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/lit/ - Literature

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4089690 No.4089690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

(If this seems too long for an OP in /lit/, it was first a post on r/Literature which didn't get any attention because it's dead and r/Books is just filled with 'Game of Thrones' and 'Dune'.)

I'm looking for literature with Biblical characters in modern (the more secular the better) settings. I'm interested in both theology and realism, and it's fun to see these cross-over.

Examples could be Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, or Rushdie's The Satanic Verses. I especially liked the former, set as it is in overwhelmingly-secular modern Russia.

I'm certain I've read other examples of this, but those are the only two I can remember (they're the only two on my dedicated Goodreads shelf). They're likely to be Russian literature (given the country's history, current culture, and my having read a lot of it).

It's unbelievably difficult to search for any kind of books working on this kind of theme. Can you think of anything with similar themes?

If you haven't read either of the two books above, The Satanic Verses deals with two celebrities who effect the personality of the Devil and of the archangel Gibreel; in The Master and Margarita, Satan and a small group of followers appear in '30s atheistic Moscow, wreaking havok all whilst the populace deny their existence.

(It occurs to me that both books have split settings, which is interesting but not really my point.)

>> No.4089693

That's a whole lot of words for "do my homework for me"

>> No.4089700

how could i have made it clearer I was looking for recommendations?

>> No.4089701

Satantango, but it's less clear-cut than your two examples.

Btw, you might want to avoid mentioning reddit around here in future.

>> No.4089702

yeah, plus the OP is very reddit-friendly. it's pretty much a copy+paste.

>> No.4089706
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This was interesting. Not great, but sorta fun. And short.

>> No.4089738

Good Omens by Terry Prachett (Don't believe that Neil Gaiman helped on this. He didn't contribute shit.)

Also, James Morrow's Godhead Trilogy. It's about Jehovah dying and his corpse falling on earth.

>> No.4089746

>literature with Biblical characters
Can you be a little more vague, fag?
I don't know if that means something like Vargas Llosa's The War of the End of the World (that has some elements from Revelations) or if you're talking to a modern adaptation of Biblical story (like the movie A Serious Man).

>> No.4089798

i don't think i was vague - i gave two examples, both of which have biblical characters (devil, archangels, etc) in modern settings (60s london, 30s moscow).