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File: 223 KB, 991x1222, james-franco-palo-alto-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4092132 No.4092132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on his book? GF has been reading this non-stop.

>The stories are about teenagers and their experiments with vices and their struggles with their families. The book is named after his home town of Palo Alto, California, and is dedicated to many of the writers he worked with at Brooklyn College. Inspired by some of Franco's own teenage memories [1][2], and memories written and submitted by high school students at Palo Alto Senior High School,[3] consists of life in Palo Alto as experienced by a series of teenagers who spend most of their time indulging in driving drunk, using drugs and taking part in unplanned acts of violence.

>> No.4092137

I heard its good but why is franco trying to be so edgy?

>> No.4092141

egdy? drugs and violence counts as edgy these days?

>> No.4092146
File: 39 KB, 342x512, sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pose some kind of universal mannerism amongst talentless hacks who only get published on account of how famous they are?

>> No.4092151


Famous for being famous. But, on the other hand, Franco is actually a halfway decent actor.

>> No.4092152

Yes, because if they didn't hold their book up you'd never know they wrote one.

>> No.4092154

THey know to plaster their faces on their works.. and that's okay

>> No.4092155

>I heard its good

Not according to anyone I know.

>> No.4092161

it's just because authors aren't normally photographed standing up, anon; slow your rôle

>> No.4092192

You can't get more white, generic and privileged than Palo Alto. Sounds lame.

>> No.4092210


I live in Palo Alto and you're a faggot.

Yeah, but the book is not good. It's competent but unremarkable MFA stuff.

>> No.4092211

I've read it. It's most assuredly not good.

It's on par with most first-time efforts churned out of creative writing classes.

>> No.4092213

>MFA stuff

It's far worse than that.

>> No.4092218

what does "MFA stuff" mean exactly"
lots of allusions and a "guess the influences" style prose?

>> No.4092219

I'm happy that you live there, doesn't change the fact that it's the land of yuppies and privilege.

>> No.4092223


Grey was a pretty good porn star, too.

>> No.4092235


It's the heart of Silicon Valley technocracy. People here make money using superior intellect. Just because it's wealthy doesn't make it by definition the land of yuppies and privilege. Stanford students (including myself) are not uniformly wealthy either; many are international and come from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds.

>> No.4092245

You've got q bright future ahead of you

>> No.4092352

There are only so many ways to stand holding your book, anon.

>> No.4092389

Just keep telling yourself that.

>> No.4092398

She's famous for enthusiastically taking loads of cock, not for being famous.

>> No.4092490

MFA stuff, in poetry, is neo-confessional work with hints of language poetry or surrealism, and in fiction is dirty realism or metafiction. This is because the MFA writers are modeling their work on easy-to-copy late-modernist, or established contemporary, writers that are commonly read in the programs. For fiction, it's people like Raymond Carver, Joyce Carol Oates, and Barthelme and in poetry it's people like Sylvia Plath, James Tate, etc.

>> No.4093121

I really don't think I'll ever dislike someone more than I've ever disliked Sasha Grey.

I have no issues with her doing porn.
I have no issues with her writing a book.
I have no issues with her wanting to be a musician.
I have no issues with anything she wants to do, because she has her life, and I have mine, so her life doesn't affect me.

But she's just so...fucking try-hard about fucking everything.

Porn is fucking porn. It will never be fucking intelligent.

Liking porn is fucking okay, but being a snob because you DO porn or because you LIKE porn is just being an ASSHOLE.

I just can't really explain how much I fucking despise everything about her. Her damn face even makes me angry.

Although, there are times when she's very cute, and that's usually when she's posing for some magazine that isn't revolving around porn, her book, her music, etc. etc. Anytime she's not acting like she's better than everyone for her life decisions, she's alright.

>> No.4095659

fucking plebs. I read this a year ago

>> No.4095670

Saw this book at school book store and thought "Haha this author has the same name as the actor."

Really though OP, sounds like typical normalfag reading. Youths indulging in drugs and doing bad stuff etc.

>> No.4095673

Fuck off, you techie Stanford fuck

>> No.4095678

> world-famous actor
> successful author/model
> degree at one of America's best colleges
> highly likeable/sociable
> millionaire
> only 35

Fuck me.

>> No.4095689

Except that part where Franco's making some shitty ass looking adaptations of Child of God and Faulkner...Guy's fucking up. Hell he's been fucking up.

>> No.4095707

no reason to feel inadequate compared to a kid who grew up in palo alto with rich as fuck and super connected parents. if anyone were him they'd probably be all those things.

whats with all these young rich kid writers writing exclusively about rich kids fucking around and pretending that its a meaningful expression of existential boredom or whatever.

>> No.4095962

if u at stanford then u privilige now

y u mad, doe?

>> No.4096019

We are currently living in an aristocracy and moving slowly back into feudalism.

>> No.4096026


do you even know what feudalism is

>> No.4096033

You are fucking retarded. Do a little research before running your mouth off.

>> No.4096038


>> No.4096211

My thoughts are (as someone who has NOT read the book or the author, but HAS lived right next to Palo Alto, Emerald Hills, Atherton, and surrounding area).

That book is already seeming disgustingly similar to real life. Families with more money than they can think to do with (or pretending they have it with the best of them) seem appealing.

Being a child of said family with money never being a problem but rather MATERIALS being a problem is appealing.

The problem with being one of these children is that you end up not being necessary to your environment--as a child you know this. As a child it is important to be necessary. It is still, nevertheless, appealing.

I know kids in Atherton who will never have to work a day in their lives. They have the privilege to choose stupid majors, stupid mates, and stupid decisions, all because they are set for life financially.

This is appealing.

I would hope your girlfriend is reading this to BECOME INFORMED and less because she finds it secretly appealing.
That's for your sake, if you plan to marry her.

>> No.4096218

Dude, Stanford owns palo alto and it goes on forever. SO MUCH MONEY THERE. I live here, you can't lie to me. I lived in RWC most of my life, and San Jose/Sunnyvale the other half.

>> No.4096287

>a series of teenagers who spend most of their time indulging in driving drunk, using drugs and taking part in unplanned acts of violence.


>> No.4096293

your GF prolly masturbates to James Franco

In fact when you (If you, actually, considering) fuck she pretends you are him

How it feel?

>> No.4096301

I'd actually have to say that those titles go to Thousand Oaks California.