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File: 30 KB, 318x470, kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4119348 No.4119348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unreasonable critique of Kant leads to man being shot in Russian shop.

>"Many Russians love to discuss philosophy and history, often over a drink, but such discussions rarely end in shootings."


Is Europe still intellectually ahead of America?

>> No.4119371

>Is Europe still intellectually ahead of America?
>not in a downward spiral of nothingness

stay hedonist monkeys, euros.

leave the philosophy to the boys that aren't afraid of challenging your new atheist gods.

>> No.4119368

Isn't this the proof?

In America people are shooting each other for matters far less serious than Philosophy

>> No.4119373

implying americans can even spell "categorical imperative"

>> No.4119385

>be amerifat
>sitting on bench reading Nietzche
>guy comes over and asks what I am reading
>1 hour long discussion on philosophy breaks out

It does happen

>> No.4119387


what great works have theist philosophers produced recently? I'm confused, do they still exist?

>> No.4119391

>sitting at library reading Kierkegaard
>girl comes over and asks me what I'm reading

>I say: "“The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in the relation that the relation relates itself to its own self; the self is not the relation but that the relation relates itself to its own self.”

>> No.4119392

Was america ever ahead of europe? I mean you best philosopher was german.

>> No.4119394

it's funny that you say that given that my physics professor spelled "categories" as "catagories" today. he also said that gold is named "au" on the periodic table because of its greek name.

>> No.4119403

>move from europe to nyc
>reading on the train a commentary on hegel's aesthetics
>Girl asks me what I'm reading.
>I reply "just a book on aesthetics"

>> No.4119406

Point and match.

>> No.4119408

>We proceed to my bed and begin fucking aggressively.

>> No.4119412

[fear and trembling intensifies]

>> No.4119424

Nietzsche, faggot

>> No.4119428

>months later she has morning sickness unto death

>> No.4119432

how did the conversation go? i always have a hard time treading the line between being condescending and letting people take the conversation into stupid territory.

>> No.4119433

"In the course of the fight, the suspect took out a pistol firing rubber bullets and fired several shots at his opponent," it said, adding that one man was detained and the victim was taken to hospital. His life was not in danger.

>> No.4119437


that's even more awesome lol

>> No.4119443


The guy was into philosophy so we discussed different philosophers and their works. From there we started discussing different philosphies

>> No.4119452

>She calls me firs thing in the morning: "You either marry me or I abort!"

>> No.4119454
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>> No.4119455
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>> No.4119463
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>> No.4119464


>> No.4119467


go fuck yourself

>> No.4119468
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>> No.4119474
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>> No.4119477
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Lol this can be improved, I.e.
"big Other intensifies"

>> No.4119481

this. sometimes I'll be talking with friends/acquaintances about philosophical things, like existentialism, nihilism or whatever, and sometimes they really miss the point or misunderstand and start trying to make jokes about the topic or whatever and it rankles me...

>> No.4119483
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>> No.4119485

Man, you guys sound so intelligent.

>> No.4119487
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>> No.4119489
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>> No.4119492
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>> No.4119544

Theism and atheism are equally foolish. Assuming one has the ability to either confirm or deny the existence of deities or higher consciousness is the height of arrogance.

>> No.4119551

>Assuming no one has the ability to either confirm or deny the existence of deities or higher consciousness is the height of arrogance.


>> No.4119565


One cannot intelligently respond to this comment until you've elaborated on what this "ability" is (that is capable of "either denying or confirming the existence of a deity")

>> No.4119583

Karl Popper is weeping on principle, and Bertrand Russell is sobbing into a teapot.

>> No.4119611


the same tool you used to make your original belief

>> No.4120480


This is cancer.

Fuck off.

>> No.4120698
File: 52 KB, 335x380, foucauff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heu hue

>> No.4120719


>> No.4120974
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>> No.4120980

>get carrot

what the fuck

>> No.4120982

My answer was 'chicken'.

>> No.4120984


>> No.4120986

I guessed orange

>> No.4120988


>> No.4120991

r u american?

>> No.4120992
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Fruit! No. . .uh. . .carrot.

>> No.4121036

holy shit

>> No.4121043
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>> No.4121052


Many parts of Europe have far fewer atheists than the US. We only lack the batshit-insane that inhibit your bible-belt.

>> No.4121055

>that inhibit your bible-belt
>that inhibit

Oh, wow.

>> No.4121058

This is proof that Americans are far ahead of Europeans (Russians, at least) intellectually. While they're still arguing about dead old philosophers, we're over here enjoying ourselves, seizing the moment. While you're over there thinking about how to live you're life and not actually living it at all, we're out on adventures with our friends. We understand the fragility and brevity of life enough to know that time should not be wasted on discussions about "categorical imperatives". There are far better ways to spend time with friends.

>> No.4121060

Oops, there's a wrong your in there. I've just lost all credibility. You win, Europe.

>> No.4121064

>many parts of Europe have far fewer atheists than the US

Yeah, and those are the parts that are behind the US intellectually.

>> No.4121068


>> No.4121071

>We only lack the batshit-insane that inhibit your bible-belt.

Those are easily some of the kindest people in the US. You don't know anything about them bruh.

>> No.4121074

They're also the most uninformed retards in the whole country. Jackson County, AL represent'n

>> No.4121087


Fukken saved. By far my favorite one, but that's mostly because Heidegger is just about the only continental I give a shit about. Should I make one with Whitehead that has "[THE PROCESS INTENSIFIES]"?

>> No.4121095

Was I the only one confused by OP making the link between Russians arguing and Europe? My Europe kind of stops at the east border of Germany, and if things keep going on as they are going, my Europe will start developing a border at south France, Switzerland and Austria whilst Italy, Spain and Portugal slowly get annexed by the North African thinly veiled UN approved and USA/UK/FR funded "rebels".

back to /pol/ I go

>> No.4121114
File: 99 KB, 390x522, YOU COULDN'T PROCESS THE SIZE OF MUH DICK BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For your enjoyment, /lit/.

>> No.4121120

This article doesn't say anything about why they were arguing, but I thought I read somewhere that they were actually just arguing over which one was a bigger fan of Kant (in which case both are losers). I might be mistaken.

>> No.4121139

>which one was a bigger fan of
I hate it when people do this, they try to objectify the subjective feelings of the other person, and then try to add qualities to the now objectified feelings, which are then quantified and compared to their own subjective feelings. Not only that, but they are BOTH DOING IT, which just makes the whole thing twice as stupid, as they then try to explain and justify to each other their way of objectifying and quantifying. They will be arguing about the way they are arguing about something which should not be argued about in the first fucking pace.

>> No.4121166
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>> No.4121202
File: 76 KB, 374x421, HOW BOUT U PERFORM ON MUH DIK BISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's another one I made.

>> No.4121221
File: 43 KB, 409x553, IMPLYING U CAN EVEN MAEK A MEEMINGFULL STATEMENT ABOUT MUH DIK BISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Making these gives meaning to my life.

>> No.4121231

Give it a rest, they aren't that funny.

>> No.4121233
File: 64 KB, 402x402, confusing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4121248
File: 42 KB, 350x287, lousing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4121260
File: 55 KB, 701x559, NO, BEASTLY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll give YOU a rest, bitch nigga.

>> No.4121271
File: 135 KB, 701x559, NO, BEASTLY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SHIT I forgot to caption it.