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/lit/ - Literature

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4131317 No.4131317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need halp /lit/

I've approached reading, but very disappointed due to my low level of digesting them, I tried reading the great gatsby, and the great expectations, but couldn't continue finishing any.

Because in each page there were about 15 words that I didn't understand, it would take me about 1 and a half month to fully digest one book.

Do you suggest I start with simpler books? or just take a really long time with each book, until I get better at it?

>> No.4131321

15 words a page you could not understand? In The Great Gatsby?

You should start by reading the backs of cereal boxes and work your way up.

>> No.4131324

All of the words I don't understand are adjectives that you never hear, or use in your interactions with the English world other than in books.

I think as a starter in reading it's pretty normal?

>> No.4131326


Perfectly normal OP, I wouldnt worry too much. The more you read, the more your vocabulary will expand.

>> No.4131347

Keep a dictionary by you, and write down words you don't know as you make your way through the story. Don't worry about it taking a long time.

Also start with simpler books and work your way up.

>> No.4131372

>Keep a dictionary by you, and write down words you don't know

This. When I encounter a word I don't know, I look it up in my Dictionary app, write it down in Notepad without its definition, then every now and then I look at my list of words and see if I can remember what they mean. If I can, I erase them, if not, I look them up again and leave them there until next time. My vocab has been improving very rapidly this way.

>> No.4131386

Download Miriam Webster app on your phone
Read summaries and analysis of each chapter online
Reread sentences after searching for the word which confused you
If you want prose, start with gatzby the great and hemmingway. Tickets is alright. Maybe Wild too.
Practice writing to see your improvement.
If you like poetry, read some of that too.

>> No.4131391

I recommend trying some short stories, and/or authors famous for their tight writing style. Why not start with both and read some short stories by Ernest Hemingway?

>> No.4131431
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Have you read A Series of Unfortunate Events? I'm not even gonna lie, I learned a lot of words from that series.

But yeah, the best thing you can do to expand your vocabulary is to keep reading. Look things up when you don't know what they mean. There's no shame in not knowing things, only in not wanting to learn.

>> No.4131442

the vocab in gatsby is like middle school level. maybe try the reading rainbow syllabi