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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 361x500, tao_linnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4072534 No.4072534 [Reply] [Original]

Tao lin is going to be visiting my university next month.

Wat do?

>> No.4072542

do nothing

>> No.4072543

Give him a whole foods gift card

>> No.4072544


go and tell him he is shit, I got thrown out of one of his readings this way when he came to my university and the dean was pissed but it was worth it

>> No.4072545

Question the value/worth of your university and shop around for a better one to transfer to.

>> No.4072547

Greentext it pls

>> No.4072550

expect a reading like this:

I haven't read the dude's work, but it was pretty hilarious.

>> No.4072555

Spit on the cunt

>> No.4072558



U serious? If yes then you are my new hero.

>> No.4072560

Ask him a question in a monotone voice and go off on irrelevant tangents while asking the question, qualifying every word and then walk out of the room as he begins to answer it

>> No.4072569

Gwine ahp ta im and se "I'm being normal right now!"

>> No.4072594

Don't go out of your way to hear him speak or see him, but if you do happen to see him just look at him in disgust.

>> No.4072608


>> No.4072616

"So, um, Mr. Lin, uh, could you I guess, 'quantify' (However much you can "quantify" literature and other arts) what you meant when you wrote, or imagined, or thought the line about how it felt like Paul was not "walking on the sidewalk," but rather "moving through the universe" or something?

>> No.4072753

Ask him how he got his shitty personality.

>> No.4072781

Tell him that, as a fellow autistic novelist, you sympathize with him.

>> No.4072905

is this guy autistic?

>> No.4072912

Just shout out "and but so" at random intervals

>> No.4072915

kill him

>> No.4072924

You klnow the autism thing is an act right? I also sometimes feel that some people here don't get that the writing is terrible on purpose. It's so obvious but rather than disliking him for his work being funny and not much else you guys are always like, "Omg worst writer ever how can someone read this shit"

>> No.4072926

Clearly the thing to do is to yell "Tao go to bed"

>> No.4072935

No he's normal

I think he's sincere. No one can fake being awkward and monotone. There's no point in him being an "act".

>> No.4072944

he is so pretentious. he thinks he's some kind of genius. what a lame person.

>> No.4072951

ask him: so when are you going to write a poem dedicated to /lit/?

>> No.4072953

It's not hard, I know he has a normal social life and having a persona sells books so there's a pretty big point.

>> No.4072955

Go and listen to him and ask him meaningful questions. I imagine he is getting annoyed by any other ideas that surrounds. In one interview I saw there was only one person who asked deep interesting questions and Tao clung on to that person, giving interesting answers for pretty much the whole talk... the other question was like about his sweater

>> No.4072994

The voice of a generation™

>> No.4073045
File: 36 KB, 416x416, 0313_pope-francis1-6_416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not that exciting really

>hear tao lin is speaking at my university
>nobody really knows who he is so there is very little buzz, my intro to lit professor was like, go for extra credit but obviously didn't give a shit
>I decide to show up and tell him he is shit
>night of reading its in a small stage/cafe thing I walk in and sit up front
>lots of hipster chicks I've never seen on campus, this is when sfaa came out, this is going to be good
>he starts reading some shit
>I say "You're a faggot"
>Tao kind of stops confused but keeps going crowd is like wut? but i don't think many people heard.
>I say it louder "You are a FAGGOT"
>tao stops and looks at one of the organizers who comes and asks me to leave while hipster chicks are now booing me presumably because of muh gay rights
>kind of awkward once we get outside, this prof tells me to leave and then goes back in
>I leave and no real consequences, i didn't know anyone at the reading, the dean sends me an email saying that sort of conduct is unacceptable, don't know how he got my name.

>mfw I fucked up tao lins world and he probably still thinks about it, totally worth it

>> No.4073048

what are tao lins religious beliefs?

inb4 atheist

>> No.4073053


idk what does that have to do with it?

>> No.4073055

you posted a pope, so i wondered.

>> No.4073060

Say hello from us (& B polite!)

>> No.4073066

probably some chinese thing like taoism

>> No.4073077

Is Tao the good kind of Internet fad or the bad kind?

>> No.4073079

He's the good kind.

>> No.4073089

Go to bed

>> No.4073094

It's not my bedtime yet.

>> No.4073101

I recommend a bowie knife through the ribs.
I recommend training on a pig.
Just get a pig torso at the butcher.

Don't stab many times like those amateurs you see on TV.
More isn't better. 30 stabs is just pathetic when you can do the job with one clean well placed stab.

You might want to turn the blade though.
If he still squirms you gotta stab a second time but make sure you do it right this time.

It's also very important that you play a David Bowie song will you stab him.

If you want you can shout "The next day we ate Lin." while you're running away multiple times.

>> No.4073102

damn dude youre super cool

>> No.4073104

>If you want you can shout "The next day we ate Lin."
dumb post but this made me smirk hard

>> No.4073105

That actually sounds kinda lame.

>> No.4073114


wow what a protest

>> No.4073118

Tao Lin wrote about you:

"Brooklyn – Spoonbill & Sugartown

Someone asked something like if I was autistic or retarded. I didn’t hear, or clearly hear, the first time, and when he repeated the question I think he said ‘are you retarded?’"

>> No.4073127

I call bullshit

>> No.4073131


fuck off what would you have done?

>> No.4073150

Enjoy Tao Lin's talk, and maybe pick up some hot hipster pussy afterwards

>> No.4073162

not be a retarded 14 year old, that's what

>> No.4073168
File: 47 KB, 640x453, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073170

this is /b/ material. horrible.
a true e/lit/ist would have jumped onstage crashing his little world with a complete reading of GR to show him how shit his writings are

>> No.4073174


fuck that shit then I'd be no better than tao lin


didn't know /lit/ was a bunch of cowardly pussies who probably would have just sat there silently fuming but still aroused and pretending to be enjoying themselves knowing full well that they are watching the man singlehandedly destroying contemporary literature. No, I chose to do something

>> No.4073178

but you didn't do anything

>> No.4073179


Tao are you here? Can you confirm this story for us?

>> No.4073180

Jesus christ that faggot at the front with the Van Dyke and the wife-beater.


>> No.4073182
File: 98 KB, 538x720, 1364661729625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I chose to do something

Yes you called him a faggot. Wow truly you're a hero of literature and your actions have caused such a drastic difference!

Can we submit this photo of you for Time's Person of the Year?

>> No.4073183

your ideals were heroic, but I don't approve your method.
People thought of you as a random guy with no interest in literature trying to be edgy for no reason.

>> No.4073185


>> No.4073198

>hur faggot

Wow you're not white trash at all. Good job showing Towling how terrible he is.

>> No.4073227

newfriend here
why do you hate Tao Lin?

>> No.4073230

because he whores himself on /lit/

>> No.4073251

This would be perfect. Also use "quotes" once or twice.

>> No.4073262

He's partly burnt out from drugs. It's the weird sluggishness you get from people who do a lot of uppers. Their arousal systems are all fucked because they're used to being stirred up physiologically in response to normal life. It's apparent in his writing too. Lots of psuedo-realization and ennui, all stim-high stuff, and a little genuine creativity. A lot of people, especially younger people who don't have a lot of gritty life experience, relate to this because everyone's kinda whacked out on phones and computers.

>> No.4073295

pelt with balloons filled with urine.

>> No.4073305

interesting insight

>> No.4073320

>genuine creativity

Any modern contemporary work has been institutionalized by now. DFW was probably our last chance and he's dead and faggots have to whine about muh coherency

>> No.4073327

Except he didn't have an ounce of creativity in his body

>> No.4073332

so i was right for not trying any drugs ever all along huh

>> No.4073336


dfw is good, but creative? top lel mate

>> No.4073338

That poem is so funny!
You talk all you want but he still sells more books than all of us.

>> No.4073375

>so i was right for not trying any drugs ever all along huh
shut up straight edge fag

420 blaze it

>> No.4073380

If you really wanted to do something, you would have written a book to defend "contemporary literature". But you're not a writer, so you do edgy things like interrupt someone's reading by yelling out fag.

>> No.4073384

It would've been cool and funny if he like ran up on the stage naked and gave Tao Lin a kiss on the lips or something, but instead what he did was dumb and gay

>> No.4073385


yelling faggot is not in any way edgy, if anything its old fashioned, tao lin is edgy

>> No.4073426

Modern day Rimbaud right here folks!!!

>> No.4073434

do not mention that name in vain.

>> No.4073439
File: 265 KB, 1452x979, verlaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073453


>> No.4073577

Should I read something from Tao Lin?

>> No.4073588

>"hey guize i called him a faggot"
>"am i cool yet"
>"hipster chicks saw me insult tao lin, am i cool yet"

>> No.4073590

no, just start hating him for no reason

>> No.4073606


they certainly didn't think I was cool. I couldn't tell which they hated more, the fact that I used homophobic language, which admittedly might not have been the best choice, but in the moment I couldn't think of anything else to say or anything else that would garner the sort of reaction that faggot would, or if they hated more the fact that I ripped the clothes off of this newly dressed emperor

>> No.4073616


>I ripped the clothes off of this newly dressed emperor

You had me going there.

>> No.4073675
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1373168936555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn son, you had me baited for awhile

>> No.4073691


fuck you I am not a troll, I actually pulled that shit and you faggots are just mad you wouldn't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is

>> No.4073697

don't you think tao has feelings? why would you do that to a person?

>> No.4073698

You are dedicated to your craft anon

>> No.4073701

Yeah man, I would be saddened if someone said that to me.

>> No.4073702

even if you aren't trolling, you didn't accomplish anything. he won that round.

>> No.4073712
File: 155 KB, 440x626, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fakest story. This person didn't/doesn't know who Tao Lin. Using 'faggot' on 4chan reeks enough, but using it in real life is more than cringeworthy.

>u fags just don't have balls. u gay or sum thin lol?

>> No.4073717


check your privelige


you didn't see the look on his face, his whole little smug autistic act was wiped off his mug for like 2 seconds and he genuintely looked hurt and it was totally worth it

>> No.4073718

Why would I put my money in or inside my mouth ?

>> No.4073720

you like hurting people?

>> No.4073730

What would YOU have said to Tao while he was visiting your university?

My entry:

>The jig is up, Lin. That's right. *whip out wallet* American Apparel Collections. Time to pay the piper.

>> No.4073734

If anything, this only makes me like Tao Lin more knowing that he has feelings.

>> No.4073736

You wanna hurt Tao? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. He's an easy target. Yeah, you're right. He writes too much. He also listens too much. He could be a cold-hearted cynic like Cormac, but he doesn't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about Tao. Tao's not changing. He likes Tao. My wife likes Tao. My customers like Tao. 'Cause Tao's the real article. What you see is what you get.

>> No.4073738
File: 123 KB, 538x800, Checkered_blazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why don't you make your next novel about Sri Lankan sweatshop workers, I can tell you're already a patron of their products

>> No.4073753

>Why don't you make your next novel about Sri Lankan sweatshop workers

Because those aren't bored, disaffected, college-educated NEETs using computer analogies to describe and define their lives.


>> No.4073756

college educated neet is an oxymoron

>> No.4073758


so much the better

>> No.4073760

Yeah. Should've used "wiki-educated."

>> No.4073778

>What would YOU have said to Tao while he was visiting your university?

"How long did it take to write Infinite Jest?"

>> No.4073801

>What would YOU have said to Tao while he was visiting your university?

Why do you do your own stunts?

>> No.4073809

>What would YOU have said to Tao while he was visiting your university?

What's your next book after 1Q84 going to be about?

>> No.4073814

"Your prose style is like a river of gold and it's th- oh wait, you're that 'and then they ate whale' guy? Nevermind, nevermind.."

>> No.4074463

this is the only good post in this thread

>> No.4074467

dooooo IT dooooo IT

>> No.4074468

this please god

>> No.4074469

ask him why he talks like john mccain

>> No.4074470

Go up to him and ask him to sign your copy of John Dies at the End, or your copy of some China Mieville book, or a Haruki Murakami book.

The joke is that you mistook him for someone famous or somewhat talented.

>> No.4074499

This. Take your copy of 1084 (or any other Murakami book) and ask for an autograph. Bonus points if in broken Japanese.

>> No.4074644

show him my penis

>> No.4074719

she wants the d

>> No.4074724
File: 155 KB, 800x800, 1331576997600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the characters names are Haley Joel Osment and Dakota Fanning

>> No.4075047

lol typical awkward 4chan guy, how exactly did you fucked up his world? you didn´t even tell him that his writing is shit
wait, have you ever read one of his books?

>> No.4075121

why? is tao lin so similar to Murakami?