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/lit/ - Literature

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4128349 No.4128349 [Reply] [Original]

I was reading Game of Thrones today when a girl came up to me and started talking to me about how much she likes ASOIAF. I chatted for a little bit with her, but what the fuck? Why do people talk to other people while they're reading? I've always thought of reading as an activity that's rude to interrupt.

>> No.4128363

Human interaction > reading

>> No.4128361
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>> No.4128373

It has an "A" in the title you know.

>> No.4128375

Pleb alert

>> No.4128376

I'm sorry.

>> No.4128379


>> No.4128381

I saw that happen on the bus a while ago. A girl was reading ASOIAF and a guy came up to her and they started chatting about the book, I was right behind them

just wanted to say that story

>> No.4128384

Don't worry, it helps root out the showfags.

>> No.4128390
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berry time.

>> No.4128399

That's what you get for reading a very popular book in public

>> No.4128402

People assume that when someone is reading, it's because he has nothing to do.

>> No.4128406

Oh no a girl talked to you, how terrible.

>> No.4128409

It's not that a girl talked to me. It's that anyone talked to me while I was reading. This case in particular just happened to be a girl

>> No.4128416

>reading in public

>> No.4128418

>leaving the basement

>> No.4128421

This. Reading is not because you want to, it's because you want to assert a certain image or mindset. So thinks the general populace.

>> No.4128442

It does feel sometimes that people only read in public to show off their intellect.

>> No.4128444

some people definitely do

>> No.4128459

That's why I never read in public. Hell, I hate reading around other people when at home.

>> No.4128507

Are you so much of an aspie that you can't hold a conversation with someone who is obviously being friendly with you?

>> No.4128514

yeah, op i'm starting to get a neurosis about reading in public cuz i'm sick of trying to explain the shit i'm reading to random people

>> No.4128519

just because someone is being friendly to you doesn't mean you have to be friendly back, especially when they are interrupting you

>> No.4128525

I must be ugly or intimidating or something. If I'm on campus waiting for class then I am 99% of the time reading a book, yet no one has ever bothered me. Feels good man.

>> No.4128528

Do you read popular books often?

>> No.4128529


>She talked to me about a book series
>She must want to fuck

>> No.4128533

she probably does...let me tell u a story:

one day i was eating lunch alone in some shitty little chicken joint and this black dude and his buddy came in, he was dressed in professional clothes not a ghetto rap outfit but he was pretty young and and i don't remember his whole conversation but he dropped this gem on his lunch homie "if a girl says hi to you that means you can hit it and if you don't something wrong with you!" and then i realized something is wrong with me

>> No.4128541

That's only if you have the charisma to follow through. OP very well may not

>> No.4128542

Most recent one was The Idiot by Dostoevsky.

>> No.4128545

I almost pride myself on explicitly not aiming to have sex with almost every girl I talk to, even if she's cute

>> No.4128544

It depends on exactly where you are. The average person on a bus would either not have read that or not care about someone reading it. ASOIAF is different in that a lot of people are reading it now, and even people who don't read like the show.

>> No.4128549
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>reading pleb shit like Game of Thrones

>> No.4128553

I like to read things and form my own opinions about them, rather than just regurgitate what others say. I like it so far. It's nothing special, but it's definitely entertaining.

>> No.4128554

lol feminists neutered u good didn't they? sorry but that is a stupid thing to be proud of, maybe the girl wants some dick? people, including women, like to fuck...this isn't victorian england bro

>> No.4128556

some guy on /lit/ told me game of thrones isn't a book? now u say it is?

>> No.4128557

>being this much of animalistic dog who only socializes with women so that he can try to fuck them

Fuck off, mate: there are better things in life than having a quick fuck

>> No.4128560

save those excuses for your parents when they ask about why you still don't have a girlfriend, we know you're just a beta pussy, we can be honest here

>> No.4128568

So the only options are "Actively try not to have sex and be proud of it" and "Actively try to have sex with every female you talk to"?

>> No.4128585

What about, "actively not give a fuck"?

>> No.4128590

How can you actively not give a fuck?

>> No.4128591

>tfw no girl has said hi to me for 3 years

>> No.4128592

well maybe ur just ugly or fat or something i mean some people are just nerds

>> No.4128597

It's okay, anon. I'm in pretty much the same position, but only the past year or so. Except for my gf

>> No.4128599

maybe you should try saying hi to a girl

>> No.4128607

butt then he would be a chauvinist pig and that's one step away from a fratboy rapist!

>> No.4128609

You have a very weird sense of how people work. Or you're joking.

>> No.4128628

nigga, there's only so much time you've got to live. don't waste it on terrible shit just so you can form your own opinion on something. when loads of people with non-shitty taste in literature are telling you it's shit, just skip it.

>> No.4128634

I don't take literature as seriously as a lot of people here. While I do like to read books with more substance, I also thrown in a book for pure entertainment sometimes. I don't see life as a race to see who can read the most "good" literature by the time they die. If I did, I wouldn't spend my time on 4chan.

>> No.4128635

>implying you need to read an author to know they are bad

>> No.4128654

But you do. Some are as bad as you've heard, but with others you may find that their reputation is undeserved. Making up your own mind about them is important.

>> No.4128667

>responding to obvious b8
>ITT: idiots

>> No.4128670

What is the b8?

>> No.4128690

thou dost protest too much fgt, we know you're the viral marketer who bumped that taol lin thread

>> No.4128709

nobody is saying it's a race. i'm just saying don't waste what precious time you have on bad shit. like say it's a friday night and you get invited to two outings. the first is to a great restaurant with all your favorite foods and drinks and all being paid for by your friend, or having your fingers trapped in a car door while being gangraped by the mujahideen. would you honestly pick the second just so that you could "form your own opinion" on it or for pure entertainment? probably not.

>> No.4128712

Yeah, but comparing reading ASOIAF to getting gangraped by the mujahideen is comparing something that's vapid entertainment with something that is downright unpleasant. It's not really accurate.

>> No.4128714

ok wut if u cud eat at some fancy ass french restaurant or eat a bag of big macs?

>> No.4128719

Much better. I'd rather eat the nice food if I had to choose just one, but in real life I'd have some of both. Of course, a bag of big macs isn't really appealing, but the fancy food vs cheap food thing holds.

>> No.4128723


^ this

>> No.4129373

You blew it, OP