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/lit/ - Literature

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4130669 No.4130669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so the other day i had a dream where someone i know got mugged
what is a nice book where the main character gets mugged? preferably no fantasy

>> No.4130675

Jacques the fatalist and his master.

>> No.4130679

That book is old, does thieves existed during that age? I don't want him to get killed, just mugged.

>> No.4130701


There are millions of books and countless writers.
Why /lit/ is so obsessed with DFW and IF?
It is mentioned every second post.

>> No.4130732

IJ proves that people who've never done anything with their lives, don't really have anything to say, and spent their whole lives in some educational institution or other can become literary celebrities.

I think a lot of people here are college students who want to be writers but know they ultimately have nothing to say and know their lives are totally uninteresting and mediocre. DFW gives them hope, and they cling to it quite forcefully.

>> No.4130748

Interesting aspect.

>> No.4130791
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or he's a legitimately great writer who articulated 21st century american malaise.

>> No.4130819

Very difficult to see the validity of this.

>> No.4130845

yeah I'm with you anon

>> No.4130849

Being a nationally ranked (I think) high school tennis player doesn't count as doing anything?

>> No.4130857

In an interview he said he was around 4000th in the nation. This is probably exaggerated due to obligatory self-depreciation, but so we can still probably place him around 500th at best - for comparison, I was nationally ranked in the top 100 for competitive math and I still don't really feel like I've done much of anything.

(that said, I do really like DFW and think IJ is easily one of the greatest pieces of contemporary literature)

>> No.4130868
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truth can be difficult

>> No.4131252

Does the main character of IJ gets mugged too?

>> No.4131263

The only one I can think of is The Overcoat by Gogol, or to a degree The Count of Monte Cristo, but it's more kidnapping than stealing if I remember.

>> No.4131264

Just a normal mug, walking down the street, nigger comes ask for my stuff and leaves.

>> No.4131306


>competitive math

>> No.4131327

Kenneth Patchen's text for The City Wears a Slouch Hat has a mugging scene with an interesting twist.

>> No.4131341

What twist? I want him just to get mugged, like when people get mugged on the street no superman or supernatural shit.

>> No.4131348

I think he only played in the juniors at state level, which is still pretty good but not that special. I personally know several more accomplished athletes than that. I do enjoy reading Wallace write about tennis, though. The Tracy Austin and Michael Joyce essays are really good, he seems really passionate about it (haven't read the Federer one yet.)

>> No.4132100
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Reading IJ right now. Given time, will DFW be considered the greatest writer in the American canon? No. Was he amazingly good? Yes. He will be remembered as one of the best of the 90's/2000s/ postmodernism era.

>> No.4134163

You're right, Anon. If artists want to truly be great, they shouldn't force themselves to create. They should practice their craft and bide their time until they have something of value to contribute to the world. Post-modernism is the opposite of value. It is the devaluation of all things.

>> No.4134196
File: 548 KB, 5000x5000, costanza3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Penguin Classics

>> No.4134227

the lady on that book cover is such a qt

who is that?