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/lit/ - Literature

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4122922 No.4122922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/,

Going to jail in a few days, and this is what I'm packing:
-Moby Dick
-Walden and Other Writings
- Lives of the Popes
- some writings by Nietzsche
- Saint Joan (Bernard Shaw)
- From Beirut to Jerusalem

Last time I went to jail all I brought was the Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence.

Any jail reading recommendations? Wish I had some really controversial shit I could bring that would make the prison staff be like "what da fuck dis nigga crazy".

>> No.4122924

the qu'ran obvs

>> No.4122928

Good one! Going to try and get my hand on it, only got a few days.

By the way, this is all taking place in Israel, so that would be doubly funny.

>> No.4122933

dont they have libraries there

>> No.4122936


>> No.4122940

What are you going to jail for?

>> No.4122942


>> No.4122944

shut up

>> No.4122946

uh huh

>> No.4122955

The Beginning Was the End by Maerth. It's super hard to find a real copy though.

>> No.4122961

Mein Kampf. Bet we never hear from you again,but do it for the lulz

>> No.4122968


that would be taking it too far. I don't want to get ass-raped by a prison guard.

>> No.4122978

They probably have a bunch in there already.

>> No.4122981

Don't worry, when it comes to Nazi's Israel has no problem letting a rape turn into murder.

>> No.4122984

some Evola and Spengler

>> No.4123029

I was arrested in the Winter of 1998 for the rape and murder of a young girl and subsequently sentenced to life in jail; fortunately, additional evidence surfaced and I was cleared of all charges and released in the Summer of 2011. I'll post a list of what I brought with me/read whilst imprisoned, if anyone's interested. I can't legally provide any additional details on the nature of the case, but I can elaborate if any of you show interest in that.

>> No.4123037
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>I can't legally provide any additional details on the nature of the case

>> No.4123046


Well, I can't.

>> No.4123051

no one asked for further details

>> No.4123054

Just go ahead and post the list.

>> No.4123196

I've always wondered what books there actually were in a prison library. As far as I know it's only The Bible, The Count of Monte Cristo and Common Law.

>> No.4123223

Yeah, okay, Ive watched Rectify

>> No.4123261


I've been looking for a copy of this book for over ten years. You'd think the copyright would have expired. Someone should publish it again.

>> No.4123267


>> No.4123292


>> No.4123317

Get your hands on every piece of classic lit you can. Sounds like you'll have a lit of time on your hands.

>> No.4123347


OP how long are you being put in prison for? What did you do to get thrown in the clink "the last time?" Do you have any prison stories?

You should read "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich" I think it would be fitting.

>> No.4123348

In Search of Lost Time
The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace

>> No.4123349

I'm interested and other people are, post the list.

>> No.4123398

I don't know how long I'm going in for yet, probably like two months....hopefully no longer than that.

Last time was for disobeying orders.

Stories? There was this guy named Mohammed who they wouldn't let out to go to his sister's wedding, so he swallowed half a bottle of shampoo. They let him out.

>> No.4123515
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Just found a bunch of books in the garage, including the Koran. Here are some new potential candidates for jail reading material:
- President Kennedy (Richard Reeves)
- The Illiad (trans. WHD Rouse)
- Count of Monte Cristo
- The Last Days of Socrates
- The Story of Philosophy (Will Durant)
- The Portable Voltaire
- The Rabin Memoirs
- The Social Contract and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
- Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays (Hawking)

So what do you guys think? Should I bring Count of Monte Cristo and Last Days of Socrates for dat jail cred?

>> No.4123518


Currently reading Demons by Dostoyevsky, it's good but pretty edgy so far.

Why did you go AWOL?

>> No.4123520

they let you bring stuff to jail?

>> No.4123525

Go to /trv/ and look up the thread I made there. It's there somewhere...

Yeah, books for sure.

>> No.4123541

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.4123690

Found even more books lying around. Working on a final list of books I will be bringing with me. Will update you as soon as I figure this all out.

>> No.4123714

Hop the border to, I dunno, Iraq or something. Then catch a flight to a first world nation and claim refugee status. Fuck going to jail, that's lame.

>> No.4123738

Why? Good opportunity to get some reading done. Maybe after jail I'll skip the country.

but lol Iraq

>> No.4123782

If I went to jail I would pack
>Crime & Punishment
>The Bros K
>Les Miserables
>The Count of Cory Monteith
>War and Peace
>David Copperfield (he would be my bro)

You're going to want long epics that end on a good note, OP.