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4116608 No.4116608 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you keep a journal/diary? And if you do, do you write in it daily or just on special occasions? What is the most common subject that you write about?

>> No.4116643

I mostly write down my observations. On me and on my peers. I dont do it every day, but atleast 3-4 times a week

>> No.4116652

I sometimes write just to get certain thoughts or feelings out of my head but it's only once every month or two. I have scraps of paper scattered through different folders and books like that

>> No.4116653

I have a little pocket journal that I write my dreams in when I remember to.

Sometimes I also write down some general thoughts or recount the day's events. Usually that's just me bitching about shit.

>> No.4116663

I´ve some depression and anxiety problems, and i find it really therapeutic to write it down in a book. Got 3 of them right now, the texts are not in any order, but that doesn't really. Matter. I cant read them when i feel better, because i get actually scared reading them.

>> No.4116710


Do you ever go back and read the shit you wrote during an intense spell of depression and cringe so hard you just want to throw the whole thing into a burn barrel?

>> No.4116720


Yes. That exactly.

>> No.4116799

Have diaries back to 2003. I usually write when there's something interesting to talk about, but my life has been pretty boring lately, so I only write about once or twice a month, and it's only to list the books I've read or the movies I've watched. That takes like two or three lines, and then I just write about how I'm still depressed and I still hate everybody.

>> No.4116833

I have a notebook into which I write down ideas I get or impressions made by the occasional strong experience.

I write about every other day.

>> No.4116846

>How many of you keep a journal/diary?
I don't know.
> if you do, do you write in it daily or just on special occasions?
When I feel like I must.
>What is the most common subject that you write about?
My miserable life, of course.

>> No.4116976

>and it's only to list the books I've read or the movies I've watched
why not just use goodreads/letterboxd?

>> No.4116999

I have one, but instead of writing down dates and records I just write whatever I want to write whenever I want to write. Sometimes it's a dream I had last night, sometimes it's a rambling about some topic I feel strongly about, sometimes it's a stream-of-consciousness if I'm in the mood, and sometimes it's just me writing any little passage of fiction based on a thought or idea I had, but don't want to adapt into an entire novel.
My hope is that one day, when I've read/written more and am ready, I can look at the entire thing and string it into an unconventional narrative as a kind of autobiography-fiction hybrid novel. Whether or not that'll happen is a different story.

>> No.4117003

Dream Diary and Idea Notebook

>> No.4117029

Who's going to be the first to post a snippet from their journal? Preferably the most personal stuff.

>> No.4117051

"The blanket on my bed smells like vomit but I've never puked on it. Is that strange?"

>> No.4117067

This is the last thing I wrote.

2:11AM 8/18/13 - I realize how much I want to be with a girl. Mostly sex, but also love to some extent. However I've come to the realization that in all of my fantasies they are all attractive. The thought of being with an unattractive woman is unappealing to me. At least now I know why I will be a virgin until I die. Even ugly woman have standards, just like I do. I have a lot of problems with jealousy as well. I've been getting really jealous of other people a lot lately. The only solution I've found is to just not think about them.

>> No.4117095
File: 154 KB, 781x531, diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its anonymous right?

>> No.4117100

This is why I have such a hard time keeping a fucking journal. Every few weeks I go back through, cringing, and use a big sharpie to completely blackout and censor about 80-90 percent of my writing. so i have journals full of black lines now

>> No.4117108

>caring this much

>> No.4117105

that program is edgier than your entry

>> No.4117109

Hah I like that journal post, pretty funny

>> No.4117111

dream journal, since I think it might be productive. that and their analysis.

>> No.4117144

This is the only reason I am writing a journal, so I can go back later and remember how I was feeling at a particular time. I guess I'm just more comfortable with myself than you.

>> No.4118423


I never censor my texts, but i just cant read them. It just too painful remembering that feel

>> No.4118443

I kind of have a "journal" of sorts. It's just a notebook that I carry around with me so that I can write something that comes to mind if I want to. Usually I'll just write a few words or sentences, but sometimes I'll sit down and write with it if I can't get to any big-paper.
I'll occasionally do the diary thing with it, but not very often at all.

>> No.4118445

Same for me, in a lot of cases.

I've got a journal type thing where I write things to contain them--put 'em in a book and never turn back the page again.

Every once in a while, when I'm drunk, I'll go to one that's years old and have a giggle or a cry though.

>> No.4118456

My writing is cringe-worthy and I have terrible prose. Everything I write has an "edgy" feel to it and I cannot conceive such bullshit, so I've stopped writing.

>> No.4118463

Why do people still write things on paper?

>> No.4118470

Because they want to

>> No.4118480

I started keeping a diary when I was 13. I have two or three from back then. I used to write about how mean the other kids were towards me. I had a blog when I was 15, 16 which unfortunately, I deleted. On it I also wrote about how mean the other kids were towards me. Then I stopped keeping a journal until I was 18. I'm 20 now and have eight diaries that I've filled since then and a few that I've started. I write about how I hate all the other kids, about my mental health and whether I'm improving or not. I write almost daily but what I write is not particularly coherent.

>> No.4118482

I was thinking about starting a self-analysing journal. Especially with regards to my confusing sexuality and fantasies. Some of them are taboo and some dangerous so I'm not sure if it's a smart idea to jot all of it down.

>> No.4118540

I bet you are one of those kids who thinks he has social anxiety even though he goes outside every other day. Fuck off normie.

>> No.4118567

>Fuck off normie.
check your aspie privilege

>> No.4118587
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>>How many of you keep a journal/diary?
Yes, i started writing a journal a year ago. It didn't start exactly as a journal, but i just having a bad time -it happens a lot- and when i wrote it down i feel a little bit less overwhelmed.
I keep writing since then.

>>do you write in it daily or just on special occasions?
Special ocassiones. Sometimes i write everyday and something i go weeks without writing a word.

>>What is the most common subject that you write about?
My life is pretty much average, but since i'm a no gf + no friend loner, average things seem to hit me a lot harder than other people who can talk with their peers -and even if i had peers, i don't think i could do that-.
That's why i wrote mostly when i'm feeling down and what are the reasons for it, once i feel a little bit less overwhelmed i try to come up with a solution for what is happening to me at the moment. It worked pretty well most of the time.

>> No.4118603
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>How many of you keep a journal/diary?
I do. i started writing a journal a year ago. It didn't start exactly as a journal, but i just having a bad time -it happens a lot- and when i wrote it down i feel a little bit less overwhelmed.
I keep writing since then.

>do you write in it daily or just on special occasions?
Special ocassions. Sometimes i write everyday and something i go weeks without writing a word.

>What is the most common subject that you write about?
My life is pretty much average, but since i'm a no gf + no friend loner, average things seem to hit me a lot harder than other people who can talk with their peers -and even if i had peers, i don't think i could do that-.
That's why i wrote mostly when i'm feeling down and what are the reasons for it, once i feel a little bit less overwhelmed i try to come up with a solution for what is happening to me at the moment. It worked pretty well most of the time.

>> No.4118606

I don't. I thought about doing it a couple of times, but there's just not enough going on in my life that's worth writing about.

>> No.4118626

Not sure if it's too personal, but;
"That stupid colour test [my friend] asked me to do turned out just as bad as I expected. About me searching for a faithful partner in a relationship. Reminds me of what one of my lovers once said to me; that I just won't be satisfied with only one woman. Which isn't true, but it still wouldn't bother me if I found out my girlfriend would cheat on me. I don't see the big deal about it, if everyone involved in that relationship knows about it, where's the betrayal? Also, I feel like [my girlfriend] is getting jealous of me flirting with her best friend again, and tried to punish me for it by spending the weekend with one of her hoes and telling me every sexual detail about it."

>> No.4118642

Actually, I hear voices, which is probably due to substance abuse and thus pretty much my own fault, though. I am socially anxious and I have panic attacks whenever I have to talk to a stranger and thus try to avoid doing so, however, I've been getting better at not avoiding those kinds of situations. Perhaps, you should try doing the same, so that you don't have to be so bitter anymore.

>> No.4118671


I do it because writing on a computer screen just isn't enough. It feels so empty staring into that white screen.

>> No.4118673

When I travel I carry a journal. I'll describe interesting places or events that happen, or just write general stuff and thoughts in it. But I never just do a day by day summary, I've tried and it doesn't work well for me.

>> No.4118679

I used to, but I have been keeping my thoughts to myself lately. Most of my newer entries are dreams, ideas I want to keep track of (thought I usually type those in notepad or write them in a small notebook I carry with me), or meandering rants written while I'm drunk, high, or depressed

>> No.4118774

nostalgiafag detected

>> No.4118833
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Actually, i do it in my computer.
I would like to do it in paper though, i could just wrote what i think while i'm walking instead of wrote it down in a piece of paper and doing it again when i have the change to transcribe my notes.

What are the best notebooks to write a journal?

>> No.4118892

i use a notebook as a means of chronicling interesting bits of fiction, facts, quotes, daily minituate, feelings and general happenings or lack thereof

>> No.4119606
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I was walking through the university bookstore the other day and then i saw this. It was pure and simple a black rectangle, blank, and with no direct purpose to me. Knowing the kind of person i am ive never written down a day or feeling in my life or anything but i said fuck it and got it. ive written in it a few times and done some sketches.

>> No.4119626 [DELETED] 

Is that a moleskine?.

Are worth buying?

>> No.4119629

Is that a moleskine?

>> No.4119659


yea papers a bit to thin for my taste but i really like it

>> No.4119662

nothing against moleskine, but they are overpriced. so I would advice that as soon as that one runs out of pages you look for the generic brand at office depot, I think. Same shit, half price or so

>> No.4119703

Writing, as in putting pen to paper, is now, for people with the option of typing, about the process, the feeling of it. It is slower, more direct, feels very different, and is more symbolically interesting than typing. That's my take, as someone who collects antique fountain pens and is selective about paper. This is the thinking behind buying moleskins: If you're going to bother writing on paper in this day and age, you may as well write on good paper.

Sooner or later the only pens being sold will be designer, luxury, and really nice pens (uni-ball gel pens being the worst pens around), likewise with good paper. Pen and pad will stop declining at this point. I'm not looking forward to it.

>> No.4119704

>but they are overpriced
A lot, here it costs about fifty bucks :(

>> No.4119705

I keep on, but write in it very rarely since 97% of my thoughts are pure garbage.

>> No.4119709

here it's just under that. 40 or so. It's been quite a while since I bought them but I got the generic ones (with same hardbound black cover and a compartment for loose papers) for 15 or so, maybe less

>If you're going to bother writing on paper in this day and age, you may as well write on good paper.
and yes, I agree. if you mean that the generic ones don't have good paper, it's supposed to be the same one as the moleskine (low acidity, same composition) they just aren't as famous

>> No.4120015

What? I basically have the same one as >>4119606 and I paid 2 bucks for it.

>> No.4120017

>If you're going to bother writing on paper in this day and age, you may as well write on good paper.
I don't really understand this false dichotomy. but go ahead and waste your money on something as worthless as 'quality' paper.

>> No.4120027


I like moleskine too, but they are too damn expensive. At Akademibokhandeln they sell good notebooks for about 5$, soft cover in A5 format

>> No.4120036

I keep a journal for the purpose of leaving it somewhere eventually for someone to read

I got the idea from someone who did the same at a coffee shop near me. They put the journal on the table when they arrived and quite deliberately left it. I got up and rushed out with it but they started to run and I didn't see them again

Not seen them since, very odd. Their journal was a very interesting read though, and I keep going back to that coffee shop with it, in case they do actually want it back

>> No.4120142


jeez. i live in Colorado and it cost me $14

>> No.4120247

do you have excerpts or at least could you tell somethings of what it talks about?

>> No.4120259

Write a sequel

>> No.4120503

I believe it's awfully interesting to read a journal of someone who's actually a stranger, but still share a moment with. And of course, journals in general are quite intriguing.

>> No.4120506

I tried but nothing interesting happens in my life.

>> No.4120528

i keep one since augunst/2012.
i've used 4 notebooks of 48 pages each so far (pic related,thats actually the ones i use).
i write once every 3 days,usually about stuff that is not going well and things that i would like to do in the future.

though lately i've been writing about some realizations about some past events.like,the fact that i cant have a normal relationship with the opposite sex because my family used to shame me when i showed interest in somebody.

>> No.4120531
File: 75 KB, 600x600, cuaderno-exito-lunares-48h-rayado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.4120723

I have a really shitty $1 notebook.

I usually write down my dreams, or what I can remember of them. I rarely write my thoughts or observations because my life is fairly boring. I also write notes about books/poems, films, and beers I try. I like writing in it drunk, though it's fairly illegible.

I also have a few pocket notepads to write things down on the go.

That is pretty neat. I would love to stumble upon someone's journal, but I could never do this myself.

>> No.4121653

I have a notebook in which I mainly write down any and all ideas I have for my worldbuilding.

>> No.4121661

I've got a journal. I write down my deepest and most profound thoughts in the most elegant way I can, and then leave it lying around so my friends can pick it up and think "wow, he's so deep, I had no idea all this was churning just beneath the surface".

Then I keep a separate diary on my computer where I write shit I don't actually want anybody to read.

>> No.4121680

What do you find more cringeworthy upon re-reading your prose or your poetry?

>> No.4121704


>> No.4121818
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More like "molest kin."

>> No.4122107
File: 13 KB, 220x326, 220px-Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is!
You should take a look to Kierkegaard's Journals -look up for it in scribd-. Since he is writing a journal he's being amazingly sincere and you cannot help but feeling empathy for him. Some notes are absolutely amazing.

>> No.4122238

Journal, dream diary, idea notebook, calendar note book and whatever/ shit to do notebook are all kept separate for me, should try and work them all into one cluster of ideas and appointments; dates and dreams.

>> No.4122470

Yeah, the sincerity especially is what I find so fascinating about it. I will check it out, thanks.

>> No.4123483

Well, that's the price of snobbism.
Moleskine set high prices because Van Gogh and Hemingway among others have one of those.

>> No.4123623

I can't get myself to write a journal, a log, or anything of the sort. I think journals are for people who are activists, whose lives are interesting enough to document, or someone who have a job with influence. If you're not any of these, I'd safely assume you have a large ego and demand attention. My life is plain, undeserving of talk that doesn't come from my mouth. I am a person who likes to write, my brother drives me mad, and my back is that of a 70 year old. What would I write? "Threw my manchild older brother out of my room thrice today. Still, no patterns in the timing of his intrusions have been detected. He won't get his lazy ass to move out, either. I also wrote a little bit. Then I went on 4chan and chuckled at comic edits featuring Ivo Robotnik screaming 'Double Nigger'." The way my life is right now, that would be every page. Five episodes of a sitcom on repeat in random order, every page.

Who would care about me and my boring problems that are best put in a single silly paragraph than a soldier or a doctor who has actual problems?

>> No.4123639

Well put good sir, my thoughts exactly!

>> No.4123929

you're a dumbass if you think the purpose of a journal is to document your exciting life to serve as fodder for stupid academics in the future.

>> No.4124034

>its anonymous right?
not anymore, Tom

>> No.4124047

You just wrote a journal entry faggot

>> No.4124092

>Who would care about me and my boring problems that are best put in a single silly paragraph than a soldier or a doctor who has actual problems?

Read Montaigne. There's your answer.

>> No.4124408

I have been keeping journals for nine years now starting when I was 15 When I was in high school I wrote nearly everyday. Now I write sporadicly sometimes writing everyday then I'll go periods of weeks even months where I'll not write anything at all. I write mostly feels, what I have done that day and what I have to do later.

>> No.4124414

That's sort of the point you 'tards. Realise how cringeworthy you were so you can avoid those behaviours in the future.

>> No.4124419

Go away

>> No.4124435

This is a page from my journal. Enjoy. I know my handwriting is awful, but I don't care.

>> No.4124438

I have a Memo app on my smartphone, I usually make a note of fun things that happen to me or interesting stuff I see, so I can remember the events in order to tell my friends about them later
I usually just see interesting shit going on late at night when I'm out drinking, and I'd forget most of it if I couldn't jot it all down somewhere

>> No.4124548
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Sorry here's the pic. I am on my phone so posting sucks sometimes

>> No.4124569

I just write super cryptic shit about relationships, feelings, etc
Do not trust finality, but lay faith in a golden heart
is my last entry

I guess it's more useful to me than to write super detailed accounts, because the single sentences/paragraphs kind of put me in the emotion I was feeling at the time than a play-by-play. I guess it's like how if you need to remember to do something, instead of just writing it on your hand, drawing a little picture is more inclined to make you remember

>> No.4124583

Just out of curiosity, does 4chan/online interactions help? Do you ever get penpals from lit so you can experience human contact in a 'safer' way?

>> No.4124586

I have a few filled books with my thoughts dating back to 2001 which was my 9th birthday. My first was given to me as a present that year. I used to write really infrequently and I think it took about 10 years to fill that one book. I've filled about four since then but I take breaks in between. I'm currently taking one now since January but I might start writing again because I'm turning 21 soon. I used to write everyday before bed detailing about my day.

>> No.4124632

that is the shittiest handwriting ive ever seen

seriously, finger spaces man

do you write like that for exams and assignments??

>> No.4124643

I bought a moleskine 3 years ago thinking that it would last like a week and that I wasted 20 bucks on a fucking notebook but 3 years later it held up, I bought another in that time span.
In those there is every relationship, shitty day, good day, psychedelic trip reports, drawings, poems, lists, dates. Everything.
I hope to pass it down if I have a family or sell it if I ever get any notoriety.
Its cool to see yourself grow, and notice how stupid our problems really end up being
>Reading the time when I was saying "lol imma kill mysuf edge 2 the max death is the only option"
It helps also because you can see what phases you went through in your writing. For a while I just described the situation I was in, sitting outside, sitting in a coffee place, having sex, those descriptions are good because I forget the situation and are instantly transported back when I read them. Another phase I went through was just rambling on about what I was thinking, alot of it was gibebrish but some was pretty profound (to me at least) then you go back and ask "Damn did I write that?"

>> No.4124647

Poems written about women who you thought you loved at the time, then going a few hundred pages forward and reading on the day your hearts was crushed and how much she changed your life.

Then onto the next one. The cycle continues.

>> No.4124663

It seems like his notebook is a tad bit small and unlined.
It looks OK, just fucking neaten it up.

>> No.4124711

Not in school so I don't have to turn in handwritten assignments. And at my job and errands the most writing I have to do is filling out forms also when I am writing for myself I don't really care about my handwriting. Idk why it's so bad, I guess I never learned the proper way to hold a pen when writing

>> No.4124877

dont do it in a physical journal if you decide to.

>> No.4125025


Do you think you would have a harder time writing about stuff if you didnt keep a daily routine to atleast write something? Has it been a fruitful activity for you?

>> No.4125035


I think reading about different kind of problems broadens your perspective. As written in Anna Karenina:

"All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"

>> No.4125043

It was good to keep a routine but towards the end I was writing about the same things each day. It was basically 'same shit, different day' kinda thing and that's why I took a long break. It became too repetitive and boring. I found that after taking a break I could go back to writing daily with a different view on things and by then different things were happening in my life. It seems that I tend to write when my life has a low point and it's a way of dealing with it. During better times I rarely write. It is fruitful in a way to write daily but it's only fruitful if you're happy with what you write.

>> No.4125119

I've been trying to keep a journal but I doubt that I should. I have nothing interesting to say, and when I do it's cringe-worthy verbal diarrhea from a bout of depression or anxiety.

>> No.4125130

Writing partially helped me deal with my anxiety. If you hate what you write then throw it away or burn it afterwards. It can be therapeutic and help you.

>> No.4125160

I have a lot of psychotic breaks and depressive breakdowns that stem from dissatisfaction with my life and I write a lot about the facile and materialistic things that have had me so down for 6 years.

It's cringey but it's real.

>> No.4125174

I write about facile and materialistic things too. It just makes me feel worse. I wish I were an intellectual with valuable things to say.

>> No.4125176

i keep a small sketchbook with me all the time, because i need somewhere to be able to record down ideas for future reference. However i also use it as journal, and write in it frequently. It basically functions as a form of therapy and i use it to vent my frustrations and depression into. Its takes a bit to get used to writing without lines, but the result is somehow nicer than the perfect lines of a notebook. Its also good to because i can sketch down illustrations to go along with what i write.

>> No.4125254

Yep. Which is, in itself, a vain and facile desire. I get a bit disgusted at what would truly make me happy, knowing that someday I will discover why it won't.

>> No.4125535

Haha, I used to have online acquaintances until I pissed them off while being really drunk. One of them even made me see a therapist (after over twenty other people had told me to do so - he actually seemed to care a little) which would have helped if the therapist hadn't been an idiot. I must also add that I met someone online a while ago and we are sharing a flat now, we would have never become friends, though, if it hadn't been for endless amounts of alcohol.
But 4chan itself certainly doesn't help.

>> No.4125539

I don't know what to do. Do you?

>> No.4126578

Not a bit. It has depressed me for six years or so now. I wouldn't be myself if I got what I wanted and I know that would dissatisfy me, so I guess I'm just impossible to please.

>> No.4126815
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>Who would care about me and my boring problems that are best put in a single silly paragraph than a soldier or a doctor who has actual problems?

But i care about my own problems and write them down not only help me to see them more clearly and therefore helps me to think about a couple of solutions, but also works as well to calm down and clear my mind of the noise.
After a good catharsis i can go on with my day.