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/lit/ - Literature

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4096807 No.4096807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any works of Japanese animation not made by Hayao Miyazaki that you would consider worthwhile? I've heard some very good things about Grave of the Fireflies, but apart from that the medium looks pretty trashy. What works of anime would you consider beautiful and meaningful?
Pic related was incredible, you need to see it, especially if you're a cynical bastard like I am.

>> No.4096809

Mind Game
I wouldn't call it /lit/ approved though but it's p. good changed my life 10/10

>> No.4096810

I have watched very little that I consider meaningful and beautiful, but there are a few movies and tv shows that come to mind. I think Akira and Cowboy Bebop are the prime examples of the best thing to have come from anime, but I wouldn't compare them to literature.

>> No.4096817

miyazaki is children's garbage. why would anyone waste their time with that

>> No.4096821

oh please.

>> No.4096830

I'll try out Cowboy Bebop, but keep in mind that I don't want to go down the rabbit hole and end up on /a/arguing about "best girl".

>> No.4096832

Millennium Actress, maybe. I found that and the one in your pic rather boring.

>> No.4096833

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tatami Galaxy
Haibane Renmei
Serial Experiments Lain
Read or Die(it's an anime about books, what's not to love?)
Sora no Woto
Nodame Cantabile

Some of my personal favourites and I think /lit/ would love these.

>> No.4096845

I never saw what made Totoro such a masterpiece. I really liked his world building but the ending felt really trashy. I felt the inclusion of tragedy in the ending was out of place, i wonder why he decided to add that in. My speculation is that so it had some sort of tangible ending that most people could accept, rather than these people being displeased about a less dramatic ending, one (that i feel) would have fit with the entire movie much more snugly.

>> No.4096848

Cowboy Bebop is great in style and it's fun, but is nothing like "oh, this story is so great", it has it's good moments.

Millenium Actress is nice, Perfect Blue too.
Paprika is really nice in style.
Legend of Galactic Heroes has a great plot, if you are willing to watch 100+ episodes (although if you watch, let's say, the first 20 or 30, you are either gonna be hooked or drop it).

>> No.4096849

Welcome to the NHK is pretty literary life.

>> No.4096856

Welcome to the NHK is filled with "anime bullshit" (meaning: stuff common in anime that I find ridiculous but anime fans seem to enjoy a lot) and yet I found it very good. Very depressing, though. But it capture the character's anxieties/neurosis/don't-know-the-proper-word-to-describe-it really well.

Paranoia Agent is also a nice one that has not been mentioned yet.

>> No.4096858

>stuff common in anime that I find ridiculous but anime fans seem to enjoy a lot
It's only included in order for the series to mock it.

>> No.4096860


No, really.

>> No.4096862

I don't like Totoro as much as everybody seems to like. It is on some parts boring.
But I found it pleasant that it's childish in a very good way. I wish I've watched it when I was a kid, the effect would probably be way better.

>> No.4096864

It's a celebration of the mundane and everyday, and it's a beautiful one at that.
And I've recoded all the recommendations I've seen this >>4096856
Isn't the inclusion of 'anime bullshit' meant to be satirical in that one?

>> No.4096865

There's plenty of good anime. And you can like a wide variety of it without being like /a/. All you have to do is remember that animation is just another medium like prose, music, or painting.

>> No.4096866

Space Battleship Yamato
Mobile Suit Gundam
Martian Successor Nadeisco
Megazone 23

>> No.4096871
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Yes, it was surprisingly clever. I normally don't like anime but I enjoyed this one.

>> No.4096874

/lit/ had this discussion a long time ago, I'll post the recommendations that people gave out

The Wings of Honneamise
Serial Experiments Lain
Angel's Egg
Galaxy Express 999
Eve no Jikan
Ghost in the Shell
Haibane Renmei
Barefoot Gen
Tsumiki no Ie
Inaka Isha
A Tree of Palme
Pale Cocoon,
Kino's Journey
Satoshi Kon.

All these I have watched myself and would recommended, although some arent as strong as others, obviously. And theres more

>> No.4096880
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>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Tatami Galaxy
>Serial Experiments Lain

I don't watch a lot of anime, but I can recommend these (especially Serial Experiments Lain) and would throw in the two Ghost in the Shell movies, Patlabor 2 and AKIRA (all feature length) as feature length animes that are definitely written and directed with intelligence, as in, they're worthy of critique. You could easily find scholarly essays on them, and isn't that the best measure of literary density?

>> No.4096881

I think Tatami Galaxy is THE /lit/ anime. Can anybody who's seen it think of anything more /lit/?

>> No.4096879

Sayonara Zetsuboi Sensei
Tezuka's complete works
Gankutsuou (based off count of Monte Cristo, art style can be described as "trippy")

>> No.4096882

Mawarun Penguindrum
Other Satoshi Kon's works
Spice and Wolf
Kuuchuu Buranko
Shingeki No Kyojin
Excel Saga
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Koi Kaze
Kemono no Souja Erin
rose of versailles
Azumanga Daioh

>> No.4096884

/a/, /g/, and /pol/ here. I completely agree.

>> No.4096886


>Shingeki No Kyojin .

Just stop. Others look good though.


I think /lit/ would like Abe's stuff. He definitely has a lot of literary stuff in his works. Texhnolyze even references a couple Greek philosophers at some point.

>> No.4096887

Hoshi no Samidare
silver spoon

Angel Beats!
Angelic Layer
Cromartie High
Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette
Minami-ke Okawari
Princess Sara
Princess Tutu
Seikon no Qwaser
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
Uchuu Kyoudai
Alien Nine
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Death Note

These are the ones I have on my list last, either because they are incredibly long so I'm watching it last or because I know next to nothing about them.

>> No.4096890

Fuck off. You're not wanted here.

>> No.4096893

stick to the 80s for the best stuff

>> No.4096894

Why is the word "literary" used to describe things that have little to do with the written word?

/lit/ doesn't like anything that isn't high literature anyway, so threads not having to do with literature should just stay out.

>> No.4096896

I don't care if I'm not wanted here. Who IS wanted here exactly?

>> No.4096897

Then I'll be sure not regard your opinions very highly.

>> No.4096898

No. Good anime must be devoid of "anime bullshit". It must not have any resemblance to anime in general.

>> No.4096903

>search shingeki no kyojin
Oh god, I'm sorry
I had no idea

>> No.4096905

Intellectuals who exclusively partake in the highest of art.

>> No.4096908

there is some shonenshit of quality, you know. not necessarily that, i haven't watched it.

>> No.4096911

"In the postmodern age, people become animalized. As a matter of fact, in the past ten years the otaku have undergone rapid animalization. One reason for this is that their cultural consumption revolves not around the giving of meaning by a grand narrative but around the combination of elements extracted from the database. They no longer bother themselves with the troublesome relationship wherein "the desire of the other is itself desired"; they simply demand works in which their favorite moe-elements are presented in their favorite narratives."

Maison Ikkoku
Princess Jellyfish
Lucky Star

>> No.4096914


You better be. It's really one of the most terrible things to come out in most recent years. I don't really know why exactly it's so popular but i'm guessing it's to do with the zombie craze.

Any fans of P.A Works around here? I really love their stuff. They do some damn good SOL shows and I think Hanasaku Iroha is one of the best SOL series to come out in the past 10 years. Looking forward to the movie next month.

>> No.4096915

You mean all "anime fans" are like that?

>> No.4096917

If you enjoy the kiddy side of Miyazaki then you should check out A Letter to Momo. Directed by Jin-ro the wolf brigade, it's a pretty fun movie, and it has the kind of depth that a kids movie naturally has. Really cool moments

>> No.4096918

Not everyone takes art at face value like some kind of manchild. Some people appreciate what a show or film based on its technical merits compared and contrasted with its creators' intentions and goals. You know, conveying ideas through the medium of art, that thing that art is about and fundamentally defined by. If you just want mindless entertainment that you don't have to think about you could be watching reality TV.

>> No.4096920

Yay /lit/! Good job typing like shit.

>> No.4096922

Literature is the highest form of human existence. Why would I waste my time with anything else, save perhaps creating it?

>> No.4096923
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>typing like shit

>> No.4096924

mostly just otaku but someone or other described anime as "forced autism"
I think modern living is the real forced autism, tho

>> No.4096926

There's one called Memories that is really really good. I saw it on a screening when I was really young. Many years later, I searched for it again and couldn't believe it wasn't (still isn't) more famous.

Specially the first one, Magnetic Rose. the art/animation and pacing of the story is just too good.
I highly recommend it.

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memories_(1995_film)

>> No.4096927

I watched a bit of Red Data Girl and it had its moments
Trying to follow what the hell was happening was a challenge though, felt like two plots were happening in parallel

>> No.4096929

OP here. Could I have a link to the full transcript of whatever it is you're quoting there?
And as was mentioned earlier in the thread, I don't want anything resembling anime bullshit, and I consider moe a particularly repulsive by product of Asian emasculation, so nothing resembling moe please.

>> No.4096931
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Revolutionary Girl Utena is the only anime worth watching.(logh is good too)

>> No.4096933


i've actually not seen RDG. Looks like that's getting added to my backlog. They've got a new show coming out soon which looks damn good with some impressive visuals.


I enjoyed A Letter to Momo but I didn't think the emotional pay off was that good. Maybe if the daughter was less of a bitch.

>> No.4096935

I don't know what you mean. At all. I'm probably autistic myself, preventing me from seeing the light.

>I don't want anything resembling anime bullshit
What the fuck is anime bullshit?

>> No.4096938
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>Sayonara Zetsuboi Sensei

I always thought this series has a great style of satire. I sort of wish it had a western equivalent.

>> No.4096940

moe, character archetypes like "tsundere"
I think it's only acceptable if it is included to ridicule it, or for humour

>> No.4096946
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>> No.4096947

The team behind it really made it come alive. It's astonishing how different the manga and anime are, and I have to say the anime is of much great quality. It's a shame the last 12 chapters from the manga are still not scanlated, it probably never will be..

>> No.4096950
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>> No.4096951

>fan service
>inclusion of negative Asian cultural ideals (submissive women, MUH HONOR, etc)
>generic artstyle

>> No.4096952
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tatami Galaxy
Haibane Renmei
Serial Experiments Lain
Patlabor (ova and movies)
Mind Game
Boogiepop Phantom
Dennou Coil
Kino no Tabi
Rose of Varsailles (expecially for french-naturalism-fag)
Tetsujin (2004)
Giant Robo
Angel's Egg
Aim for the Ace!
Utena (tv + movie)
Ghost in the shell (movie + 2 TV)
Gauche the Cellist
Cat Soup (Kafkesque)
Anything by Kon
Anything by Otomo
Nothing by Miyazaki (:^])

Bonus: Tezuka's short works.

>> No.4096953
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>> No.4096954
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>> No.4096955

Cat Soup

>> No.4096959

Only the absolute best anime won't have any of that in any capacity, and this thread has already gone through most of the absolute best.
You really shouldn't bother with anime. Even the good stuff is trash by any remotely high standards. You're beyond it. I'm not. I'll stay behind and wallow in the shit.
Enjoy the better things life has to offer, superior being.

>> No.4096956

It's the prevailing trend but obviously it doesn't apply to "everyone."

Also there's a fine line between the push and pull of consumer and provider. Most likely anime fans would just latch onto whatever was available regardless of what it was, so there's the fact that many anime fans just like what's given to them and don't question the other possibilities going untouched. At the same time the reason creators are giving them what they give them is based on what they think the audiences want, which loops back around to them only wanting what's already given to them. One of the two has to take a step forward for change to happen, and both are being kind of sheepish.

The trend itself also pulls from change in marketing. Anime used to get a variety of contract deals based on source material, creators, and other things. A show that started airing in January might have a full year's contract, and get between 49 and 52 episodes. A series starting in the summer might have less, around 24-26 episodes, and less promising things or just plain shorter projects might get only 11-13 episodes. But betting money on a year long show is risky for an investor and ultimately anything running that long will have drops in viewership, which it may or may not even recover from by the end of its run. So they cut back to only really doing 24-26 ep seasons, reserving rights to renew or pull the plug on the contract every 6 months, with year long reserved for big long running kids franchises with heavy merchandising arms. But now we've had even that cut back to 11-13 episode seasons as the standard. Most source material like manga, games, and novels can't even be practically condensed into just 13 episodes. So plot and story are now sort of obsolete thanks to marketing tactics.

>> No.4096957
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>> No.4096967

really? it can't all be shit, can it? Let me list you what I have so far
Mind Game
Cowboy Bebop
Millennium Actress
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tatami Galaxy
Haibane Renmei
Serial Experiments Lain
Read or Die(it's an anime about books, what's not to love?)
Sora no Woto
Nodame Cantabile
Welcome to the NHK
The Wings of Honneamise
Serial Experiments Lain
Angel's Egg
Galaxy Express 999
Eve no Jikan
Ghost in the Shell
Haibane Renmei
Barefoot Gen
Tsumiki no Ie
Inaka Isha
A Tree of Palme
Pale Cocoon,
Kino's Journey
Satoshi Kon

Now how much of that is worthwhile by a unified standard?

>> No.4096968

I highly recommend Akage No Anne. Amazing atmosphere, pleasant music that always fits the mood, a very interesting main character, and stunning visuals and directing

>> No.4096975

I don't have any taste, friend. None whatsoever. I'm the wrong person to ask.
I only watch anime that comes highly recommended though, so I can have the illusion of taste.

The only thing I can say here is that Akira is more highly regarded for the quality of its animation (still unmatched) than for "literary merit", whatever that means.

>> No.4096977

i try to forget about this websites otaku nature but you weaklings have no self restraint

>> No.4096981
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Nope! And this board is always quick to remind me of it. At least I don't buy figures.

>> No.4096991

I recommend:

A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun: the author's in-depth knowledge of both science and religion is really showcased in both series.

The Boku no Pico Trilogy, although I must admit Pico to Chico is highly lackluster

Sakurasou, for it's brilliant analysis of what it means to be an artist

Seikon no Qwaser, because it features a domanatrix called Katje and can therefore be considered a masterpiece

Infinite Jest, because it is the Evangelion of anime

My Little Sister can't Possibly be this cute, for it's brilliant discourses on the subjectivity of beauty and cuteness in relation to social constructs of the family, as well as its musings over the validity of the Westermarck effect

Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya, for it's rutheless satire of modern capitalism, and the way it milks franchises to death by generating pedobait spin off shows, with close to no value of any form. Also you get to see Bazette punching things.

>> No.4096994

Cowboy bebop is it only anime you need to watch.

>> No.4097000


>> No.4097001

Absolutely superb

>> No.4097013

>My Little Sister can't Possibly be this cute
That's actually not complete trash. It's not good or anything, but it's better than it should be. A bit.

>> No.4097014
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>> No.4097018

M-my expectations were as low as they could be.

>> No.4097022
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Oblomov right here.

>> No.4097027

>not the written word
You dumb.

>> No.4097048
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I absolutely recommend MUSHISHI.

>That OST
>That peaceful serenity
>That magical realism

I love it. Absolutely fantastic animation with good episode materials and mythologies.

>> No.4097058

>watching cartoons intended for japanese children

literally creepy

>> No.4097095

Sailor Moon, hits closer to the human condition than most animation or films and the character development is fantastic.

>> No.4097102

>muh human condition

>> No.4097116

Please learn how to articulate your opinions.

>> No.4097131
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>> No.4097136
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>> No.4097138

Evangelion is literally the best anime ever made.

You can start and stop there and while you would miss a lot by doing so you could move on comfortably without doubting that you have already seen its peak.

>> No.4097143

>negative Asian cultural ideals (submissive women, MUH HONOR, etc)
It betrays your own ignorance when you don't recognize this is why people LOVE Japan.
The history of ethics has been always been a conflict between selfishness and selflessness. People look down on the selfish and glorify the selfless as heroes and philanthropists. But they also instinctively understand how personal liberty is important. Western people, if you will allow an exaggeration that is statistical in nature and in comparison to Japan, can't picture themselves in real life being loyal to any cause other than their own personal liberty, but in their comfort they dream of honor, loyalty, charity and asceticism, perhaps because half the worth of a man is decided by those he looks up to. Nowadays, when no one is legally required to become slaves, such idolatry only becomes more fervent since people have to volunteer and apply themselves.
You can only call those ideals negative in an age without slavery if you deny the foundation of plebeian ethics altogether.

>> No.4097163

We REALLY need to crack down on people using /lit/ as /pretentiousoldmen/.

>> No.4097171
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are precocious little girls okay?

>> No.4097172


I tried to watch Totoro the other day and found it unbearably twee. If I had a child I would recommend it but I couldn't stomach it. Think what you will but it wasn't interesting to me and I see nothing in Miyazaki's films that make me think of them as anything other than pretty pictures with boring stories. Certainly some like Spirited Away and Mononoke are better than others but I still don't think of them very highly.

As for things I'd recommend:

Angel's Egg, Ghost in The Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Tatami Galaxy, Cowboy Bebop, Battle Angel, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Probably that. I could recommend Eva or Satoshi Kon movies but I think they are better when you're a teenager than beyond that point. They might be worthwhile though. I do really like Eva a lot.

>> No.4097173

To clarify: you mean people coming here for approval of whatever it is that they like by people who, by virtue of discussing "literature", objectively intelligent and valuable stuff, are themselves intellectual and the best judges of merit?

Let plebs be plebs in peace, and likewise let patricians be patricians in peace.

>> No.4097177


I agree with this guy. The thing didn't know how to sustain its length at all. The two episodes with the MMO thing is the first time is jumps the shark and the cult/detergent thing is the second time. Pretty impressive for a 26 ep series. There are good moments in it though. It starts off well.

>> No.4097178

Well if you think they are better for teenagers then they are by their very nature inferior works. You shouldn't even mention them.

>> No.4097179

Of course.

>> No.4097180
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>> No.4097183

How patrician are you on a scale of one to five?

What's the fourth one?

>> No.4097186

>those five japanimes
maybe if you've never read a book in your life

>> No.4097188

maybe if you've never listened to a lecture in your life

>> No.4097193

I never said books were sophisticated

>> No.4097196
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>> No.4097198


Cat Soup and Akira as well.

Include Evangelion as one my recommendations too. The only reason I think it should have a bad rep is because of people's stupid infatuations with best girl shit and that's unfair criticism.

>> No.4097202

mushishi is fun and engaging, not sophisticated
kino is just derivative mush
haibane renmai is vague enough to be lore bait and not more
bartender is for teens that like to think they are mature
lain is an exercise in pretend

>> No.4097207

what's something sophisticated

>> No.4097208


Is Kino's Journey good? I have this notion that it's like Sophie's Choice: The Anime in my head.

>> No.4097210

Ghost in the Shell

>> No.4097212

You do know that you're not convincing yourself, but trying to convince others, right?
A ridiculous summary isn't how you do it. Like saying soccer is boring because it's a bunch of dudes chasing a ball.

>> No.4097213


>> No.4097214

Have you seen it?

>> No.4097216


>> No.4097219


I like these threads. /lit/ is a containment board for discussion and it is the best board for it. If you have no other hobbies than literature than that's cool and everything. It's the only reason I think people would get mad.

>> No.4097221

>If you have no other hobbies than literature than that's cool and everything.
It's not just cool, it's the the ideal.

>> No.4097222

It is thematically coherent, it has complex characters and relationships that actually develop through the course of the story, the visuals and action are not only beautiful but service the plot and characters.

Since you haven't seen it I don't want to spoil anything for you but it is definitely worth watching. Easily one of my favorite films, anime or otherwise.

>> No.4097226

The only anime ever produced that was worth any serious attention was Dragon Ball/Z/GT.

>> No.4097229

>Easily one of my favorite films
That complicates it. There's multiple GitS thingies. Which one is good?

>> No.4097231

The first movie. The television series and second movie are passable but do not even approach the level the first GitS movie.

>> No.4097233

i feel like im gonna get shit for this
Angel Beats
Death Note

>> No.4097234

That's like recommending Two and a Half Men and NCIS.

>> No.4097235


Out of interest, would you prefer threads like this?

It may be a personal thing but I hate those kinds of threads even more.

>> No.4097236

>It may be a personal thing but I hate those kinds of threads even more.
Not a fan of lateral thinking?

>> No.4097238

Nah son SAC and SG are just as good or better than the movie.

>> No.4097239

I hate those threads as well. I hate these threads because they often result in the /lit/erati bashing shit that I like and making me feel bad.

>> No.4097241


>Angel Beats

Look, we all like scantily-dressed teenage girls in 2D form but if you're recommending that unironically then you need to look at this thread for some animu to watch.

>> No.4097243

No it means you have no life. Even nerds have standards. They tinker with robotics, hike or do any number of other things, if you didn't know.

Really? It is like most political thrillers and transhumanist scifi I've seen.

>> No.4097245

>and /pol/

10000/10 please goodbye solo

>> No.4097249

I was just expressing an opinion, if you like the others that's fine, even if you are wrong

>Really? It is like most political thrillers and transhumanist scifi I've seen.
Maybe the plot but its execution is what puts it over the top for me.

>> No.4097247


Love it. I just hate the pretence that the thread is about anything other than the source material which it is asking for comparisons too.

>> No.4097250

/g/ is okay, /a/ and /pol/ are similar in that they are mostly awful but rarely spawn excellent threads.

>> No.4097253


I hate to be the one to break this to you anon but everything you like a shit.

>> No.4097254

I know.

>> No.4097255

goddamn it

>> No.4097258

Turn A gundam is positively Shakespearean

Macross Plus is also great

Also, Pheonix

Macross DYRL is for old, nostalgic, fat, balding losers who have not experienced real life.

>> No.4097260

It's extremely forgettable and wants to be a quiet road story ala Mushishi but none of its stories go anywhere

>> No.4097262

>I was just expressing an opinion
A silly opinion, yes, and you're welcome to it.

>> No.4097266

His and Her Circumstances hit right at the peak of Hideaki Anno's directing abilities, if you don't mind teen dramas and you are into following careers and such.

>> No.4097270

Really? Having cute girls is your objection? You could try not sounding too retarded, because it's more chaste than most of high literature. Say many things about literature. Don't say it's about saints.
AB is mediocre because it tried to be a sentimental 2-cour story aired in 1 cour, didn't understand the concept of subtle storytelling, and ended up unresolved in a lot of ways.

>> No.4097271



>> No.4097274


will anime ever be good again?

>> No.4097278


>Really? Having cute girls is your objection?

No, I was trying to make a light-hearted comment. I don't like Angel Beats but I wasn't trying to make any grand point.

>> No.4097282

i was just making a joke suggestion. i didn't want to start a fight ;_;

>> No.4097283
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>will anime ever be good again?

>> No.4097285

I feel like /lit/ has been really angry lately and I'm not sure why. Maybe we just need more threads about weed or something; that should calm the community down for sure

>> No.4097289

quentin, shouldn't you be on /v/

>> No.4097290

I think /pol/raids have gotten to us as a board

>> No.4097291

smoking is bad for you

>> No.4097296

It's the console wars starting up again. They make the Internet in its entirety a toxic place

>> No.4097298

>I should have the freedom to get addicted to drugs and burden everyone else with my high chance of becoming a career recidivist even though society could do away with such risks


>> No.4097315
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fuck of nerd's i was making a suggesting
if i saw you in pubic id slit you're throats

Fruits Basket is really good too

>> No.4097322

>Fruits Basket is really good too
if you are a 14 year old girl

>> No.4097330

poor man's mushishi

>> No.4097331
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i am literally killing myslef right now

>> No.4097334

Twinkling tears of night, darkness turns to light..

>> No.4097335

I really enjoy Junji Ito's horror works like Uzumaki. They're very imaginative to me.

>> No.4097347

Anything studio Ghibili, especially Miyazaki
>Miyazaki is the king of capturing the magic of everyday life with little fantastic premises
Satoshi Kon movies
>watch like regular good movies
Cowboy Bebop
>noir in space, lots of good character movies
>episodes watch like short stories. subverts anime sterotypes by paying attention to the characters in a mecha anime in their down-time, rather than drilling into the mecha mythology and fights
Serial Arcade Abeniboshi(sp.)
>reminds me of Calvino
Tatami Galaxy
>another calvinoish anime
Anything from the Ghost in a Shell franchise
>watches like good sci-fi, touches on a lot of the same subjects
Kino's Journey
>Odyssey style story
Serial Experiements Lain
>more sci-fi
Haibane Renmei
>interesting allegory and character portrait
>tour of Japanese myths

>> No.4097360

you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.4097387


I'd recommend any Satoshi Kon film really - Millenium Actress definitely but also Tokyo Godfathers, and for something a little more bizarre try Paprika or Perfect Blue.

>> No.4097393

dammit /lit/ you just made me download 3 anime series
I haven't been to /a/ in years and haven't watched an anime in who knows how long

what the fuck I thought I was safe here

>> No.4097401
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>> No.4097403


It has a particular tendency toward showcasing moral relativism and has a rather neutral 'by-stander' 'Kino' who observes the nature of the world through her travels. It's only similar to Musishi in the sense that the protagonist is a lone traveller who visits many places and experiences many situations sometimes getting involved other times passing through observing and making no particular judgement.

It's worth a watch sure, but if the first few episodes don't grab your interest there's no real reason not to continue though.

>> No.4097405

>the visuals and action are not only beautiful but service the plot and characters.

The MC dresses like a whore and it does seem rather ridiculous at times. Otherwise it's a pretty great anime.

>> No.4097409

>The MC dresses like a whore and it does seem rather ridiculous at times.
Watch it again, it seems you really didn't get it.

>> No.4097414


I did 'get' it, but just pointing out that for a casual viewer the fact she dresses the way she does can be kind of distracting and seem silly.

It really doesn't serve any major point nor lend much to the over all show unless your willing to point how how much it lends to her character.

>> No.4097424
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'Mononoke' is pretty good if you like Japanese culture and mythology.

It draws elements from supernatural, mythology/folklore, and the detective genre.

>> No.4097426

So you are saying you are a casual viewer?

>> No.4097430


Cowboy bebop is hardly good. It is simply extremely overrated by many 'murricans because they saw it as a kid and it was GREAT

>> No.4097436

Or maybe you're one of those people who dislike things simply because a lot of people like it.

>> No.4097439

>Cowboy bebop is hardly good.
That's wrong. Cowboy Bebop is very good. You are just trying to overcompensate for some perceived reception you feel it didn't deserve, which it did.

It is extremely entertaining and well put together, you don't have to be a Moby Dick to be considered good.

>> No.4097446

It was a very good tool for revealing not only a lot about the Major's character but also her relationship with Batou, not to mention its obvious tie-ins with the overarching themes of the movie.

>> No.4097454
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, Ghost in the Shell Arise OAV - 01 [BD 720p AAC]v2.mkv_snapshot_44.45_[2013.07.01_21.30.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First time watching it when I was relatively new to anime way back in the late 90s - yes.

I didn't think it added much to her character or the show other than mild fanservice. Sure you could argue that it shows how sexually liberated she is as an android and one shouldn't even be paying attention to what she's wearing but in that case why choose to portray her in that costume in the first place? At least from her 'job' point of view it makes sense to wear something with good mobility I suppose but her full body suit could have been just as appropriate within that context. It just seems ridiculous that a high level android working in the top echelons of a secret high class police organisation would go around dresses like that casual or not. It was completely unnecessary.

Her casual clothes were nothing more than titillating fanservice - prove me wrong.

At least with these new OVAs she dresses more sensibly and more apropos to her role and position.

>> No.4097462

>not to mention its obvious tie-ins with the overarching themes of the movie.

Which one? There's several aren't there and not in the same timeline at that with the series.

>> No.4097474

Her indifference toward nudity wasn't a reflection of sexual liberation, it was her disconnect with physical existence. You could call it fan service if you like but you wouldn't be able to tell so much about a character so easily and clearly without such a device.

I am referring specifically to the original GitS movie, follow the chain of comments.

And don't be daft, as it relates to the Major specifically I am obviously referring to transhumanism. Sitting opposite of Batou's self-consciousness for Kusaragi you could get a bit more complex with your interpretations but that is basically it.

>> No.4097479

>sexually liberated
Girl wears conservative clothing: males are to blame for keeping her down.
Girl wears scanty clothing: male gaze and sexual objectification.

It's just something she wears. Please don't give me bs about liberation and oppression.

>> No.4097487
File: 45 KB, 780x439, night_on_the_galactic_railroad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night on the Galactic Railroad.

It's deep without being overly pretentious like Ghost in the Shell and all that shit.

>inb5 furries

>> No.4097490

>It's deep without being overly pretentious

I liked it but all that Christian imagery!

>> No.4097491

>overly pretentious
are you sure you have seen GitS?

>> No.4097496


Casual pls

>> No.4097498

on its surface ghost in the shell is about a naked android trying to track down a super hacker by destroying giant mechs

that's pretentious?

>> No.4097505


It makes a big big deal out of shit which is painstakingly obvious.

>> No.4097510

in what way?

>> No.4097550

I don't know much about anime, but:

FMA: Brotherhood.
Mawarun Penguindrum.
Space Brothers.
Cowboy Bebop.
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Usagi Drop.
Sailor Moon.
Tamako Market.

Right now I'm watching Attack on Titan and The Tatami Galaxy after a looong hiatus and I'm enjoying both.

>> No.4097561

Which ones?

>> No.4097571
File: 285 KB, 1280x1024, 5 Centimeters Per Second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No 5 centimeters per second
/lit/ I am massively disappoint.

Check out 5 Centimeters Per Second, OP. The animation is massively gorgeous, turning even the smallest details of each day...swaying powerlines, wavecaps, blowing grass, paper on a desk, a bento box, into gorgeous visuals. Storylines are pretty good, too. My favorite is the one with the surfers

>> No.4097738

that shit is so depressing oh my god

>enjoying attack on titan

>> No.4097753

a great deal of his list is terrible

>> No.4097757

Ikuhara is great.

>> No.4097760

Children Who Chase Lost Voices is better.

>> No.4097761

Is Space Brothers terrible? I've been considering it.

>> No.4097762

If NCIS was half as fun as Death Note, I'd watch NCIS.

>> No.4097765

The short with the cat is even better.

>> No.4097766
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>hur SnK is poplar must h8 it

Trying to hard. It's barely even started but it has promise.

>> No.4097775

Whisper of the Heart is the best Ghibli movie.

That show's not even fun, it's just shit. Like Railgun.

>> No.4097781

>The show
>Not reading the manga

Although even the show is good, but alright.

>> No.4097805

Why do people like LoGH?

I found it generic and boring.

>> No.4097808

Most people here have the attention span to enjoy it.

>> No.4097814

I've never heard anyone actually explain why they like it on /a/, so I thought maybe /lit/ could.

>> No.4097819

It is good old fashioned sci-fi drama that is executed exceptionally well

>> No.4097835

May be dating myself, but the ova of record of lodoss war was always my favorite

>> No.4097843

you are really dating yourself

most people that still like lodoss war are the poor sods that had nothing else to watch at the time and needlessly nostalgia over something that is very mediocre

I can respect that as long as you don't also like dyrl.

>> No.4097846

I also watched berserk and dragonball!

>> No.4097849

should I pat your back?

>> No.4097860


>anime is children's garbage. why would anyone waste their time with that


>> No.4097893

Summer Wars
The Girl Who Leapt through Time
Tatami Galaxy
Mobile Suit Gundam
Angel's Egg
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell
Serial Experiments Lain
Paranoia Agent
Ergo Proxy
Kino's Journey
Kara no Kyoukai
Welcome to the NHK
Dennou Coil

That should last you a while.

>> No.4097900

>I was born in the mid-nineties: the list

>> No.4097905

Poor speculation, because you're wrong.

Also, Mobile Suit Gundam and Akira came out way earlier than that.

>> No.4097908

And torrents far after. Thanks for pointing this out.

>> No.4097910
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>adults who obsess over japanese cartoons made for children actually exist

>> No.4097915

But they aren't all made for children, dipshit.


Look them up.

>> No.4097918

I agree. It isn't healthy for adults to obsess over cartoons made for children.

>> No.4097919
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oh shit we got an internet tough guy over here

>> No.4097926
File: 19 KB, 220x288, AtlasShrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?

Here you can have this picture of a doorstop to make it up.

I just wasn't aware that calling a spade a spade was indicative of toughness.

>> No.4097930

how did you know that was my favorite novel?

>> No.4097933


princess nausicaa is the best thing miyazaki ever did

>> No.4097936

not surprising considering Hideaki Anno worked on it as well

>> No.4097942

Not him but that seems like you

>> No.4097943

shut up dipshit no one even asked you

>> No.4097994

Boogiepop fans ww@ ?
And not enough Evangelion mentions ;-;

>> No.4097998

>not sitting down for a spot of Girls und Panzer after a day of reading Kant and writing papers

>> No.4098037

Girls and Panzer is clearly intended for mature adults and mature audiences such as myself.

>> No.4098100
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How you guys went an entire 200+ post thread about essential anime without mentioning Code Geass is baffling.

>> No.4098118

because it is shit

>> No.4098125

Who gives a fuck about CG when you have LOGH

>> No.4098170
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The Tatami Galaxy
Aoi Bungaku
Boogiepop Phantom
Aku no Hana
His and Her Circumstances
Oruchuban Ebichu
My Neighbours the Yamadas
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Ghost in the Shell
Perfect Blue
Belladonna of Sadness

>> No.4098182
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But Code Geass was shallow and boring...

>> No.4098190

Jin-Roh is the best Japanese animated film.

>> No.4098195


>code geass

underage, please go away.

>> No.4098197

>liking code gay ass