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/lit/ - Literature

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4127580 No.4127580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>per say

>> No.4127590

Should of posted another picture.

>> No.4127592

wtf i didnt up this pic

>> No.4127597

>should of

>> No.4127608

i literally could of careless

>> No.4127613

You got that, huh?

>> No.4127624
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>for all intensive purposes

>> No.4127629

>I'll try and

>> No.4127630
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>using "begs the question" where you mean "raises the question"

>> No.4127634


literally stop listening the moment someone uses one of these words

>> No.4127636

"begs the question" means that the idea begs people to ask the question

>> No.4127640


>> No.4127646

Because you can stop listening figuratively too?
Please, you're just as annoying as them.

>> No.4127652
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>> No.4127653
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>people who use corny idioms as part of their daily speech

>> No.4127654
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>> No.4127659
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>> No.4127665

No, I just spin around and walk away. Or if the situation doesn't allow me to leave I'll put in my headphones while giving them the death stare. Usually they get so flustered and ashamed that they get the point and stop talking.

>> No.4127667

>not saying stuff like "well butter my backside and call me a biscuit"

>> No.4127670

Oh god this reminds me of one time in my first year at college and in our tutorial discussions I thought "ambivalent" and "indifferent" were synonyms. No one told me for the ENTIRE TERM and I only figured it out another 5 months later.

>> No.4127698


>> No.4127705

no one does this

>> No.4127718

They do. It's in a lot of films and tv shows.

>could care less

>> No.4127726

both perfectly fine unless you're autistic

>> No.4127736

It happens sometimes when two pictures are posted at exactly the same time, and they get swapped.

Usually some weeaboo shit ends up appearing.

>> No.4127738

But 'couldn't care less' suggests that you couldn't give a single fuck. So saying that you 'could care less' is wrong - it's the opposite of what you're trying to convey.

>> No.4127749

It's just another lift/elevator, truck/lorry, centre/center, colour/color difference, that's all. There's the US way, and there's the UK/rest of world except US way.

I wonder whether the multiple variants of Spanish end up leading to these kinds of arguments.

>> No.4127747

fine for plebs

>> No.4127750

Go to bed, David Mitchell.

>> No.4127751

I've always thought that "I could care less" started out as a sarcastic way of saying that you could not, in fact, care less, and saying it that way caught on somehow until it became equivalent in the minds of the general public.

Still, you know what the person means so outside of a formal context there's no reason to correct them unless you just really want to feel superior over something small.

>> No.4127758

No it's not. It's basic English.

>> No.4127763

I've never heard 'I could care less' used in Australia. Is the couldn't variant used at all in America?

>> No.4127764

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't correct anybody over it (or over anything related to grammar etc). i just find it stupid.

But it conveys the opposite of your intention. 'Colour' and 'color' mean the same thing; 'could' and 'couldn't' don't.

>> No.4127765

Yes, by people who actually understand grammar.

>> No.4127769

Despite local belief, Americans on a whole are not stupid.

>> No.4127770


I, on the other hand, always thought it meant "I could ignore this shit and, in fact, I will". It sounds more douchey, condescending and rolls off the tongue better.

>> No.4127774
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>But it conveys the opposite of your intention.
Sure, but these variations in usage don't always make sense. The date format is the one that always gets me. Why would they put Month before day? I don't think any other country in the world does that, and it means that whenever you look at a date online where both the day and month are <=12, you have to work out which date format they're using before you can interpret the date.

>> No.4127779

There are only 12 months. There are 30-31 days. And there are millions of years.

That picture is flawed.

>> No.4127782

Please tell you've never actually heard/ seen these.

>> No.4127785

A day is shorter than a month, which is shorter than a year.

Hey, is it true that many americans are retarded like you?

>> No.4127787

do you really need to be reminded what month it is before the day?

>> No.4127790

If there are 30-31 days and12 months, then there are only 10 years. Decades, m8.

>> No.4127795

Seconds are shorter than minutes, which are shorter than hours, but that's not how we record time.

>> No.4127796

>using 'thus' in casual conversation

>> No.4127799

Small numbers to big numbers, basically.

>> No.4127804

The date equivalent of that is year/month/day, which still doesn't explain why anyone would think month/day/year is a useful way of expressing a date.

>> No.4127805

>conversing with plebs

>> No.4127812

That is the date equivalent Japan uses.

We don't because the year does not change as often as months and days.

>> No.4127819

It's because it's how we say it aloud (September 20th, 2013).

>> No.4127821

Year/month/day is useful for date sorting, too.

Maybe that's why the US uses month/day. If you've got data related to just a single year, then sort it by month/day, it'll be in order. Not sure why the year would have been moved to the end of it though.

>> No.4127825

the day changes more often than the month

>> No.4127828


>> No.4127827

Who would have thought that /lit/ was filled with frustrated and belligerent pedants?

>> No.4127836

Outside the US, you usually won't hear the month name before the day name; it would be said as "20th September 2013".

>> No.4127842

>not using thus and ergo

Do you even debate?

>> No.4127847

>quoting poststructuralist, marxist, or feminist scholars in everyday discussion

I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.4127853

"My brother died on 9/11..."

No. No it didn't you fucking whore. It died on the 11st of September.

>> No.4127854

I literally died laughing

>> No.4127862

I bet you feel really stupid right now.

>> No.4127870

Insofar and therein are both useful as fuck though.

>> No.4127872

only inasmuch as they declare you to be a massive faggot for even using them.

>> No.4127873

what would be wrong with them being quoted in every day discussion?

>> No.4127874



>> No.4127875

>not ironically using idioms, cliches, and archaic words in conversation

>> No.4127877


>> No.4127882
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>always already

>> No.4127883



"Literally" kill yourself

>> No.4127886


>> No.4127890

>not being a sophisticated patrician

>> No.4127893
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>> No.4127894


an acceptable error

>> No.4127896
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>on a japanese cartoon forum
>berates someone for using an anime reaction image

>> No.4127898
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Did you forget where you are? Of course threads and topics centered around anime are not allowed, but this IS 4chan.

>> No.4127899

not on /lit/

>> No.4127900

My professor always uses this term when describing certain concepts, what's wrong with it?

>> No.4127905

>implying this board is about anime

>> No.4127917

>joins car forum
>only posts in the non-car section
>gets enraged at people for having car avatars

>> No.4127923

>having interests other than literature

>> No.4127924

>mean figuratively

I can't believe no one mentioned that yet.

>> No.4127933

literally can mean 'virtually' now. Check the OED if you don't believe me.

>ur literally retarded for not knowing this

>> No.4127938

This is 4chan. Everything is ultimately about anime. The first fucking board on here was /a/. Moot was an anime fucknut and wanted, tadaaa, an anime board where he could talk all his weeaboo faggotry with the other anime fucknuts. /b/ was made purely to get the touhou idiots out of /a/ hence why it was called /b/ as in a follows b from which they all subsequently migrated to /jp/ where they have set up their viperish cunt club ever since. /g/ was for the goons off something awful who could help moot do his faggoty little anime club. All the rest were offshoots to basically keep anything not anime out of /a/ which means, by extension, that /a/ belongs everywhere.

Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your st/a/y.

>> No.4127942
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>> No.4127946

misuse of 'irony' and 'ironic'

>> No.4127951

When the site was launched both /b/ and /a/ existed. /b/ was Anime/Random and /a/ was Anime/General. Eventually /b/ just became Random because of the popularity of non-anime posting on it.

Not that you're wrong. 4chan was a site made by a teenage weeaboo for other weeaboos to post weeaboo things.

>> No.4127954

anime is for plebs

>> No.4127956

The site started based on anime, but the majority of users on the site now probably aren't into anime.

>> No.4127961

>tfw in English 111 a girl fucking had "Hello my fellow English 111 classmates, my name is <name> and this is my essay about <topic>", every other sentence was a fucking cliche, and the professor didn't say shit about it.

I'm so fucking mad my AP credits didn't transfer. Now I'm stuck in English for Absolute Retards 111

>> No.4127964

>a diamond dozen

>> No.4127967

>When the site was launched both /b/ and /a/ existed.
newfag detected

>> No.4127995

>Welcome to 4chan
holy fucking shit go back to /b/
that doesn't mean shit
are you from reddit by any chance?

>> No.4128004

Nuh uh. /b/ was to get rid of touhou because of all the crying and outrage and because they spammed their ren or whatever that little tart's name is crap everywhere. He called it 'random' but that was just so they didn't feel entitled but they started fucking that up so he made 'japanese culture' so they'd piss off there. So far, so good.

>> No.4128009

and thank fuck for that.

>> No.4128010

No, you.

>> No.4128017

careful with that edge

>> No.4128019

that would provide much more interesting conversation than what people usually talk about

>> No.4128940
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Then I pray that you will not be offended by a preponderance of anime culture in contradiction with your expectation.

>> No.4128994

> I'll put in my headphones while giving them the death stare.

Maximum autism.

Fucking speak up and tell them what's annoying you, stupid faggot.

>> No.4129897


>> No.4129918

>But, I mean, it's a mute point.

>> No.4129926

>I wouldn't take it for granite, it's not set in stone

>> No.4129941

>/b/ was to get rid of touhou

I sure hope you're trolling.

>> No.4129949


>> No.4129957
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>Yeah, I'm an alumni of Yale.

>> No.4129962
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>> No.4130030

>Using utility as a pejorative for function

>> No.4130035

stomach turning

>> No.4130811

>Little by little.

I cringe whenever I see this in a book. I don't even know why.

>> No.4130833
File: 301 KB, 1000x587, Dahl_Hans_An_Alpine_Landscape_With_A_Shepherdess_And_Goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuggrrrr fucking anime
what are you people doing on /lit/? don't you have pony threads to raid with your /v/irgin /b/ros?

>> No.4130834

Look, dude, I know on /lit/ the policy is 'The anon is dead', but stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.4130840

>literally preferring this suggestive two letter monstrosity - 'ct' - to the elegant simplicity of the british 'x'
You are pretty much on the bottommost of the linguistic plateaux, anon.

>> No.4130905

How dare you attempt to co-opt my subjective experience for your own ends? It really just begs the question as to how you can even portend to communicate with us. Seriously.

>> No.4130914

>Nordic bucolic kitsch
Don't you have Western Civilization to save with your Aryan /b/rothers /pol/