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/lit/ - Literature

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4097840 No.4097840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Impress us with your prose of no longer than 50 words.

>> No.4097852

>dat schlong

>> No.4097853

"Are book?"

>> No.4097859

Everyone stargazed before the exodus. Earth’s glow used to be mesmerizing. Now, looking out the window was boring. “Fuck space” thought Ivan, while the peas floated away from his plate. He discarded his meal. Locking his helmet in place he walked towards the airlock. Panel number five needed repairs again.

>> No.4097867

The reddish pink bulbous protusion slowly morphed into a semi-circle. Small, stony white sections of hard bone were uncovered. He was smiling.
“You have done well, Orelius.”
“Thank you sir.” said Orelius. The man lifted the appendage at the end of the arm, which Orelius grasped. It felt so strong. It felt like a king.

>> No.4097871
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It was a dark and stormy night.
"Why are you doing this to me??!!" He yelled.
He revealed his teeth.
Human:"b-but vampires don't exist"
Vampire:"exist THIS"
All hell broke loose as the vampire kicked him in the nuts.

It turned out the human was a vampire as well, the whole time.
And other humans were dead from the start.
In a dream.
Within a dream.
Written in a book.
By woman.
Who was actually a man.
That was in a coma.
That was induced when he fell down tripping on a pepsi twist can.

>> No.4097872

You might be surprised to find a woman with a cock, but I assure you, it is real. Touch it. If you touch it, you can touch anything else. This is your Faustian bargain.

>> No.4097873

not too good

>> No.4097874

Holy shit that girl has a huge penis

>> No.4097877

reads so clunky

>> No.4097879

i over-reached, i fell, i reached again.

>> No.4097881

Sometimes, if on a quiet afternoon I nap a certain way and shower gently, I forget how to think. My thoughts fade away and my senses reign; my mind becomes a tunnel for feeling and my skin melts into the clouds.

>> No.4097882

Everythin' gonna be alright this mornin'.
Oh yeah. Now when I was a young boy, at the age of 5, my mother said I was gonna be the greatest man alive. But now I'm a man, I passed 21. I want you to believe me baby I had lots of fun.

>> No.4097885

The poop hit the toilet. It made a huge clunking sound. No sooner than it hit the porcelain walls was there to be heard a person screaming in pain. On closer inspection it was not poop at all, but a poop covered living being. It was flailing all over the place, making a strange sound.

>> No.4097894

I finger those seems, and her cotton organs fall to my feet. Now I go home.

>> No.4097903

She had cancer and she died like a little bitch.

>> No.4097934

As if the ice on the road wasn't enough to make him nervous, her slender fingers tracing tree branches up and down his thigh surely was. How distracting did she intend to be as they traversed the highway towards his mother's house?

Gooey white escaped him and he shuddered, crashing.

>> No.4097962

twenty and eight years have gone since my birth. I never had strong sensations , because since child I have developed an anesthesia for pain or pleasure. All this years filled with more misery than glory are ending , I find myself reaching a rebirth, an awakening. The reality craftsmen from centuries and centuries, most of them already dead a few of them alive; are touching and telling me to burn the bulletproof vest. For good or for bad I have no option but to do what they are telling me.

>> No.4097970

That last line was perfect.

>> No.4097993

The water thick air is so hard to pull into my lungs. I smoke a cigarette going up the hill instead. The small change I stole is gone. With a bottle of milk in hand, walking home in too few layers for the weather, I look like a respectable citizen.

>> No.4098008 [DELETED] 

I'm good at finishing early but leaving my partners unsatisfied

>> No.4098011

Thanks. I'm good at finishing early but leaving my partners unsatisfied

>> No.4098013

I want to write your name with my tongue in the half revealing condensation of the glass. You won’t be there if I lick it. The salt sweat taste tunnels down the cracks of my lips pleasantly, telling me they would be no barrier to your blood if you were.

>> No.4098018

"What times two is the sum of life?" said the grey-robed one.

"What is the sum of death?" said the black-robed one.

"What does life equal in death?" said the Elder.

"I would like to taste him." said the girl.

"As would I." said the boy.

"And so you shall, said the Elder."

The old man begins shuffling towards you, his shredded robes trail at his feet and from his sleeve he pulls out a jagged blade. You struggle, tearing at your binds to no avail, you pull and pull until the ligaments in your wrists are torn and the odd numb pain courses through you. The man is now at your side, and you feel the cold touch of his blade as he runs it along your abdomen and past your chest, the first slice was clean, and you didn't feel it until you looked up, to see a little girl chewing on a slab of your flesh.

>> No.4098022
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Oversold, Eve no longer wonders what hide beyond the hill, she has been there and seen all that had been laid true under the moon's eyes. Her sleep no longer holds promise.

>> No.4098059


id read this story

>> No.4098061

the the the and yours and mine and up over above all and the the within without and the in and and and out through for the the the time less the the the

>> No.4098106
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Cormac McCarthy scraped around the room and got the lantern and got a match from an old matchbook and lit the lantern and set it down on the table on which perched the Lettera 32 Olivetti typewriter. Cormac sitting. His broad domed skull thinned of hair and bluegrey in the dim light like the crown of Pluto himself. Sitting in the dark. In stillness in which no soul moves and only his fingers move casting shadows like monstrous arachnids in silhouette on the far wall.

>> No.4098141

I have made my summation.

I am loved and cared for; someone feeds me everyday. I have never woken to old sheets.

It is peacefully unbroken here; my time is awash in sleep and dreams.

I am not ready; this keeps you from me, brushing crumbs facelessly from my chin.

>> No.4098142

I will impress her with my swole I said and thus it had begun, my washing machine exploded. I hath become Dog, God of Bods. And then I descended unto heaven and filled it with the parasite known as Man.

>> No.4098161

I broke on the first of last month, splinters of self sent shooting into the night with one piercing cry.

Something had left me. Something had broken free, and I did not know what remained, only that the escape had left it seared, a frigid streak of anger that kept me from moving, lest I should eject some other part of myself unwittingly.

>> No.4098176

Every fucking time! You need to keep your dip bottles off the floor. Someone's gonna tip one over and it sure as shit not gonna be my fault!

>> No.4098183

Split tongued from the last shudder, she remembered her mother saying not to let sweat dry against your back and pulled the sheet closer. Blood trailed the same temperature but some other consistency to the air over both lips. She hoped it wouldn’t all burst through her veins before dying.

>> No.4098208

I left your coat rack up. The next tenants might use it. It would be nice change for this house to have someone take off their coat, hang it up, and not turn into a total bitch.

>> No.4098233

I am rich this week. I thought you should know. I can smoke endlessly, cook any meal made with milk, launder the towels and sheets, and trail each open vial over your porous skin without concern; I can build a palace where the heralds speak only of us. Come by.

>> No.4098235

As the round hit, the golden disk of the sun was pulled inside out. Meters of flesh and bone, steel and foam, compressed into a ball and the pulled out the other side. Of that yellow shield that had been there before, a million amber tears were shredded outward.

>> No.4098237

"You gotta get the rhythm right," he told me. "Right now you're just smashing into her and _she's_ trying to match _your_ movement. And that's hard to do on all fours. You've gotta buck before she screams. She yells and you pull. Buck and pull – she's the boss.”

>> No.4098246

Do you ever get that tugging sensation when you look off a tall building to just jump?

>> No.4098250

It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly a shot rang out! It wasn't the butler who did it.

>> No.4098278

Someone just watched Louie.

>> No.4098300

I can feel it there, the note you fastened with a star shaped clip to my brain. I can’t read it but don’t care. It’s like the cockroach that shuffles down your leg late at night in bed- no knowing more or any movement will stop it having been there.

>> No.4098570

...and sobs dove his mighty Hebrew hammer into the shit-filled niggercunt, and then thy were fucking. Black pubic hair like frayed wires bowing and screeching on piss-rusted bed springs rocked into her fleshy back, pumping and swaying until all the river run through valley and spume, flowing and snowing on all the crests and ridges, upon all the progeny and ancestry of the living and the dead.

>> No.4098641

Poison toothed, sweet air choked around your tongue in the trundling exegesis of your bedroom talk. The venom casing the emerging wet butterfly sounds dropped them green and twitching to the sheet you clawed in anticipation of their flight, like doctored enthusiasm could bring your pinned wide cunt sunlight.

>> No.4098688
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>tfw receiving my privilege card and checking it

>> No.4098699

If you can't attract the girl in the OP, you might as well just give up. That's easy pickings.

>> No.4098750

I saw the scarlet rain falling on the pale canvas, and while blue reflections were losing light, I held my mouth drawing doodles with ruby ink in all its glory.
And I rejoiced in the storm that just fell, I saw my feat build pure fruit, lying on the ground and hugging her, I closed my eyes to dream and stay awake.

>> No.4098816
File: 960 KB, 1600x1200, 1372796797573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badness Rerecords - Kill In Sack Productions
The needle weaves its way along the groove like it were countryside--a badness of terrafrom to meet a formation of badness in earth form told in tune, one to one to one--concrete to chord to re-chord of land on vinyl bank way.

The music was bad like the recording equipment and the pressing and like the earth; the earth where venetian channels strolled rollers breaking gray banks like whirlpool banks, like Charybdis, rest eating all into one and drowning sound into nothing but inward rush.

(It's about like the 90s suburbia that is killing small town alt music scenes with it's conformity :^))

>> No.4099010
File: 131 KB, 641x909, young-bjorn-borg-wimbledon-1974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About twenty people having meat broth in a cue passing three ground floor apartment doors and a plastic roman fountain, waiting for a lady with a Björn Borg haircut and off-white unlaced Reeboks to lift the bars of the second window where the coffee is better and the lottery tickets more reliable.

>> No.4099019

You folded your legs, right foot to left knee. You laughed at my back, said you could not believe how violent I could be, just brushing my teeth.

>> No.4099043
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The fat man went up to the counter and asked the mowhawk man behind the counter, Do you have any hamburgers.
The mohawk man looked up from what he was doing and lit up a cigarette and spat and passed the back of his hand over his forehead. I caint offer you no hamburgers.
Well why the fuck not?
Thems been outlawed in this state slong with six otherns.
What the fuck do you think youre tellin me.
Im tellin you hamburgersn outlawed in this state.
The fat man pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the mohawk mans forehead and thumbed back on the hammer and let his index finger press lightly on the trigger. I said youd bettern get me some hamburgers or Im gonna blow a crater outn the back of ye skull.
I told you mister. I got no hamburgers to offer you.
The fat man fired the gun. Blood splattered against the wall behind the mohawk man like a maroon portrait of death and the mohawk man fell backwards and his back hit the wall against the blood and he slumped down to the floor dragging blood down against the wall with his back.
The fat man leaped over the counter and stuck the revolver in the front of his belt and knelt down over the body of the mohawk man and checked his pockets. His pockets were filled with spaghetti and meatballs.
Well. The fat man spat. Thesen better than hamburgers I reckon anyways.
The fat man ate

>> No.4099047
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Bjorn Borg is not here to criticize your stuff in the classical sense of internet criticism. While I do think that suburbia in the last decade of local music scenes is something to write about, it feels stale and old. Unless a group of middle-aged-try-hard academics are trying to save the music scene, which would be cool as well I guess, it's hard to see the reason for why you would write like this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're thinking seattle-young and-desperate-outsider-type nineties, right? Your shit should read like like it.

Loose literary hyphens, semicolons, and random words like charybdis, terrafrom and venetian channels. No nineties grunge kid used this kind of symbolism. Write simple about complex things, not the other way around, unless you're going with the academics idea, in which case you should check your commas.

No hate (It's difficult to critique shit without being sounding negative)

>> No.4099065

I like this, genuinely. Sounds like lyrics to a song though, maybe not so much like prose.

>> No.4099067

The trees shimmered with ice in morning twilight while the army continued its crawl across the landscape. "The cold is wearing hard upon the men sir." remarked Major Vorobyov, "They are concerned we may not have enough provisions to return." Colonel Sokolov sneered, "We aren't going back Major."

>> No.4099082

Clothed in virginal insanity, the orphan boy followed the red lights like a wise man following the star of Bethlehem, convinced that, just for a moment, and for the right price, he might finally know the warmth of a mother's breast and the security of her arms.

>> No.4099099


>> No.4099106

Westwards the convoys followed the sun, over dirt and water and sand until they rested on the warm dust of California. And when they stopped the men left their trucks and dabbed their faces and wanted to sit on hoods that were too hot to sit on, so they could only stand and wait for word. They looked back east and saw the mountains bruising blue to purple and strained to remember whether they crossed them or not, though they must have since they were big and wide and everywhere.

>> No.4099116

Why are you wasting time here, you should be writing novels.

>> No.4099430


>> No.4099455


>> No.4099511

The room was red and it kept getting darker as the man bled whatever his body still had out of every hole he possessed. His cries went softer and shorter as his mouth furiously ejaculated the condemned colour with God's complete wrath. The son knelt, yelled and wept as he lied in his father's blood exposing his naked flesh and innocent mind to an everlasting tension which will squeeze his heart till the end.

>> No.4099550

Halos hung about the streetlamps as they stood plumb, shrouded in the raw fog hanging low across the city. Silence, smoldering in the darkened, sunless morning, was peppered with the cold, rhythmic clicking of a single freewheel, spinning behind a bicycle.
“Almost,” she said.

>> No.4099559

They stood, clones of clones of clones, surrounded by the will of a committee of unanimity. One turned to the other as the other turned to the one as they wondered, for an instant, what might be living behind their partners eyes, behind their hearts, beyond their bodies.

>> No.4099574

lel that's not original. A guy wrote a short story around it. THe thread might still be alive.

>> No.4099609

Sighs swell cavernous to match the familiar footprints of repeated paths traveled and tasteless buds swelling. Always longing for the moments that have bloomed past you with the same autumn ailment that’s stained the rest, but harvest the next.

>> No.4099608
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Look forward
See tired eyes
See the strain of time,
Etched into weary faces
Life has been kind but
Not merciful
The timing is off
You can feel it
Hanging in the air like
A heavy mist over the water

Close your eyes,
Look forwards once again
And – open
The tiredness and the weariness are not there
Thoughts and ideas run free -
They are able to.

Possibility hangs in the air like
A heavy cloud before a storm;
Its there with purpose

You hold in your arms,
More than a composition
Of mind, body and soul.
More than a dream
That can change with every surge
Of emotion.

>> No.4099617

She sat, legs tucked beneath her, on a fabric, pattern adorned chair. One of the chairs you might typically find decorating a large hall alcove or other nook – the kind habitually encased in fine layers of dust that might be expelled from its stuffed depths if anyone were to actually employ it’s prime function. The chair in question was haphazardly situated between the two black leather monuments that struggled to hold her parents. And yet the chair was also behind them – or more specifically, behind an ornate glass table that required many coasters and hushed warnings. The chair’s position belied the position of its inhabitant. She was not in line with the other chair occupants, nor was she more important than the glassy accessories that filled the large room. Her presence was noted in the same way that the table was acknowledged to fill a place in the void of the room. She too was decorative fodder.

>> No.4099624

Is this a police report? You're not telling the story, you're giving us instructions on how to tell it ourselves.

>> No.4099635

Mary-Ann with dead daisies in her hair and no shoes. Mary-Ann, a bullet lodged in his thick, dumb head and she put it there, I was sure of it. But Mary-Ann, that raven, that harlot singing and cursing on the roof, she was mine, mine, mine.

>> No.4099646

Nobody could tell me by brother at least had a peaceful death. He didn't. He died like cattle. The cattle-boy, the cattle-baby, like a sheep, a cow, a pig, a slaughtered pig, that was my brother. There was no beauty in his death. My brother died like cattle.

>> No.4099662

The grass in the backyard was long and atrophied and too weak to fight the side of Saul’s spear. The blades were refugees, and they starved like refugees, over earth that cracked and crumbled into the dust of a middle-eastern country that he needed to save. Some slumped like bodies against the apple tree, brown and limp and curled into the dry bark as if to muffle their cries. The wind blew down to rustle leaves and down farther into the grass, and the blades shifted and wept for the fallen that lay against the tree. And blond hair was blown from the eyes of the boy who hunted and exploited the sorrowful blades as he shred them back to the dirt.

>> No.4099680
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– You have 0 unread messages –

James closed his laptop and lit a cigarette. His interview was a week ago. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket:

"heyy what's up tonight?"

Natasha. He was happy to hear from her which was unlike him. He lit another cigarette and set his phone on the coffee table.

>> No.4099691

The light was fading like a dimmer switch. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.4099712

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.

>> No.4099821

cigarettes, James, "heyy what's up tonight" and coffee tables are all very cliche... I want something creative! I think your readers would too. I wouldn't be surprised if they set it down because it was very unoriginal.. It also seems like everything is happening too fast

>> No.4099852
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i don't think you understand what a 'cliche' is.

>> No.4099856

I chuckled

>> No.4099866

expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning, or effect, and even, to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel

mofo I got that from wikipedia

If not a cliche then at least something that feels tired, to me...

>> No.4099867
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>> No.4099870

Having a character named James feels tired to you? What do you think would be a better alternative?

>> No.4099877


I'm sorry, I didn't mean James.. I was wrong about that part

I just mean, when I read it, it feels bland. I have read lots of stuff on here in which a supposed bad ass is sitting beside a coffee table lighting a cigarette

>> No.4099881


>> No.4099883

that's a great definition. so ask yourself: have cigarettes, "james" and coffee tables lost their "original meaning"?

>> No.4099889

their original aesthetic is tired to me, that's what I'm saying, especially when used in a straight forward, non subtle way.

I don't have anything against the writer, this is just what I feel

>> No.4099890

>supposed bad ass

where are you getting this?

>sitting beside a coffee table lighting a cigarette

that's a pretty common activity. do you think love stories are cliche too?

>> No.4099907

I don't know... I just really value creativity

I think your story could be fine. That was just my initial reaction, and it why I wrote about it. It was "this has been done before". I couldn't help it, it's just the way I felt..

but I think you've convinced me it isn't so bad, I could read more of it, if you like

>> No.4099910

You should write an anti-love story.
About two people who hate each other, almost fall in love during kinky hate-sex but then realize they actually hate each other and have angry sex every few days until one of them dies.

>> No.4099918

would read

>> No.4099929


i appreciate your feedback, unfortunately i haven't written any more of it.


i've never experienced anything like that so i'd probably be bad at writing about it. it also seems pretty cynical to think anyone would want to read a nasty story like that anyway.

>> No.4099933

>it also seems pretty cynical to think anyone would want to read a nasty story like that anyway.



>> No.4099943

why do you need fade "away"? why not just fade?

>> No.4099951

I think it would be a good study of how a person can love the people they hate and hate the people they love.

>> No.4099954


post feet pls

>> No.4099969

because just "fade" doesn't imply disappearance. Fading AWAY means whatever is fading eventually vanishes.
My jeans have faded, and my good looks have faded AWAY.

>> No.4099974

also, not the poster you asked, I just generally chimed in without looking. sorry.

>> No.4099976

post no tells me i only have to worry about the jeans

>> No.4099977


>> No.4100001

People stared at the bridge and wondered. Some dreamed of light and some of darkness. Some dismissed it as only a bridge, and others refused to believe it was there. In the end only one tried to cross. He crossed when the shadows were dark and the rain was heavy

>> No.4100024



>> No.4100034
File: 241 KB, 390x269, clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought these were really well done. Good job.

>> No.4100045
File: 124 KB, 505x490, 21 sad moustache hairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skipped

>> No.4100047

Fucking hell, that's not the picture I posted.
The title is right though.

>> No.4100052

Sometimes my tea stirs itself.

>> No.4100099

behold, a baby's born. it's a girl, says the doctor. and that's that. the being's called something, anything, nevermind what. and lo, a void. but nevermind that we've just built absolutely nothing out of something.

>> No.4100114

trying and failing to write like cormac mccarthy. Nice asyndeton. You're trying way too hard. Tell the truth instead of worrying about sounding noir and archaic.

>> No.4100120

Nobody could have foreseen the effects brought about by the experiment: the girl's body, by this point spherical, turgid, and a deep shade of violet, looked fit to burst at any moment. She opened her mouth as if to cry out, but instead issued a gout of viscous, purple ooze.

>> No.4100136
File: 153 KB, 1632x1224, Karpacz_Samotnia_sniezyca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is not my native language, so I can't even tell if it's similar to what I wrote (or even grammatically correct). But here it is:

There they stood. Leaning on the snow showels, smouldering their first morning smokes. It was just past six, and sidewalks had no even tiny bit of snow. Passers-by were staring at them with barely conscious incomprehension, but they were just doing their job. Waiting for the first snowstorm with grim, sentinel-like tension.

>> No.4100145

subtle, well placed.

>> No.4100146

Are you re-writing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

>> No.4100152

leave now before it's too late for you anonchun

>> No.4100221


It's fairly obvious that English isn't your first language, but your vocabulary is impressive, even if your snippet contains some small grammatical errors

>> No.4100217

I dunno I've always been sort of interested in writing some sort of story completely in a Wigan /Lancashire accent.

"Betwixt a rock an’ an ‘ard place John was, aye. The apartment ‘e dwelled in wus an’ alc’olic coffin byt’ time thi found ‘im. Therapist did a shite job. Norractually worth ‘is mahogany enriched office if y’asked anyone 'ho knew the fella. Jus’ sat there an’ listened t’ John’s ramblin’s abart ‘is posthumously adored wife."

Nah sorry I'm out come back to me in a decade.

>> No.4100240

Fucking amazing. Please keep writing. The only thing I would perhaps change is the repetition of "follow," though that may be intentional on your part. Perhaps you could change "following" to "chasing" or "pursuing." They seem a bit too close together to me. It's just something to consider.

Also fantastic. I haven't read enough McCarthy to compare you to him as the other guy did, but for what it's worth, I really like the style, especially the repetition of "and."

>> No.4100277

Never tried this before, but oh well, eff it, I'll give it a shot.

As I was drowning my life didn't play before my eyes. In fact, I felt nothing. Maybe despair. "Is this what death brings? Nothingness?"
I survived. And realized, that it's life that brings nothingness.

>> No.4100306

Gaping Gill, swift to mate errthors, stern to checkself, (diagnosing through eustacetube that it was to make with a markedly postpuberal hypertituitary type of Heidelberg mannleich cavern ethics) lufted his slopingforward, bad Sweatagore good murrough and dublnotch on to it as he was greedly obliged.

>> No.4100365


>> No.4100394

What's with all these pseudo-Joyce's on /lit/ recently?

>> No.4100401

Not terrible. Not great, but not terrible.

>> No.4100422

Hargrave took out a pack of cigarettes from the breast pocket of his coat. He took one out and tapped it against the pack and put the pack away and slipped the cigarette into the seam of his mouth. You know the Staties aren’t gonna like any huntin in Coös County next week. They hear gunshots they’re gonna come for you and haul your ass to Twin Mountain in Carroll.
I know.
The constable snapped a match into life with his thumbnail, lit his cigarette.

>> No.4100451

The harrowed hills did sway in the waves, making no sounds but their own. The trees stumbled forth from the ground, and grew. Nay! The world grew small around them, until their roots cracked through to the other side, turning it all to dust, yet God slept on, into forever.

Exactly fifty, unless I miscounted.

>> No.4100456

Shit happens. That's what I told myself as I began falling 50 stories from a building in the commercial district of Vancouver. I wondered how long it would take to reach the ground. I thought "1" in my head, but I realized I didn't want to count. I watched the blue windows pass by in a blur. All I could hear was air rushing past my ears. Then the screams of people, then I saw the concrete coming at me very quickly, then I died.

>> No.4100462

I will tell you what, hit was a holler, and a big'un. You could of put three hundred farmsteads in that holler and never have seen them for the trees. There was farmsteads in there, too: big old creekstone barns with silvered pine shingles sticking up out of the laural and poplar, and cozy little houses with window faces watching the road. And pasture-fields full of green grass and pied heifers chewing in amongst the timothy. Hit looked homey, and the birds singing and the smell pine tar and woodsmoke on the air. Only there weren't nobody there, young'uns. Not nary soul.

>> No.4100468

>then I died.

A modern epic bro.

>> No.4100473


>> No.4100482

As the sweet taste of fermented italian grapes tickled my lips and the smoke of my cigarette lingered in the air, I reclined on the soft velvet of my rather comfortable chair with memories of the days occurrences churning in the forefront of my head.

>> No.4100510

>>4099082 here

Thank you for the encouragement. I do intend to carry on writing fiction, at the moment I'm just not very experienced. I have a few really bad short stories and the skeleton of a novel which feels more like a self indulgent self analysis than anything. I might be able to write a pretty sentence or two, but at the moment I just can't seem to write prose that is both aesthetically pleasing and purposeful; my characters and plots go nowhere, and I struggle to introduce change without it seeming like a contrivance.

>> No.4100534

I smiled at her. She fluttered her eyes at me. Was that a psycho-sexual signal or a side-effect of her medication? Both possibilities endeared her to me greatly. I can only hope she feels the same way about my spasmodic eye twitches.

>> No.4100546

riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

>> No.4100556

A very promising start. I'd keep reading. Sort of sardonic comic subtext to a stream of consciousness thing. B+ atleast.

>> No.4100562
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Keep on truckin', anon.

>> No.4100573


Thanks for the feedback. I knew it reminded me of something while typing it. Cryptomnesia's a bitch, ain't it? Thanks for the encouragement, anyhow.

>> No.4100580

Am I a terrible writer, /lit/?

>> No.4100585
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>> No.4100587


No but I am :/

>> No.4100630

There was something about Arthur that Solomon never trusted. He was illusory man. He was part of the lowlands, a landmark in himself. Coincidentally it was just this time Arthur entered Solomon’s hotel room with a gun, left with one less round and faded away in the shimmering heat.

>> No.4100665

It's actually alright, but I don't like how you call wine "Fermented italian grapes". It just doesn't sound good. While it might be acceptable in some other cases, it is not here.
Otherwise, pretty good.

>> No.4101194

Tom hated when his shirt got caught; it required more effort than he was willing to give before breakfast. His tab at the tailor’s was growing steadily larger, and the proprietor’s patience thinner. The gashes weren't going away, so he pulled another shirt off its hanger, this time in blue.

>> No.4101732

"Max, i was supposed to be the hero"
"Lel russian scum die faggot i got my sequel coming soon, love rainy NY atmosphere :3"

So little he knew, max was in for a big surprise.

>> No.4101758

He was awake, although it didn't feel like. Everything slow and distant, heavy air and white noise. Excitement bursted while the angry rhymes where dropped, presenting him with the liveliness waiting behind the curtains, yet he could never let go the serenity of the starry beats filling the atmosphere.

>> No.4101763

Are there books like max payne?

>> No.4101802

The brochure on the passenger seat showed a family of three on a holiday beach. The man tanned, muscular, young, laughing. The woman, tanned, slim, in a sexless blue swimsuit, laughing. Their daughter held between them, laughing as the surf splashed against her legs.

They weren't a real family.

>> No.4101812

>tanned twice
>laughing thrice
>in 50 words

Mix it up a little man. Reading it again I quite like your usage of laughing, it adds emphasis to the facade.

>> No.4101824

But the aim is to portray the false, posed, fake nature of the image. They are the same, the as each other and the same as the identikit families you see in every stock photo.

So while I would generally take the point re repetition, it's quite important here.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, this is my fault for taking a piece out of the context of a story where the contrast with the rest of the prose is lost, rather than whipping up some spontaneous fifty word word fireworks display,

>> No.4101832

Did you not read my spoilers? I realised why you had made that decision after reading it through two or three times. It works I guess.

>> No.4101853

really good at the local color and the sense o ominous dread. sort of campfire-tale-ish

>> No.4101866


>> No.4101872

Through the fields of scars and wounds
Shining with dim light of non-existence

What tranquility! What sweet peace! What inward serenity!
What supreme felicity and earnest of bliss!
To reach beyond the web of spiritual deceit
That mankind has been weaving for millennia
And face the most horrible truth of all

Every single dream shattered, trampled and lost
Every single word silenced for ever, and evermore

Descent, regress into prime, hideous, beautiful nothingness

>> No.4101880 [DELETED] 

Eveningtime, he rests: stomachdown, still. Murmurs a song learned him in youth: "what’s the surprise you’ve got for me to-day, Lord? what have you got in store for meeeee, to-day?" Guitar strings, & flute: a woman, gluey-lipped. Him licks his lips, recalling those, stirring in his grown body an adolescent’s erection.

>> No.4101890

The streets are stained. An unkempt wilderness – it feeds on itself, growing without restraint. Muggers rob the drunks. Prostitutes make love to the lonesome, while paying pushers for the drugs they cannot live without. Bonds of desire move like cogs, locking one another in perpetual motion.

>> No.4101905


>> No.4101907

shit shit hubba hubba
fat tits motha fucka

>> No.4101909

Yes. Basically every hard-boiled detective story ever.

>> No.4101920

It grew firmer, stronger and harder as it advanced farther penetrating its goal with ungodly force leading the surrounding to become red, and it only grew darker as he penetrated harder. The condemned resisted while aiming high for divine intervention as she cried her unheard verses, but the light was fading and she could see no more; only godless pain.

>> No.4101923

Not him but can you recommend?
I want muh grimdark noir detective.

>> No.4101951

He withdrew the cigarette from his lips and tapped it firmly, watching the ash fall at his feet to mingle with the ingrained dirt of the pavement. Chewing-gum-measled or shit-smeared, vomit-stained or rubber-burned, flint-scarred, see-sawing or just cracked - every slab had its own problem.

>> No.4102014

Mickey Spillane is probably your go-to author on this. Earlier examples like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, too. If you fancy something a little bit more "intellectual," Paul Auster's New York Trilogy is a fascinating riff on the classic American detective story.

>> No.4102109

a snippet of something i wrote along the way

"Close," the girl giggled, "but no. I'm a lyricist."
"So you're in some kind of band? Wow." The Artist reached for his black coffee.
“No, actually. I write poetry.”
“That makes you a poet then.”
“Obviously you haven’t seen my work, Artist. I make words sound as beautiful as if they’re being sung.”
“That doesn't mean you can just call yourself a lyricist.”
“Try and stop me.” The Lyricist rose from her stool. The Artist returned her smile with a nod as he stirred his sugarless, black coffee.

>> No.4102136


why would you stir sugarless coffee?

>> No.4102146
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wouldn't you?

the girl had chamomile tea by the way. the drinks are supposed to symbolize their characters

very very rough draft

>> No.4102155

>I make words sound as beautiful as if they’re being sung.
You should make it so there's some cups, saucers and glasses left over from the previous people who were at the table, including an empty cocktail glass with some coloured flags. Green, blue, red. "The Artist" can be fiddling with them as they talk. Then, when she says that bit above, he can pick up the red flag.

>> No.4102160

Heh, very nice. I understood that I needed to make the dialogue flow smoother. Thanks for the idea.

>> No.4102175

> the girl giggled
is she retarded?
>I'm a lyricist.
>So you're in some kind of band? Wow
is he retarded?
>Try and stop me
are you retarded?

This is absolute trash from beginning to end.

>> No.4102182

what should be done then?

>> No.4102197


i wouldn't

>> No.4102214 [DELETED] 

Both that which is outgoing and that which is incoming, by which I mean certain textures of light but also other things, that it is all together to flesh-out (so to speak) a form, does not mean what you might say it means. This is something everyone knew at one point. But to say it is to diminish it.

Sometimes I go to this corner deli down and across the east-west street and look around for a few minutes before leaving without having bought anything, at which point I return the way I came, across and down the east-west street to my house. The weather does not matter much.

>> No.4102272 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 684x584, Vegetative, Amimal, and Cultural Semiosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The willow is a sort of chandelier out in the middle of a field of dying grass. Kathleen Marie Gallaner (KMG) brings the truck to rest beneath it, the tree, this tree being positioned half-way between two buildings, one of which is her house, the other, an out-shed. Both buildings are a similar shade of sage green, though the house more recently so.

>> No.4102276

"Bite the green apple!" commanded my queen.
What I heard was to delve my poor, sensitive teeth into this abomination of mother nature. So I did. The shell was the sweetest, the center ridiculously sour.
She laughed at the way my face had twisted before I swallowed the candy and joined her on the couch.
I will do whatever she says. She is my queen. God, I have to stop her!

>> No.4102287

Sitting on the toilet, dumba dumba dum!
sitting on the toilet, a-dum-a-dum-a-dum!
Shit! Flush, Hulk, smash!
Ohno, Igotarash!
I'm going out later to take out the trash!

Someone must have written this on my plaster cast last night. Where the fuck was I?

>> No.4102292
File: 100 KB, 500x371, tumblr_moz7utnyhJ1s9dgnwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helmet blazen winter sun, tripping up stones to the death march violent sickness in the heat of bullets hitting the pale sighted the enemy click right between the eyes remember his family give him respite no future lay down in winter sun breathe until unconscious let this sight pass

>> No.4102294

shit of a tryhard underages (probably) homosex

>> No.4102296

Cellar door

>> No.4102297

10/10 whoever wrote it on you is a fucking genius.

>> No.4102628

See the boy. He is pale and thin, he wears a thin and ragged linen shirt. He repairs the speeder. Outside lies the desert and the two moons and beyond them the stars. His folks are known for farmers but he hopes for something greater. He watches the stars and wishes himself among them.

Mccarthy does Star Wars

>> No.4102665

Thank you, I didn't want to just say wine, so I tried to be a bit more imaginative about it.

>> No.4102694

When I was young and unused to this world I made a great number of decisions that, remembered daily, lash upon my ego anew; and when I looked in her eyes I knew I should be here; now; but I felt instead tied infinitely to the whip-man's block.

>> No.4102957


>> No.4103010

Parts of you died today. All your cells replace themselves only with older versions until everything dies. Even now, parts of your eyes are keeling over into the rest of your dead skin. I’m sitting here, thinking of you, my brain cells remembering you to their inheritors and getting older.

>> No.4103016


>> No.4103029

this is dope

>> No.4103051
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also, i have no idea what you're describing

>> No.4103059


Brain cells don't remember stuff

>> No.4103081


This would be a great line if it were written even within a century of the last time someone spotted a whip-man or his block.

>> No.4103126
File: 790 KB, 1680x1050, rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scent of petrichor hung thick in the air. I sat crosslegged, back against the inside of my tent, enjoying the sounds of pattering all around me, like the steady rumble of the ocean. I bathed in the precious glow of natural hues that surrounded me, the very glow that always comes with the rain, sipping deeply into the warm mug clasped in my palms. The aches and pains of my feet melted into placidity, my thoughts dulled, and I was left alone with nature.

>> No.4103141

>Doesn't know what an engram is.

>> No.4103156

>doesn't know who his audience is

>> No.4103163

too many adjectives. You're a homo

>> No.4103171

>doesnt like description
you're a skeeze

>> No.4103175
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I tasted the pussy. It was so delicious, like a peach. No, more like a nectarine--slightly sour. Then, I cut it off with a paring knife. She didn't move due to the drugs. Once they were removed, I put them in the ziplock with the lemon marinade. Dinner for tomorrow!

>> No.4103180
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and you're a pleb

>> No.4103211
File: 32 KB, 310x310, 3tw7q7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One evening, when the calendar said October but the air was thick and sundering with fireworks, I spent a long time thinking about failure. And when the empty bottle chinked against other empty bottles, and pushed outward against yet more empty bottles, I realized failure to be a collectivist’s game, and toasted the world that chinked with me.

>> No.4103226


*tips fedora
I also watch le Doctor Who

>> No.4103256
File: 24 KB, 396x360, 1368708007530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Help!" she cried. The ziplock bag closed around her head didn't help. His punches to her abdomen didn't help either. Then the knife came, first between her legs, moving slowly up her midsection, then breaking each rib, arriving at her throat. By then, she was dead and the fucking began.

>> No.4103262

The "scent of petrichor" is redundant.

>> No.4103266
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>> No.4103268


>> No.4103276
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The little girls were gathered in the corner. Slowly, one by one, he shot them. Little Suzie, with her curls in pigtails was first. Our man sad, "Do you want your mommy?" Little Suzie cried yes. He put the gun to her head and shot her dead. The children cried.

>> No.4103279

"Help!" she cried. The ziplock bag closed around her head didn't help. His punches to her abdomen didn't help either. Then the knife came, and that really didn't help. First between her legs, moving slowly up her midsection, then breaking each rib, arriving at her throat. As it moved up her body, she was thinking about how little this knife was helping her. By the time it got to her throat, there was no chance of getting help.

>> No.4103281

careful with those edges, son.

>> No.4103286
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His penis wasn't quite long enough. In order to add inches, he cut it down the middle, width-wize. Then, with the penises he'd gathered earlier from the morgue, he removed the ones that matched his skintone. It was basically like adding legos to the center of his cock. You dig?

>> No.4103290

"There's a snake in my boot!"

That tinny sound echoed through my mind while I distractedly typed out fifty words onto the library Dell; a plaid-scarved cowboy eyeing me from below.

"Anime Parody Sex Toys," read the advertisment.

I wondered, should I buy one, if I would be able to ejaculate ironically.

>> No.4103296 [DELETED] 

It's only a spider. Don't be a pussy you pathetic faggot.

>> No.4103297
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As his anus bled, he watched his choo-choo train going around its tracks underneath the brightly-lit Christmas tree. Holidays would never be the same again. Little Bobby was only two, but now, introduced to the adult world through anal sex, his world was shattered. His dad said, "Merry Christmas, Bobby."

>> No.4103301

No, because it's Miley Cyrus' new fragrance's name.

>> No.4103351

>if I would be able to ejaculate ironically
10/10, very little sarcasm here.

>> No.4103513

I laughed. I'm not sure if I should have.

>> No.4103522

this is still the best one

up your game, bros

>> No.4103531


Where am I?

>> No.4103534
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>> No.4103538

Is that you, Tommy?

>> No.4103544

Outwardly the average man looked the definition of average. He wore a plain grey suit and a plainer, greyer hat. His strides appeared calculated as he moved with purpose towards me in the busy city street. As he walked past me he wondered if I existed. I thought nothing of it.

>> No.4103548

I like it!

>> No.4103578

Someone please tell me if I am terrible.
Sorry for the edges, I have issues.

>> No.4103597

Town Dog was digging for field mice. Crope would have liked to carry on walking until midday, but a mouse was a mouse, and he wasn?t in any position to turn down food. The little dog dug furiously, kicking up dirt. Crope could tell when she found the first mouse, for Town Dog had a special noise that she made, like the squeaking of a bat. It wasn?t a very doggy noise, but then Town Dog wasn?t a very doggy dog.

>> No.4103637
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Same girl?

Her ass is my prose.

>> No.4103662

The sleep-addled man roused from his bed with a disgruntled expression on his face, the illumination from the nightstand blindingly bright against his eyes. He spared no hesitation in making his annoyance known by assailing the uninvited guest, who so rudely interrupted his brief period of respite, with a tempest of vulgarities which would make the Devil himself blush in shame.

>> No.4103681
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I watched her eat the apple. She didn't know I injected it with my cum with a syringe. I thought maybe a whore of her nature would be able to recognize the taste. Although I have AIDS, I knew it would not transmit; I hope my herpes or HPV will.

>> No.4103775

With winsome white winged women we walked widely, wandering wherever we wished without weariness. While we went we wrote wonderful welcoming works. Well written, wholesome, with worrisome words withheld. Weaving wisdom within witticisms which would warn wild, weak-willed waifs. Wanton whores who we would watch willfully wrecks whole worlds.

>> No.4103785

Take that it, and make the sentence less purple and it would be top-notch.

>> No.4103792

W is the stupidest letter

>> No.4103811

It's a double U.

>> No.4103814

You type like a drunk Irishman.

>> No.4103815

U are stupid, too.

>> No.4103820

Mary had a little lamb. The little lamb's fleece was as white as snow. The kind of snow that fell of the body of Phillipe in the hills of Spain when he followed his brother to fight against the fascists. Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to follow. It haunted Mary that the lamb would follow her like Phillipe followed his brother. The lamb with a fleece like the snow of the dead followed her. Or did she follow it? And the snow of the dead would soon fall on her, like it fell on Phillipe.

>> No.4103851

i liked this

>> No.4103884

pasted from an essay I finished today:

During the course of this project, I will also attempt to further my knowledge of a related subject in which I am interested through research; the details pertaining to the transition between the Baroque and Classical periods, perhaps including the reasons for the stylistic changes generally in favor of relative simplicity which characterize the Classical period, interest me considerably.

>> No.4103887


>> No.4103890

The morning of realization begins with my spit cascading from my second story window onto the ground below. With its mighty splat I realize that a woman such as you Anon deserves more than I could offer. The summer wind blows cold as I realize my epiphany is beyond sincerity. A sarrow voice whispers, "you will never love again,". What absurdity, for as long as I live, I love.

>> No.4104033


>> No.4104096

Sometimes I do. I generally have a spoon for whatever reason, so as something for my fingers to fiddle with I'll stir my black, sugarless coffee

>> No.4104134

I tell my four year-old son many lies.

The tooth fairy only comes if you brush your teeth. When nobody is looking, I can turn invisible. Horse flies are just tiny horses with wings. I will always be here.

>> No.4104166

>black sugarless coffee
redundant. Isn't all black coffee sugarless?

>> No.4104175


>> No.4104214

Pay no attention to the raging neck beard behind his curtain of a computer screen. He's reading with a biased to lift himself up.

Anyway, the stirring black coffee needs to go.

This is a rough excerpt of a short story I imagine? If you want tips, make sure these characters are not flat, especially if one of them goes around identifying herself as a "lyricist."

Can't interpret much more from it since you didn't adopt an idea commonly found in epics. It's coffee. Your style was appropriate.

>> No.4104233

The path is through the woods and the snow is falling and the stars are faded because that’s the way it is. And the people are watching from their yards and the windows are bright but I’m there alone and the way isn’t so clear but I keep heading on.

>> No.4104293

>all those ands
>all those buts
>no commas
that second sentence sounds like the nervous rambling of a schizophrenic

>> No.4104296


>> No.4104316

When she reached up far, the stool on the chair wobbled. The stool was sitting up on the center of the seat, and since the seat was flat she figured it'd be okay. But every time she reached up far, it would start wobbling.

>> No.4104320

yes, it is. That's why when you order a black coffee, the don't put anything in it.

>> No.4104324

She was going to start college soon and did not know what to study and I said well then study anything. Art was what she liked and I said well study art then. The moon was hanging between the bell tower of the church and the side of the building

>> No.4104350

"The reason -why-," he was saying, "is because it's -my- goddamn property and not -yours-."

"Hey, look," the kid replied, "look, what the hell's'it'matter what I do here and who I do it with."

"You can do whatever the hell ya want when you're not on -my- land, but I'll be damned if you're gonna bring some goddamned indian onto my property."

>> No.4104467

what would be a better way to describe it, compared to the 'easier' chamomile tea?

>> No.4104474

>stirring black coffee
i was trying to say that he's just fiddling with things but i couldn't come up with something better

>> No.4104485

you could add the word "needlessly" to make it clearer that he's not necessarily accomplishing something by stirring black coffee

>> No.4104488

adding needlessly is redundant, any non-retarded reader can tell stirring black coffee is needless...but does the coffee have to be sugarless black for a reason? maybe say the coffee started dribbling over after one to many strokes, like he was stirring the shit too hard without paying attention

>> No.4104497

Absolutely -disgusting-

>> No.4104648

It shows intent. It acknowledges that the author understands that it's pointless without the reader drawing the conclusion of sloppy writing. I can't believe this drew a discussion. Either take it out or change it to a double double.

>> No.4104925

Now, now. Why jump to conclusions?

There is an amount of good content in this thread and the passage in question was not of it - so at worst my admittedly harsh words were a reaction to the undue attention it received.

But Re my original comment and yours: a) fuck the coffee, the coffee is irrelevant - there are serious matters of stupidity here:

Why is the girl giggling? From the excerpt we can assume she has been asked if she's a poet or similar. Why on earth would this make someone giggle - unless they were some absolutely vacuous valley girl who simply giggles at every question - and we have to assume, as she is a "Lyricist", this is not the case.

Why does the Artist assume she's in a band? She said she's a lyricist. Everyone knows what a lyricist does, they write lyrics. That's it. No one who is a singer, a singer/songwriter, a band member who also writes lyrics, or anything similar - would ever self-identify as a lyricist rather than the above. So by the very use of that term she has made it clear she is not in a band.

Of course this is all then thrown away. Now she says she writes poetry. Lyricist is just some deranged term she uses to describe the way her poetry makes her think her words sound. Except that's still poetry. The Artist is right. a Lyricist is a job. Just calling yourself a Lyricist is meaningless. "I'm not a painter, I'm a Decorator! I decorate the walls of the mind with my images!" Please God no.

>“That doesn't mean you can just call yourself a lyricist.”
>"try and stop me"

Perhaps the intent of this exchange is to make the "Lyricist/Poet" a kind of ballsy independent thinker/woman. Obviously that is misguided, because she just sounds like a massive self-delusional pretentious tool who cares more about her job definition than her art.

I assume this exchange is supposed to have a flirtatious, snappy quality like some cute snippet in a Frasier episode or a hipsterish rom-com or something. But the substance is a couple of retards gabbling nonsense.

For all I know you might even be a decent writer, but the foundation of this excerpt is just poor dialogue and a confused scenario.

>> No.4105182

My advice is to not worry about creating "pretty sentences" when you're writing. That can come later, and worrying about it now will only slow you down. Craft the overall form before chiseling in the details. And when you do eventually reach the stage of editing, don't be afraid to cut out your beloved sentences if they just don't fit.

I highly recommend picking up Roy Peter Clark's "Writing Tools" to help you develop your prose. It's helped me a ton since I've read it, especially by pointing out awful habits of mine that I didn't even know existed.

Bell's "Plot and Structure" and Card's "Character's and Viewpoint" might help you as well with your characters and plot.

See what you can do with the reply you typed me. I'm assuming you typed it freely without the relationship between the words in mind, so go back now and reshape it.

For example, "prose that is both aesthetically pleasing and purposeful" can become "pleasing and purposeful prose."

>> No.4105261

motherfucking pepsi twist, forgot about that shit

>> No.4105267

i digs on this hard

>> No.4105313

With thoughts of death, Ismael closed his eyes and tilted his head back for the last time. For the first time, his mind was blank.

>> No.4105358
File: 159 KB, 1240x1754, Accordion-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon wrote it a while back.

Saved it on my /lit/ folder

>> No.4105363
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>> No.4105365
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>> No.4105367
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>> No.4105375

>Another quick yank
I hope that was deliberate

>> No.4105380

"Fuck Tubular Bells...1973 and I was dead - yes I was!" There's the wa-da-da.daiko geisha girl with here drum behind my right eye. "Turn it off..."

>> No.4105410

No I just misread it.
I thought the other guy was an American. That would've been a nice little touch.

>> No.4105477

dat prose

captcha: and assemall

>> No.4105619

You could only hear the piercing cold out in the forest this time of year. When you looked above the ash-colored sky contained the clouds in a dispersed suspension. Out in the horizon it seemed as if they crumbled towards the ground as powdered snow.

>> No.4105641

She chewed her lip, trying hard to hold back the tears of disappointment welling in her eyes.

"How long is a short break, anyway?" She sniffled and took a deep breathe, in and out. He could see how upset she was, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to care.


>> No.4105646
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Clamp, twist, turn, close, repeat. During those long lulls of white daylight, monotony bleeds so profusely that every fraction's of an angle's difference among the conveyer belt of clone quality camera lenses stands out more than Shaquille O'neal in Tokyo. Standing day in, day out, entrenched in mechanized uniformity sends panic to my hairs. It flaunts the memories of unrelenting chaos brought on by the great Gojira in front of my mind's eye. The clips of destruction are excruciating to recall: schools of people running like ants in a school yard, cloud-scrapers tumble like twigs, suffering triumphs for the dead, but more-so for those who bury.

Clamp, twist, turn, close, repeat.

>> No.4105670
File: 50 KB, 228x280, alallaala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burnt effigies of neighbors, jurors, lovers, killers alike stay stuck to the ground as though cement stormed down from the skies in typhoon-like fashion. Though the heavens produce no materials for building, only ashes and dust rustled up from the earth's charred back, blistering with muffled screams. With time's relevance gone, those of us left only have each other to kill. Desolate landscapes have acquired a godly quality of omnipresence, making the world's last mirror reflect nothing into nothingness, simply waiting for a soul to finally meet a pair of eyes not entirely desiring of confrontation, murder. But still some.

>> No.4105677

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some phony God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."

>> No.4105689

Apoptosis: programmed cell destruction. I really fucking wish this wouldn't make me want to kill myself.

>> No.4105700

Over and over again, I grow up. And every time, I think, yeah. This is adulthood. But every time, I am wrong. I am still just a child.

>> No.4105722

10/10 But I know you stole it.

>> No.4105726

The crypt smelled like death. Not the dusty, bitter smell of an undisturbed tomb, but the sour, ghastly stench of a fresh corpse split by a sword from navel to sternum. Dur took a tentative step forward, craning his head to see further down the weathered stone steps.

>> No.4105811

way too convoluted and dull, trying too hard

>> No.4105823
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Good shit.

>> No.4105842

after the eagles had their fill the sun bleached the bones. Bronze armor serves as a new skeleton as the fallen kaiser loses it's form. The vines creep through the hands and down the spine. Krakens dragging the fallen vessel to the worm depths, where his tales will be told in the green leaves of spring along with those of countless other argonauts and volsungs.

>> No.4105854
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>> No.4105954

what dat mean

>> No.4105987

way too much ambiguity and awkward diction/structuring


>> No.4106018
File: 1.09 MB, 234x154, 1377014549986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face was getting blood-red and his forced smiled appeared peculiar to the audience as he oozed ungodly sweat forcing his hair to wet and cover his frightened eyes. He tried to straighten his clumsy body, but he, instead, tapped firmly on the floor a soldier's salute and declared: "I wish I had a rubber chin."

>> No.4106901

On the verge of falling; the verge of flying. So we are thrust into tomorrow. There's no need for delicate shelterings, there's no need for mumured reassurancings. There may no longer be gravity, but this is certain: we are not drifting.

>> No.4106929


Write dark and sexy fanfiction, pls.

>> No.4106934

As I slept in the corner of the store, the lips of my eyes opened slowly and solely to swallow the rays of light, which projected the letters C-L-A-R-I-S-S-A, already dashing toward me. Those eight letters burrowed their way down my eye’s esophagus (which led to brain) and came upon it’s final resting place, where it would remain for the coming month.

>> No.4106939

Elegant and to the point!

>> No.4106997

She gyrated her ass on the worn grain of old sheets. It was 11:30 in the morning. The dissapointing tingles she felt clustered in her ass-cheeks were, she thought to herself, a situation to be sized upon, an opportunity.
"I must use this tingles for the betterment of mankind." With this thought firmly planted in mind, she felt a dam break inside. Guilt that was once deeply supressed came rushing to the surface; while anger--always on standby--immediately began bringing to a boil that torrent of virginal awareness. She was fading, cloning herself into a thousand universes in each atom of moist steam.
"Soon" she thought "I will be with you."

>> No.4107018

Jiro's wife strapped the planked armor around him, weaving the laces together. A skill she acquired from selling Kimono’s. When she finished, she presented the scabbard Katana, and when Jiro wore it the fear of death had gone. Jiro’s bride would never present a sword again, not to any man.

>> No.4107057

Made for an interesting piece read over dinner. I say, well done.

>> No.4107062


>> No.4107071

Thank you for your support!

>> No.4107072

Don Dandy did dance diligently. Daily, Don did dance.
"Delightful!" delivered Danielle Dumper, Don's dearest dance-director.
"Dank dou, da'am" daid Don, dleased do dinally det dome deedback.

>> No.4107073

Franklin, you are young. I will explain compassion to you. Compassion is that tendril of sadness that wraps around ones soul at the exact moment of indulging into another's despair. In an instant, feeling their pain, understanding it and wishing to be active against it. Raging in opposition. It equates an injustice upon you.

>> No.4107078

Young Franklin shook his head, confused out of his fucking mind.

>> No.4107093

I like this, actually. Nice work.

>> No.4107094

i like that

>> No.4107095

Thanks kind sir, glad to entertain.

>> No.4107126

Lol, it's from the most complex novel of ridiculousness I have ever conspired upon. You have every right to feel this.


>> No.4107188

I like this!

I'll make one with my captcha: "munitza was"

Munitza was a captor for the Estate. She did not ask and did not question where the souls were taken, or why they so desperately tried to escape her. Or, at least she tried not to, but that was already questioning in itself.

reCaptch: 1st tableog xP

>> No.4107216

It’s only just begun and it’s all your fault. You're sick man, disturbed even. This must be some kind of fetish you have, why else would you enjoy this? You must love being humiliated. God, I need a beer, a cigarette, anything.

this thing still alive? probably not

>> No.4107227

Words fell from her mouth like pouring water; They dribbled across the table, staining the bottom of my cup and the cuff of my jacket. I sighed dreamily to myself, before awoken by a quick jerk- I was dozing off without my morning coffee. Now, as my eyes returned to her, there were no words spilling from her lips. Only vicarious drooling as her eyes went misty with thought. I must have mistaken the two.

>> No.4107235
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I shat in my own mouth. Most glorify the ability to perform self-fellatio. Not me. I had bigger aspirations in mind. Once I reached that puckering hole, my mouth was filled with that warm mush, greater than chocolate.

>> No.4107928
File: 39 KB, 630x475, 2686969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus spoke to me. He said, "Son, do not behold me. I do not exist. Read the poetry I inspired as well as the poetry I did not. Be well. Be sick. I don't care. I'm off to go fuck a unicorn. Bye." Then he disappeared.

>> No.4108552

Hey, wtf, is that?
"Lawl" is that semi-colon, or ?
Meaning, is the in-and-make- or, ?
Are book?

>> No.4108563

There are few things I despise more about myself than my inability to crack my knuckles more than once.
Then I remember I'm going to die alone, and things don't seem so bad.

>> No.4108577

Sucking cocks was never an option.
Unless it was a Tuesday, then it was all about cocks.
He became a cock in the end and he was eaten by people that were only remotely hungry.
After emerging in pieces and feces from tight anuses he realized it wasn't a good idea.

>> No.4108583 [DELETED] 


>> No.4108585

Being gay was never an option. He committed suicide right then and there. His mother, upon finding his crumpled, blood-let body, immediately killed herself as well. Then dad came in, and fucked their corpses. There was never a happier father, husband, provider. They had finally earned their keep.

>> No.4108587

The boy had gotten a choo-choo train for Christmas. It was neat! Round and round it’d go, chooing along and being so cheery! But when he was unwrapping another gift, he fell over and his trousers got tangled with his knees. Rip! Ram! The carriage plunged right in.

>> No.4108597

For a moment i thought you'd convert my allegory to it's literal articulate version.
A pleasing outcome nonetheless.

>> No.4108604
File: 377 KB, 500x492, Nobel_Prize[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4108618

The window keeps getting smaller. Sometimes I peak outside using a broken kaleidoscope and watch the world pass by. I've learned to identify the symmetrical rainbow of silhouettes and sometimes I can see friends; at least they are friends until they turn blue. No matter how hard I try to get up the window just keeps getting smaller.

C&C greatly appreciated, I'm very new to all of this. It's about someone who is bed ridden and is going blind.

>> No.4108627

Explosion is kill.

>> No.4108628

DFW pls go back to graveyard.

>> No.4108632

Daniel lazily chucked box after uniform box of Oreo cookies on the shelf. His mind began to wander, he started to think of Jess, what she would be doing if she were still... "EXCUSE ME!" The shrill voice of a middle aged woman, oozing entitlement and pretentiousness, no doubt about to complain.

>> No.4108636

ARGH SO MANY COMMAS! Ok so it needs revision, but w/e

>> No.4108643

I'm sorry I never found the door I searched for, one which might stand upon the contours of both my lonesome world and the one of beauty that I always saw reflected in your irises. For you and I, we lived in different worlds.

>> No.4108663

After the euphoria of writing completion, it is discipline you need to re-read and listen to your voice, again, to perfect it.

>> No.4108667

I have a pic of me pooing on his grave. Would you like to see?

>> No.4108774

Dicks, dicks dicks dicks dicks. Dicks dicks, dicks, dicks dicks dicks. Dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks; dicks, dicks dicks. Dicks, dicks dicks dicks, dicks dicks dicks dicks. Dicks dicks dicks. Dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks, dicks dicks dicks dicks.

>> No.4108779


>> No.4108781


I read the entire thread for some godawful reason. These ones were decent.

>> No.4108815

Damn, you didn't pick any of mine.

I respect that.

>> No.4109720

faggots on /lit/ actually writing stuff...god damn.
this needs to be archived!