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4107574 No.4107574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Trying to educate her? Bradley Cooper, 38, reads Lolita to Suki Waterhouse, 21, as she sprawls across him in Parisian park


The feminists on my facebook are going crazy because of this guy reading Lolita to his girlfriend. Somehow I'm thinking it would be different if that were Ryan Gosling or James Franco.

>> No.4107578

>The feminists
not every girl who complains about stuff on fb is a feminist

>> No.4107577


get this trash out of /lit/

>> No.4107584

We had this thread like a week ago.

I spend too much time on 4chan.

>> No.4107585

Nope but these ones are.

>> No.4107587

What's the nature of their objections? Besides jealousy ;) :P : | yesss

>> No.4107598



>This is rape culture

>Oh my god what typical white old man thing to do

>No, this is so creepy that I dont know where to hide. He is reading about himself to his little girl...

>> No.4107601

"I always think less of men (because it is usually men) that date such younger women. You have to ask yourself why a 38 year old finds a young women barely out of her teenage years so much more appealing than someone more their own age. They look like father and daughter and as for the reading material....creepy!
- James, Kent, 27/8/2013 23:11"

Lol. Is this guy retarded?

She probably has daddy issues or something and they're indulging in some fantasy. Wouldn't surprise me if she goes around calling him daddy. Pretty creepy though. Pretty weird choice of book.

>> No.4107602
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My little sister's birthday is next month.
I'm going to make her an audiobook of Lolita read by me.
She'll love it the way I love her, I hope. She must.

>> No.4107605

>onii-sempai, please read lolita to me
>b-b-but rape culture
>i wont tell if you dont ^_~

>> No.4107609

Or you know he is rich, famous and considered one of the hottest actors in hollywood, and she's an upcoming model and will gain fame and notoriety just by being seen with him.

>> No.4107612

His work in Silver Linings Playbook earned him his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In 2011, People magazine named him the "Sexiest Man Alive".

>> No.4107616

>tfw people don't understand what Lolita is actually about

>> No.4107617
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Journalist here, every newspaper works like this. Every single one. This is literally why I left the business.

>> No.4107618

>people acting like its weird for older men to be attracted to younger women and younger women to older men

this is the norm for fuck's sake. look at any dating site and the male preference is almost always their age or younger while the female pref is their age or older. "so gross! so weird!" say the people who aren't even acknowledged in the sexual market.

>> No.4107619

>Somehow I'm thinking it would be different if that were Ryan Gosling or James Franco.
somehow i'm thinking you're a dumbass.

>> No.4107621


>> No.4107622


The photographer is creepy as fuck.

>> No.4107623
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>> No.4107627


>The feminists on my facebook

You better be keeping them unblocked for comedy gold only. Otherwise clean house.

>> No.4107629


wtf i cant believe the daily mail did something like this

>> No.4107630

euphoric : )

>> No.4107633

>Wow, I'll never be able to take him seriously in another acting role. My brain will be yelling "eww!" too loud to concentrate.


>> No.4107634


>daily mail readers

fixed that for you

>> No.4107643


Well what is it actually about?

>> No.4107644

Yes, men never ever gets excused because of their attractiveness and social status in a certain subculture, this being tumblr-feminism.

Learn basic understanding of women.

>> No.4107646

you're a complete neckbeard if you think people think franco or gosling or more attractive than cooper.

>this being tumblr-feminism.
and you're a retard.

>> No.4107648

Just to be fair, this happens to women as well. As long as you are good looking you are all right.

>> No.4107672


>you're a complete neckbeard if you think people think franco or gosling or more attractive than cooper.

Consider for a moment what you're getting riled at this anon about and how much of a cocksmoker it makes you seem.

>> No.4107675

I think Gosling is much more attractive than Cooper.

>> No.4107676

consider how much someone that isn't 12 would give a shit whether they appear or don't appear to be a cocksmoker to retards who bitch about tumblr feminism on 4chan

>> No.4107688

>The controversial book explores the mind of the self-loathing but highly intelligent peopdophile Humbert Humbert
>intelligent peopdophile Humbert Humbert
Daily Mail™

>> No.4107692


So much anger.

All this rating of male attractiveness is clearly an issue you feel very strongly about.

>> No.4107694

you have shit taste. ugly autist face

>> No.4107708

I don't know a single girl that doesn't get a minor orgasm when Goslings name is uttered. What's the deal here? I dont get it.

>> No.4107712


nice anecdotal evidence bro

>> No.4107714

Watch "The Notebook" for the original reason women like him. Watch "Drive" for the reason men like him. Watch "The Place Beyond the Pines" for the reason EVERYONE likes him.

>> No.4107715

It's not evidence. I'm not in this thread to win anything, I'm just saying what I'm hearing from my girl friends.

Why are you so upset?

>> No.4107728

Better plan would be to wait for your own birthday, and ask her to make an audiobook version for you.

>> No.4107729
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>The feminists on my facebook

>> No.4107732

Well done, anon.

>> No.4107733

Oh hey, this thread again. Are we all hear to masturbate to the glory that is the name "Suki Waterhouse"?

>> No.4107742

u gay m8?

>> No.4107749

neither of them is particularly attractive. gosling especially is overrated as hell

>> No.4107759

>complaining about people complaining on Facebook, on 4chan
reevaluate your life

why not post screencaps of your epic put-downs too

>> No.4107796

Reading the comments on that article makes me unsure whether to cry with laughter or despair.

>> No.4107918


>daily mail readers

>I literally have no linear understanding of time or coherent view of how the world operates, in one day's time I won't remember this at all. feed me little nuggets of gossip so I can feel proxy-embarrassed and outraged for a moment or two during the banality of my on going day to day life

fixed that for you

>> No.4107925

>you're a complete neckbeard if you think people think franco or gosling or more attractive than cooper.

llololololololololololol this is the best sentence

*tips francodora to you good sir*

>> No.4107933

lol team Gosling, deal with it tumblord

>> No.4108021

call me back when gosling is named people's sexiest man alive

>> No.4108027

>basic understanding of women
How about basic understanding of human beings? I think that should do.

>> No.4108034

if there something to understand about humanity is that you'll never understand it.

>> No.4108038

I said it was the same way for men as well.

>> No.4108449

ug. Now even more illiterates will be over here trying to talk about it.

>> No.4109717

According to Nabokov it isn't ABOUT anything. He even denied any claims that it was satire.

>> No.4109723

Does she not know how to read?

>> No.4110685

I surely jelly

>> No.4110701

dailymail confirmed for worst newspaper

>> No.4110708

Franco maybe, but I never understood what's supposed to be so great about Gosling.
>/lit/ - Men

>> No.4110718

>implying it's taken this long

>> No.4110742

Well she is like 5 and presumably American.

>> No.4110767

i wish there was a way to call feminists that have a strong theoretical framework and one for those suburban bandwagoners that just slap the term unto themselves like they do it with terms related to their "fandoms" and things like that.
philosophers have that, analytic for those who are actually working and continental for the hacks.

>> No.4110771
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I think Gosling is turning me gay.

It's not just his facial aesthetics but his whole aura.

>> No.4110774

>i wish there was a way to call feminists that have a strong theoretical framework

They should call themselves "gender egalitarians" and then we can start taking them seriously.

>> No.4110783

But no one cares what yinz think.

>> No.4110791

no one cares what feminists think either

>> No.4110793

It's called equity feminism and it's shunned by the majority of the feminist movement. Logic and classical liberalism is just too hard...


This seminar by Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers was what finally opened my eyes.

>> No.4110792

How is a 21 year old a little girl? Is a 90 year old a little boy among ww1 veterans?

>> No.4110795

take it off

>> No.4110796

You're confusing yourself for other people, again.

>> No.4110806

you were probably gay before


>> No.4110810

sorry, that has been happening a lot since i experienced ego death and achieved nirvana

>> No.4110814

The thought never even entered my mind until I saw Drive.

>> No.4110815
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Are women in liberal societies legally equal to men? Yes.
Does sexism exist in those liberal societies? Yes.

> Logic and classical liberalism is just too hard...

>> No.4110822

I haven't watched it before. Is it good?

and you'll never know until you have sex with a another man probably.

>> No.4110833

>I haven't watched it before. Is it good?

Yeah, it's good, especially if you are an autist with violent romantic fantasies like most of us. Nice atmosphere too.

>> No.4110842


don't watch it unless you like homage heavy pulp shit

>> No.4110855

The early 20s are the most fertile years for women and celebrities can have whoever they want. It would be more suprising if they weren't cradle robbing.

>> No.4110863

Obviously he wants a young woman so he can more easily break her into another servant of his, but an explicitly sexual one. Why else is he making her read Lolita in a public setting?

>> No.4110875

You could be overestimating his cunningness and forethought and underestimating subconscious drives.

>> No.4110899

Says the girl on facebook who complains about boys not liking her when she keeps her vag tighter than Fort Knox and her standards higher than the Empire State Building

>> No.4110909

It was just a book making a mockery of all love stories ever written in beautiful prose. If you read the book and took it seriously, you are a pleb. If you read it and laughed the whole time then you get it.

>> No.4110912

Basics of understanding women
1.They don't understand themselves
2.They don't understand others yet think they do
3.They expect everyone to understand them regardless.

The only way to get a woman is to counter those 3 things by reinforcement.

>> No.4110914

>Basics of understanding people
Much better.

>> No.4110925

> implying celebrities want to reproduce
You're dumb.

>> No.4110929

>implying nature isn't four steps ahead of them.
Nature finds a way, even through chastity belts.