lit/,

I've never read any Hesse, but after a little research Siddhartha has captured my interest.

Apparently there was only a single available English translation until the late 1990's. Has anyone read this translation?

Is there a definitive translation that I should know about that's come about since, or should I just read the original?

>> No.4133275

I have the orange $10 one from Penguin and I like it.

>> No.4133277

that's a horrible philosophy

>> No.4133290

Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.4133305

Tao Te Ching

the rest of this thread is irrelevant

>> No.4133309

which translation would you recommend?

>> No.4133382

The way and its power

>> No.4135197

i would recommend either the translation by steven mitchell or the one by winnie the pooh bear.

>> No.4135198

I have found that although I don't think there is any value to 'transcendentalism' -Self Reliance- by Emerson has picked me up off the floor more than a few times.

>> No.4135257

Just play all of the Metal Gear Solid games.

>> No.4135331

Everyone thinks differently, so different books will have a different affect on you'r view but for me, Absurdism made me care-free, Albert Camus is a good writer on this, but pretty much the idea that i will die and so will everything else puts me in the mindset that nothing actually matters, hope it helps OP

>> No.4135333

try the sickness unto death, it gave me a raison d'être & so'n (i enj0y my terminal despair&battle against the WELTGEIST)

>> No.4135427

>implying there is no eternal recurrence

There is no escape

>> No.4135430

I'm a bit confused as to why I should read philosophy

For example what you said, I already think that in the first place and have had thoughts like it since I was a teen, what is the point of reading a thousand pages that simply reach this conclusion? Let alone how can he even right so much on this one thing.

>> No.4135607

because theres a difference between having a whim and being able to justify it.
not the same guy

>> No.4135616

The New Testament.

>> No.4135630

Anything by Nietzsche should do the trick

>> No.4135633

>inner peace

Do you understand what you read?

>> No.4135636


>> No.4135647

Inner peace doesn't come from retreating, but advancing!