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/lit/ - Literature

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4089230 No.4089230 [Reply] [Original]

Earlier today there was a posting about Amanda Lindhout's new book. And a lot of /lit/s were turned on by the idea of a naive idealistic white feminist going to the heart of black Somalia, only to be enslaved and made a submissive Muslim sex slave by the very blacks she wanted to help.

Amazingly these kinds of stories were already found to be hot in 1899 by the Victorians!

Its amazing how many of my modern rape fantasies have such historical precedents. I've fantasized about this exact scenario, and I was amazed to discover that someone had already written it back in 1899. The writing has a real 19th Century Victorian feel to it which just adds to the humiliation of the Yankee Quaker women.

2 Do-Gooding Quaker women go South to run stations along the Underground railroad. They are captured by a lynch mob and publicly stripped in front of angry racists, who make lewd comments about the Abolitionist's pubic hair and private parts. And they get a very public whipping. And Dolly ends up becoming the sex slave of the southern plantation owner.

The book relates the misadventures of Quakers Dolly Morton and her companion Miss Dove who venture into the American South to help with an Underground Railroad.[4] They are captured by a lynch mob, flogged and made to ride the rail, and Dolly Morton is forced to be the mistress of a plantation owner.

>I thought that we merely would be tied in a sitting posture on the fence
with our clothes down. But I was soon undeceived! We were each
seized by two men who held our arms while a third man raised our
petticoats and pulled our drawers entirely off our legs. Then our skirts
were held high above our waists so that the whole lower parts of our
persons, both behind and before, were exposed to the lustful eyes of the
horrid men. Since they had already seen our bottoms, they all crowded
in front of us, gloating over the secret "spots" of our respective bodies,
while we, crimson with shame greater than ever, struggled and wept
and entreated the wretches to cover our nakedness. But they only
laughed, and two or three of them put their hands on the "spots." The
touch of their fingers making us start and shrink with a horrible feeling
of disgust.

>You have seen my "spot" and know what it is like; there is nothing
remarkable about it. But Miss Dean's "spot" was somewhat
remarkable. I had never seen it before, and I could not help looking at
it with astonishment. It was covered with a thick forest of glossy, darkbrown
hair which extended some distance up her belly and descended
between her thighs in curly locks nearly two inches long. The fissure
was completely hidden and not a trace of the lips could be seen.
One man, after a prolonged stare, exclaimed: "By Gosh! I've never seen
such a fleece between a woman's legs in my life! Darn me if she
wouldn't have to be sheared before a man could get into her."
The men roared with laughter at the remark, while Miss Dean groaned
and writhed in the bitterness of her shame.

>> No.4089231

Why is it that in fantasy rape scenarios it is so much hotter when evil wins and the 'good girl' ends up enslaved by the 'bad guy'?

Why is it less appealing to have the bad girl raped by the good guys?

>> No.4089235

Since its 1899 Public Domain, I'd love to have a woman read this for librivox. Since there are so many women out there who secretly love 50 Shades, maybe its not an impossible hope.

>> No.4089245

pornography is for plebs

>> No.4089248

Not in Victorian times. It was read by the elite in underground book clubs. They would pretend that this was actual Civil War history.

>> No.4089253

As a sadist I'm actually disappointed that 50 Shades has gone mainstream and so many girls love it.

Its the old joke. The Masochist says hit me, and the Sadist says no.

It takes all the pleasure out of sadism if the victim actually enjoys it.

>> No.4089257

> It was read by the elite

>implying the elite can't be and aren't very often plebs

elites today are the biggest plebs

>> No.4089259

>It takes all the pleasure out of sadism if the victim actually enjoys it.

I think you misconstrue the difference between BDSM and just being a creepy rapist-in-waiting.

>> No.4089265

There isn't a difference. BDSM is disgusting.

>> No.4089268

If by pleb you mean uncultured boob, I totally agree about TODAY'S Donald Trump financial elite, they have as much culture as Homer Simpson.

But the Victorian elite that fapped to this shit, read Greek and Latin. And the porno backstory of this novel actually goes into the history of the ante bellum South and shit. Not some plumber changing the pipes.

>> No.4089269


I see no difference between BDSM and, say, paintball. It's all playacting. No one gets raped in BDSM (ideally) and no one gets shot to death in paintball.

>> No.4089270

I'd rather just be a vanilla douchebag pick up artist, who leaves the girl the morning after crying and feeling used, then have fancy leather, whips and ballgags with a masochist slut who actually gets turned on by abuse. For me the whole pleasure comes from female pain and degradation.

>> No.4089272


Stretch a word far enough and it can mean its polar opposite, eh.

>> No.4089273

as much as I dont give a shit about 50 shades, I'm pretty disappointed its not going to be played by robert pattinson and kristen stewart

>> No.4089274

what you call 'bdsm' is actually a watered down, unnatural half mixture between normal and perverted. go read de sade. actual sadists don't want subjects who enjoy the abuse.

>> No.4089276

for me bdsm means fansadox comics, some of there stuff ranks as literature

>> No.4089278

>I see no difference between BDSM and, say, paintball.

Paintball simulates war, but not the brutal excesses of war. If paintball meant simulating firing squads and dumping bodies into mass graves rather than simulating the most basic violence and competitiveness of war, then I could agree with your analogy.

>> No.4089279

well let me put it this way

Pornography is not for the intellectual or moral elite. It might find its way into the social elite, but it could just as well (and does) exist in any social class.

>> No.4089281

obviously fictional works are a different case. i assume the person on the receiving end in these comics doesn't enjoy the suffering? it's a reflection of what sadists want in reality

>> No.4089283

So you are encouraging rape and murder?

A modernist would call you degenerate or mentally ill, but I think the old word 'damned' is better.

>> No.4089288

according to wikipedia this book was most likely written by Hugues Rebell.

In the enslavement of Yankee Quakers who went down South to free the slaves by a Confederate Uber you can really see his intellectual values as someone who wrote against Christianity and professed paganism while remaining a Catholic. An exponent of Friedrich Nietzsche, he was associated with Action Française.

He treats these Yankee do-gooders like they are his Negro slaves. And even his 'Negro' slaves are like 7/8th white.

IDK if its racist or whatever, but I find it more creepy that the type of slave-girls guys like Thomas Jefferson were raping- Sally Hemmings- were white for generations. Not that it be cool for him to rape a 14 year old black girl, but its just weirder that he kept a sex slave who was 3/4 white. And then their kids who were 7/8 white were still slaves. I mean the South basically had hot white girls as sex slaves, with one drop of Negro blood.

>> No.4089292

>So you are encouraging rape and murder?

don't know how you managed to infer that. what i'm saying is 90% of the time sadists want genuine suffering, and because of that i think it's probably dangerous for society to make moves towards accepting BDSM (50 shades etc). pandora's box, you know. someone can correct me if they want.

>> No.4089294

I've always been turned on by forced stripping, and its so much hotter on Victorian girls- who actually know shame (even the liberal/radical ones) than the degenerate sluts of today.

The Abolitionist girls is humiliated by being exposed wearing male pantaloons as undergarments, which today would just be called 'pants'. Victorian underwear would be conservative outerwear today.

>> No.4089298

As a Sadist, I'm rooting for the Feminists to win. Its only fun taming uppity feisty bitches. I hate the submissive 1950s girl next door, the anti-fems advocate. And its a real disappointment when EvoPsych and PUA are proved right and today's modern women actually do crave submission underneath. Unearned female submissiveness is boring.

>> No.4089302

It is interesting how far back our modern rape fantasy porn goes. The captured white girl in the Muslim harem for example.

>> No.4089303

Hello, my dear fellows.


>> No.4089310

You can read it online here-

>> No.4089313

>>4089230 twerk

>> No.4089316

Rape and murder and abnormal behavior will always fascinate people. This isn't something that was invented in the 1900s or something, you know.

>> No.4089318

What is it when you want to make people suffer emotional pain, rather than physical pain?

>> No.4089319

>Why is it that in fantasy rape scenarios it is so much hotter when evil wins and the 'good girl' ends up enslaved by the 'bad guy'?Why is it less appealing to have the bad girl raped by the good guys?

Because all women, due to them being the heirs to Eve's sin, are the bad girls?

Don't hate me, it's not what I believe, but it is the implicit assumption in much of 19thC morality. It's not about fixing the bad girls or the already fallen, it is about fixing the pride of the good girls that don't know they have fallen.

These kinds of stories, where civilised meets savage were incredibly popular during the expansion of the 18th-19thC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captivity_narrative Tales of sexual exploitation weren't permitted to be told in most of them but the stories set up a scenario where a savage rape and the destruction of virtue could easily be imagined.

>> No.4089332

>IDK if its racist or whatever, but I find it more creepy that the type of slave-girls guys like Thomas Jefferson were raping- Sally Hemmings- were white for generations. Not that it be cool for him to rape a 14 year old black girl, but its just weirder that he kept a sex slave who was 3/4 white. And then their kids who were 7/8 white were still slaves. I mean the South basically had hot white girls as sex slaves, with one drop of Negro blood.

FUCK, they really had all figured out.
Damn you Abraham. damn you to hell, I'm glad they shot your head out.

>> No.4089433

Actually that was one of the things that turned Abe so against slavery. He observed slave auctions where 16/18th White Girls would be sold naked, and the auctioneer would lewdly and explicitly market her for her sexual uses. It was the sexual nature of slavery even more so than the cotton-picking that disgusted the Puritan North. And there were tons of expose novels, similar to the one ITT, describing in lurid detail the sexual slavery of the Quadroons who were for all intents and purposes white girls. The White Masters would inject their white sperm into them generation after generation, but they would inherit their mom's sex slave status.

>> No.4089475

Damn. I mean, seriously, think about it, who in the fuck would WANT to give up slavery? No wonder the South fought until the end for this shit.

>> No.4089520

Oh, I don't know....maybe people with morals....just sayin'...

>> No.4089539

this is /lit/, the most narrow-minded, elitist board on 4chan, why would you expect empathy for anyone that isn't an able-bodied, successful, socieable, chauvinistic Republican American Caucasian Christian white heterosexual alpha male?

>> No.4089545

Yeah, tell me how strong those morals are whenever you have some sexy octoroon slave slobbering on your pole. Sheeeeeeit.

>> No.4089549

>an able-bodied, successful, socieable, chauvinistic Republican American Caucasian Christian white heterosexual alpha male?
I think you're thinking of /pol/, there, man. The only one of those things that is even remotely true about /lit/ is that the board as a whole is perhaps one percent more religious than irreligious.

>> No.4089553

Believe it or not, I may not have to actually enslave an octoroon to get them slobbering thus. In fact, I increase my chances of having an octoroon slobbering on my pole by allowing them the opportunity to do so voluntarily. See how that works? I prefer ethically sound pole slobbering.

>> No.4089556

I'm not even into black chicks at all, but imagine Rashida Jones as your sex slave, and shes just 1/2.

You go a few generations 1/8 1/16 1/32, and your talking white sex slavery.

>> No.4089566
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>> No.4089570
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>> No.4089571

>as if you could spot a difference between /li/ and /pol/ nowadays
>as if even /b/ wasn't more open and accepting than this shithole.

The problem with /lit/ is that the people here are just using literature as an excuse to be racist and sexist faggots (and of course to rub their dicks all over DFWs corpse)

>> No.4089627

I don't know about that. Religious people are just far more vocal here. There is a general anxiety to be one-step cooler than ribbit, so the traditional "Mouthy Atheist/Quiet Theist" set up is turned on its head: atheism is constantly badmouthed here, and most atheists wouldn't even admit to being atheist as they know they'll receive ridicule, or at the very least be seen to be resembling the fedora caste. There is nothing particularly wrong with this, arguably being an atheist, or an agnostic or a theist genuinely isn't anything worth bringing up anyway, definitely not worth boasting about.

>> No.4089637 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard. The DFW fans and the /pol/tards are not the same people at all. It's the /pol/tards who worship the Classics and constantly moan about postmodernism. Note how a few years ago when the DFW fans were more prevalent on the board there were almost no edgy racists or sexists.

>> No.4089641

The edgemeisters are just a fad. They'll get bored eventually. They've corrupted every single other board though. Fucking /pol/, the worst containment board ever.

>> No.4089643

there was?

>shit I'm a newfag

>> No.4089644

the /pol/tards don't even do that, if they did that I probably wouldn't mind them. I mean, they would probably agree with those positions, but in terms of what they actually talk about, it's all redpills nignog liberals jews. just the worst.

>> No.4089661

>newfag has a question

what is the deal with redpills?

>> No.4089669

>white feminist going to the heart of black Somalia, only to be enslaved and made a submissive Muslim sex slave by the very blacks she wanted to help.

sounds like that libtard who went to Africa and was raped, then blamed it on whitey

or that one that was killed and the parents forgave the killers

>> No.4089672

>or that one that was killed and the parents forgave the killers

This would be the correct stance in a civilized society - however, most liberal first worlders are currently forgetting the fact that most other 'civilizations' are at least four centuries behind intellectually.

>> No.4089675


>people with morals

that thing that blacks don't have? since they commit more than 50% of the crimes in America. I don't explicitly endorse slavery but if you can't see why some people wouldthen you're probably a sheltered little suburban faggot.

>> No.4089683

I *can* see why they would. Because they don't have the same moral code I do, that's why. Luckily there are more of us than them, 'cause they're disorganized pussies who won't do their own work.

>> No.4089694


You say that as if you don't even notice the degradation.

>> No.4089696

enough edges to cut an entire lawn, mah boi. What do you gain from your world view?

>> No.4089705

not that guy but peace of mind

>> No.4089730

What a misinformed opinion. If you're older than 15 and still have it, you're likely of below average intelligence.

>> No.4089733

but I have that too, and I don't have to put down other kinds of people to accomplish it.

>> No.4089735 [DELETED] 

It's factually correct. Blacks do commit roughly 50% of America's crimes.

>> No.4089736
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my nigger

>> No.4089744

specify which kinds of crime first, "blacks do X" is an overgeneralisation only faggots actually use. Every kind of crime? Embezzlement? Drunk driving? Fraud? Tax dodging?

Secondly, kill yourself, you'll go to a place where only pure bred Aryan alphas like you get to enjoy the ever moist caress of virgin pussy. All the others are just jealous.

>> No.4089745

well good for you then

>> No.4089750

but I do have a chuckle at people with so great an inferiority complex that they must belittle those different from themselves.

>feels slightly euphoric

>> No.4089751


we're just going to ignore statistics and logic now?


pretty sure disliking criminals is the opposite of edgy. maybe try to comprehend what you read a little before getting offended.

>> No.4089755

It's not an inferiority complex, it's actually a superiority complex. Racists just acknowledge their race is the best one, which is why it feels so good to be one, and to share those feelings with like-minded bros.

>> No.4089761
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my point is that people forget the hottest part of Southern slavery, the nearly-white slavegirls as sextoys

you could even rape your own 1/16 Quadroon White-looking daughter and then sell her when you were done

Its common knowledge that white slaveowners kept their slaves as concubine sex slaves. But who would want an ugly Nigger as a sex slave? The point is, as far as physical appearance was concerned they looked totally white. You can believe what you want about preserving pure DNA, as far as the dick knows raping sex slaves go a 1/16 1/32 is a white girl.

google images says THIS piece of ass could be sold as property. You could own her like a cow or horse. She might even be your own daughter.

>> No.4089763


>belittle those different from themselves.

I belittle criminals. there are certainly upstanding minorities. it should be obvious by now that most "racists" are not xenophobes that blindly hate every minority, but rather have a specific motivation behind it due to experience with certain kinds of minorities.

but naw, keep throwing those logical fallacies out, sure justifies your undiscerning worldview.

>> No.4089767

Fugggg :DD

>> No.4089768

maybe it be hotter is she were a half-sister

>> No.4089769

why would you want this? Are you all edges or do you really, honestly lack empathy? Actually, I don't even care. Goodbye /lit/.

>> No.4089771

Well lascivious erotic horror tales of near-white Quadroon women being auctioned off for sexual slavery by their own dads has a rich tradition in 19th Century /LIT/erature

>> No.4089773

>being this sheltered

>> No.4089775


Actually Quadroon sex slave porn probably did more to turn Northern public opinion against slavery more than anything else, while also fapping while reading it

>> No.4089777

Like how erotic stories of Marie Antoinette femdoming her 7 year old son helped bring the French Revolution

>> No.4089959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4089996


I love how you refrain from mentioning the worst crimes: murder and rape.

yeah, but you're right, whitey has tax embezzlement on lock down, the horror!

>> No.4090042
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Kinda gross, incest and pedatrism. Honestly, people who write these stories make me hesitant to trust humanity.

>> No.4090058

The problem is that even if 50% or 70% or 90% of crimes are committed by a certain minority or ethnicity or insert whatever identity, it's a leap of logic to assume that EVERYONE in that group is a criminal. I won't dispute your statistics, but I will dispute your conclusions because they are incorrect. Not all blacks or whatever group it's trendy to hate on are criminals and until you can prove that there is some unifying characteristic that makes them separate from human and they don't deserve freedom then it's stupid to romanticize slavery.

>> No.4090064 [DELETED] 

They deserve freedom. I'm 100% against racial violence and oppression. I just don't think they should be allowed into white society, same way we wouldn't let chimps into white society. Sure, not _all_ chimps are violent, but enough of them are that they should be treated with caution.

>> No.4090070

Please share with me this critical mass on what number of crimes they have to commit where if they commit one more crime then all of a sudden they should not be allowed in society.
Also, could I get clarification on what constitutes white. Is it done with DNA testing or is it the eye test or is it based off of lineage?

>> No.4090072

Someone write an erotic romance with Jefferson and Sally as the main characters.

>> No.4090086

I am Spanish. A big part of my country was ruled by Moorish people nine hundred years ago until they were expelled in 1492. A Spanish conquistador discovered America.

It's probable that an ancestor of mine fucked a moor.

In your opinion, am I still considered white? Do I have the great honor of being a member of "white society" (whatever that is)?

>> No.4090093

Oh man this thing is golden. That second paragraph, I just can imagine some old fashioned lady going during the 1900 "Oh!".

>> No.4090104

Not the same guy, but I also don't think racial integration is generally a good idea, and something like this could solve a number of problems:


>> No.4090110
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I DO want to read this

post source pls

>> No.4090130

I suppose it's your right to hold that belief, and I think that it could be feasible to have individuals make decisions on to whom they provide services, but I'm trying to illustrate that these are sticky issues and that one size fits all solutions like the guy up there are doomed to failure. Also, perhaps he only objects to the crime component of minorities, but they'll often cite intelligence too, creating the irony that they engage in the shallow kind of thinking that they fear other minorities for.

>> No.4090135
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>no, you see, when I called you a "nigger," I was not referring to all Blacks but to those I generally dislike
end yourself

>> No.4090200

Well writing those stories helped bring down the oppressive Bourbon Ancien Regime and usher in a new age of liberty.

But yeah it was pretty humiliating in court, when Marie Antoinette had to openly answer charges of pedoincest.

Her answer was 'nature refuses to answer such a charge made to a mother'

>> No.4090203

back then women actually had shame about being exposed

>> No.4090210

a lot of graphic cartoons drawn too of the Queen fucking everyone

>> No.4090225

anyone have comments on the actual novel? I found it pretty erotic for its time. I just love the idea of an Abolitionist girl forced to be the sex slave of a plantation owner.

>> No.4090235


why would I call an upstanding black man a nigger? it's specifically used to differentiate between the good and the bad.

it's not like I even said it in this thread.

>> No.4090243
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So it was slander against her to polarize the people, by making her a pedoincester?

>> No.4090286

I'm incredibly turned on by the idea of an anti-slavery activist being taunted by a lynch mob for having a hairy bush.

And since she was wearing pantaloons they put their fingers up her slit, to make sure she was a woman

>> No.4090289

who says it aint true?

>> No.4090341

You, sir, are a seriously fucked-up individual.

As to the rest of you posting in this thread, you are swimming against the current. We are all humans. /thread.

>> No.4090367

I just find the utter degradation and humiliation awesomely arousing. And the idea of an abolitionist girl being a sex slave to a plantation owner is hot.

>> No.4090386

"The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series"
-Wikipedia article on Fiddy Shades

The whole getting off on being dominated or dominating is the product of a diseased imagination reinforced by pointless and tedious gender roles. The women who enjoy being called sluts are prudes at heart. Men who relish control in bed are the same sort who fantasize about fighting people with guns and driving fast cars.

>> No.4090394
File: 221 KB, 1330x209, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gruesome description of modern-day rape, unfortunately nonfiction

>> No.4090403

Sexual assault, yeah, but not rape.

>> No.4090404


I've had girls pinch my butt without my consent

does that mean I've been raped?

>> No.4090412

its not a rape. but I wouldnt exactly call it PC feminazi overkill to treat it seriously, which I assume is what whoever screenshotted it for 4chan is implying

>> No.4090421

>5' 7"

of course

>> No.4090427

It means you were sexually assaulted. It's like being groped. As a man I generally enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it's not longer sexual assault. A woman might love being raped, but that doesn't mean it's not rape.

>> No.4090429

>pointless and tedious gender roles


>> No.4090435

As a guy with a huge stripping and humiliation fetish, its too bad we don't live in an era where a girl would actually be ashamed about being seen in public in her underwear

>> No.4090439

Aaaaaaaand that's why you're fucked up.

>> No.4090444

>>>>>/missing the point/

>> No.4090449

well obviously a lot of Victorians found it arousing

>> No.4090457
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Was it?

>> No.4090461

It was written by a member of Action Francais which
were basically proto-Nazis. So of course they like the idea of those who fight for equality being made sexually submissive to their natural superiors.

>> No.4090470

I'm sorry I have to resort to this, but...
>Thinking like a victorian-age pervert

Trying to justify your fetishes by the standards of a bygone time says way more about you and your character than you think.

>> No.4090481

aren't we much more perverted now?

>> No.4090479

>Dolly Morton

Some hot Victorian spanking pics if you google image search Dolly Morton

yeah look at that white yankee abolitionist bitch having her white ass whipped and taught her place as a nigger-lover. now she gets 2b a slave tooo!

>> No.4090563
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Never have I gone to tumblr. Using that assumption to invalidate any argument that gender roles are boring is as juvenile as using the fedora assumption against any criticism of religion. No matter how supposedly sexually kinky you like to pretend dominating a woman is, it's still in fact as socially vanilla as you can get.

>proponent of body shame
Are you having your grandson do the typing for you?

>> No.4090575

it would be so much hotter to strip women in public if they had some more Victorian body shame

>> No.4090607

It would be much more fun to rob a gas station if Hindus actually got scared.

>> No.4090683


But they do.
It's the sikh cashiers that aren't little bitches.

>> No.4090702

Aren't you ignoring points right and left?

>> No.4090752

All Asians are fucking stingy and contrary as fuck, even with a goddamn sawn-off in their faces.

>> No.4090785

Learn to be at peace and a 410 looks irrelevant.

>> No.4090810


>the french revolution


its somewhat scary just how successful this memetic parasite has been at blinding people to reality and rewriting history, how many people in the west for instance thought that a communist backed soufrican terrorist is a paragon of human dignity and progress?

>> No.4090920

Low intelligence is probably the biggest reason why so many black people are criminals.

>> No.4091081

im not a french marquis so its liberte enough for me

>> No.4091178
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>seriously believes the French Revolution wasn't something that was relevant for the cause of bringing about liberty throughout Europe and the Americas

>> No.4091247

Dolly got a phat azz...

>> No.4092513

He used to say that a woman should never be "had" twice in succession
in the same way, and he told me that if a man always poked a woman
in the same position, he would get tired of her sooner than if he varied
the embraces.
After my shame had worn off and I had got used to being stroked in
this way, I discovered that there was a strain of voluptuousness in my
disposition, and, though I never liked Randolph, I was not adverse to
his embraces. I always let him do what he liked, by day or night,
without murmuring; and he often told me that I was a "very good
mount." (Randolph was a man who always called a "spade a spade.")
I don't think that after my arrival in the house he had much to do with
the slave girls; anyhow, he always slept with me, and it was rarely that
a night passed without his poking me once at least.
I should have been better pleased had he let me more alone at night,
for I was a sound sleeper and I hated being awakened to be pulled
about in all sorts of ways and then poked in some uncomfortable

>> No.4092521

>Why is it that in fantasy rape scenarios it is so much hotter when evil wins and the 'good girl' ends up enslaved by the 'bad guy'?
>Why is it less appealing to have the bad girl raped by the good guys?

Because you're an evil person that doesn't believe in correcitve rape.

>> No.4092531

Given the fact that twerks makes pads fly away, and the twerkers are proud of it, I can't really understand the hoopla about Hannah Montana twerking? If anything, she uplifted it.

>> No.4092533

why is it a turn on to see the good guy dominate the bad girl?

>> No.4092536

I love the idea of women being hate-fucked by the opposite of whatever they believe in

>> No.4092542

Don't know.

No-no-no! Corrective rape is done with love.

>> No.4092547

>No-no-no! Corrective rape is done with love.
Amateur. All the pros are reading man/man interrogation narratives. Janos Kadar lost his balls to the GuLag.

>> No.4092549


You're afraid of women with independent thoughts and feel the need to destroy them.

No, really.

>> No.4092555

yeah thats hot

>> No.4092564

>Janos Kadar
wikipedia doesnt say so

>> No.4095063

women need to be hurt and abused

>> No.4095199



Kadar was claiming to have been castrated before 1956.

>> No.4095203

Maybe I both love and fear them, and rather than needing to destroy them, I need to chastise them in the context of them needing to be chastised.

In a society of universalised oppression of women, playing with the nature of that oppression is not in itself oppressive except to the extent to which all actions are oppressive.

Failing to whip sexy intelligent powerful women's buttocks because I fear and adore them would be JUST AS SEXIST.

>> No.4095245

You seem to be under the delusion women's actions revolve around or always come back to your sexuality/sexual gratification. My advice, of which you are in dire need of: stop thinking with your penis. Doing so is unfortunate. Calling yourself a "sadist", to boot... Lame.

>> No.4095253

You come across as autistic. Just saying.

>> No.4095278

You come across as a right cunt mate. Go read some basic BDSM theory and third wave feminism and get back to us when you're ready to play.

>> No.4095293

>As a Sadist
>50 Shades

1. Why did you ever think that was a good book?
2. They're all going to die or suffer some form of irreversible physical damage from all the horrible ways of doing any act in that book. (I.E. using fucking wire to tie a girl up what are you a retard don't go do that jfc)

>> No.4095313

>Third Wave Feminism

Look, I've got nothing against women, or really Feminism as an ideology, but Third Wave Feminism ruined the Feminist movement, and created the idiots that troll around tumblr talking about how oppressed they are for being women, being skinny, being fat, etc., etc. etc.

As far as BDSM theory, to me, personally, I think the vast majority of it is complete crock.

If you need a bunch of rules to love someone, fuck them, etc., then what's the point of it all?

I can understand some submissives NEED that rigidity, discipline, etc., but the vast majority of all the BDSM books and shit I've read are fucking retarded.

And then you see people talking about how to be a good Dom and shit, and it's all about being a bitch and respecting limits and blah blah blah.

It's all fucking idiotic.

If you need a fucking handbook on fucking how to love someone, respect them, and fucking fuck them (unless you actually don't know how to have sex or some shit), then what the fuck are you doing trying to do any of it?

You're (the person that needs those texts) are clearly too immature and unready for all of that if you have to have it full of rules and shit.

>> No.4095315

Also, this is my opinion, don't get mad at me and start yelling about how I understand none of it, alright?

I'm just saying that it's all wayyyyy too much bullshit for something that should come naturally and easy to a couple, group, etc.

>> No.4095332

>Also, this is my opinion, don't get mad at me and start yelling about how I understand none of it, alright?
Your opinion is worth fucking shite due to lack of reading. Go back to fucking /pol/.

Yeah, this is why you need to read 3rd wave feminism. Not because it is correct, but because it denaturalises an unnatural experience.

Your opinion is worth shit, stop shitting yourself in public.

>If you need a bunch of rules to love someone, fuck them, etc., then what's the point of it all?
What is heterosexuality?

Fuck me mate you're one dumb cunt.,

>> No.4095420

1. I didn't think it was a good book. I haven't read it, I checked the wiki to see if there was any juicy bdsm scenes, but its more just romantic dominance than fansadox.

2. If theres more kinky dangerous shit in 50, let me know

>> No.4095443

The entire series is a horrible train wreck.
I mean, the dude makes her sign a contract of being his slave or some shit the first night they're together, if I'm correct.

It's basically rape, the entire series.

Also, there's a lot of manipulation, and Grey is a bitch and doesn't even know how to be a good Dom or anything he's just like some fag off 4chan who finally got power over the fucking stupidest girl on the face of the planet.

But the fandom of Grey does the same thing the fandom of Lolita does half the time (the idiots of the fandom, anyway).

>It's love! That's why he does it! He needs her, she needs him, it's love!

No, it's obsession, abuse, and shitty.

>Shitty doesn't apply to Lolita because Nobokov is a great writer, as opposed to Twilight fanfics.

>> No.4095455

I truly believe that the relationship in Lolita was pure love, and that Nabokov intended it as such.

>> No.4095539

>this is my fetish

Is there any good material on this?

>> No.4095549

You are a fucking idiot.



>> No.4095565

What about submissive men and dominant women?

>> No.4095572

Very expensive sexual services.

>> No.4095573

Probably because the good guys generally aren't rapists.

>> No.4095580


>>>/gas chamber/

>> No.4095792

alright but its emotional abuse. not kicking her ass abuse

>> No.4095801
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that's relative

>> No.4095969

So why is there a massive genre of Soviet Soldiers raping Germans? This is pretty much definitional of the Good Guy rapes Evil Women.

>> No.4095975
File: 993 KB, 236x224, y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet Soldiers
>Good Guy

>> No.4095991


Bunch of Soviet Jews and Goys rape pure-blooded white women. Very clear Evil raping Good scenario.

>> No.4096007

>Very clear Evil raping Good scenario.
German women were universally culpable for the Holocaust (Goldhagen).
Soviet Soldiers were acting in an anti-fascist way to liberate Europe.

It is obviously good raping evil.

Bit more complex when they raped Polish women to death though.

>> No.4096017 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 981x543, nicetrypatriarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone be culpable for something which didn't happen? Check your misogyny at the door, bigot.

>> No.4096024

>implying rape can be used as a means for justice
>implying it is anything but fascist, in the basest sense

you are kidding yourself and possibly of a jewish or russian background

the Soviets did very bad things

>> No.4096045

is there a genre? I know it happened, but can't find much porn of it

>> No.4096051

So incarceration is fine? Nice hypocrisy. Both violate fundamental liberal democratic conceptions of individuality. Nice sexist particularisation of female identity as sex.

>> No.4096059

Read more history.

>> No.4096095

hahaha big red

>> No.4096273
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/pol/, please go

>> No.4096325


>> No.4096329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4096332
File: 18 KB, 300x300, datassOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAT white mound

>> No.4096339
File: 44 KB, 613x656, IMG_20130908_021958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppum Gungdat ass

>> No.4096342
File: 41 KB, 552x513, butdatassdough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAT ASS has got to go.

>> No.4096346
File: 32 KB, 552x569, datasswhyyousofine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty assy

>> No.4096349
File: 49 KB, 402x402, ReneDescartes376131402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in the thread knows what too do.

>> No.4096351
File: 34 KB, 496x363, IMG_20130908_022719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd king on her hill, I tell ya what.

>> No.4096357

>too do

>> No.4096364
File: 159 KB, 995x575, aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar like: The Memoirs of Dolly DAT ASS Morton

>> No.4096371
File: 37 KB, 554x386, httpssphotosb.xx.fbcdn.nethphotosprn113583_569381589765751_1294764927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a slave, to DAT ass

>> No.4096375
File: 317 KB, 1612x1790, Mills1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll allow it

>> No.4096382
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>> No.4096384
File: 32 KB, 558x339, You_shall_dat_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gandalf wills it

>> No.4096394
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You can give it too.

>> No.4096399
File: 31 KB, 291x395, datass_o_579694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I read this book

>> No.4096402
File: 28 KB, 309x400, datassjefferson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd duel a man to get a sniff of that crack

>> No.4096406
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Mfw image
Mfw thread

>> No.4096411
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>> No.4096419
File: 17 KB, 249x211, 1373613151566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious to bear

>> No.4096452
File: 278 KB, 490x278, 1358248549589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I do declare.

>> No.4096511

This is a much earlier bit of exploitation, a publishing sensation in Protestant England and one of many possible candidates for the title of 'the first modern novel.' Much less filthy, but indicates a long-term precedent.


>> No.4096738

her fat ass is actually a major plot point of the book

>> No.4096746

ffs, stop samefagging

>> No.4097869

whats the most rapeist old time novel?

>> No.4098933

120 Days

>> No.4099832

You should ask that on r9k

>> No.4100649

yeah i love seeing a nigger-loving white girl treated like the very slaves she loves so much