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4070579 No.4070579 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a book where the main character is a psychologist. I have a cool Idea, and it will revolve around his field. But I have no fucking clue about psychology. how do I get a basic grasp of what a practising psychologist does and the field in general?
In general, when you need to do research about something for a book, how do you go about it without getting a PhD in 10 different subjects per book?

>> No.4070590

ask a psychologist friend to help you

>> No.4070594

A-are you a psychologist?
You're my only friend.

>> No.4070603

Buy a first year uni textbook and read it. That should be enough for getting the basics of the field down.

>> No.4070606

that's actually pretty obvious. I guess I just got a bit excited. Thanks

>> No.4070617

>first year uni

>> No.4070623

What's wrong with an introduction to psychology book? Covers the basics

>> No.4070627

Just watch The Sopranos

>> No.4070632

a first year textbook won't give you any idea what a practising scientist does in the field. at best, it'll just give you a brief overview of what's been accomplished in the field

>> No.4070672

Read The Last Psychiatrist's blog, he occasionally deals with patient interactions, and often deals with professional interactions. Search out other therapists' blogs. Read books where the protag is a psychologist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fictional_psychologists lol starfleet gets the only subcategory You probably only need an introductory text to psychology for basic concepts you could just glean from the internet and it won't illustrate much of actual practice. A good distinction you should learn straight off is that there's a difference between clinical psychology, counselling [field psychologists are these roles], and research psychology [the people who do experiments]

>> No.4070737

do some work for a psychologist?

>> No.4070743

I'm not willing to lose my current job or all my free time to pick up a hint once in a while over a longer period

>> No.4070744

This. Also the movie Panic.

10/10 plan. Nothing could go wrong.

>> No.4070749

itt: people don't know the difference between psychologist and psychiatrist

>> No.4070751

Just schedule a meeting with a psychologist, if you want to be an author you probably have issues enough of your own. Just go there, be open and observe them.

>> No.4070754

huh? where?
Are you saying there are no field psychologists?
Unless that's what you're saying, I have no idea where you got that notion

>> No.4070761

well, yes, I see a psychologist, but wouldn't it be rude to start interviewing them?
I don't think I can get enough specific material to work with if I just observe their work.

>> No.4070766

ask for input, you're paying them after all
capcha:closer thrediu

>> No.4070771

the person in the sopranos isn't a psychologist nor in the movie panic nor is the guy who writes the last psychiatrist (hint it's in the name), etc.

>> No.4070775

No I'm not, I live in a socialist utopia

>> No.4070779

Oh. But those guys were just joking around anyways. I suppose It's still good to be accurate, fair enough, I accept.

>> No.4070790

Eh, most of what a psychologist does is talking to patients, making referrals, presumably keeping up to date with the latest issues of psychology today, and there may or may not be general responsibilities with regard to running a business depending on if they have their own practice.

most of that stuff is pretty clear cut, how they deal with patients is really the important thing.

If you don't want to deal with yours you can see if they can recommend a psychologist who likes to drink and you can offer to buy them some drinks for a chance to interview them... though that would require you to have social skills. Do you have social skills?

>> No.4070794

I'm the one who mentioned the last psychiatrist, he's never provided his qualifications to my knowledge beyond "pirate". His patient interactions and interactions with the field of mental health are why I recommended him. Starfleet psychologists aren't real psychologists either

>> No.4070799

Well, if he gives diagnoses or prescribes, he's a psychiatrist, I believe. Not the guy that called you out on it though

>> No.4070805

It really doesn't matter. Again, the state is paying for me, and this really gives you a LOT less freedom when interacting with them. I don't think I could very easily switch psychologist at all.

>> No.4070808

Clinical psychologists can also diagnose, and you can study both (though it's rare to). What I do know is that he's a good writer on relationship dynamics in the field, even if he's never been to college and just sails the high seas. That's more relevant to OP's query than can he score us Valium I think.

>> No.4070860

I didn't say switch psychologist, I said see if you can find someone to have an informal social meeting with.

>> No.4070868

oh, I see.
No, I don't have the skills for that

>> No.4071769

Have your psychologist character hate and/or be bored with his job. This allows you to gloss over the details and focus on things that you know more about. Just don't try to diagnose any of the characters because your ignorance will shine through.

>> No.4071785

Any kind of writing usually involves some research, unless you are already a master in whatever you want to write about.

I got you, though, OP


>when you need to do research about something for a book, how do you go about it

Even in this comic, the author has two consultants

You're prob better off asking around a college campus, there's bound to be some bored student willing to talk for a story

>> No.4071798

buy a basic psychology book; read it. get in contact with a cool psychologist and ask them any questions, and about misconceptions about psychology in media.

>> No.4071816

I took a few psyche classes in community college. One of my professors had his doctorates in the field and worked as a clinical psychologist when he wasn't teaching. I would suggest getting into contact with your local community colleges to see if they have a psychologist on the teaching staff. Maybe you can bum an e-mail address and set up a short interview? It's worth a shot.

>> No.4072294

Buy an intro psych book, and then find a chapter that you really enjoy, then go buy specialist book in that field.

>> No.4072307

>make a book

First you must decide upon the material you want to work on. Parchment? (Calf, goat or sheep?) Papyrus? Paper? Onionskin? Card Stock?