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4059802 No.4059802 [Reply] [Original]

Does this make anyone else really fucking irritated?

>> No.4059810

It makes you mad that someone has an opinion? You must be pissed off pretty often.

>> No.4059813

I haven't read the book. Are women actually depicted like that, or is she wrong?

>> No.4059818

it's what you get for reading what i think is twitter. don't jump into a sewer and complain you found shit.

>> No.4059823

yeah! that's why i stick to 4chan!

>> No.4059824

I hate it when people take photos of their screen! Come on OP, tap the "print screen" button and you'll get a nice, HD screenshot.

but yes, I hate when people say nonsense like that [\spoiler]

>> No.4059826

It's tumblr, AKA, the feminist, whinefest cesspool of the internet.

>> No.4059828

It's far far worse, it's tumblr.

But yeah OP this shit even crops up in academia. It's simple reinforcement - vapid people get rewarded and applauded as heroes for calling anything sexist or racist these days, and they get to act like sassy strong womyn at the same time. It's addictive.

>> No.4059831

I don't think that authors are genders or that characters in books are meant to represent genders. It seems to me that authors are individuals and characters are supposed to represent individuals.

>> No.4059833


>> No.4059835

wait. wasn't the wife of the Vonnegut's alter ego's veteran buddy a quite strong and thougthful lady? (sorry, I'm bad with names)

>> No.4059836

I knew someone was going to say this. I have a 4chan app on my iphone and figured taking a photo with the app on something I came across would be the simplest way. Just me being lazy, sorry

>> No.4059837

If the username "feministcatlady" wasn't enough to tip you off that you follow a troll account, you deserve to feel the angst that is penetrating your heart.

>> No.4059846

If I punch a feminist in the face will it be okay because they want equality?

>> No.4059848

you shouldn't be punching anybody in the face, male or female
troglodyte-ass keener

>> No.4059850

god forbid an author writes a book that paints women in a realistic light

>> No.4059851

I don't think it's a troll account, it's just tumblr.

>> No.4059858

that's reddit-level stupid

>> No.4059867

Classical texts are that way because there used to be much harsher attitudes towards women. Do these people ever fucking think before opening their mouths?

>> No.4059874

>Classical texts
Unless Vonnegut is a time traveler, it is unlikely that he wrote any "Classical texts"

>> No.4059875

I do not think that means what you think it means

>> No.4059900

>a person who is who is extremely eager, zealous, or enthusiastic.
here, the zeal is for dubiously justified anti-feminism in which a propensity for violence is implicit
dude is keen as shit on his doofy opinions

>> No.4059913
File: 90 KB, 706x720, fightclubjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



gimme a break, im tired

>> No.4059916

>Hates women
>Loves Fight Club
what a suprise

>> No.4059940

That was in the foreword and was not his alter ego, it was actually himself. Vonnegut was in WWII, was captured by Germans, and was in Dresden as a POW. He survived because he had enough luck to be in the Slaughterhouse when the firebombs happen. That is why the book is so full of details.

>> No.4059976
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>Dem logical fallacies

>> No.4059997


>No wonder I spent half of my life saying I hated my own gender.

Now she is a staunch feminist. Go figure.

Idiots like this are easily swayed and buy into ideas completely if it's sold to them in the right way, I doubt she's ever done any real measure of pragmatic critical thinking in her life.

>> No.4060023

have you ever even read a feminist academic text?

>> No.4060035


>implying the average tumbl-tard feminist has

>> No.4060045

that's not what i asked

>> No.4060054


because it doesn't fit neatly into the narrative you're trying to set up doesn't mean that it shouldn't be mentioned

>> No.4060059

the narrative you set up was that academia is no better. so i asked you if you've read a feminist academic text. don't bother with /pol/ shitposting. everyone here is familiar with it

>> No.4060063

>still evading the question
own up, you putz

>> No.4060099

Tell her to read Bluebeard.

>> No.4060124

No, it doesn't. Other people are mad at reality and I'm not. I guess I win. Enjoy getting mad at other people getting mad if that's what you want OP.

>> No.4060137


>> No.4060138


>> No.4060163

My eyes gloss over as soon as they come into the inane rays of armchair activism.

>> No.4060165

^contact with

>> No.4060169
File: 73 KB, 529x644, feminism in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4060170

fucking this. she'll never read it, though. it makes her feel too good to have identified him as the patriarch who needs to be smashed.

>> No.4060177

As a feminist myself her comment does irritate me a little bit. Works of classic literate were written during a time period when shitting all over women was pretty much the norm--Couple this with the fact that classic male authors greatly outnumber female authors and it's no wonder that most books written in the time period reflect negative attitudes towards women. It's like getting mad at southern civil-war era authors for being racist. I mean, racism is wrong and everything but, really, what the fuck do you expect?

I also like the way she framed her comment: "I'm so sick of women being dehumanized in "classic" literature," as though there is something that we, as a society, can do to change it. That's how you get bullshit like editions of Huckleberry Finn with the word "nigger" removed.

>> No.4060180

I haven't read the book but I imagine it is part of the 'approved liberal Canon'.

>> No.4060189


>> No.4060190

No, there are only like three females in the book and two are just background characters and the other only has like two lines.

>> No.4060200

No fucking joke--last night I was drivin' 'round town to deliver pizzas, I saw an Asian guy pushing a stroller, wearing a t-shirt with the number 5 on it, like a jersey, and above the number the name Vonnegut. I think it's telling when literature has moved into the phase of popular culture so far as to have our most intellectual writers demoted to sport players. It's a choice t-shirt, don't get me wrong, one certainly more uplifting than a Wallace, as in Davis Foster, or some of these weird PoMo authors you keep reading about.... As for gender self-hatred, it is annoying.... Personally I find that books are not for everyone. Naturally, when a book is so upsetting, I think it is so because it is ritualistic, cleansing, ridding of negative feelings.... There is a Greek word I am trying to think of that refers to the process to which I mean to refer....

>> No.4060202

>tired of women being dehumanized in classic literature
>implying that shit can be changed so they're not

Wow, what a whiny cunt.

>> No.4060205

Feminists are whiny and the sky is blue.

More at 11.

>> No.4060210


Catharsis? Or Troll? That is the question.

>> No.4060212

it's shit

>> No.4060213

this whole notion that's increasingly gaining in popularity of 'you can't make a comment on x because you are not x' needs to die in a fire and fast. Whether it be white people's opinions on blacks, black people's on whites, men's on women, women's on men, so-called 'cisgendered' on trans, or straight opinions about gays, or anything else.

Yes, there is no matching actual experience of course, but that does not mean all thought outside of that narrow man-made construct of a group ought to be suppressed, ignored, and treated as useless.

>> No.4060214

>"our most intellectual writers"


>> No.4060215

you should stop being so haughty

>> No.4060220

But it's not even that most classic male authors were unenlightened regarding the status of women. Sure, plenty were, but in most cases male authors simply chose to write about men; women intentionally don't play a significant part or appear only in a specific role precisely because of the choice in setting or theme, not because of a conscious effort to cast women in a negative light. I think there's a big difference between this and, as you say, shitting on women due to social norms. Is Catch-22 sexist because men are predominant and many of the women that do appear are prostitutes? No, of course not. The author wrote from the perspective of the people who inhabited his setting, and many of the few women they'll come into contact with are naturally going to be sex workers.

>> No.4060222

yo like this whole idea dat we shuldn't be allowed to talk bout shit just cause we white or straight or somethin like dat is kinda a load of bullshit. i mean yea nothing beats actually experiencing the shit but sayin that everyone else's opinions are worthless is just some BS know what im sayin?

>> No.4060223

ok here's the fucking thing about tumblr: it's a build-your-own-hivemind service.
you choose who you follow, and confirmation bias dictates this process. if someone else has the same opinion as you you are right and therefore intelligent, and also they are right and intelligent. you build this network of people who all agree with AND influence each other. the people you follow feed you bullshit, and you feed that bullshit into the mouths of those following you. it creates this cloistered headspace where you are always right because all these people say you're right and dissenting opinions don't fucking exist because if they do, you unfollow them. tumblrites are so smug because nobody has ever told them they were wrong. they are the serpent choking on its own tail.

>> No.4060226

But her assessment of the book is incorrect regardless of her inability to read the book with the time period in mind.

>> No.4060228

i'm only saying that everyone's opinions are p worthless

>> No.4060230

that's why I unfollow any blogs that make a lot of political posts and stuff

I don't want to read that shit from tumblrtards I just want to look at cool pictures

>> No.4060233

there's approximately 15 'social justice warriors' on all of tumblr

>> No.4060234

tumblr is wicked gay bro why u use that shit, when u use social media ur just making some rich nerd richer while you waste ur life

>> No.4060238

never thought about it that way, but you're right

I'm going to stop using tumblr

>> No.4060240

every1 needs to know that i deleted my tumblr a few weeks ago but that i was very tumblr famous

>> No.4060250

this goes beyond just tumblr. this is the story of the internet itself. This is what the whole of the internet is becoming and no one seems to even care. Read the book The Filter Bubble. Google customizes your search results based on your history and there is no way to opt out. Facebook tries to personalize your news feed. All the major internet corporations are trying to create a confirmation bias bubble for us, because it's what they think we want

>> No.4060267

no one cares because every1 is dumb

ur all being tracked rite now but u probably don't even know since few actually keep up with the latest news

>because it's what they think we want
implying this isn't what u need

>> No.4060317

>ur all being tracked rite now
>implying anyone gives a shit about my anime viewing and masturbation habits

>> No.4060319

So many NSA agents must be
Huge anime fans now.

>> No.4060324

Where do I go to apply to the anime spying division of the NSA?

>> No.4060331
File: 64 KB, 720x647, Dragon+Description.+Scrolling+through+facebook+thinking+I+hate+all+of_4c25dc_4436735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making rich nerds richer

no but don't you know that tumblr is the liberal version of /pol/ and when you go on the front page it shows you a bunch of poorly made charts of the average IQs of European-Americans

>> No.4060336

He is the Tralfamadorians taught him, that like the first 3 dimensions, time can be moved through in a non-linear manner.

>> No.4060350

including yours get rekt fagot

>> No.4060357


lol pussy

>> No.4060415

how does Slaughterhouse V shit all over women?

>> No.4060421
File: 111 KB, 780x559, 1377042229765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know
i think the tumblr user's just retarded

>> No.4060713

If we're talking about old books and veiled mysogny, has anyone else noticed that every Nabokov book seems to have a fat woman in it (she's probably given other negative traits as well).

I've no idea why I notice this, but I think it increases my respect for Nabokov when I know he had no time for fat women. I'm assuming Vera was at least an 8/10

>> No.4060718

Maybe Vonnegut was his name?

>> No.4060862

Literally like two minutes of scrolling and I had to close it to stop a physical outburst or the creation of a tumblr because oh god why would you

>> No.4060869

Who's the fat woman in Lolita? His first wife?

>> No.4060875

nabokov is a fug piece of shit. who has time for his crap?

>> No.4060878

it's not really that bad tho
she's obviously still at the stage where her feminism consists of "armchair activism" anyway

unless you're the dumbass who posted this >>4060169 in which case you can continue getting histrionic about everything you see and connect it with every movement you don't like

>> No.4060890


>read book where male character marries a fat and ugly woman who he seems to despise solely because her father is a prominent dentist and can get him a job
>says that book portrays woman as gold diggers

>> No.4060892


fuck off

>> No.4060895

>feminism/gender theory
>not a natural conclusion of post-modernist thought

if you like pynchon or dfw and aren't a feminist you're philosophically inconsistent

>> No.4060902


hehe have you heard of 'the N-er of the Narcissus?'

>> No.4060910
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>I doubt she's ever done any real measure of pragmatic critical thinking in her life
Probably not. She picked that book because people know about it. She wouldn't bother with Sven Hassel's Legion of the Damned-books. She could probably not even see the similarities between this book and all the "oh noes, my wife is fucking a nigger"-porn, even if you hit her with a stick.

The difference between Tumbler and academica is that Tumbler is snappier. It's all yuri circle-jerk. Mary Daly, anyone?

>> No.4060915

you sound like you're pretty familiar with them, tell me more please

>> No.4060919

There are hardly any women characters in it. The one in the alien zoo with the giant whams is the only one I can remember.

I believe Vonnegut said something somewhere about how he could not write convincing female characters. It wasn't so much that he did not want to as that he felt he could not do it. Who cares about Vonnegut though? Not me!

And I also do not care about whingers like the girl who wrote OPs screencap. Very few men are worth listening to. An a much much smaller proportion of women are worth bothering with either. And the childish moaner above definitely isn't one of them. There is not any point in getting mad or engaging with the kind of stuff she has written - hit ignore and get back into the confirmation bias echo chamber reading the Bible, Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton and stuff like that.

>> No.4060922

It's mostly about pictures.

Haven't read it, but I'd like to make a game where one stage is called "Always bet on colored gentlemen".

>> No.4060923

>Mary Daly, anyone?

No thanks

>> No.4060926


>> No.4060934


'The Nigger of the 'Narcissus': A Tale of the Sea (1897) is a novella by Joseph Conrad... in 2009, WordBridge Publishing published a new edition titled The N-Word of the Narcissus, which also excised the word nigger from the text.'

taken from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nigger_of_the_'Narcissus'

>> No.4060935


>Emmett. 18. Unschooled. Queer. Ask me anything. If you want me to tag something I am not already tagging, feel free to drop me a line.

>> No.4060938

I don't remember a single sexist thing about the characters. Off the top of my head there was only one gold digger and he seemed to have forgotten about the MC who depends on his daughter to not run away and make a fool of himself.

>> No.4060940

One author who should've sticked to men is Douglas Adams. There is only 1½ female characters that feels like real persons. One is Schechter in The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, the ½ is Random in Mostly Harmless.

He is trying, he is trying. But it's so obvious that he can't.

>> No.4060943


I love her the same way I love cobalt bombs.

>> No.4060944
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>thinking that a shitty second rate popular author constitutes 'classic' literature
>posting about a book she obviously didn't read
>being completely wrong

fuckin hell

>> No.4060951

I think that unschooled says it all. The 18 and queer just explains the trajectory of her ignorance.

>> No.4060960
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>northern white feminists using "y'all"

>> No.4060968

if they've ever accused anyone of "cultural appropriation" I will be pr distressed

>> No.4060977

It's as okay as punching a man. So no, objectively not okay and might get you a visit to the police station. It also means everything is fair game in a bona fide fight.

>> No.4061049

Couldn't have summed it up any better.

>> No.4061066

I'm not

>> No.4061077

>Originally from wearenotgods

>> No.4061092

She supports the Syrian Revolutionaries.
God i hate this Liberal Feminist Internet Activists.

>> No.4062577

gentlemen, it's time to check your priviliege

>> No.4062683

Syrian "revolutionaries?" lmao, is she stuck in 2011 or something.

>> No.4062899

Wait, ya really think so? You think people on 4chan might be irritated by feminism?

Fuck off. This thread is not /lit/.

>> No.4063233

Do female authors realize that women are, you know, _people?_

It's a book about a post-Christian Fascism, so I realise that there isn't going to be much female subjectivity. But the women who do exist are all suborned whores, unwomen, econowives, handmaids, servants or wives who only exist to fuck, die, do everything, procreate, make house or look pretty.

I realise it was written in second wave feminism, but that's not an excuse either. I'm so sick of women being dehumanised in "feminist" literature. No wonder I spent half of my life saying that I hated canadians.

#feminism #literature #women in literature #margaret atwood #fuck canada #fuck america #winnipeg manitoba is a frozen shithole

>> No.4063259

Feminist academia ISN'T better, at its core, that's what it is, I mean, the woman who basically was the mother of modern feminism was a crazy cunt too, can't expect the blind to lead the blind.

>> No.4063261

Too bad that man was probably accused of rape anyway, and it's likely on his record even if he wasn't charged, and most of his life if not all was likely ruined.

>> No.4063267

It's well known Vonnegut was an asshole to women in real life

>> No.4063268

What's with the influx with idiot must-defend-all-forms-of-feminism on this board? Sometimes I start thinking /pol/ is right.

>> No.4063277

it's in response to the must-be-all-kinds-of-sexism posts

>> No.4063318

That image is sooooooooooooo shopped bro

>> No.4063327

She can sue for breach of marriage contract though.

>> No.4063336
File: 2.87 MB, 3329x2218, for sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that image is real
How gullible are you? Are you prepared to believe ANYTHING you see on the Internet if it feeds into your preconceptions?

>> No.4064392

Alright then, but thinking that shit like that doesn't happen is retarded.

>> No.4064401

Not if she CHEATED on him, Jesus christ.

>> No.4064403

It's tumblr. Just ignore it, there's way worse.

>> No.4064412
File: 470 KB, 740x1358, sinfest-patriarchy-2011-10-09[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some sinfest?

>> No.4064432

>on /lit/

No I left /co/ to escape those constant threads! Don't spread it to here! It is such a terrible comic