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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 200x281, stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4079821 No.4079821 [Reply] [Original]

Was this supposed to be mindblowing? Or is that only if you've somehow never heard of existentialism before?

>> No.4079842

back to highschool faggot

>> No.4079841

If you observe discussion of the book on reddit, you will realize that to those people it is mindblowing, so yes, it was supposed to be mindblowing.

It's his first novel though, so I think he should be cut some slack. I hear La peste and La chute are much better (maybe one day I'll get around to reading them).

>> No.4079857

It's a quick read with a somewhat decent plot and substance. Nothing more nothing less.

>> No.4079869

Because when you are done with it you realize you just enjoyed yourself.

>> No.4079873

Nothing is supposed to be anything.

>> No.4079916

You need to read the plague bro. It's The Stranger with substance and character development. My favorite book.

>> No.4079930

A poorly crafted work written by a hack.

>> No.4080264

A poorly crafted post written by a shit-spewing buttmonkey.

Wooo I can do it too!

>> No.4080292

It annoyed me. Why didn't he try to defend himself in court? What was his problem?
It was far too postmodern for my taste. Everything was so ultimately insubstantial that I couldn't be suffered to give a shit.

>> No.4080299

What's the matter? Can't find an argument?

>> No.4080314

I went into the book expecting my world to be turned upside down and came out disappointed and annoyed.

>> No.4080316

Not that Anon but you didn't make an argument either.

>> No.4080323

It's a perfect argument. What are you? A retard?

>> No.4080328

>far too postmodern
Camus has nothing to do with postmodernism and whenever I see someone just throw the "postmodern" label at something I want to punch a baby.

>> No.4080352


Oy vey

>> No.4080358

I'm pretty sure part of it is that he was fucked anyway because of not caring about his mother dying, the impression of which is pretty much the caretaker and director's fault as much as his. His character witnesses, like Salamano, are useless. The trial essentially became the paracide trial that comes after his, which Camus hints at, not of the actual murder he commited. Also, on a more literal level, whenever he tried to talk his lawyer wouldnt let him.

I thought it was good. Hated the philosophy behind it though. I think it's better as just a story about a guy who's deeply traumatized by his mother's death and doesnt know how to deal with it.
Also, The Fall is pretty great.

>> No.4080532

>I went into the book expecting my world to be turned upside down and came out disappointed and annoyed.
So it did turn your world upside down by not turning your world upside down

>> No.4080537

you are far too prestructuralist to understand the occult postlinguistic issues that postpermeate the posthidden postnarratives in the posttext
>post is to us what ism is to the 19th century

>> No.4080539
File: 4 KB, 125x116, hand-drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this supposed to be mindblowing? Or is that only if you've somehow never heard of fire making before?

>> No.4080569

le stranger is le leddit tier m8, don't believe everything you hear

>> No.4080572

anon pls, stop being an ignorant retard

>> No.4080577

>ololol epic trol bro

>> No.4080581

camus didnt invent existentialism anon, he just wrote it for plebs

>> No.4080587
File: 16 KB, 300x304, bataille_looking_stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>substance and character development
>Why didn't he try to defend himself in court? What was his problem?
>far too postmodern
>went into the book expecting my world to be turned upside down
>le stranger is le leddit tier m8

>> No.4080592

>Why didn't he try to defend himself in court? What was his problem?

>> No.4080594

absurdism is just existentialism
the first part of the myth of Sisyphus is a ctrlc ctrlv of husserls work

>> No.4080601

he didnt have to defend himself or justify his actions, that is how I see it.
it is like if someone comes to your house and demands that you defend yourself against X accusation
"leave me alone"
that is how I see it, a lot of readers also try to link how he didnt feel bad for the death of his mother to the murder; that is the point of the book, the jurty didnt care so much about the murder than about the fact that they didnt understand him, the same with the readers, all readers try to make the protagonist guilty based on his feelings towards his mothers instead of actually analysing the murder itself, people blamed him for being different.

>> No.4080602

fire-drills didn't invent fire anon, they just made it available for plebs

>> No.4080629

Absurdism is not existentialism, you tool.

>> No.4080632

/lit/ is dead

>> No.4080633

but it is

>> No.4080634

>let me quotes some words and ideas that i dont agree with and put le epic reaction face, that'll show them who's the boss here hehehe

>> No.4080636

le i dont wanna lyve on dis planet anymoar

>> No.4080637


>> No.4080639


>> No.4080642

Camus was not an existentialist, he said so himself

>> No.4080645


>> No.4080646

Murderers rarely claim they've committed any crime.

>> No.4080647

That doesn't mean he wasn't, that means he was a special snowflake 2cool4mainstream

>> No.4080649

le damage control engaged

>> No.4080667


>> No.4080672

Read into it psychoanalytically. It is spectacularly complex and beautiful.

Meursault fucked his mother. Jealous of Thomas Perez. Doesn't know how to grieve. Goes on an unconscious journey like a tragic hero. The novel is a journal, every character or event he wrote down because it 'stood out to him', ie it resonated with his unconscious: every character represents a part of himself

The Arab is a father figure
He is Salamano, the dog his mother

So interesting

>> No.4081306

It's a good thing I don't take psychology/psychoanalysis seriously