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4096822 No.4096822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what about philip k dick

>> No.4096869

I don't know, man. The way he's groping that cat is a bit off. Something reaIIy going wrong there.

>> No.4096876

The best

>> No.4096899

Only read three novels by him but here's how I would rank them.

The Man in the High Castle
Martian Time-Slip

>> No.4096904


Just look at the cat's face. There's something we're not being told here.

>> No.4096912
File: 27 KB, 217x335, dickintensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4096999

Phillip K Dick is the shit. Some of his stuff is meh but his good stuff is fantastic.

So far I've read

>The Divine Invasion
>The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
>Vulcan's Hammer
>The Man In The High Castle
>We Can Build You
>The Penultimate Truth
>Counter Clock World
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
>A Scanner Darkly
>Radio Free Albemuth
>Various short story collections

A Scanner Darkly is easily his best.

>> No.4097015
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>> No.4098129

He was a Dick.

>> No.4098576
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philip k dick was a robot. i thought everyone knew that. he used to joke about it and people never took him seriously.

>> No.4098587

Rank them please

>> No.4098591

I would also like you to rank them. Ive only read two of his books but im definitely going to read more.

>> No.4098875

that's niel stephenson

>> No.4098888


>> No.4098902

I was planning read everything he's done. I have it all downloaded, but that's indefinitely stalled. By which I mean I don't know when I'll resume. There's some good stories, but there's a lot of dreck as well. At least even the worst of them are interesting in their way, even if not enjoyable as to point where I don't finish reading them.

This should be correct, more or less.
I have ratings for them all, but I'm not going to provide them, as they are only relevant to me, and asking for such ratings is useless.

Perhaps what I enjoy another does not and likewise. Maybe someday after I've read far more I will provide tiered ratings which will be utterly useless to anyone other than myself.

I'm sure there are people who've read most, if not all of his works. I'll need to reevaluate them all if I ever become such a person.

TL;DR (novels):
Rather Good: 4
Good/Decent: 7
Whatever/Tolerable: 5
What is this I don't even: 7

Novels read:
A Maze of Death
A Scanner Darkly
Clans of the Alphane Moon
Counter-Clock World
Crack in Space
Deus Irae
Divine Invasion
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Dr. Futurity
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
Galactic Pot-Healer
Man in the High Castle
Martian Time-Slip
Solar Lottery
The Game-Players of Titan
The Penultimate Truth
The Unteleported Man (Lies,Inc.)
The Zap Gun
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Vulcan's Hammer

Short Stories:
Beyond Lies the Wub
Adjustment Team
Foster, You're Dead!
The Minority Report
The Days of Perky Pat
A Game of Unchance
Precious Artifact
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
Faith of Our Fathers
The Electric Ant
A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
The Exit Door Leads In
I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (Frozen Journey)
Rautavaara's Case

>> No.4098903

I read "The Man In the high Tower" and as a complete weeaboo I have a lot of problems with how it presents Japan. The Japanese are basically presented as the "best" occupiers, although they are racist towards whites and hold down all the power, industry, and religion they weren't massacring people like the Nazis or ruling with much of an IIron fist.

This presentation could not BE more wrong. Did you ever hear of the rape of nanking? Unit 731? The bataan death march? Japan was secretly carrying out mengele-style experiments covertly on thousands, performing genocides, rapes, tortures, abusing prisoners, etc. On a massive scale and the Japanese would treat us just like the Chinese or -worse- if they were successful in the war in the pacific. I doubt he did any real research for it.

>> No.4098905

Good ideas, shit execution.

>> No.4098915

A Scanner Darkly > Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? > The Man in the High Castle > Flow My Tears, The Policeman said.

All good. Start with A Scanner Darkly. If you like it, you'll like most of his stuff.

>> No.4098921

You either didn't read my post or misunderstood.
I listed everything I've read by him and a collection of the ratings without attaching the ratings to each specific title, though my ratings are less vague than I what I presented.

Also, I don't agree that all of those are good that you listed. I didn't like one of them.

A Scanner Darkly was meh, as was the movie.
Which is not to say that I disliked them.

>> No.4098923

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? > Blade Runner.

>> No.4099076

What made you find it meh?

>> No.4099120

neal stephenson is too condescending to be a robot.

>> No.4099439


>> No.4101238

The only part I cared for was the anonymity suits. Rest of it was subpar. From the drug sting, to the fate of the protagonist. I had actually seen the movie before I had read any any PDK works, and that was the first I read. Silly really of me. Watched Blade Runner later on.

>> No.4102588

Who here has read his "Exegesis"?
As strange/batshit crazy as it appears, I'm really intrigued by the format/concept of it.

>> No.4102662

>The Japanese are basically presented as the "best" occupiers

I'm pretty sure that the Germans were presented better if you weren't a jew