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/lit/ - Literature

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4096517 No.4096517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s favorite book?

>> No.4096531
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>> No.4096536


>> No.4096537

The /lit/ equivalent of RCT2 is probably Ficciones. I've never seen anyone say a bad thing about Borges on here.

>> No.4096591


Borges fucking sucks most of the time. Many of his ideas are cool but they make for shitty stories.

It's the literary equivalent of optical illusions; it's to literature what optical illusions are to painting.

>> No.4096594
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And I mean it.

>> No.4096595


>> No.4096600


In a way, you're right. But optical allusions are fucking cool man.

>> No.4096601

i hope you realize optical illusions are essential to painting.

what is linear perspective? what is every single baroque painting if not an optical illusion? don't talk about things you don't know you retard

>> No.4096603


So is paint.

I won't praise any paintmaker for this reason alone.

You're obviously too retarded to sustain an argument. Go back to being fat.

>> No.4096607

In what way is he right?

>> No.4096619


His stories are more about effects and twists and such than stories. So it's cool but very limited.

>> No.4096623

>m-muh plot!

Fuck off. Your mind is what's limited.

>> No.4096627

To the Lighthouse

Well it's my favourite anyway.

>> No.4096642

I heard /lit/ say Infinite Jest was /lit/'s Deus Ex.

Is this true?

>> No.4096670

What's an optical allusion?

>> No.4096703

This book is for retards and 12 year olds. I tried to read it just yesterday and felt myself becoming more and more simple by the page.

>> No.4096705
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>> No.4096714

It's a children's book. What did you expect?

>> No.4096723
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"Cien Años de Soledad" by García Márquez. An absolutely outstanding book. I don't know how good are the English translations of this but in its original Spanish is god-tier narrative

>> No.4096724

I honestly don't know. I just remembered it being so highly lauded on this stupid fucking board.

>listening to anything this board says

>> No.4096725

Starting that one now. Only read The Waves by her, that one was amazing. Looking forward.

>> No.4096766

>ctrl + f
>"Don Quixote"
>zero results

oh, boy

>> No.4096852


>> No.4097888

I lol'd.

Seriously, probably either Ulysses or Infinite Jest.

>> No.4097895

Is RCT2 /v/'s ITAOTS or something? I didn't know other people loved it as much as I do.

>> No.4097904
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Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follett.

>> No.4097923

What makes you say Infinite Jest? Everytime I see an Infinite Jest thread it's full of people who absolutely despise the novel.

>> No.4097946
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>> No.4097997

Sound and the Fury

>> No.4098359

I'm curious, does /lit/ approve of Photopia, Slouching Towards Bedlam, Losing Your Grip, etc.?

>> No.4098365

lol no no no

>> No.4098368

>RC2 is /v/'s favorite vidya
Say that on real /v/ not on/lit/ and see what happens

Also, I'd put Grendel in the running.

>> No.4098437
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>> No.4098457

See, I don't think that in can be Ulysses or Infinite Jest, because they do occasionally get shit on around here. I think the point of Roller Coaster Tycoon is that fucking everyone loves RCT and can appreciate it as a great game. A number of peple think Joyce just shit out gibberish and IJ is pretentious and whatnot.
This is a much better argument in my opinion. I have yet to read any /lit/ poster who has read S&tF that could not appreciate its depth.

>> No.4098471

The OP is asking what /lit/'s favorite book is, not your personal favorite book. The answer is Infinite Jest or Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.4098583

IJ is like HALO

really not that great at all but a LOT of dumb people think it is really great and compared to COD and crap like that out there no one has the energy to argue the point any more

>> No.4098589

What's a book most people on /lit/ have read but refuse to admit?

>> No.4098598

harry potter

>> No.4098600
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The only reason people like roller coaster tycoon is because they were 8 the first time they played it. Grow up, manchildren, and go back to your shitty containment board.

>> No.4098608

pretty sure everyone has read Dune but most discuss it often

I think people like to read/think/talk about Twilight more than they like to admit. "Look what Gwaker published about gender in twilight lets have a big dumb /pol/ thread about the same facebook crap." They're like teenage girls with celebrities about that shit.

>> No.4098626
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>> No.4098637

You're probably trolling, but I liked that book and I like Sam Harris. My only complaint is that it could have easily been condensed. He spent too much time restating the same points. An essay would have sufficed.

>> No.4098650

That's just because /lit/ fucking hates everything. I have seen fucking Homer and Shakespeare get shit on here. Whatever /lit/ despises the least is the answer.

The answer is obviously Ulysses OP.

>> No.4098652

Lol fuck you, at least do Atlas Shrugged if you want to blatantly troll.

>> No.4098656
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pick one

>> No.4098659

>I liked that book
>and I like Sam Harris.

>You're probably trolling

>> No.4098673

Having read him, he's honestly nowhere near as bad as /lit/ makes him out to be. Then again, a lot of you actually like continental philosophy, so I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.4098740

The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.4098834

Why is The Fountainhead so small?

>> No.4098855
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Let's wait a few minutes for some edgy to come here and throw some shit on The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4098867

this is the only person in this thread that has said anything worth a fuck, well him and that borges dude i suppose