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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 220x270, 220px-Foucault5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4089679 No.4089679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When are you all going to accept that his ideas are not going away and they will only become more and more prevalent with time?

>> No.4089688

But I do accept it.

>> No.4089689

>taking seriously the opinions of an AIDS-infested arse-fister

>> No.4089697

lol no one cares about philosophy dude have you ever been outside

>> No.4089708

He's a saint

>> No.4089712

totally charlatan

and gay

>> No.4089717
File: 30 KB, 456x620, devito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even forget Foucault?

>> No.4089741

You clearly don't belong here.

For those of you who criticize, actually criticize, don't just call him a faggot and think you have accomplished something.

>> No.4089752

He's a faggot.

>> No.4089753

I second that.

Can some skeptic tell me why and how his discussion of Bentham's Panopticon and the structures of modern power relations is not eerily relevant today?

>> No.4089826

>doesn't know that /lit/ is just a bunch of homophobic retards
no, you clearly don't belong here

>> No.4090080

When did lit become pol?

>> No.4090295

Every other bourgeois ideology achieved a similar "market penetration" and was just as irrelevant.

Prevalence isn't relevance.

>> No.4090559

>muh post WW2 zeitgeist i

>> No.4090582

Is he the one that said that our society today has become like a prison where we all constantly watched, and even when we aren't, we believe we are, and that the dominant power or authority is what decides what's true or not?
Is he the one who used to do a lot of drugs and his philosophy is a bit like 'stick it to the man'?
Am I missing something?

>> No.4090602

Because Foucault failed to establish such and his examples refute his explanation.

>> No.4090604


Yesterday a literature survey was done with several general questions and many others about literature. Apparently this thread has been deleted by some moderator (probably was denounced by some social-retarded and autistic-basement-neckbeard of many that roam around here and who cannot see nobody having some fun or interacting that they already feel aggrieved, that kind of /lit/zers that only made ironic post), but idiotic threads like this are common and no one seems to care: day after day losers and trolls come here posting pseudo-philosophical garbage like this thread and nobody cares.

>> No.4090618

So report this as rule 6 or rule 3

>> No.4090636


I just dont understand why the Survey thread was deleted (several questions were about literature). Why a thread like that bothered people?

>> No.4091070


>> No.4091297

How is his ideology bourgeois?

>> No.4091312


>his ideas

It's not his ideas that are the problem.

It's the misrepresentation thereof.

>> No.4091329

he's one the most cited authors for works in the humanities. shits already prevalent

>> No.4091372

Read Althusser or Lukacs until you get it.

Fuck that, read Hegel.

>> No.4091482

Ad homniem.

>> No.4091508

HE'S A HACK!!!!!
a charlatan&
a hack
a charlatan&
a hacker
a charlemagne&
a hooker&
un chat

BOOTING Bait Termination 1865
Executing bait_delete.h
Please wait.
Please wait.
Initiation sequence started.
WELCOME TO Bait Terminator 1865

Executing analytic_übermensch.h
GOD: one once more, a salute!!!!!!
pleb: the kign is here !
GOD: >implyingwhat
autist: >>123me123
Who are you even quoting?

GOD: P->P , Q.E.D nerd, go learn some fucking science.


Joseph "The twilight" Ratzinger

>> No.4091692


>> No.4091721

The one brightside of the global shift towards multipolarity is that this man and Hannah Arendt will be totally lost to future generations thanks to the coming dark ages.

>> No.4091725


Althusser was insane and strangled his fucking wife.

>> No.4091733

What the fuck does that have to do with his literary output on ideology?

>Kierkegaard and Gramsci were both hunchbacks, so they must be right!!!!one

>> No.4091745

Gramsci actually isn't very good, and Kierkegaard was pretty suicidal which is an appropriate response.

Heidegger being a Nazi is a much better example. Nazis are pretty gay.

>> No.4091782

i already did it

>> No.4091847

no, it's actual fictional within the piece of work. it's not my signature, it's not attached to the post, rather the work of fiction. i'm an atheist btw, you can debate me should you feel like it

>> No.4092543

>I'm not breaking the rules
>My art is breaking the rules
Get in the cattlecar whore.

>> No.4092544

>Gramsci actually isn't very good
Oh lol.

>> No.4092565


The only two posts ITT to discuss any of Foucault's ideas.

>> No.4092574

Well, this is /lit/ after all. We can't just discuss literature, that would be craziness.

>> No.4092852

Doesn't sound much better or worse than most 20th-century french philosophers.

>> No.4093363

basically that's it, except he added the factor that control has become a constitutive part of ourselves and how the power enacted by social institution permeates every aspect of us (biopolitics, anakoresis, selfdiciplinary measures related to social rules rather than personal motivations, all that jazz

>> No.4093367

so you can't explain it?

>> No.4093388

He is the only way to seriously combat the disease that is the sex-positive movement.

>> No.4093450

What is the sex-positive movement?

>> No.4093885

What is your opinion on it?

>> No.4094001


If you've ever heard sluts bitching about how horrible slut shaming is, or if you've ever heard sluts arguing that safe sex should be taught to kindergardeners, that's the sex positive movement.

It's basically the mainstream embrace of full-on hedonism.

As for Foucault, he argued that repressing your sexuality is just as human as acting on it. He made a case against the idea that sex is a completely natural thing and you should never try to hide it. In reality, he says that the natural human reaction to sex *is* to hide it in most scenarios.

He didn't write that much on the topic though, I just said that because it was on topic.

>> No.4094004
File: 73 KB, 500x496, tumblr_kxw2a713un1qaukbeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm ok with this

>> No.4094089

dat filename

>> No.4094105

>/lit/ discussing philosophy

>> No.4094108

With any luck this will be true of all ideas. If there's going to be a marketplace of ideas, we need it to be deep-stocked with all available varieties. What a great world if all ideas persisted and became more prevalent as time passed.

>> No.4094124

I think there's a balance to be found. I think stoning women for adultery or saying it's awful for psychologists to study sex, or even abstinence only sex ed, is stupid.

At the same time, some sense of shame needs to be taught when some random brony posts on YouTube about how "clopping" (read: fapping to ponies) can be "classy."

Look, I don't give a shit if you want to watch a cartoon. I don't care if you jerk off to it. But I don't want to go on YouTube and stumble onto a video where you argue that masturbating can be "classy" and describe pornographic images of cartoon horses in detail. Keep that to forums and such that are intended for that kind of thing.

>> No.4094144

most sex positive people are perfectly okay with non-sex positive people, tho.

>> No.4094178

I think that his ideas about capitalism and the body need some updating (his thought about the the heredity and the homossexual couple doesn't work after the development of the institute (in this case, the law concept of institute) of adoption and the heritage, for example), and some stuff on law that i disagree with, but his influence on feminist criminology, and a lot of his insights on how the sex is a social construct etc etc will still be felt for at least 10 years, easily, even more because there are some big names (Butler, Agamben, for example) that love him

>> No.4094203

Looks like no one ITT has read Foucault and are name dropping others to not sound retarded.

>> No.4095072
File: 19 KB, 448x293, oscar-wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



How can that be possible on a /lit/erature board?

>> No.4095194

The universal construction of heteronormativity in patriarchy?

Are you seriously this naïve?

>> No.4095214

>literature board

On 4chan. There's your clue.

>> No.4096305

>dead white philosophers
>still relevant

>> No.4096314

>implying Oscar Wilde wasn't a cowardly little sissy boy

>> No.4096356

Every time I've tried to read him my brain has just fractured and collapsed. I guess I need to youtube some pleb documentary about the guy because I'm not familiar with his vernacular.

>> No.4096451

implying death, race, and philosophy aren't social constructs

not power gaming by trying to make these constructs irrelevant to some hypothesized authentic truth born out of true constructs

Dude's a fucking social construct. We are inventing him right now in this thread with images and textual memes of him constructed and contracted by society at large. He has no meaning beyond what we create based on the power potentials we wield over one another in our ability to negate and uplift socially constructed power agendas over one another by what he represents to whom he represents to us.

>> No.4096477

>anything but a mere crypto-normativist

>> No.4096479

and then what?

>> No.4096483

>self professed socialist
>not normative by definition.

>> No.4096507

I read 'Fearless Speech' today.

His discussion of the exchange between Diogenes and Alexander is quite insightful.

>> No.4096510


But all of that is asserted without evidence and can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.4096542

Can evidence only be physical? Can we never know ourselves? What about coherence and logic?