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4117370 No.4117370 [Reply] [Original]

If The Crying Lot of 49 has Torquato Tasso, what does V. have?

I read somewhere (I wish I could remember where) that Pynchon admitted to have 'tried something' with both Lot 49 and V. that nobody had exactly caught on to and that he abandoned with later novels—hence my suspicion.

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>> No.4117378

Some dude looked up Torquato Tasso on Google Translate, and this board has been abuzz with armchair codecrackers since.

>Pynchon admitted
Nice try. It's not true.

>> No.4117389

I must admit that I too am sceptical, but regardless, it is a brilliant scheme. If it is entirely coincidence, perhaps even better.

Well then, in general, how do we go about interpreting and analysing V.? Lot 49 was a lot simpler imo

>> No.4117399

>If The Crying Lot of 49 has Torquato Tasso

>> No.4117513

Ctrl+F Torquato Tasso

Suppoesdly he is the 'answer' to Lot 49, which is like a grand riddle. He was a mad artist or something, his name means 'turned badger' (i.e. like Trystero, the dead badger, as Thurn and Taxis are tower-badger), Oedipa's madness is artistic paranoia, etc.

>> No.4117519

Go to bed, Pinecone. No one will care about you after you're dead.

>> No.4117644


But really. V. is incredible and interesting and fertile ground for interpretation. Sophisticated discussion pls /lit/ pls