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4129903 No.4129903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How could he let Edith take away his daughter like that

>> No.4129916

stoner was such a sad novel. i read the ending quite a few times. i'm not sure i've read anything like it. it's amazing how close i felt to the characters considering how distant the narrator was. well, i say distant, but it revealed the innermost feelings of the characters, but i feel there was a distance in the tone, and in the sweeping descriptions of large periods of time, and how emotions and growth over those times were summarised.

>> No.4129929
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>tfw loving relationship with your daughter
>tfw she comes into your study and sits there enjoying your company
>tfw you're laughing with her and your bitch wife comes in and tells he to stop bothering you
>tfw happiness forever destroyed

i have never read anything that made me more mad in a book

>> No.4129935

Yes. It's formal almost. They say almost nothing but you can feel the desperation exude from every word.

>> No.4129943

I'm fucking shaking. I had to put it down and share my anger with /lit/. It's fucking 1925, he could have at least kept his study.

>> No.4129947

i interpreted the book as a cautionary tale about the decline of wife beating

if stoner had raised his hand to her just once his whole life would have turned out differently

>> No.4129950

Because it was the only thing she could do to get at him.

>> No.4129954

why was she so determined to get at him?

>> No.4129955

Or a cautionary tale about letting a horrible cold succubus steamroll you.

>> No.4129975

i was more sad than i was angry that she took away his daughter and then his study, and put him up in some shitty room which she then started filling up with shit from the attic/basement and used as a kids playroom.

>> No.4129980
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>be stolid bitch with 6/10 eyes
>can't connect normally with anyone
>some poverty hick professor talks to me at a party
>he proposes
>I grudgingly accept
>I decide I hate him and that his life should be hell
>put him in crippling debt
>sex him a few times to have child
>pretend to be sick for a fucking year
>resent that he's managed to be somewhat happy
>don't allow him to be with daughter anymore
>2beta to hit me
>he makes some gimp at work mad
>mfw I ruined his life

>> No.4129986

omg i hate her so much

>> No.4129991
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What was going on between Lomax and the student?

>mfw Stoner is asked this question and replies "it's not what you think."

>> No.4129994

clearly it was his clone

>> No.4129999

i don't think it was anything more than one cripple looking out for another.

>> No.4130009

Never considered this. I've find my dissertation topic

>> No.4130588

Because what else could he have done?

>> No.4130602

>tfw too passive

God I love this book so so much. I honestly think it might be perfect.

>> No.4130959

What I love about this book is that Stoner's personality seems to bleed into the actual writing. He's cold in the exterior, because that's what he was taught to do from the start, even though the texts reveals us his most inner feelings (and even at such an intimate level with the character, we still see only slight mentions of his feelings, never deepening the scope, because Stoner himself never did).

I think even his name plays a part in all of it. Stoner. He's like a stone, literally, compacting his feelings into a tight matter, keeping silent, slowly desintegrating with the wind and the water.

Beautiful book.

>> No.4130977
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>tfw I light up a doobie and put on cypress hill every time I sit down to read this book

>> No.4130980

Why did his wife immediately go crazy after getting married?

>> No.4131002

I was gonna claim custody, but then I got high.

>> No.4131006

How could he stay with Edith and not go away with the love his life, his daughter didn't care and she moved out and got married straight after anyway.

>> No.4131009

>tfw stays with cunt wife because thinks it would be best for daughter
>Doesn't go away with the love his life and still could see his daughter
>Love of life leaves and daughter leaves too
>Alone with cunt edith

>> No.4131010

>How could he let Edith take away his daughter like that
=Because it was the only thing she could do to get at him.

Op wasn't asking why she did it, he was asking why Stoner allowed her to.

>> No.4131030

Stood up to her and told her to get fucked?

>> No.4131038

None of the book is from her perspective or experiences before she gets married, so how are we to know she went crazy after the marriage and it wasn't a build up/had already happened.

Maybe the marriage gave her a feeling of control and freedom so she could go nuts on her own, instead of staying prim and proper for her family but even then it isn't said what happened before. For all we know she has been to mental institutes or at least her perants were aware of it