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/lit/ - Literature

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4073737 No.4073737 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s ITAOTS?

>the one book that everyone here loves / the epitome of /lit/core

>> No.4073741
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>> No.4073744

Infinity Jest

>> No.4073745
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Tao Lin's Richard Yates

>> No.4073748

/lit/core is usually considered to be Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses, and Infinite Jest. And while I would say that Infinite Jest is the epitome of /lit/core, not everybody loves it (>>4071592)

>> No.4073750
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guise pls

Don Quixote maybe?

>> No.4073751

What is /lit/'s On the Corner?

>> No.4073762

Is this from the "hugely intelligent.jpg" threads?

If so, I was the guy who actually spent a day print screening all that crap. Fuck my 4chan life.

>> No.4073764

Fuck off

>> No.4073765

Yes, it's from those. Your work was commendable, though when I first started to read it, I thought it was a joke and not the actual book.

>> No.4073769

every goddamn day.

For chrissake just stop making these threads.

>> No.4073774


>> No.4073776

>I am the /lit/ gatekeeper! None shall pass!

>> No.4073779

This is a stupid thread and you're a fucking idiot if you disagree with him calling out the OP for it.

>> No.4073780


>> No.4073786

Everything and anything by Tao Lin.

>> No.4073787

I think Gravity's Rainbow is the closest thing, but really, I don't think there's anything that really qualifies as the same kind of thing. And not everyone on /mu/ like AOTS. It's just a meme to post the album cover and gush about it.

Infinite Jest was the same thing a couple summers back, but now it's mainly hated on on /lit/. Lot's of people seem like they're into Siddartha or Herman Hesse in general these days.

>> No.4073792

GR probably gets the least hate of any of the Holy Trinity, so it's a good choice. Both IJ and Ulysses have fallen out of favor, I'm guessing due to a combination of people actually reading them and being disappointed and/or the seeming influx of analytic-type "anything experimental is bullshit" STEM majors over the last year or so.

>> No.4073793

why people keep on responding seriously to these threads.
Please /mu/, just go away

>> No.4073796

In order for a work to be /lit/'s version of ITAOTS, it must be as misprised as it is overrated. It must be just as bad as it is good. It must have literary merit and still no merit at all. /lit/ must talk about it ad nauseum and not talk about it enough.

The only real and true answer is "Infinite Jest". It is literally the only book that fits the bill.

>> No.4073799

or because nowadays it's cool to hate things that are obviously brilliant

>> No.4073804

I would say Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses but those are actually good books while ITAOTS is extrmely mediocre and entry-level.

>> No.4073808

>implying it isn't you
don't pretend that this thread is any different than all the other shit threads on here. /mu/ is shit, /lit/ is shit and if you don't recognize that then you're the foulest shit of all.

>> No.4073810

>I'm guessing due to a combination of people actually reading them

>IJ and Ulysses haters
>actually reading them

Lol no. The other day I had to deal with this IJ hater who flamed the book for being unreadable and pretentious. Which, if you've actually read IJ, you know it's actually written largely in a plain language style.

>> No.4073813

haha no

>> No.4073816

>'alternative' literature
>being relevant ever

>> No.4073819

Oh, I got it: it's Lolita.

An average book idolised by everyone here either because they haven't read any better or just because everybody else loves it, so exactly like ITAOTS.

>> No.4073820

I think not a lot of people hate GR because there's so few that have read it

>> No.4073822
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>> No.4073824


Better than any of your scribblings, m8y.

>> No.4073843

Shakespeare's collected works

>> No.4073848

/lit/ itself is /lit/'s potato album.

>> No.4073867

You're wrong about both.

>> No.4073882

Gravity's rainbow and Infinite Jest.

Maybe Ulysses

>> No.4073905

>obviously brilliant
>Infinite Jest


>> No.4073909

no, it's written extremely pretentiously, but DFW throws in enough "humorous" vulgar words to trick you into thinking he's on your side.

>> No.4073924

b-but i thought he was new sincere

>> No.4073926

Your damn right I am. Once upon a time anyone saying 'pleb', dismissing a book or a genre out of hand without at least a paragraph of arguement, or actually admitting to be from /mu/ or /tv/ was told to fuck off and their thread saged to oblivion.

>> No.4073967


What is /lit/'s general opinion of Don Quixote?

>> No.4073971


You tripped on your way in, poor guy.

>> No.4073973


I don't know if it's very popular, considering its status, but most of that stuff I've heard about it here is positive.

>> No.4073974

Liek i giv a fuk fagot

>> No.4073985

I'm reading through it now (Smollett's translation) and I don't think I've ever read prose this beautiful.

>> No.4073990
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Infant Jets

>> No.4073996

The Bible

>> No.4074010

/mu/ please go, we're not shitty like you and don't conform to your shitty presumptuous beliefs; nor do we use shitty terms like 'lit/core/'

>> No.4074093

For the last time, the /mu/core /lit/ equivalents:

>In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Infinite Jest
(Heavily overhyped; heavily trolled; contentious amongst the userbase and the subject of endless discussion; favorite of insufferable hipsters and darling of neuveau critics)

The Brothers Karamazov
(Seen as plodding and boring by some; difficult to get into; lauded by critics almost universally; sweeping and richly textured)

>OK Computer
(Experimental and filled with cultural references; lauded to the point of being essential for any lover of the medium)

>Kid A
Finnegans Wake
(Experimental to the point of masturbatory; impenetrable to the casual audience; sense that fans only claim to be fans because of the work's notorious difficulty)

>In the Court of the Crimson King
Gravity's Rainbow
(Ushered in new era of experimentation in the medium; epic in scope, sweeping; contains interminable passages of stream-of-consciousness riffing/noodling where the artist pursues their own whims, possibly to the detriment of the work as a whole)

>Merriweather Post Pavilion
(Least contentious of the board's canon; generally well-respected by posters and by critics alike; displays technical mastery of the medium but can come off as masturbatory; seen by some as dull or too navel-gazing)

>My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
(Perfectly encapsulates the board's zeitgeist but suffers heavy backlash from the userbase; seen by many as vulgar and artless compared to earlier masterworks; position in board's canon is contentious; used as a punchline; only works not made by a bunch of white dudes)

>> No.4074095

Plebest thing I've ever read.

>> No.4074104

>Kid A
>impenetrable to the casual audience

>> No.4074110
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It's true, though the same could be said about every album classed as /mu/core. Do you think the average Tay Swif fan is going to like Loveless?

>> No.4074114

No one on /lit/ loves IJ, everyone thinks it's trash.

>> No.4074117


Kid A was experimental as fuck. Radiohead helped pioneer the melding of Aphex Twin style electronic music with contemporary rock. Just because it's old hat now doesn't mean it wasn't fucking mindblowing when it first came out.

Stop trying to look smart by casually dismissing yesterday's innovations. You come off as a tryheard.

>> No.4074119

Will you explain this picture?

>> No.4074127



>> No.4074128

>Kid A was experimental as fuck
word? all i hear are elevator jams and high quality production values. amnesiac was more experimental. but just barely.
>Radiohead helped pioneer the melding of Aphex Twin style electronic music with contemporary rock.
>Just because it's old hat now doesn't mean it wasn't fucking mindblowing when it first came out.
it wasn't mindblowing tho. why do plebs always feel that accessible expermental lite versions of electronic music (or avant garde music in general) are indications of something innovative?

>> No.4074132

>Do you think the average Tay Swif fan is going to like Loveless?

Maybe not Loveless in its entirety, but they'd like THKW, WYS, Sometimes, and Soon and skip over the other songs just like 50% of Loveless fans.

>> No.4074134

>amnesiac was more experimental. but just barely
and btw i know they're from the same sessions b4 anyone tries to hit me with that.

>> No.4074155

"Ficciones", ofc. Inb4 "but Anon, I don't like Borges and I'm a respected member of this community, can we jack off to Infinite Jest instead?" - I fucked your sister in the mouth last night and she begged for more.

>> No.4074164

There isn't one, because we're not /mu/. Fuck off, ya dope.

>> No.4074170

/lit/ has had a love-hate relationship with IJ. We once had more IJ enthusiast posts than for any other book (except maybe Gravity's Rainbow). In the last maybe half a year or so, it has drastically plunged in popularity here. But there are still many anions who like it.

>> No.4074173

It's been like that as long as /lit/'s been around. Lots of people love it, lots of people loathe it.

>> No.4074174

As someone who actually enjoyed Infinite Jest, I must say that Ficciones is better.

However, Infinite Jest is the closest analogue we have to ITAOTS, in my opinion. Ficciones does not get enough press on /lit/ to be the equivalent of ITAOTS.

>> No.4074178

Ficciones and IJ can hardly be compared. They're completely different in style, form, intent, everything.

>> No.4074182

>But there are still many anions who like it.

Yeah, but there are just as many cations who hate it.

>> No.4074185

>position in the board's canon is contentious

There are three types of people:
1. Those who don't think Taipei is part of the "board's canon.'
2. Those who also don't think it is, but pretend they do in order to troll better.
3. Tao Lin

Yes, each category is a subset of the one before it.

>> No.4074190


>> No.4074191


>> No.4074227

Shadow of the Colossus
and of course for /lit/, Catcher in the Rye

If you deny any of these you have objectively poor taste.

>> No.4074256
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>> No.4074259

wait, so if you play video games and watch the cartoons that obsessive manchildren collect mostly nude figures of teenage girls from you don't have bad taste?

>> No.4074260

Who reads this shit?

>> No.4074261

in so many words, yes

>> No.4074264

But it's Deus Ex or maybe MGS3.

>> No.4074276

Well then sign me up for the bad taste express. NEXT STOP GOETHE!!

>> No.4074287

>implying Kid A is good

>> No.4074288

>actually going on /mu/

>> No.4074292

it's Dark Souls

>> No.4074305
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Rest of writers of the History, are you even trying it?

>> No.4074322
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>tfw no itaots gf

>> No.4074346

I like Infinite Jest but I don't post about it because I'm insecure and scared

>> No.4074347

No shit, why else would you like infinite jest.

>> No.4074362

I'd concur

>> No.4074380
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Why has nobody mentioned this? Isn't this whole board a Dostoyevsky circle jerk?

>> No.4074384

>not the brothers karamazov

>> No.4074386

I'm honestly of the opinion that Bret Easton Ellis is more sincere than David Foster Wallace

>> No.4074390

Care to explain?

>> No.4074415

DFW is all "oh we shouldn't be so ironic, it suffocates American culture, we should be more sentimental and sincere and honest," when he still uses a hell of a lot of the post-modern irony he warns against; he is basically posturing throughout Infinite Jest as your friend, but he's like that friend who thinks he's better than you and makes snarky comments so you don't forget it; and he spends most of the novel pandering to WASP-y audiences, thinking that that's the core of America, which comes off as racist and sexist and elitist a lot of the time.

Bret Easton Ellis describes really gruesome, disturbing things, but he does so through the lens of seriously concerned satire. I'm more moved by BEE concerns with America than DFW's. DFW seemed like he chose issues and dealt with them in a way that he knew would both sell books and impress lesser minded critics.

>> No.4074421

I agree. I don't like his books or his twitter feed, though.

>> No.4074434

I like his books, I think he's a good writer and I think he will be remembered longer than DFW will be.

His twitter feed, on the other hand, makes me want to scream. He's so obnoxious.

>> No.4074444


I enjoy both authors. I also enjoy Faulkner and Hemingway, Camus and Sartre.

>> No.4074454

i agree with your critique of DFW, dude was good at getting in people's heads like the opening to Girl With Curious Hair where he's like "pretty girls all have really ugly feet" of course that shit gets in the heads of all his women readers as they think "do i have ugly feet? am i pretty? what if my feet are pretty, am i ugly?" it's like a sales trick to make your prospect insecure...but meanwhile they're all thinking "wow DFW really understands women" yeah the same way some gypsy palm reader knows you have a conflict with your dad and are closer to your mother...spare me Wallace

>> No.4074456


Ellis's prose is so fucking pedestrian and unpolished.

>> No.4074484

right, exactly. I think DFW has some good stuff, I'm not saying I don't find things I like about him.

I think DFW and BEE are like Faulkner and Hemingway, with their rivalries and their opposing techniques for facing similar problems.

>> No.4074502

People here have a hard-on for Pynchon, right?

>> No.4074536

I've always thought "New Sincerity" was a sham.

>> No.4074564


>> No.4074565

I think your critique of DFW is accurate to a certain extent, although I think it's less a case of him posing as your friend and more of him being too insecure to be your friend without some trappings. It's like, he wants to be sincere, but is afraid to relinquish the authority that he thinks comes with being erudite or having all the irony there or whatnot. I still enjoy his work, but he is clearly more concerned with the thoughts of others than his whole sincerity spiel would make him out to be.

I must, however, disagree with your opinion about Ellis. His critique that DFW often boils down to that the guy was too "needy" or desperately wanted fans or whatever, but I find critiques about someone wanting attention to be a bit lacking when they come via Twitter, sandwiched between posts about what he's watching that day, and are clearly designed to provoke people. His writing is fine, and above fine at times (Less Than Zero being my nomination for his best book), but Ellis himself just strikes me as the type of guy who might be funny once in a bar or something but whom I would not want anywhere near my daily life.

>> No.4074625


most of America is WASP in case you haven't noticed

>> No.4074629

yeah but no one wants to read about generic white guys from the midwest bro come one

>> No.4074653


depends on how you frame it

Fahrenheit 451 is essentially about a white guy in the midwest, and it's still a good, if simple, story. Same with a lot of Philip K. Dick's work.

But regardless I see your point. Nobody is going to sit through 400+ pages a novelization of That 70s Show or Reba

>> No.4074685

Not to mention that IJ has sections about disenfranchised groups like blacks and gays and homeless.

This whole idea in literature today that you can't write about white people is ridiculous anyways. And to call writing about white males racist or sexist is so fucking stupid I'd hope no one but the worst insular SJW tumblr cliques actually believes that.

White guys do.

>> No.4075501

We love it, at least those of us who've read it (very little admittedly).

Something of high praise and widely read? Shit that's really hard to do compared to new mediums like pop music and video games.

My vote? Something Hemingway or if we're feeling really edgy Joyce. We love talking about them.

>> No.4075930


>> No.4075949

it's slaughterhouse five surely

or something by vonnegut

>> No.4075993

Those sections about blacks and gays and homeless all sound like they're coming from the point of view of a hyper-privileged elitist WASP, so they sound condescending and racist.

That chapter that's written in "black vernacular"? "Wardine be cry"? are you fucking kidding me? no black person sounds even remotely like that. It sounds like a white person with Down syndrome.

I have no problem with people writing about white people, but DFW handles it very poorly.

>> No.4076001

What is /mu/'s Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.4076005

sorry to samefag, but I had to add:

William Faulkner grew up in Mississippi in the the first half of the 20th century, and the way he handles black characters is far less racist than the way DFW does.

>> No.4076013
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It's PS:T.

>> No.4076014

yeah i hate white ppl who think "ebonics" has no grammar and you can just make up whatever shit you want...it's like just because subject-verb agreement rules are reversed and plurals and possessives operate differently does not mean there is no grammar inherent in "popular black speech" or whatever, fake ebonics to me is no better than writing an asian character to be like "u rikey sum rice wit dat? ching chong bing bong" fuck DFW

>> No.4076021

that's because Faulkner actually knew black people...

>> No.4076069


david foster wallace also makes up some pretty bullshit french too like seriously how hard would it have been to look that shit up or consult with a francophone person

>> No.4076094

>the one book that everyone here loves / the epitome of /lit/core
but many people in /mu/ hate NMH...

>> No.4076095
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>kid a
>finnegans wake
are you retarded
how little you know
about music

>> No.4076104

>Once upon a time[...] anyone actually admitting to be from /mu/ or /tv/ was told to fuck off and their thread saged to oblivion.

Translation: Once upon a time there were more assholes like me lurking /lit/

>> No.4076119

none of this is accurate

>> No.4076121

reading comprehension. he didn't say they are alike. he said they share an accidental trait (being liked in /lit/. he also said that Ficciones is not comparable in terms of popularity due to IJ recieving much more press in /lit/. IJ is then a closed equivalent to ITAOTS

>> No.4076122

Shoegaze music sounds like vacuum cleaners

>> No.4076127

>bad taste express
yeah. you'll fit right in

>> No.4076128

Infinite Jest
Deus Ex

Is this accurate?

>> No.4076133

because OP is wrong. ITAOTS is not loved by /mu/ unanimously. Crime and punishment is almost unanimously regarded as at least a good book by /lit/

>> No.4076136

why does everyone like infinite jets so much

>> No.4076140

cuz it's easy to understand and sentimental

>> No.4076162

>Nobody is going to sit through 400+ pages a novelization of That 70s Show or Reba
I agree about Reba but I would read the other one if it was decently written. 400 pages is not much at all

>> No.4076168

>sounds like a white person with Down syndrome.
sounds like a person with Down syndrome, you racist fuck. there are some blacks that talk like that though. I do admit, very few, from my experience but so what. The idiot black albino from one of Himes' novels speaks retarded too. Difference being tht he was actually pretty dumb

>> No.4076170
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White, suburban "intellectual" who never really did anything with his life nor ever experienced any real hardships tries really hard to get into canon.

White, suburban "intellectuals" who never really did anything with their lives nor ever experienced any real hardships who are obsessed with the canon read it.

It's FUBU.

>> No.4076172

Op, the issue is that books take a lot of time, so it is hard to find a book that everyone has read, much less that everyone loves.

>> No.4076176

that's actually not that bad

>> No.4076178

nigger use more buzzwords

>> No.4076180

did DFW not realize black people do in fact know how to use "-ing" verb forms?


>> No.4076188

i saw that one coming a mile away m80

>> No.4076195



This one annoys me the most out of all of them. I can't believe how pleb /tv/ really is.

>> No.4076197

god, why didn't DFW's black friends tell him how stupid that was?

oh... right...

>> No.4076203

/tv/ is pleb but Drive is god tier

You are the pleb if you disagree

>> No.4076212

>>Kid A
>Finnegans Wake
>(Experimental to the point of masturbatory; impenetrable to the casual audience; sense that fans only claim to be fans because of the work's notorious difficulty)
are you joking? that description doesn't fit Kid A at all.
this anon has it right

let's fix this, shall we?


Lolita (more about texture/style than actual substance)

something really well-done by an author who is more known for an inferior work. I would say a Vonnegut novel, but he's not really /lit/core. Cat's Cradle/The Sirens of Titan would be a fitting analogue, tho.

>Kid A
no idea. Maybe Ulysses.

GR fits well

entry-level compared to the authors best work, but still magnificent in its own right: Mrs. Dalloway, maybe, or TCOL49.

something self-aggrandizing and masturbatory. Taipei, then.

>> No.4076220

i think mpp is really
hipster tier
something hipsters would think is not known
but in reality
is popular
and bad
more like i dont know
on the road

>> No.4076259

>>Something from Rusty Cooley
>Wankery without feeling


>> No.4076277

I think Kotor 2 is the new Deus Ex of /v/

>> No.4077144

I do. It's delicious.

>> No.4077163

>asian character to be like "u rikey sum rice wit dat? ching chong bing bong
but they literally speak like that

>> No.4077241

This is mostly accurate except taipei and Finnegans Wake.

The only people who say they enjoyed Finnegans Wake are people that want to say they enjoyed finnegans wake

>> No.4077247

what about tao lin he talks like john mccain who is literally the whitest man i have ever seen

>> No.4077257

They both talk like stroke victims.

>> No.4077490



>> No.4077510

>tfw I can read the original
lol, plebs

>> No.4077512

If you study Husserl and Heidegger you can not take him seriously anymore.
Too pedantic.
I would have kicked him in the balls if I had met him.