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4121746 No.4121746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a tier list/power ranking list for James Joyce?

>> No.4121748

He has like 6 books dude

FW > U > P > D > CM > E

>> No.4121751

Cool, thanks. Any other opinions out there?

>> No.4121753

A Portrait

the rest

>> No.4121758

why does he have an eyepatch is he tryna be a fucking pirate? more like a butt pirate ahaha

>> No.4121762

Nora accidentally shat into that eye while he was trying to smell her farts. It's in Ellmann's biography of him.

>> No.4121768


>> No.4121771

yes they're all stupid and a waste of time. joyce is the most pretentious piece of shit to exist.

>> No.4121773

ouch that edge

>> No.4122337

Read chronologically. he gets progressively more complex.

And since you're on this board and talking about "tiers," I'll assume you're a teenager, so you'll love Portrait of the Artist.

>> No.4122340

No. Take a class at uni on Ulysses and Ulysses only.

>> No.4122350

Love Letters
Everything else

I would say "God tier" and "shit tier", but I think they'd be mixed up in this case.

>> No.4122355

Dubliners is bretty good. The rest is utter crap, especially Portrait of the Artist as a Young Fedora

>> No.4122516

holy shit this board is full of morons

>> No.4122556

>FW number 1


>> No.4122567

If you're willing to take the time necessary to appreciate it, it is

>> No.4122570

elaborate please

>> No.4122577


>> No.4122809

Portrait is OK

Ulysses is tryhard showoff shit, and not in a fun way like Nabokov, just embarrassing

Finnegans Wake is like he knew how embarrassing Ulysses was, and instead of owning up to it, decided to pull the biggest NO I TOTALLY MEANT TO DO THAT, I TOTALLY MEANT TO EMBARRASS MYSELF THAT BADLY, FUCK YOU GUYS in history. And I guess it kind of worked, since a handful of literary critics have managed to sell some books by pretending to like it, and a few thousand hipsters use it as an accessory on par with PBR beer. It's a legacy, I guess.

>> No.4122820

Here's a good place to start:


>> No.4122863

They say Ulysses employs more english professors than even entire genres.

>> No.4123562

Ulysses is one of the greatest works of all time

>> No.4123617
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>hating grapes this much