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/lit/ - Literature

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4081582 No.4081582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think /lit/ might be the most pretentious place on the internet. Congratulations on not having anyone liking you.

>> No.4081588

*tips fedora*

>> No.4081592

your mum likes me every night

>> No.4081597

y u so bitter?

>> No.4081599

This isn't a "place", retard. It has no location or dimensions.

>> No.4081601

The servers for /lit/ have a locations so /lit/ technically is a place, just one none of us are at.

>> No.4081610
File: 76 KB, 239x239, 1359192487986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like you, you pretentious and pseudo-intellectual fuckers

>> No.4081611

Clearly never been to /mu/.

>> No.4081616

/mu/ really isn't that pretentious, the average poster there admits that they don't have a insight into that much music. Posters who do have said insight, like CLT, Ame, etc might be dickheads but they can concede in a lot of arguments. The only really pretentious poster there is Hampus and everyone hates him.

>> No.4081624

pretentious has become synonymous with intelligence. thanks for the compliment.

>> No.4081630


No it's not, It's synonymous with expendable piece of shit who we would all be better off without.

>> No.4081631


You're basically just proving his point, you know.

>> No.4081635


>> No.4081639

Genuine question: what makes people want to be like that? By "like that" I mean so pretentious that most people would find you repulsive.

Are you guys like that in real life?

>> No.4081643

>still liking people
>being a pleb
Get lost

>> No.4081647

>*tips fedora*

two words that kind of ruined this page for me.

>> No.4081648

>expendable piece of shit who we would all be better off without.

oh no! the proles are catching on, quick bar the party compound doors, spread news of a new war with reddit and announce an extra round of lotteries this week... double prizes.. double prizes for all lottery winners!

>> No.4081651

meh, i don't understand why people would want to be pretentious- you're selling a lie of yourself to others whether IRL or online. if people like "you" more for spouting opinions or displaying mannerisms that aren't genuinely your own and naturally found in you, they're liking your imaginary friend who you wish was real so much you're willing to 24/7cosplay as them. it's dumb in ways that even five year olds with imaginary friends aren't
saged because OP is obviously trolling for attentions and not /lit/ related

>> No.4081654

Ofc not, I only come to /lit to post something like 'no discernible talent' or point out that Foucault was a homo etc. I haven't even read most of those guys like Derrida or Lacan, I think that's just useless drivel.

>> No.4081658
File: 520 KB, 432x694, david wong shoplifting from cracked apparrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all it's pretension there sure are a lot of people here who shamelessly read YA and genre lit

>> No.4081662

You see OP, we're all failures here. We don't have GFs, we don't feel loved, we don't have jobs or if we do they're shitty, nobody is ever going to read us, nobody is ever going to take a look in our eyes and truly understand us. Realize we're just being dicks because it's the only way we can cope. All we want is another person to look into our eyes, not at our eyes, but into our eyes. And get it. We crave human contact, just like everyone else does. Nothing else matters, you're not going to remember anything else on your dying bed. Even now, the only things worth remembering are banal moments, devoid of superficially assigned meanings of success. I don't remember any of my successes, none of my failures. All my memories that have any meaning to me have to do with human touch. From having a beer on a late afternoon with my friends, to holding a girl and looking into her eyes. And have her look back into my eyes. I don't even remember one night stands, I don't remember fucking. I remember making love, and making love only happens through emotional connection. It's not that your cock is sliding into a vagina that makes it good, it's that you get to look into a caring soul while your cock slides into a vagina. Life has always been about moments, not things. Everyone on /lit/ knows it, and they will hate descriptions like these, precisely for that reason. We're just poor lost souls, we don't know any better. We've already asked ourselves "Is this all there is to it?", and we know the answer is yes. A lot of us are upset, that we have to travel this road. But the destination is what makes it worth it. Once you finally cross the finish line, knowing that the breeze on your face, the smell of a freshly fallen snow is all you have, you feel great. It's not an easy road to take. At the end of it all, some will never make it through to the end. They will turn back, they will get lost. I've made it all across, for the first time I have finally made it. It's quite a relief, I don't feel the pull to go back. I don't feel like going back to the rat race again. But I see my brothers here, and they're just coping with the fact that they're on the road. And you can't berate them for that. Rather encourage them, tell them it gets better. Most won't make it. That's the reality of it, and most here are still just at the beginning. You see the angst, and you see the fact that they haven't even started for good. They're still struggling to accept they're on their own now. A lot will go back, back to the familiarity of the old. It's the easier path to take. Rarely is easier the right thing to do though. What you put in, is what you get out. You reap what you sow. And for a lot of them, the bill will only come out once they're old and the end is near. Like a bill for a surprisingly expensive dinner, except it's for your life. Don't judge these poor souls wandering across the streets of their minds. They need to find their home address, that's all.

>> No.4081669
File: 20 KB, 233x307, Philip_k_dick_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what exactly is wrong with genre lit, nerd?

>> No.4081685

I just don't get why we're addicted to the sadism of merciless criticizing another man's character.

>> No.4081688

We can call it what we want. It all just starts to sound like territorial grunts.

>> No.4081707

Good one OP. Everybody knows /tv/ has the most elitist taste out of all of the boards here on 4chan.

>> No.4081733

OP has never been to >>/mu/

>> No.4081736


>> No.4081742

Wow, that was beautiful...

>> No.4081750

Nothing, if you care more about robots and dragons than you do prose or lack of cliches.

>> No.4081768


>> No.4081780

Real talk.

>> No.4082669

You should see /sci/. They even refuse to speak in layman's terms.

>> No.4082740

Those on here who seem pretentious are overcompensating for their countless shortcomings in life. You should pity us; you should empathize with us; but you shouldn't hate us. We're just men of genius who refuse to adapt to the philistine worlds we live in. You can't hate us for that.

>> No.4082744

How do you know it's useless drivel if you haven't read it? fuckin nerd

>> No.4082745

>They even refuse to speak in layman's terms.
/sci/ only speaks in laymen's terms. Only a handful of non-regulars know what they're talking about.

>> No.4082749

Fuck this thread. It's always the "pretentious" "elitists" who get shit. None of you neckbeards ever look within and question your own assumptions about fantasy writing being on the same plane as literary writing or whatever other stupid egalitarian things you assume must be true across the board.

>> No.4082754

Seems like you're projecting. Not everyone have the same priorities in life as you. You don't know what makes other people happy. It's very obvious from your post that you know very little about people but yourself. You're just get off on generalizing a group of people you don't know.

>> No.4082756


>> No.4082759

lol @ the anons who think everyone on here is just as pathetic as they are.

actually its kind of sad when i think about it.

>> No.4082779

>None of you neckbeards ever look within and question your own assumptions about fantasy writing being on the same plane as literary writing or whatever other stupid egalitarian things you assume must be true across the board.
What's funny is that the result of your baseless assumptions is the conclusion that the opposing party is making baseless assumptions

>> No.4082785

I just don't get why so many people on 4chan need love and human contact and shit like that so much. I don't understand. This isn't about 'being lonely' either, because I'm sure there are people here who aren't lonely fat virgins and who have girlfriends and friends but they also seem to be completely obsessed with it. If you ask people in here what their number 1 worry in the world is everybody is gonna say 'finding true love' or some shit like that. What the fuck?? What the fuck does love matter? You need fucking money to buy food and shelter so you can survive and do things that give you pleasure, not fucking love. What the fuck. I get that it makes you happy, but it doesn't make sense making it a priority. If I had the chance to get the perfect girl or get a million dollars I'd take the million dollars without even looking back. Hell, I'd do it for 10 grand for fuck's sake. Love (and friendship) are not even in my top three priorities in life.
I don't understand this shit. It sounds like something a woman would think, but most people here are men. Am I the only one who feels like this?

I also don't understand why would someone start a fire so if anyone is willing to answer this for me I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.4082789

>I don't understand rhetoric.

You aren't ready to talk to me yet.

>> No.4082795

You haven't experienced love, m8.

>> No.4082799

you sound like a faggot

>> No.4082804

>tfw haven't fell in love

>> No.4082806

>tfw most of you are agreeing with >>4081662

time to leave the board i guess.

>> No.4082809


You sound like the kind of person I'm taller than and could easily beat up. Sure, a large assumption, I'm just going off of your tone. Pussy.

>> No.4082812

I have, once, and it never made me happy. It ended in a heartbreak, which felt better than being in love. But even when I was in love, I would value money and my survival over my girlfriend's life. Because it makes sense.

>> No.4082815

>my girlfriend's life
not quite what I meant to say but that too
I valued my life and survival more than I did our relationship

>> No.4082816


Narcissism is honesty.

>> No.4082817

Link me to your bb.com profile if you want to match stats. I ain't no manlet.

>> No.4082818

>being this dependent on a whore

>> No.4082820

Said the narcissist.

>> No.4082821


Said another.

>> No.4082827

>post excerpt
>ask criticism formulated in a normal way
>ask specifically not to tell me to kill myself
>before entirety of excerpt can even be read receive reply telling me to kill myself

Fuck you /lit/

>> No.4082828

What about /lit/ makes them seem superior?

>> No.4082831

duude no please I didn't mean it please don't kill yourself I started another thread where I explain it all, the one with the sadfrog as a pic
please let me read your stuff and seriously rate it, just don't kill yourself

>> No.4082839

not the sharpest pencil in the pencil case are you?

>> No.4082840
File: 30 KB, 276x310, 1342196408131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All we want is another person to look into our eyes, not at our eyes, but into our eyes

>> No.4082856

no ur mom is

>> No.4082867

They're bitter literary rejects.
They lack civil sensibilities, lord what little talent they have on an anonymous imageboard, will go to any lengths to crap on another man's writing, all because they are hacks.

>> No.4082891

I never got that feeling. I always feel comfortable lurking here, it reminds me of my old English teacher.

>> No.4082897

TL;DR. Stopped when you started with the eyes bullshit and penis in vagina action. Why am I here and not reading something worthwhile again?

>> No.4082903

Because you love the false sense of superiority it offers you.

>> No.4082954
File: 86 KB, 615x407, 1364687059893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.4082965

I'd really rather have immortality, I can read and reflect on it for all eternity.

>> No.4083008
File: 694 KB, 757x939, goodfellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this fucking board - yet I keep coming back.

I don't know why.

>> No.4083031

You like the pain.

>> No.4083034

Go post this here:

Best haiku I've read today.