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4079030 No.4079030 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best sci-book ever?

>> No.4079060


>> No.4079277
File: 181 KB, 547x900, isaac-asimovs-foundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the silmarillion

>> No.4079286

I´m inclined to agree with OP

I liked the sequel to JP even more than the original, though

>> No.4079299
File: 32 KB, 209x320, theshapeofthingstocome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking illiterate faggot

>> No.4079302

the one you glanced at and moved on, you know the one, with a somewhat clumsy sounding title and an author you didn't know, the cover all spaceships and space conan with a damsel distressed by her space-torn dress

>> No.4079312

you're a fucking ol timey faggot

>> No.4079313 [DELETED] 

Like that useful idiots of yours is better by any meaningful criterion.

>> No.4079323
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>> No.4079324

Like that useful idiot of yours is better by any meaningful criterion

>> No.4079330

If best means the one that was like the most enjoyable read, then the answer is definitely Jurassic Park

>> No.4079333
File: 47 KB, 400x200, The Night's Dawn Trilogy New UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4079336


highschool hipster faggot detected

>> No.4079339
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>> No.4079340

I'm partial to either Dune or 1984

>> No.4079344
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>> No.4079349


>> No.4079352

>were gonna get so much pussy tonight, guys

>> No.4079353
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>> No.4079380

you are so out of touch

>> No.4079388

Why do you say that?

>> No.4079398

Commonwealth Saga is better as a whole. And a whole thousand page shorter, which is something of a mercy. I'm pretty sure The Naked God could be used as a battering ram.

>> No.4079400

i think he means they are obviously gay, so pussy isnt the right word. apologies

>> No.4079401
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>> No.4079406
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>> No.4079411
File: 26 KB, 406x670, Dune-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4079415

That one was... odd. It didn't really work for me. I liked a lot of the ideas behind it, and I remember some great parts like the football match and various other bits of the occupation, but it felt rather messy overall.

>> No.4079423
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>> No.4079429


>> No.4079431

>genre is for children who can't read a real book

>> No.4079436

>too beta to report an underaged thread

>> No.4079439

all fiction is genre fiction m8

>> No.4079441
File: 16 KB, 200x303, 200px-Wolfe_shadow_&_claw-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real answer.

>> No.4079442

guys how are clarke's books compared to lets say fahrenheit 451 in terms of language ? I'm not a native speaker so I don't know if I would enjoy the book more in the original language or translated.

>> No.4079444

I posted dune earlier, but I take it back. This is the right answer. Not even just sci fi, probably in my top 10 of all time

>> No.4079445

Fuck man, the entire sun series is brilliant.

>> No.4079448

I'm risking sounding like a pleb, but I found the odyssey series very entertaining.

>> No.4079451

Fahrenheit 451 is pretty basic, plus in the story they dumb down everything so a child could read it

>> No.4079452
File: 39 KB, 320x244, Red Mars new UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur clarke was a genius, although Bradbury was a better writer
PS, this series is anti pleb for all the faggot shit in this thread

>> No.4079454
File: 107 KB, 516x500, BAMartianChronicles500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fag, ray bradbury was one of the best

>> No.4079460

I think The Fifth Head of Cerberus is actually his best work, but I'll happily agree that Wolfe is the best genre writer ever and one of the greatest living writers in any genre.

>> No.4079461

I never said it was bad, its the books culture. like the actual fucking story they say "we dumbed down everything so everyone could understand it" its the premise of why books are burned. people might get offended

>> No.4079466
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>> No.4079474
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>> No.4079508

I love Diamond Age and for a while it was Stephenson's best book but I think Anathem is better now.

>> No.4079514
File: 15 KB, 200x288, 200px-Cryptonomicon(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one?

>> No.4079522

Another one of my favorites. There aren't many Stephenson books I don't enjoy. Granted The Big U is completely forgettable and Zodiac is a bit bland.

>> No.4079525

how about the baroque cycle? I've got quicksilver sitting here but I haven't even tried to read it yet.

>> No.4079526

I took my time with the Baroque cycle and was proud of myself when I finally finished it. It loses steam in the third book and the ending leaves a bit to be desired.

>> No.4079528


motherfucking diamond age put my hope back in sf

>> No.4079643


I keep a copy of Dune and it's sequel underneath my stove because the floor is at an angle. They are really good for that because they are both about the same length, allowing for an level stove top.

>> No.4079690


>liked the sequel to JP even more

I don't even. The Lost World took out all the interesting characters and left us with Ian "my questionable beliefs are right and the plot ill prove it" Malcolm, now on a new Island. There's a comfy feel about the book on occasion, but I never found it as interesting or well designed as the first.

>> No.4080101

Dune is about an inch thick.

Dune Messiah is about half an inch thick.

do you live on the side of a mountain?