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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 476 KB, 429x652, TheWayOfKings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4102255 No.4102255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to the recommendation of several lovers of fantasy on this page I have finally made my way to the end, /lit/. What the hell do I do until the next book is released?

>> No.4102264

Read something good for a change ?

>> No.4102330

>le world building face

>> No.4102479

A song of Ice and fire would tithe you over to Jan /Feb /Mar which is when the next book would be out(they are 4000+ pages long combined)

Or do like i did and read some more of Brandon Sanderson's work(excluding WoT don't touch that shit).

Brent weeks is also nice, Jim Butcher, Lev Grossman, Kevin Hearne, some one recommended Raven's Shadow by Anthony Ryan and that was a great read.

Choose what you will from the list then do some read-up on them to see if they are to your liking.

>durr world is serious
>you must read serious literature about serious things

If you didn't get a proper education and need to read up on other people's thoughts and reasons because you lack your own don't take out your frustrations and project that mindset onto the rest of us.

Some of us are quite happy and enjoy reading for pleasure, if you want to read some dead man's ramblings.... that is your choice.

>> No.4102484
File: 105 KB, 1242x703, Fantasy Recommends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf the pic didn't show

>> No.4102496


I recommend Guy Gavriel Kay, Philip Pullman, Lev Grossman, Gene Wolfe, and Nabokov

>> No.4102512

Those would work too.... although Lolita give me a guilty boner.... when they stopped by the gas station and she said i think you tore something in me.... it hurt too much.

>> No.4102551
File: 559 KB, 900x675, chasm fiend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, it was just me spamming way of kings in the several rec threads

fucking teen shitheads are worshipping the trash that Rothfuss is writing
>muh college fantasies, dinosaurs and ninjas! durr

this book is fantastic, the world is something you want to explore, it's as dark as Sanderson has ever gotten in terms of what happens, and most of all it has characters that are great unlike the meh ones from his other stuff

he writes decent, but with this series, supposedly what he's been planning for years, he's outdone himself

I will punch him in the gut if the quality in Words of Radiance drops, in 20 years it will be the next Wheel of Time for sure if it doesn't

if you want pure entertainment, read Abercrombie's First Law trilogy

if you want feels and great characters but not much action read Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

>> No.4102590
File: 212 KB, 616x616, 1358281347411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

>> No.4102619

Do you have a problem with you church overlords?
There is no same in giving a contribution of time to GRUM.
Also imagine that wall is your vagina and that fist is my D

>> No.4102627
File: 2.73 MB, 183x250, 1368192062141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my D
Are you six?
My problem is that the word is "Tide" and using "tithe" instead of both ignorant and pretentious.
Holy fuck I don't know why I bother coming on here anymore.

>> No.4102631

I agree that neckbeard is the most overrated "writer" in recent years and the funny thing is Way of Kings has stuff that would appeal to teens, it has fucking power armor, power armor in god damn fantasy, and it's NOT pulp, it has an engaging story and you just want to keep reading forever about the world.
to shitpost with le funny reaction animu faces XD obviously

>> No.4102630

>nope, it was just me spamming way of kings in the several rec threads

Anytime someone asks for a fantasy request i ALWAYS recommend Way of Kings ask and request is redundant sue me , i also recommend Dresden Files, Night Angel, Lightbringer and the warded man.

>> No.4102632

>I disagree with your statement of fact therefore it is invalid.

>> No.4102638

We are on /lit/ baby, we all are Pretentious E/lit/ist Pseudo Intellectuals.

Also "My D" has become very popular pop culture reference, i thought i would stay hip by saying it.

Come on.... you know you want it

>> No.4102660

there's been an unfortunate /pol/ tide for inexplicable reasons; we really just have to wait for them to get hyped about some non-news news item like Trayvon Martin again

>> No.4102674

I am not /pol/ faggot, i'm /lit/ did you see anything in my post resembling race war igniting?
Did my post seem to you in anyway to suggest subtle hints that whites are better than blacks or that blacks taking all the "womenz" or that whites are superior(which is funny because /rednecks)?
Ok, she posted a pic and i wanted to fuck it, so i told her so.

>> No.4103483
File: 80 KB, 1068x600, 1371608786438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure we have home grown morons by the bucket load anyway.

Pretension implies that something lacks substance while feigning grandeur. The only shit that gets talked about on /lit/ that lacks substance is new epic fantasy, and I guess Stephen King.

>> No.4103496

Gene Wolfe is hard to read. :(

>> No.4104260

>The only shit that gets talked about on /lit/ that lacks substance is new epic fantasy
>Infinite Jest has substance
get out

>> No.4104283

>planned 10 book series

I own the book but i I dont think i can suffer the years of waiting.

>> No.4104336

>Hasn't read Infinite Jest

>> No.4104353

I hate tennis i bet you liked that movie with Kristen Dunce