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/lit/ - Literature

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4091368 No.4091368 [Reply] [Original]

So what does /lit/ think of the influx of FB whores who love to pat themselves on the back and talk ad nauseum about how different and intelligent they are, because they skimmed over Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.4091378

I have several female friends who have read Harry Potter, and a couple who have read or are reading ASOIAF, but none of their Facebook posts have been about how great they are for having read them.

I did overhear a woman at my college call herself quirky three times in under a minute, which was really disappointing because she was gorgeous and I was going to talk to her before that.

>> No.4091383

As opposed to the /lit/ whores who love to pat themselves on the back and talk ad nauseum about how different and intelligent they are, because they skimmed over Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest.

>> No.4091384
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Case and Point

>> No.4091388

At least those whores will pretend to appreciate me!

>> No.4091393

There are dozens of fan pages on FB, all dedicated to ASOIAF and all modded by tarts with a fetish for posting pictures of them "reading" with their tits hanging out.

>> No.4091395
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exhibit B

>> No.4091402

>oh wow there are stupid people

>let me seek out more of them so I can get angrry

just leave them alone you idiot, they haven't done anything to you and you don't need to associate with them

>> No.4091415

i have never encountered anybody like that

>> No.4091420
File: 88 KB, 631x640, 6e91d7f136982117be2b9dc06517a777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you on FB?

>> No.4091419

I enjoy my hateboners. Just let us enjoy our hateboners in peace. Stop trying to project your morals onto me.

>> No.4091423

anybody (male or female) that poses with a book is a desperate retard that is more interested in the attention that reading will get them rather than actually enjoying reading

i used to have an fb pic of some fat neckbeard with a pile of entry level books talking in le classy reddit dialect about how literature is the mpst superior art form etc, will attempt to find

>> No.4091426

i am fundamentally uninterested in this sort of woman hater's club thing, it's real boring, please go away

>> No.4091427

I don't care about your stupid insecurities... but that chick in op's pic, dayumm I'd totally the whole thing.

>> No.4091428
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pls, do

>> No.4091430
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I think you forgot your armor.

>> No.4091517

So what does /lit/ think of the influx of basement dwellers who pat themselves on the back and talk ad nauseam about how different and intelligent they are, because they skimmed over Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.4091522

Other peoples' behavior upsets me. Can you validate my emotions?

>> No.4091529
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>> No.4091550

>What does /lit/ think about [this phenomenon I just pretty much made up in my head]?